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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. I think that is only part of the problem, creators can’t keep adding bodies to the lineup of what they rig for. And with people like me that refuse to change bodies no matte what, if they stop selling to me I stop buying all together. I have almost 100K inventory and I can make different outfits till the cows come home without buying another stitch of new clothing. I would rather have new things to buy but if its not out there I can’t, I have one body and NO I’m not spending money on another one!!!! Stop rigging for me and I stop buying, end of story.
  2. I have said it, I have heard it from others, and now again in this thread, I have invested in my wardrobe and I’m not changing bodies. I have one body, Tonic Fine, and I’m not starting over, clothing is expensive. Will Second Life reach a saturation point of bodies where it just cant take any more?
  3. Bodies are so much a personal choice that even if someone gave me some of the bodies out there for free with a thousand outfits it would all just get deleted, no way in, well I just wouldn't use a lot of them. The price for Prima is fantastic being a Tonic Fine owner, but for me even Lara can’t replace my Tonic Fine body, for me its just not good enough. And because I have been buying clothing for my Tonic Fine for years it will only be replaced when it is taken off Second Life completely, the money just isn't there any more. I would easily return to the Linden Classic avatar and be perfectly happy. The only reason I gave it up in the first place was because I could dress with no alphas with a mesh body, and even that is getting harder to do, creators are giving up and saying, you fix the blasted thing I give up. No, I’m a die hard Tonic Fine owner and from the looks of it I will never change. Well I guess I could if everything were free, LOL, but that’s not going to happen. But even then I would wear Tonic Fine 99% of the time.
  4. Hi Henri, recently, 26 July, Kokua dev Chorazin sent out a notice that Kokua (Imprudence) may not be able to provide a Linux build in the future. Because that is just about the only viewer I have used since Emerald I have started looking around at other viewers. Have installed Cool VL, thanks, and Alchemy still says Coming Eventually. Someday. so no Linux there. Firestorm just sounds to big and I find their install confusing for Linux, so I stay away from that one, and Singularity is one of the viewers I was getting errors on, because others use it I know its my system, but that does not matter. Also the Second Life Linux viewer will not run for me so that one is out. Do you know if the file writes bug is still in Wine 7.0 and 7.14? I may just try using it on my test system and see what happens.
  5. Yes I saw that, have downloaded to build live USB to test with. On my test system, there now, I have Second Life up and running with Kokua viewer on Mint 20.3. Have some of my windows things I can’t do without loaded with Wine. So my test system has gone from Mint 19.3, Wine 4, Nvidia 470 to Mint 20.3, Wine 7 and Nvidia 515.65, and after reloading several times everything appears to be working. Upgrading is to tedious and I prefer to load new and use backups to fill in my data after some installs. Still need to see if I can get several Second Life viewers loaded with Wine, on my 19.3 system I was getting some errors. And thanks for alerting me to the end of life that is coming for 19.3. Will look at Mint 21 before I update my main system, may just skit 20 altogether.
  6. Thanks for the link, but the way I read that I should be using the more up to date driver. My video card is: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB. And not that it matters but my CPU is: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X. And like I said I don’t appear to be having any problems with my system, or my viewer. I run Kokua as my viewer and have been even before it was named Kokua. (I ran winders for a long time) But like I said, thanks for the link.
  7. I am a Linux user, I am using Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.3 and my Update Manager installed, within the last week or so, (copy paste from system reports) “NVIDIA 470.141.03” and is telling me my system is up to date. My system runs fine. Not sure what to think. Just saying, and, Not A Geek.
  8. Title says it all, I need to ditch paypal, what other payment method can I use, for everything, Premium - Marketplace - buy Lindens, all of it. I will never cash out so don’t need that one part.
  9. I worked for a company that every five years you could pick a gift from a catalog, the longer you were with them the nicer the gifts. My Howard Miller wall clock with Westminster chimes has been running for years and years. Is there any advantage to having an unbroken Premium membership?
