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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I get no hull info in Firestorm and "I" at least know it is a Firestorm issue -- in part anyway. Here is what I have. Again, the real point is that everything WORKS with the Linden viewer although land impact and upload fees were STILL different for me even in the linden viewer. I have no clue WHY. I did this a few more times this evening with non-matching upload data and on the third try ( new log in if that might matter) I finally got matching statement. I am NOT uploading again to test. Three times it seemed to be fine and once you changed to prim the land impact went up past 12.
  2. For the Analyzed CUBE physics I had seven quadralaterals cubes(so maybe those are "hulls"). BOTH the 12 li version (Firestorm in Agni) and the 3li version (same files and LOD settings but using the Linden viewer) had perfect (well good enough for me) physics. WORKING was never the issue. There were NO pieces of the cube version of the mesh with more than six faces. All were cubes to start with but simply changed in shape. No edges were touching. I used the CUBE physics as the basis for the planes physics just deleting some faces and joining some vertices. I actually spent well over an hour and quite a few lindens retesting this over and over with the same results, so for "me" it is "truth" LOL and I am moving on anyway. Happy that Aquila taught me planes physics as it worked (at 2li) with EITHER Linden or FS viewer. My biggest issue -- even if the uploader had a bad day -- was that repeatedly (REPEATEDLY) the same files and settings were good on Aditi and over the moon land impact on Agni (with Firestorm). Again. Sticking with my story. Maybe in another eight years it will be "understood" . Cheers and thanks for the reply.
  3. Yes, I remember the slm file :D. Thanks. I did these experiments probably three or four times on each grid and got the same "inconsistent" results with the the very same files and uploading methods (full full default default) on the LOD scales. So I really can't say what was going on but this isn't the first time for me. I DO believe in user error. Just difficult to believe it could be the same error six or eight times in a row LOL. So I am sticking to my story much like I stuck to the "we really ARE losing inventory" long long ago and have just now be vindicated :D. Whatever, the Planes version is up and working well. The model that was 12 LI in Firestorm uploaded with the same settings at 2 in the Linden Viewer. That's pretty much all I know.
  4. Thanks. My error but that wasn't the problem. Many uploads with MANY set to PRIM (correctly). If I uploaded with the Linden viewer (ANALYZED cube physics) I "still" got inconsistencies which were slight but it certainly seems like things should be the SAME on both grids. But I can see that new codes may get entered and things just aren't the same. In the end I used planes physics as it came in at "2" and I think $14 linden :D. The cube physics uploaded with the Linden viewer came in at 3. Happily this mess will hopefully be over in a couple of months. What puzzled me the most was that there actually WERE walkable mesh (very nice walkable mesh of both floor and stairs -- tested, tested, tested -- that came in on Aditi as 5 for the linkset. I got that AGAIN on Agni using planes. Cubes would have added only one more USING THE LINDEN VIEWER. IF things would have be truly high on Aditi then I would have been alerted about the need for Linden viewer or Planes. Oddly though the physics worked just fine even though the land impact was WAY TOO HIGH. I guess that is a bit of a plus. I haven't seen that before though. Sorry for pasting a confusing screenshot though; that was SO not helpful :D.
  5. Thanks. That wasn't it though. I did this MANY times. But a good catch. That seems kind odd as she walked up the steps. But it WAS an odd day. I wrote "the answer" up top.
