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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I have done something like this in the past but on Abandoned land. I had my stuff up there until I moved with no problem. BUT there was no one to send it back -- it was just bumpy maintenance land. I also put trees and other items on the abandoned lot next door to my shop with the root prim on my property and named that prim ("Delete as needed - just beautifying") The trees were there for a long while until the piece went up at auction. Now I have a neighbor next door :D. I have some 32 x 32 surrounds (both city night and country day) but they WILL NOT give the feeling of a huge sky dome (obviously) so doubt that is what your renter is looking for. Also even the maker did some sneaky stuff, the neighbor could put in a support ticket and get the dome removed . If it were me, I wouldn't OK it until the land owner next door wrote me a note (or IMed) that it was OK with them -- giving the renter the responsibility to check that. It really isn't YOUR responsibility IMHO :D.
  2. There was a time ------ I haven't been over in a long while --- when people would log in alts to fill up the sims and plop them down (Field of Orange was a typical place) so that "A" it looked like there were already a lot of people there and "B" there would be less "real" crystal hunters. I definitely would have been kicked out because I would chase crystals awhile and then go work and then chase and then read the forums or whatever and then wake up and run. So I can see the WHY of it. BUT, this new guard would pretty much keep me away since it takes awhile (or used to) to get to your instance of choice (I liked 4) and having to go back in again and again isn't fun. But I am not there anyway anymore so it matters not. I doubt SERIOUSLY that it is something a ticket will get you an answer too but I suspect if there are others still on the Realms they can verify.
  3. I agree with Qie :D. I have seen 198 FPS with my alt inworld, another "chic" on another platform and lots of other programs running. This on Swanbridge where my shop (and building pad) are. In the olden days I was happy to see 17fps. Yes, my connection was slower but not THAT much slower LOL. My shop is actually in a fairly populated (road and water) part of mainlans and "protected" by road and now waterland maintenance which just happened last week. So personally I am thrilled. There was a time when it SEEMED (no actual knowledge) that mainland was getting "consolidated" onto fewer servers and things were REALLY slow for awhile. Then there was a big exodus plus new mainlands opening up and such AND of course private lands. Now it IS fairly empty and as a mainlander -- at the moment anyway) I am thankful for that. And mainland in general is running MUCH better (thanks to whoever decided that was a good thing). There are tons of available properties and rentals so anyone can pretty much have anything type of land situation they want. My favorite lands were in Winterfell where there were double prim lots and plenty of waterways, paths and such. And there was a building code so that the neighborhood DID look like a neighborhood. My current "home" (I am usually on my building pad) is in a Victorian community which is very close together, looks good (I have derendered things not to my taste like particle fountains) and a nice place to visit and chat. I think the devs could put their time to use on better projects (see today's pulled from the archives inventory thread for example). I DO very much appreciate them making things look prettier on mainland when they can. For ME, one quick project that would definitely improve the look of mainland would be to smooth out all that "bummy" stuff. I assume that it is bumpy to easily identify maintenance land, but since there is a lot that will probably always BE in maintenance, then smoothing it back to rolling hills would be prettier.
  4. LOL. Well thanks to this post resurrection I have just copied over 1613 Blender files (have some other stuff to copy over also) to "E" my external hard drive. Doesn't mean things are completely safe of course but having a RL backup is a VERY GOOD THING --- when you can of course. You know, honestly I came to terms with this stuff years ago. If I hadn't I would have left. So fore ME, the "best" part of all this is that I am in some ways vindicated as I have been preaching REAL inventory loss for many many years and most folks just assumed (and said) it was my fault. So for ME, this is a great thing and I feel better in some sense anyway. My personal feeling with the "oh you never actually lose anything from your inventory it is a cache issue or you made a mistake" crowd is that most folks have very little idea what is in their inventory. I am in mine daily and "straighten" almost as often. If I didn't do that with all the blogging items and uploads that I do -- I would NEVER be able to find anything. Back I go to copy over some more files :D.
  5. When that happened to me recently I did put in a ticket and I did seem to get back a pack of mesh head appliers from 2013. That happened BEFORE the official email saying that they had "run a script" and things might be better. I didn't find anything else but since I didn't know exactly what had disappeared in that instance it is hard to tell. It may have helped. I still found a lot of "new" missing items though (mostly textures in this instance but who knows what I "haven't" found missing :D).
