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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Also good to note is that most of those weather systems and similar "effects" are very laggy and will likely prevent movement for folks with less hefty machines. They are impressive, but not terribly practical at the moment. Before I got my new close to the top of the powerful list computer a year or so ago, I crashed often in some sims that were using these features. And I still had then a more powerful desktop than the majority of SL users. So something to think about.
  2. Really good LODs. Low tri count. 14 land impact. Pitaya http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atelier/66/70/21
  3. Somehow I completely missed looking through Equal 10 offerings this last month. This is small and really cute and probably very useful in many of the more modern homes and "campers". No fridge and I am not sure what that thing in the top right is --- a speaker? Hmmm. Anyway for those in need of a tiny kitchen.
  4. As I remember it was always there BUT I believe at the very first it was just for the first month as I remember thinking that wasn't much of a discount. Very soon after it got changed to "limited time".
  5. I don't know the answer but there are "word marks" that you cannot copyright / trademark. Unless things can change since my time doing this anyone can put "TM" after it name, it's the "R in a circle that denotes a REGISTERED trademark -- after going through the legal motions and paying a fee. Also just applying and paying for a registration doesn't necessarily mean you will get the right to that "R". Some phrases, words and names cannot be trademarked. Lots on this with a quick search on Google. A quick search shows Shop and Hop used in RL for various events and businesses -- hence most likely it cannot BE trademarked -- unlike "SOON" - LOL
  6. I agree that created content is the biggest issue. And from a creator point of view it would be a game killer for many to most. I tried for weeks to work in Unity == with help from devs on the platform involved. All I got was frustration and the Unity software taking over my computer in a very nasty way. I talked to several other long-time creators who had come and gone to said platform and they agreed that they hated to work in Unity and that is why they left the platform. The only people that actually stayed were ones that had been working in Unity for years and of course some folks that DIDN'T create :D. LL has already taken their big risk for this century I think. And on a more wide angled view of the topic -- it really is the people and the community that makes a platform work, much more than the engine.
  7. For some (SOME) creators the upload discount will be helpful and for others not so much. For example I often use just ONE 1024 texture for a furniture item -- maybe 5 for a house. I use the beta grid or "local textures" to test. For me, it doesn't pencil out at all. There is no ONE "average creator" just like there is no ONE "average SL user" :D. Some hair designers use the same hair textures throughout there styles -- same for jewelry. Some clothing creators simply tint the garment once it is in world. So EACH creator needs to look at their own methods to see how much "free" uploads help. I can't imagine that The Lab wouldn't look at the AVERAGE uploads of users (even just creators) before deciding how to implement the uploads feature. The same reasoning holds true with the land. For most creators the land won't be helpful for their business. Many have larger plots that a 2048 and many just sell on the Marketplace and at events. Some just have small shops and don't need more space OR land impact.
  8. Newly out at Cosmo. So cute. Good LODs. Menu for sign.
  9. Well Patch has said many things over time. Presumably mirroring meeting conversations. And yes Patch was the one saying that commercial areas would come and then something that sounded like yard sales that residents would rent (I am guessing extra) for short periods like a week. All this is on the forums "somewhere" or was :D. But as we well know plans change sometimes often and sometimes abbruptly. Folks in Sansar certainly got used to it. Honestly there is so very much lag in Belli from the heavy mesh and textures some folks use that the non-commercial argument doesn't make all that much sense. I was never FOR the commercial areas mind you, just watching the conversations. It really looked like that commercial plan was going to happen (maybe over a year ago or more) when that train station was parked for-e-ver on a large plot in the middle of residential. I am not sure what happened to that. It was likely not long after I moved out of Belli. As I understand it from Mole chatter (brief comments not long conversations) many are already working long hours to get what needs to be done --- done. So I doubt that mainland improvement projects are at the top of the list. There have been mainland communities that have worked to keep things looking good there. I am over at Umber now which is next to Purple and much of that area looks good for mainland. My sim mate and I have tried to do our part to beautify and I have made several open areas where people can stop by and enjoy the open spaces. So little by little. As more folks move to mainland for their 2048 or 4096 plus 400 in group plot, hopefully things will get a bit nicer looking. Getting rid of the abandoned houses from folks who left many years ago would be one good step IMO -- and only costs LL a bit of dinero to pay a mole and maybe a clerical work to track things down.
  10. That would make it way to easy to "game" the system so I suspect it will be highly unlikely that you would find that. One reason a lot of gift cards are now turned into STORE CREDIT before being used --- this relates to gift cards given out as presents by the store owners.
  11. That was more or less in the "road map" and then disappeared. If my memory on the timeline is correct that was before Premium Plus was announced (like two years ago). Hard to say if both were on the road map at the same time, but honestly I think that would be a BIG draw for some creators -- needing to be Premium Plus in order to claim a storefront . And more likely that those storefronts would get used than just claimed and sit empty.
  12. This is super cute and right at the Merak landing point. Out for the weekend. Perfect for the Asian Belli houses. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Missing Mile/102/210/1003
  13. Bay City, Nautilus, Horizons are all double prim mainland. Most are very expensive to buy however. But search for those terms maybe and then check the map. Horizons I think it all 1024s or at least it was when introduced. Already logged off so I can't check.