  6. ANSWER: Well you may have guessed that it was the cube physics and Firestorm although I have made a lot of stairs lately with no issues and now OMG land impacts. I used planes physics(thanks to Aquila) and the stairs came in at 2 on both Aditi and Agni. So evidently the Havok code is not the same on Agni as Aditi . And while things LOOK like they will be fine, once changed to prims the cost is way overblown. I am going to check the cube physics using the Linden viewer and see what I get, but it will be VERY good when Firestorm has the new code included (maybe September). IF things hadn't of worked so well on Aditi, I would have figured it out sooner. Not all that great :D. My build just got 18 land impact lighter ^^. This is good. CUBE PHYSICS uploaded with the Linden Viewer came in at 3 land impact and cost $14 to upload ON THE MAIN GRID -- 2 land impact and $11 on ADITI. So STILL inconsistant I have been noticing this for a long while now and mentioned it a time or two (or at least meant to) but it is easy enough to convince yourself that you simply did something wrong. We all make errors. But today, this is a BIG difference and I repeated the process and double checked my outcomes. The beta grid is still good for testing physics and textures and mapping and such but when it comes to costs (both upload AND land impact) the numbers aren't always matching. This doesn't seem to happen on anything small or perhaps it is the "use a cube for the physics idea" that is the difference. Here's what I got today. Lani over on the beta grid testing stairs. The stairs uploaded with the default LOD settings (I checked and the default LOD settings are the same on both grids) and the exact same physics model (cube physics not plane and the physic is great on both grids). The Aditi version came in at 5 after being changed to PRIM status. It cost $14 to upload. Over on the main grid, the same stairs file with the same default settings and the same physics model came in at 11 land impact and cost $22 to upload (twice - LOL). Am I missing something here? I am not so concerned about the extra 7 lindens but the land impact is over TWICE on the main grid version. ADDING INFO: I went into the MORE INFO tabs in the build menu and here are the results. Unlinking the builds shows that it is the STAIRS PHYSICS on the main grid that is uping the land impact. Even the platform and railing are different though. 2.1 in Aditi and 2.9 in Agni.
  7. I can only say that many to most venue (events) organizers have an alt account to take care of JUST the money (and often photos) coming in for that venue. SL of course knows (or can find out) who your alts are so storing money in an alt account for other less legit reasons could get you into trouble I guess. I haven't heard of that happening though.
  8. You can apply for a higher payout threshold but having a lot of money in your account at one time (like currently) hasn't worked for anyone posting on the forums and many tried. You just missed all the discussion when this happened a few months back. Lots of folks got caught including me. It will take you some time to get your money out now. There was an official announcement on the blog but of course many of us don't read that :D. LittleMe is completely correct. You can check your payout limit in your web account backend.
  9. Well MrByrite is four days old an the only thing in his profile (the ONLY thing) is The Leopard Lounge.
  10. All good to know. And yes, I agree about the clearing of the head although the last time I was there (might have been a year ago but after the purple circle hub design which I didn't like much) making a buck in a day wasn't all that easy. Then anyway the blues and greens were not rezzing according to the "old" schedules and when you actually SAW one it was a wooo-hooo kinda moment LOL. I usually stood over by the cannons or some other area where I knew rock monsters didn't come. I still have fond memories of the Realms. I may go over soon to reminisce.
  11. I'll have to go over and try just out of curiosity. Please note folks that this is a post dragged up from long ago. Scroll back a bit to see the actual current comment :D.
  12. Does that mean that your inventory showed up again? Hard to tell from the text and the crossing out :D. It can take well over a week to hear back on inventory loss from a Support Ticket. At least for me.
  13. Forgot to post this yesterday (I think it was yesterday LOL). More complex baking procedures as well as how to get rid of those tacky seems on cylinder shapes. Two places to watch. SLArtist here: https://www.slartist.com/multiple-object-materials-to-more-than-one-texture-plane-plus-uv-map-nodes_cc8995781.html And YouTube here: https://youtu.be/a1pq3oI7mao
  14. I reassessed my original comment below as being a bit harsh :D; and yes it WAS to the OP, not ChinRey really. BUT I am leaving that first comment there since it is actually what I believe. There WAS a reason why Cycles was embraced readily but the pros (not me, the pros) as the lighting engine (or whatever) was leaps and bound better. It still isn't as good as Maya IMHO as I can spot a yummy Maya bake and my heart often does a flutter. That doesn't mean I will be LEARNING or USING Maya as I am fundamentally a "community software gal". But there is likely someone somewhere that knows how to make Blender Render be the best it can be. But as ChinRey says while there are folks around still using Blender Render (that learning curve thing and it is as someone on another forum said, like "leveling up" in a compute game :D) most have very flat textures. This isn't a BAD thing, that might be their style of choice. But just like my Cycles textures will likely never be as good as Maya bakes (I made one of those leveling up steps yesterday so who really knows) it is unlikely that you will get what you want with Blender Render. I do however wish you luck. And as a general comment ---- Much of learning 3D programs (not just Blender) is experimentation, finding your own way -- your own methods. While I try to do my Pay It Forward thing and have for a few years and there are other folks on these forums that go way beyond "helpful" (some of them for me when I was learning -- and still am), none of us can spoon feed answers. Finding those are part of the learning process. We can point in the right direction maybe, but just like teaching any other subject -- a good deal is and should be part of the student's discovery. And yes I did teach college for almost 20 years LOL. And with THAT I am going to finish watching Part 2 of the Matrix which has WAY too many actions scenes and not enough plot for my taste. It's predecessor was leaps and bounds better -- hence, why I likely forgot most of it when I originally watched :D. ************************************ Actually to my mind Blender Render will NOT give any kind of good shadows on clothes (hence the huge amount of badly baked and VERY DARK shadows on templates that happily aren't sold as much these days (or at least I don't have any folks sending me stuff using them LOL - a blessing). You can certainly TRY Blender Render shadows but I wouldn't expect anything great. Most folks that did good jobs before Cycles (a very different lighting system) just made UV maps and put in the "shadows" by drawing in their graphics programs. So IMHO if you are serious about clothes I would learn Cycles. I have tutorials that start at the beginning at both YouTube and SLArtist. NOT on clothes -- just on Cycles *wink*. Good luck to you!