  10. For me, Annual is the only way to go, pay for one year and nothing to worry about for one full year. If however you do not intend to stay Premium, then BEFORE the end of the one year, downgrade back to basic. Once you go into the next year you owe for that year. But some things to think about, you can’t downgrade and still have a Linden Home or Mainland Property, you need to abandon your property to downgrade. I think that is wrong, but unless it has changed that is how it works. So abandon you home and property and downgrade to basic and you will have no problems at all. But if you intend to stay Premium then do nothing and LL will use your payment method and renew your Premium for another year. So keep your payment method up to date and notify LL if it changes. (I have not heard of this changing, but if it has then someone can point to the update document.)
  11. I could be wrong but I am guessing the bodies from LL will not be as well supported as the mesh bodies being sold. And I am willing to bet they will not be as good as the bodies being sold. But one thing you are leaving out is the cost of mesh bodies, they are expensive, and if you don’t think so then you have a lot more money to throw around than I do. And yes they are expensive, and many first time users will not spend that much money just to look around Second Life without being told they look funny. The one thing the LL bodies will do, hopefully, is retain more first time users, and when they get the bug they will be upgrading to better bodies. Or at the very least add to the number of users in world, and that has to be good for the economy.
  12. {I Bolded} Its nice to see someone else list Tonic as the finest body on the market. And no I don’t wear or even have any of those other bodies, and I can find more clothing than I can afford to buy for my Tonic Fine body, so I will not be changing any time soon (if ever). But I do think playing with a free mesh body and head that is modify could give me hours of fun in Second Life. After all, that’s what I’m here for.
  13. My viewer of choice is Kokua, not sucky at all. When I was on windows I would always keep the SL viewer installed but I can’t get it to run on Linux in Wine. I guess I’m not to adventurous with viewers.
  14. Not much help probably, but I use Kokua and I don’t have any problems with it at all, and I have seen no chatter in group about that happening to others. But I use a different OS, Linux Mint, if that makes any difference.
  15. Because netflix is only monthly, I join and then cancel and join again later then cancel again. The price just went up and my billing period just started and its at the higher rate, but like I have done before I canceled. Tried to watch something and I was locked out with three more weeks left on my billing period. I will never go back to netflix again.
  16. Actually, I bought my first Lucy Body back in 2017 so I am aware of the product but not that version of the body. I have hit the board and will take a look at it, but one of my biggest problems with most bodies is the breasts get to deformed when I try to go smaller. With my Tonic Fine body at 4’ 11” it does not take much for the breasts to overpower my body and be just to much, and yes everyone has their own opinion on that.
  17. I’m on page one but looks like shortly after that post I changed bodies. I now, and for over three years, am using Tonic Fine. I have a good bit of clothing and the way prices are climbing my buying has tapered off drastically, but I have enough to mix and match to last me for years. I’m not sure what it would take for me to try a different body, but its not out there yet.
  18. Sales Tax is the new Gacha, you don’t know what it is until you pay your bill. LOL.
  19. Just thought I would add this, if you would like to see them, where they are and their name tags, set maximum complexity to 1 and they show up as jelly dolls. Don’t know if they can counter this but it worked for me, for now. Just saying.
  20. Some people get an alt as a bank account. The alt has PIOF but does nothing, buys nothing but Lindens and by not clicking on anything the accounts are safe(r). Then the account that does everything can’t have PayPal hacked or a bank account hacked, they have no access to them. My alts all have PIOF, its hard to tell what is best.
  21. Hold your pointer over the avatar name and the window that opens has the reputation listed there.
  22. I was looking for something to do and I don’t like almost all video games. My SO and my daughter both were already on SL and had stopped using it, not what they were looking for, but it was suggested that I may like it. They both logged on to help me get started, I’m really really bad at video games and I guess one of the reasons I don’t like them, but they got me started and then left again. Now over fourteen years later I have hardly missed a day logging in.
  23. I beg to differ with you, the Corporations win, they make Billion$ on wars, and none of them die, kind of a win win for them. But I too wish wars would end.
  24. Or try to rewrite it... In Texas a school textbook was published saying slaves were just immigrants here to work. Had that been left to stand, students in Texas would think it was true because they learned it in school, forgetting what really happened, forgetting the past.
  25. That is one of the best parts of “wear”. Its two commands in one. When you use wear it detaches one thing and attaches something else at the same time. And I don’t care if its moved or even renamed, its still very useful, if you know how to use it.
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