  6. This is happening a LOT on the beta grid (you didn't specify the grid so I am thinking main grid for you). AND yesterday when Lani went to look in her trash, the trash was completely empty and she hasn't emptied it in FOREVER. So she didn't do that. Most anything that she picks up she now puts in a personally made folder called "Aditi Builds" as things seem to remain there. They do NOT remain in the OBJECTS folder -- overnight even. And she hasn't logged into SL often so that shouldn't be a part of the ongoing puzzle there. ACTUALLY (thinking on it) I don't think she has ever found what was missing in the Trash (so different from your experience) --- they have just disappeared and even an exact search didn't find them (even in trash) . Of course if they went into the trash and then the trash was deleted automatically -- well that would answer that.
  7. Been there of course many times. The first time (Home and Garden folder) was devastating. That was before mesh and I was still building with prims. So this isn't a NEW issue as you may have garnered from the various notes about this in Spring and Summer of 2017 (not just this thread). These days I keep multiple backups of items (hasn't really helped in actuality as some items disappear from NUMEROUS folders all at the same time). I also of course have backups on my hard drive of MY stuff and on a backup (which I need to update today as I have been building a LOT). I also try and rez as much as I can inworld (makes it safer). The box it thing which I had hoped would be a solution doesn't seem to be. And the latest incident of folders moving around and corrupted files (this was July 2017 in a post with "Deceptive Dance" in the title seems to have been a lot of textures which went wonky and blurry. I checked with my alt and one texture that we both had as bad for both of us, so in this instance and the one where my logo texture COMPLETELY disappeared from the grid including venue owners that had just received it the week before -- seems to be an ITEM issue and not an ACCOUNT issue. Unfortunately just going from my personal experiences, it seems like there are MANY DIFFERENT database and asset server issues that all end up with missing items in one way or another. You CAN be mad. I certainly was back in 2010 or whenever, but while it would be good if Linden Lab worked a bit harder on the ongoing issue (and I assume that they are TRYING but database issue are tough, I know) but at least we KNOW that we aren't just imagining things and that it wasn't OUR fault (which used to be the general party line). You can put in a support ticket under "INVENTORY" and maybe get back some stuff. The longer it has been though, the less likely this will work. PS. That overflowing trash issue and backspace deleting was SUPPOSED to have been fixed in the Linden Viewer some time ago. It is also fixed in the NEW version of Firestorm (again only a report that it is fixed). So if you are using a third party viewer I suggest getting the NEWEST version and checking to see if this inventory "fix" is included in their code (if it isn't FS). Good luck.
  8. You can log into your web profile for SL and you should get the same TOS which counts. Then you are set. I did that although I didn't have a problem, just went there first :D.
  9. Last two days have been busy ones with a nice end result. Today was stools and cookware day. I also finished a new and fairly long for me Blender tutorial :D. So a GOOD day for sure. Damn I love Windlight (R)
  10. IF you just lost your icons from the desktop they will ALSO be in the program listings (and start menu). Click on the Windows icon (bottom left in the taskbar at bottom) and find the programs there. From there you can pin to start or the taskbar (bottom bar). You can also make a NEW desktop icon from finding the program in the Windows Explorer but the first is easier. I had no issues with my (just this week) Creator's Update. Sorry you did.
  11. Well I meant SFW as in viewing on your office computer when you are SUPPOSED to be working LOL.
  12. This was a fun post and aside from not being brave enough to wear the beautifully crafted dress in public (not really SFW, just tricky shots ^^) it is a look I could definitely live with. More on my blog of course LOL.
  13. I heartily agree that SL is in a much better place than it has been in the last decade. There are still issues of course, with computers and databases there are ALWAYS issues. I don't know if all of the team chose to stay in SL during the dev exodus, but I do know that some of them preferred their familiar stomping grounds (and perhaps the challenge of making it better and more stable). It has been mentioned that a smaller dev group actually gets things done faster (and perhaps better) than what was around before. Having been in arenas where most of the time was spent on arguing how, why and when -- that makes perfect sense to me. SL has always been aimed at higher end computers. When my friends and I joined a decade ago we each (already working in the computer business for many years with me in multimedia) had (chose) to get better graphics cards. When The Lab tried the "dumb it down, make it simple, cut out some features" ideas (not sure when but I was living in Winterfell at the time so long ago) that was a complete flop. You can run SL on a pretty old and not very hefty computer. I have given many of my older ones away to folks as I really NEED something powerful to do work in Blender Cycles with all those bells and whistles (again my choice). Personally I spend more on my computer hardware and internet connection than on any other expense (even wine *wink*). Again, my choice. If I had to live cheaper than I do (and I am a minimalist and you really would NOT believe how cheaply I live LOL) I would do that and keep my hefty computer. Sansar will certainly not be a place for everyone, but SL will likely be around for a long time because of all the improvements and the ability to create both inworld and outside.