  14. Gift at Hair Fair (yes, odd). Three sizes no mod 1 LI good LODs
  15. On sale for the weekend. Available singly also. These are heavy mesh but SO pretty. FINCA http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stafford/48/88/1714
  16. Try here. OK. After I wrote all that I went to paste in the URL and found that the place I was sending you to was either on hiatus or "gone". That leaves a big hole since another long time art community closed not too many months ago. HMMM. You could try checking out the new LEA which I believe is now SLEA? Someone who has kept up can give you some info hopefully. This does leave a really big hole. I will have to think on that :D. Leaving the comment below that was meant to lead you to an art group. Check the search function under art and see if that brings up anything of use. ********************************************************** Lots of opportunities to "show". You should know that art in SL is even more of a hobby than art in RL (I had tons of one person and group shows both statewide and national in RL so I do know the art scene in RL). So have fun, meet other artists and all that jazz but don't really expect to sell much. This isn't really a secret. AND to be fair, art was much more supported when SL was younger and before most of the "name" artists left the building after 2013 :D.
  17. I was surprised at the good LODs and the low tri count on Nutmeg's mirror. It comes with and without candle flames - 4 and 6 li. I added a dim light effect so that there is a bit of light at night.
  18. Here is a thought - especially for freebie hunters. There are a lot of really nice gifts this round. Why not send a thank you notecard to your favorite or favorites gift makers. I did that for the little animesh pet that I fell in love with. The maker appreciated my note and we chatted a bit. While I seldom get thank you notes even at Advent I DO appreciate them. I suspect most creators do. Just saying.
  19. Yes. Knew. Comment? Well I only saw one of those sims active. There may have been more but obviously they were overpriced for the masses. LOL. Maybe if no one signs up for P+ they will adjust that also. The market will only work depending on what prices people are willing to pay. That cost and reward thing.
  20. Since the main reason for going P+ for many will be the McMansions (as apposed to just more prims on bigger lots with the same houses) AND since the new houses aren't even expected until the end of the year many months away, it certainly makes sense to wait and see. I totally agree that it SEEMS like LL should have seen the main focus of P+ for many and worked on the new larger houses with larger lots during the last year anyway. But maybe they thought P+ would go over OK without the McMansions. If the price to rewards ratio was better that would have been likely but adding on that extra $50 and then not discounting the yearly rate for the first year obviously didn't go over well :D. Sometimes the board makes great decisions like Belli and mesh integration and other times -- not so much. It is pretty puzzling when they most often times get plenty of input from the masses -- loud and constant input LOL.
  21. I am sure that was a big part of the issue. It seemed like, from comment by Ebbe on these forums that the original "plan" was to be able to migrate some things over (not scripts and not clothing but like furniture and such which was a dimplier bridge between systems. In my mind that was part of the reason for the infamous change in the TOS in August of 2013. I have a page on that for anyone interested with links to forums and the like -- just poke me. BUT it seemed like as thing progressed and the new platform (built from scratch) came into being -- that it became apparent the idea was faulty. It is sad really as Sansar was an exceptionally lovely place with many opportunities for creativity that we don't have here. But it WAS and IS a different platform with very different rules. Even importing mesh mad in SL took quite a bit of time and some reworking. I think many people will be here until the doors close -- or until they die as after almost 20 years no one is getting any younger LOL.
  22. Folks have been saying that for a decade at least -- and to be sort of fair The Lab did try with Sansar. In my mind that kind of proved (to me anyway although I wasn't doubting) that it isn't the tech that makes the platform but the people and the creativity and let's also say "freedom". Sansar had outstanding tech and yes, my stuff (same stuff) looked much better there. And clothes that automatically fit (for the most part anyway)? That was a joy. It had so very many things going for it and yet it basically failed. If we just kept the world exactly as it is now (well honestly I would prefer the pre-EEP model), we would be fine for another decade. If you were here ten years ago, you likely know that we were having just as much fun or more back then without all the new bells and whistles.
  23. The only thing in this package REALLY worth noting IMO is the possibility of 1048 McMansions in Belli. Belli has VERY obviously been the best decision The Lab has made in a decade or more. And since that "possibility" isn't even "expected" until the end of this year I can't really see folks lining up to pay an extra 150 for more prims in an old Belli house. If WE all saw (well many of us) that the 2048 lot size was THE BIG DEAL in all of this, and since it took two years more or less to P+ to come into fruition it SEEMS like they could have made those lots and bigger houses within that two year time frame. THEN P+ would have a chance. Just like the event regions didn't take off because of high fees it seems like P+ will have a very slow start. Maybe by next year when there are more things actually added AND if they don't raise the price BECAUSE of those things it might gain some ground. I think it is very important for folks AND THE LAB to remember that anyone can have a perfectly PERFECT Second Life and be a valuable member of the community AND make and spend linden dollars and support the economy WITHOUT being Premium. Except for my one year with the "Belli Experience" which I totally enjoyed, I have been a basic member.
  24. KraftWork Bar Counter Clutter Titanium - free group anniversary gift at ACCESS. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACCESS/70/129/22 3li
  25. I was under the impression from what I had read here that there was no change in the way the Belli homes worked EXCEPT for the possibility (maybe in the future) to ask for certain lots via a support ticket so that in theory you could live by your friends. Did I get that wrong? Edit: OK I think I found the answer here assuming that it is correct -- and it seems very detailed so I am assuming it is. If there really ARE going to be 2048 McBelli mansions that IS a big advantage for some folks. See this recent post.
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