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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. I actually discovered that just before I noticed your post. This makes me quite happy, because the now that they added in the regions with the canal means that my travel times by boat to the fairgrounds are dramatically shortened! 🙂
  2. I would suggest you'd have a look at BareRose at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bare Rose/156/13/30 They are based in Japan and have LOADS of kawaii clothing and accessories, and each outfit costs below 200L$ which is very cheap for SL Other styles they have are fantasy, harajuku, seifuku, Japanese traditional, cosplay, etc. I am including some of their recent product images to give you an idea, but this is just a few pics of their literally THOUSANDS of outfits.
  3. Preliminary tests are favorable. Thank you so much!!!!
  4. What you need to do is wear a full-body alpha, and ignore the head-only or body-only alphas. I promise, this will solve your problem. (Also, it has nothing to do with the brands of your head and body)
  5. After about an hour for fooling around I ran into an issue which is strongly related. I have played around with the llGetAgentSize() option for a bit, but that would increase the complexity of the script, as I would have to test for the avatar UUID in each event, but I am still grateful for the suggestion. So now I have I've implemented the llGetAttached() solution as follows: on_rez(integer s) { if(llGetAttached() == 0) { llOwnerSay("[ON REZ]"); // Do different stuff. } } And that works for when I attach the object, it also works when I rez the item from inventory, but when I drop the item in-world from a worn status, it behaves as if it is still attached. In other words, if I drop the attachment, llGetAttached() prevents the on_rez event from firing, but if I remove the test, then on_rez fires when I attach them item. I can't seem to win here because I want on_rez to fire even when the item gets dropped. What am I missing? Is there a function or perhaps even an event that I could use that I am overlooking? P.S. from what I see so far, I don't think that the result would be any different if I had used the llGetAgentSize() option. Again, I am grateful for all suggestions!
  6. Thanks, I will consider that option too! Now I have two ways to fix my problem!
  7. OMG! You and Rolig are right!!! Why did I not think of that? Thank you guys so much!!!!! *Goes to get herself some coffee before fixing her script*
  8. I have been a scripter for a long time, and usually manage to figure out my problems with the use of the advice from the good people of a scripting group, the wiki, but mostly do I figure stuff out on my own. However, this time I am rather stumped. What I want to do is have an attachment which does one thing when attached, and another thing when rezzed. Having both things happen at the same time is very much undesired. default { attach(key id) { llOwnerSay("[ATTACH]"); if(id != NULL_KEY) // Prevent the next bit to run upon detach. { // Do stuff } } on_rez(integer s) { llOwnerSay("[ON REZ]"); // Do different stuff. } } My issue though is that when I attach the object, the on_rez event fires first, and then the attach event. If it were the other way around, I could have used a flag to prevent the on_rez event from executing (if(flag = TRUE) return;) but right now, I am kinda lost. Am I just having a severe case of caffeine withdrawal, or is this really a tricky one?
  9. So.... Whilst riding yesterday, I stumbled upon this land vehicle rez zone and I was blown away. Not only is it located in one of the unfinished regions (SSPE136), its dimensions and capacity are huge! 252prims/LI for that rez zone. Enough for a fleet of school buses 🙂 Now to find the school.... I have made sure to display the minimap and parcel border to show how big the parcel is, and the "about land" dialog to show the details about the parcel. P.S. I'm the one on the dark horse.
  10. No. If you look at https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSP186/255/1 and move the focus of the map a bit more east, you can see that off that coast will be the original, green pickle. If the moles put houseboats along that coast, the part between the island and SSPE184 can no longer be sailed and access to the channel between the pickle and what I call "the Sea of Fourze" will also probably be obstructed. Note that, with the exception of the squishy pickle, no houseboat plots were added which hadn't already been laid out on the SSP continent so the likelyhood that they will put in boats there anyway is slimmer than slim 🙂
  11. The hole at Coldwater Cay is a persistent one. It has disappeared from my map some time ago and only shows up when I zoom in closer than I want. 😢
  12. Flickr will accept 4000x4000 just fine, I usually upload my snapshots as 6000x3172 and I am sure Flickr will accept even larger images than that!
  13. Quartz Lake? I have been calling it the Sea of Fourze! I am all for this idea. My houseboat (which welcomes all visitors!) is already a clothing optional location, and I advertise it as such next to the entrance, thus making sure that people don't get an unwanted eyeful. The sign opens the KB article about this when touched.
  14. I have a feeling that @Xiola Linden can help shine light on this matter, as she seems to be the wearer of said shoes. Unless I misidentified the Linden in question, in which case I owe Xiola and the actual avatar an apology for the mixup.
  15. I have lagged into banned parcels before. Parcels that I already knew were off-limits to non-group members (or perhaps to anyone alive or dead) as it showed up as red on my mini map. And when I lag into it, usually on a vehicle, it places me some distance into the banned parcel until it kicks me out and shows me the messages that "You are no longer allowed on this parcel and have been ejected". This makes me WTF every time, because I wasn't allowed on the parcel to begin with, nor did I intend to enter it. Thanks, lag!
  16. That's a trailer? I thought it was a bath tub!
  17. I never pay attention to male clothes, but since this post has not had any replies in the 10 hours this has been up, may I suggest having a look at Bare Rose (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bare Rose/156/13/30)? They have been around for a long time, and although the price of their products never appears to drop below L$100, they also never seem to exceed L$200. Plus, you would typically buy a complete outfit from them so it may be a better value that it seems at first glance. I think it would be worth a look, although I hope someone will reply with a store suggestion which answers your question even better.
  18. I too get this issue since a few weeks. Quite annoying. What seems to help about 80% of the time is to visit the bold post, and refresh that page. Sometimes multiple times. This works most of the time, but not all the time and makes me spend more time going through everything than usual.
  19. Models usually like to show what they look like. Where's your pic?
  20. Well, the best way of not being seen online is not going online. But that defeats the purpose I guess. If you object to your friends being able to see when you get online, then are they even friends? And if they are NOT friends, then mute them and be done with it.
  21. Maybe they should go to their mailbox and reset their home.
  22. Go visit the Free Dove (https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gallii/162/52/33) they offer a free body, lots of clothing and other stuff. It may be a freebie place, but their stuff does not at all look noobish. As for a (near) free head, I can recommend Absolut Creation's Eve head (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//130/211/23), There are two versions, a bento and a non-bento head. The non-bento one is free to group members, but joining the group costs a whole single L$, and then you need a single L$ to buy the non-bento head but that will be refunded. I know that the head is Omega compatible (installer needed!) but I am not certain about the body. I hope this helps!
  23. Did you also reset your avatar? Avatar -> Character Tests -> Test Female (or Male). After you do that, you will have to put your preferred outfit on again. Hope this helps.
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