  14. I haven't had any issues. Uploaded yesterday and late last night both beta grid and main grid. Using FS viewer.
  15. Well I am not trying to say anything badly about the Realms, but a quick look at posts over the years show that they have been broken often and not fixedin any kind of timely manner (like weeks or longer for many broken things such as huds or whole sims not working. The Quest has been gone more times than available -- even at the beginning. I really love the Realms, much better than the newer experiences honestly. I never said anything about wanting an upgrade. When they work they are still fun. I have just seen so many times when things were not working (and not fixed) that I am amazed they are still there as they seem to be very low in the list of upkeep items. I know people have sent in tickets before with nothing happening. It would be VERY GOOD if things were fixed. It could be that the Quest is no longer a planned part of the Realms -- that is also an option. If the hud has been changed to not recognize new folks then no one would know except people who played long ago :D.
  16. I don't know about NOW, but the quest has been broken MANY times of the years for LONG periods of time (like months or a year or more) so it could just be broken :D. I haven't been over in a long time but periodically the Realms just kinda lose favor with the tech guys and nothing gets fixed for-e-ver (like whole sims disappear LOL). So it is what it is. You should still be able to go around and collect crystals and turn them in. The Quest was fun and HARD at the beginning (those rock monsters and such) but it may have been abused by people making alts over and over to get their lindens. Don't know that, just seems likely. Good luck and I hope you get to Quest eventually.
  17. No, oddly enough, it does not - LOL. You would THINK that it would need to be in those "alcove" areas, but you can't rez anywhere on the ground floor - well perhaps the front porch outside which is part of the same "floor" mesh but outside the house walls. Odd, isn't it. I am happy this thread came up and I looked at that again. I typically like one room houses as they are easier to navigate but this one was vast (by my standards) so it really needed something to break up the space IMHO. Anyway, this is the first time with this ever for me so thought it might happen to someone else. I uploaded my "mesh prim with 6 materials" long ago and use it often for all sorts of things. I uploaded with Firestorm I am sure and would suspect that I uploaded it as a regular prim with just it's own default (high) physics. I can't imagine why I would have analyzed it, as it was for things like shadow prims and extra prims for couples animations etc. So analyzing MIGHT solve the issue. I did remember that Drongle said to upload as "solid" long ago. Then that was no longer a possibility in FS and so I forgot all about that. Normally I don't have any issues with physics -- even with Firestorm. I did have some weird jerky things on some stairs for awhile but then that disappeared (same mesh) so must have been the server and not the physics model :D.
  18. Wanted to add something here as I haven't had any rezzing issues on floors in for-e-ver and JUST did a week or so ago. I went back just now and finally discovered the problem. The house worked FINE when I was testing and then (to my mind anyway) changed and I couldn't rez on the floor. I checked parts for "prim and convex hull status" and that wasn't it. In the end I added an invisible prim on the floor with "fixed" things but not happy about it. NOW looking at the "environment" around the house I figure out what the issue was. This is a larger house than I usually make and it has an open second floor -- where objects rez just fine. That got me thinking and I took out the single mesh "prim" walls that I had added and THOSE made the issue. The house itself as uploaded let's you rez on the ground floor just fine. So THIS can cause and issue too. The mesh prim partial walls can't be set to PRIM. I am pretty sure I could replace them with regular prims but that isn't any better than putting in an invisible floor prim so will just leave things. BUT very happy to have figured out WHY it was originally fine and then "changed" Here are some photos to explain should this be an issue for anyone else. This is the inside with the added walls and nothing will rez inside the house (two single mesh prims used as the walls - they cannot be set as "prim"). If I take the walls OUT, things works as expected and rezzing is fine.
  19. Well for my alt on the beta grid, the new TOS thing comes up EACH AND EVERY TIME you log on so checking is pretty much futile. I am not rereading each time so hopefully I didn't agree to something I don't know about. :D.
  20. While I typically hang around in jeans or sweats while I am working, I got dressed up in fantasy garb for a not all that regular these days blog post. Depth of Field shot.