  15. I have done something like this in the past but on Abandoned land. I had my stuff up there until I moved with no problem. BUT there was no one to send it back -- it was just bumpy maintenance land. I also put trees and other items on the abandoned lot next door to my shop with the root prim on my property and named that prim ("Delete as needed - just beautifying") The trees were there for a long while until the piece went up at auction. Now I have a neighbor next door :D. I have some 32 x 32 surrounds (both city night and country day) but they WILL NOT give the feeling of a huge sky dome (obviously) so doubt that is what your renter is looking for. Also even the maker did some sneaky stuff, the neighbor could put in a support ticket and get the dome removed . If it were me, I wouldn't OK it until the land owner next door wrote me a note (or IMed) that it was OK with them -- giving the renter the responsibility to check that. It really isn't YOUR responsibility IMHO :D.
  16. There was a time ------ I haven't been over in a long while --- when people would log in alts to fill up the sims and plop them down (Field of Orange was a typical place) so that "A" it looked like there were already a lot of people there and "B" there would be less "real" crystal hunters. I definitely would have been kicked out because I would chase crystals awhile and then go work and then chase and then read the forums or whatever and then wake up and run. So I can see the WHY of it. BUT, this new guard would pretty much keep me away since it takes awhile (or used to) to get to your instance of choice (I liked 4) and having to go back in again and again isn't fun. But I am not there anyway anymore so it matters not. I doubt SERIOUSLY that it is something a ticket will get you an answer too but I suspect if there are others still on the Realms they can verify.
  17. I agree with Qie :D. I have seen 198 FPS with my alt inworld, another "chic" on another platform and lots of other programs running. This on Swanbridge where my shop (and building pad) are. In the olden days I was happy to see 17fps. Yes, my connection was slower but not THAT much slower LOL. My shop is actually in a fairly populated (road and water) part of mainlans and "protected" by road and now waterland maintenance which just happened last week. So personally I am thrilled. There was a time when it SEEMED (no actual knowledge) that mainland was getting "consolidated" onto fewer servers and things were REALLY slow for awhile. Then there was a big exodus plus new mainlands opening up and such AND of course private lands. Now it IS fairly empty and as a mainlander -- at the moment anyway) I am thankful for that. And mainland in general is running MUCH better (thanks to whoever decided that was a good thing). There are tons of available properties and rentals so anyone can pretty much have anything type of land situation they want. My favorite lands were in Winterfell where there were double prim lots and plenty of waterways, paths and such. And there was a building code so that the neighborhood DID look like a neighborhood. My current "home" (I am usually on my building pad) is in a Victorian community which is very close together, looks good (I have derendered things not to my taste like particle fountains) and a nice place to visit and chat. I think the devs could put their time to use on better projects (see today's pulled from the archives inventory thread for example). I DO very much appreciate them making things look prettier on mainland when they can. For ME, one quick project that would definitely improve the look of mainland would be to smooth out all that "bummy" stuff. I assume that it is bumpy to easily identify maintenance land, but since there is a lot that will probably always BE in maintenance, then smoothing it back to rolling hills would be prettier.
