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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. I do. I still can't get the hang of that stupid 12-hour clock.
  2. Well, sonnofamother, they ARE putting in a crapload of overtime! I half-and-half knew it when I saw Naughty Mole and Kona Linden still hanging around the new regions after 8pm but I did not expect anyone to actually be at work at this time of night (1:46 AM SLT) !!! EDIT: I just checked it out and it is so weird to see that they apparently are rethinking those regions. But better to have that happen now than when they are almost done with the regions. Before: After:
  3. I have seen Meadowbrook homes, but otherwise have no experience with them. It may very well be that they simply have no window coverings, but I don't know that.
  4. Touch the window frame near the top. It should pull down the blinds.
  5. GAH! Mountain climbers ar SO lazy!!!!
  6. It's been 8PM already, and I have spotted Kona Linden and Naughty Mole being at work (if they didn't fall asleep at the keyboard). It sure looks as if they are frantically catching up on a lot of work because weren't the moles and Lindens supposed to stop working at 5 or so?
  7. They will have to, but they can no longer touch the terrain in SSPE247 because that one has been "locked", as in that no changes are allowed to be made to that region. So it will have to be done on SSPE230 and I like the way that the terrain in that region looks at the moment...
  8. Yes, that has already been mentioned and explained.
  9. Yes you can! At least you could when I was there. All the new regions are accessible. The ones that were put in today are: SSPE230 SSPE231 SSPE232 SSPE233 SSPE234 SSPE235 SSPE246 SSPE247 SSPE248 SSPE249 SSPE250 SSPE251 SSPE265 SSPE266 Suspiciously absent is SSPE264, which is where the "Würffel Hoose" is supposed to be. Also notable is that a community area is planned to be build at SSPE231 at the mouth of the new river.
  10. What makes you think that it was my choice to have no SSN?
  11. Here's a fun bit. I live in the US, but have no SSN, so I clicked the link that says "Don't have an SSN? Use this form." so I clicked the link and then... IT ASKED ME FOR MY BLOODY SSN!!!!
  12. Taken on August 12, 2008 The original. The above is a cropped and rotated version of the original below.
  13. I do wonder how the Moles are going to make this issue work. That raised border exists on the North side and on the East side of the region. There are no adjoining regions south or west, but when there are, they too will probably have raised borders. Correction, to the south will be another copied and pasted region, that will fit like a glove, but that region too will see the same issue.
  14. I'm afraid that in spite of the hovertext, it does not mean what it appears to mean. These squares (green for townhomes, blue for houseboats, and yellow for campers) are scripted and when rezzed will detect the size of the parcel it is sitting on. However, no parcels, other than for the houseboats, have been created yet, so the square has detected a huge parcel, larger than 1024sqm. And how do I know that these yellow squares are for campers? Because these prims are named "Camping Parcel 16 X 32". And since 16x32 equals 512, we also know that these are going to be 512sqm parcels. As for the green boxes, those are path markers, again, their names say so. 🙂
  15. In order to waterform, the water needs to be frozen, and we all know it never gets that cold in SL.
  16. I did not know about Maulwurf, my German is clearly not that strong I learned something today, thank you!
  17. I don't know, sure looks like a hat to me!
  18. You have found out my true nationality.
  19. A skin is actually a collection of textures, and a full-body skin consists of 3 textures: head, upper body and lower body. It is common to refer to the textures themselves as skins, as that it their intended purpose. Now, it is important that we make the distinction between skin appliers and system skins. You may know the difference, but someone else that reads this may not. A system skin is an item in your inventory, it's a single item that, when worn, will display the aforementioned collection of three textures on your system body. A skin applier, however, will apply these textures on your mesh body and completely leave your system body alone. Note that it has become not unusual to find that skin appliers contain only the upper and lower body textures, and that the head part is either unavailable for purchase, or available separately (quite disingenuous, IMO, but that's a different matter). An important thing to note about system skins is that everyone wears one. Everyone NEEDs one, even if they hide it with an alpha layer. System skins are one for the 4 required wearables. The other 3 are shape, system hair, and system eyes. Not wearing one of the 4 required items will cause your avatar to remain a poof cloud. I hope I did not add to the confusion, I am writing this without coffee. LOL
  20. I have reasons to assume that it was Squishy Mole. Call it a hunch 🙂
  21. It indeed makes no sense, unless you choose to read it as something the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show could have said. HURSKE BUR DOOR HABOORSKEY. WÜRFFEL HOOSE! P.S. To avoid misunderstandings, I do know the difference between Swedish and German. I speak a little German, but no Swedish und damit hab ich genug gesagt :-)
  22. I don't know why you are telling me this, I never suggested that an SSP region would be transplanted to an SSPE region with a different number. The fact that the Würffel House is in one region, doesn't mean that it can't be placed in multiple regions. The Beach Bars being a fine example of this, or the lighthouses. The WH first apppeared (to us) in SSPE264, but that same building can be used anywhere, for example in SSPE185 which has remained suspiciously untouched whilst regions around it are getting developed, which led me to suggest that a hidden copy of SSPE185 could exist where the Moles are working on whatever will be on/in SSPE185.
  23. You must keep in mind that there would be more than just the building. There would be all kinds of landscaping, trees, bushes, flower, but also stuff for the user to interact with, like benches, picnic blankets, a terrace perhaps, and so forth. Maybe even a lake with floaties to sit on! The Würffel Hoose would only be a part of what would be in that region. It would be the central part, but still only a part. The moles are probably preparing that area now on a copy of SSP185, and this copy could be anywhere, and named anything. Moreover, there are ways to hide the regions from being shown on the map so we may not be able to find it and spoil the surprise (apologies to @Patch Linden and the Moles if my sleuthing was on the nose). Search, for example for "Cogsylvania" or "Cretanica", they will show a hidden region, and there are more hidden regions like it. Plus, @Dyna Mole said that the moles know how to be sneaky (or something to that effect) and hiding a whole region definitely would be sneaky . P.S. I have come across a hidden region which name may indicate that my previous "carnival" hunch was correct. Or perhaps it will be a combination of both WH and carnival? The plot thickens... or someting like that
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