  21. Just wanted to update as I JUST got the Creator's Update this morning ( silly me, I thought it had installed in the night LOL). So that had nothing to do with the Blender crashes. They seem to have stopped on their own so some other software conflict that an autoupdate fixed maybe. I am ALSO very careful moving those node sliders in RENDERED mode now too and always save, so the "fix" may partly be me too.
  22. Hi there. This video might be helpful. On rereading your post though it looks like you aren't looking at your actual pattern WHILE IN BLENDER? If that is true then I can certainly see that you would have issues. I haven't made a video on this yet but hopefully this one will help. It certainly helped me a LOT way back when. This is in Blender Render as I recall but works the same in cycles should you be using that. This is stepping up into advanced territory -- at least it certainly seemed that way to me when I was learning it. EVEN IF YOU DON'T USE THIS METHOD --- just looking at your actual texture rather than the grid will help a lot. Maybe you already are doing that though :D. Good luck. Alignment is a great skill to have for sure. Takes some time though and a steady hand!
  23. I was helping someone with this the other day. It CAN be that there is a temporary issue (it was for her and she had lost of one of a kind (not even a gacha) breedable so was happy when it indeed came back the next day as I suggested it might. There can also be house issues but you probably know if this happens often or just now and then. There WERE some MAJOR rezzing and inventory issues earlier in the week so that could be part of your current issue as some folks are still having trouble. For goodness sakes, don't try rezzing MORE when things aren't working -- no copy items anyway. One trick that sometimes works is not to rez but to ATTACH whatever it is (even a house will work) to see if it will rez. If it does, then you have a much better chance of the item rezzing when dragged to ground. That would NOT have helped this week though as attachments weren't working at all. Best really to just wait and hope those things come back tomorrow (or soon but usually a half day or day does it). I have lost my Kitty quite a few times, panicked and she came back the next day as happy as always.
  24. Thanks. Yes, I am guessing the confusion is about the levels. I didn't see any info about that in the instructions except how to block -- and yes, your info is the link I was going by. This is likely a very specific issue since when I first went to my "My Places" area (what I mentioned as the backend) I could see -- or at least REMEMBER seeing the listing for three parcels (two are group parcels and one was my PARCEL (now that I am looking for that) for LEA12 with MY name on it. This had the "not in search" declaration and I understood that. The other was the REGION parcel and that said TRUE next to it and it did come up in search, just basically empty. Since I edited the listing, it is gone from the search results although the page is there. So it appears that should I want a Places Page for LEA12 I need to put the info on the PARCEL section, not the region section (which seems like it should only be editable by the region landowner but is not :D) OR I may only need to turn on search since my parcel is the whole sim, not a "lot". It is a very PRETTY page and the interface easy to use (except for that three picture in a six picture widget) but honestly I don't see anyone searching the places pages. With all the unrelated web stuff coming up on top it is beyond confusing (I found some other comments on this). So some gold stars for making the pages easy to edit, but some demerits for not having the pages as useful as they could be. I had heard chatter on this but didn't understand it until I made the page. And obviously, now that I pay attention, all the extra non-related search results must come from the search engine that is being used :(. Smarter now and hopefully this will help some other folks. I enjoyed making the page but agree with others that it isn't all that useful -- yet, anyway. I remember long, LONG ago (like eight or nine years) when you could search for "fly swatter" and get a listing of all the actual fly swatters and the EXACT location of the items (for sale or not). I used that a lot to find product. But of course the world was MUCH smaller then so that is pretty impractical now. And the LEA kiosks are housed at LEA3 as sort of a showcase. The first two turned on (because we sent in our info right away) became the ones that showed up for the regions (two different landowner over many regions). I thought maybe the plan was that when each region was listed via the kiosks that they THEN appeared in the Places Search, but apparently that was in incorrect guess. I do appreciate your reply! Onward with other projects that will be more noticeable. Meanwhile, while doing a search on the Places Pages for LEA I found a now gone page. This is a SUPER clever Oops page. so wanted to give credit to whoever thought it up.
  25. Actually if you want a perfectly matched skirt and can fit the UV map into a 1024 x 512 which looks possible in this case, you can THEN stretch the texture to fill the whole area and still match. You can either align the single rectangle EXACTLY to the edges (this assuming it is a tiling texture of course) or if needed you can use a UV map node (fairly complex to explain but I can look up a video -- not mine -- should this seem like a good plan. The bottom line is that it CAN be done and actually fairly easily but you really need to get the skirt with just one seam or line up the UV map perfectly on the UV mapping plane.
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