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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. I do understand why. Some people like to feel "complete", whether that brings extra scripts with them or not. I don't engage in pixel sex on SL, no criticism intended towards those that do enjoy that but it's just no my thing. Having said that, I used to wear my Midnight Lotus bits for years, or it would feel like I would be missing an essential part of my anatomy. They would be hidden, or covered by clothing, but just the thought that they were there made me feel more complete at the time. And then there were the times when I would visit a nude beach, it was so weird to look like Barbie Malibu Stacey so wearing those bits would complete the look. I am now wearing a mesh body which, although not very emphasized, has a (to me) satisfying hint of lady bits and I no longer need to wear those bits to feel complete. I can understand though, when that hint is not enough for some people. In the end, I would like to say that if you like to wear lady bits just for the looks, it may be a good idea to make a copy of them and delete their scripts, that way nobody can blame your script count on your bits, and you can still feel whole. This of course won't work if you change skins a lot, or like to wear a different tattoo on you mound every other week. But in general, that's what I prolly would do.
  2. It is not possible for scripts to trigger gestures. The other way around can be done, but that's not what you are looking for. The best that you can hope for is to create a scripted attachment which, when you get bumped into will play an animation, sound, text, or a combination of these. But triggering a gesture using a script is just not possible.
  3. Consider the following: //UUIDs of the users that need access. list AllowedUsers = ["ce7d01fa-ca25-4651-8895-f528ce5bc723", "0382a02a-e260-45a6-87d3-552c7cdaedea"]; touch_start(integer num_detected) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); if(llListFindList(AllowedUsers, [ToucherID]) < 0) return; // Aborts the touch start event if ToucherID // can not be found in the AllowedUsers list. llListenRemove(listenHandle); listenHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", ToucherID, ""); llDialog(ToucherID, dialogInfo, buttons, dialogChannel); } In this example I generated random UUIDs at a website so these sample IDs are not valid user IDs. Replace the UUIDs of AllowedUsers with the UUIDs of the two users (you and your partner?) that should be shown the menu. That really is all there's to it.
  4. That is indeed good advice, and I have been doing that for a long time myself. But as you said, it may be new and useful to someone who is reading this, so the advice is still welcome
  5. The 400 must be a typo, it was a maximum of 40 for the longest time, until they upped it to 100 at some point in the last couple of years.
  6. Not a cry for help, I just want to share something because... well, just because. Who knows, maybe this will help someone... or not. LOL I am having a b!tch of a time with this script I am writing, and it consists of two rather complex sections. I pride myself in making single scripts, but one of the parts is not working as well as it should. So in a rare moment of despair, I have decided I will split the script into two, using link messages to have them communicate. I hope that makes it easier for me to focus on that one part which gives me trouble, and (if I do it right) allows me to just execute that split off section without having to @jump over the part which already works well, or (even worse) having to comment the section which already works well. It will also let me have different versions of the second part, which I find useful for keeping track of my changes (these versions are of course to be deleted as soons as I am contend that everything works) Of course, me being me, I will re-integrate the split off part once it works the way I intend it. That's all, thank you for reading my rant 🙂
  7. See https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history#/ for a transaction history which includes ALL of your L$ trransactions, not just the MP transactions. Also, as @FairreLilette already mentioned, you may have to relog. It is possible that the transaction failed and that your payment was returned, sometimes it just won't show until you have relogged.
  8. What caught my eye here, not in the script but in your description of the issue, is that you are retrieving JSON values, but I don't see any JSON-related functions in your script so I was wondering if you are aware of the JSON functions in LSL? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Json_usage_in_LSL
  9. There is a free HUD on the Marketplace which shows all the rez zones on Bellisseria. Just click one of the blue dots and teleport to the rez zone. (Note that the pic on the MPO is not up-to-date, but the HUD is!) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bellisseria-Linden-Rez-zones-map/17166108
  10. Now see, you all are suffering from mass hysteria. I'm not saying that the Beast of Bellisseria isn't real, but there is just no way it can be spotted that far away from the region where it actually lives. Besides, Bessie is so large, you can spot it on the map!
  11. How do you suppose he would do that? Come back on SL to take the group from you? If he was banned as you said, he will never be back.
  12. You're wearing the wrong shape. Wear the one that you used to wear and you'll be fine.
  13. Go into Debug Settings (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S) and find FSBuildToolDecimalPrecision then hit the "Reset to default" button. That should fix it.
  14. If that kind of petite mort is so "mal", then why do so many people seek it?
  15. Sounds like libcef.dll is stil in use, in spite of your viewer being closed. Try rebooting your PC, then try to install again.
  16. Riiiiight, that's the "petite mort" you were talking about! Sure it was!
  17. Note that the Caspervend system comes with a holovendor, which is a 3D vendor.
  18. If you think about it, that community started to form in this very thread.
  19. He almost looks human, huh?
  20. It's also a queen of the Netherlands.... Queen Maxima is the one looking at the camera, in case anyone is wondering 🙂
  21. She is right, by uploading these models and you are violating Valve's copyright, as well as LL's TOS. When you applied for mesh upload rights, you declared that you have read, and agreed to the Intellectual Property Policy, which you can re-read aty this link: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property Let me quote you a small section from that page: "You should not use copyrighted, trademarked, or celebrity material in Second Life, unless of course you are the intellectual property owner or have permission from the intellectual property owner. Your use of Second Life is subject to applicable copyright, trademark, and right-of-publicity laws." And as annoying that may be to you, you have still committed to this agreement.
  22. @Grumpity Linden can you shed some light on the issue that I ran across? Namely being asked for my SSN when I indicated that I don't have one?
  23. But speculation is part of the fun of watching the developments! Of course, if I have made some unfair statements then I hereby offer my sincere apologies. It is not my intention to be "that kind of user".
  24. Another thing to consider is the in-world height you are viewing the mesh at. Nearly all mesh attachments will deform to an extent the higher your altitude in-world. I first noticed this phenomenon on a mesh head but later observed it with other attachments as well. So if you are viewing the mesh in a sandbox in Aditi, you likely are at 21m which would be ground level in a flat sandbox and your mesh will look great, but when you import it into SL and view it on your build pad/skybox at 2,000 meters or higher, you may see deformations, so make sure you view your mesh at about the same height in both grids for a proper comparison.
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