  18. LOL. Well thanks to this post resurrection I have just copied over 1613 Blender files (have some other stuff to copy over also) to "E" my external hard drive. Doesn't mean things are completely safe of course but having a RL backup is a VERY GOOD THING --- when you can of course. You know, honestly I came to terms with this stuff years ago. If I hadn't I would have left. So fore ME, the "best" part of all this is that I am in some ways vindicated as I have been preaching REAL inventory loss for many many years and most folks just assumed (and said) it was my fault. So for ME, this is a great thing and I feel better in some sense anyway. My personal feeling with the "oh you never actually lose anything from your inventory it is a cache issue or you made a mistake" crowd is that most folks have very little idea what is in their inventory. I am in mine daily and "straighten" almost as often. If I didn't do that with all the blogging items and uploads that I do -- I would NEVER be able to find anything. Back I go to copy over some more files :D.
  19. When that happened to me recently I did put in a ticket and I did seem to get back a pack of mesh head appliers from 2013. That happened BEFORE the official email saying that they had "run a script" and things might be better. I didn't find anything else but since I didn't know exactly what had disappeared in that instance it is hard to tell. It may have helped. I still found a lot of "new" missing items though (mostly textures in this instance but who knows what I "haven't" found missing :D).
  20. This is happening a LOT on the beta grid (you didn't specify the grid so I am thinking main grid for you). AND yesterday when Lani went to look in her trash, the trash was completely empty and she hasn't emptied it in FOREVER. So she didn't do that. Most anything that she picks up she now puts in a personally made folder called "Aditi Builds" as things seem to remain there. They do NOT remain in the OBJECTS folder -- overnight even. And she hasn't logged into SL often so that shouldn't be a part of the ongoing puzzle there. ACTUALLY (thinking on it) I don't think she has ever found what was missing in the Trash (so different from your experience) --- they have just disappeared and even an exact search didn't find them (even in trash) . Of course if they went into the trash and then the trash was deleted automatically -- well that would answer that.
  21. Been there of course many times. The first time (Home and Garden folder) was devastating. That was before mesh and I was still building with prims. So this isn't a NEW issue as you may have garnered from the various notes about this in Spring and Summer of 2017 (not just this thread). These days I keep multiple backups of items (hasn't really helped in actuality as some items disappear from NUMEROUS folders all at the same time). I also of course have backups on my hard drive of MY stuff and on a backup (which I need to update today as I have been building a LOT). I also try and rez as much as I can inworld (makes it safer). The box it thing which I had hoped would be a solution doesn't seem to be. And the latest incident of folders moving around and corrupted files (this was July 2017 in a post with "Deceptive Dance" in the title seems to have been a lot of textures which went wonky and blurry. I checked with my alt and one texture that we both had as bad for both of us, so in this instance and the one where my logo texture COMPLETELY disappeared from the grid including venue owners that had just received it the week before -- seems to be an ITEM issue and not an ACCOUNT issue. Unfortunately just going from my personal experiences, it seems like there are MANY DIFFERENT database and asset server issues that all end up with missing items in one way or another. You CAN be mad. I certainly was back in 2010 or whenever, but while it would be good if Linden Lab worked a bit harder on the ongoing issue (and I assume that they are TRYING but database issue are tough, I know) but at least we KNOW that we aren't just imagining things and that it wasn't OUR fault (which used to be the general party line). You can put in a support ticket under "INVENTORY" and maybe get back some stuff. The longer it has been though, the less likely this will work. PS. That overflowing trash issue and backspace deleting was SUPPOSED to have been fixed in the Linden Viewer some time ago. It is also fixed in the NEW version of Firestorm (again only a report that it is fixed). So if you are using a third party viewer I suggest getting the NEWEST version and checking to see if this inventory "fix" is included in their code (if it isn't FS). Good luck.
  22. You can log into your web profile for SL and you should get the same TOS which counts. Then you are set. I did that although I didn't have a problem, just went there first :D.
  23. Last two days have been busy ones with a nice end result. Today was stools and cookware day. I also finished a new and fairly long for me Blender tutorial :D. So a GOOD day for sure. Damn I love Windlight (R)
  24. IF you just lost your icons from the desktop they will ALSO be in the program listings (and start menu). Click on the Windows icon (bottom left in the taskbar at bottom) and find the programs there. From there you can pin to start or the taskbar (bottom bar). You can also make a NEW desktop icon from finding the program in the Windows Explorer but the first is easier. I had no issues with my (just this week) Creator's Update. Sorry you did.
  25. Well I meant SFW as in viewing on your office computer when you are SUPPOSED to be working LOL.
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