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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well issues aside (and I had a huge inventory issue when the change first came into effect and have NEVER returned since it took me a week to get things back in order on Agni) it IS nice to have mesh bodies and good looking hair and Maitreya fit closed and NOT look like you just came out of the pod in 2006. Actually I had the look that I wore when teaching at Learn Avatar which was maybe 6 or 7 years ago. So no mesh but I didn't look too bad LOL. Hope it works out for you. Support Tickets don't necessarily go quickly. Hence it is sometimes better if you are premium and can use live support who can SOMETIMES solve the problems for you (or at least did long ago and far away). IT DOES SAVE A TON OF MONEY IF YOU ARE UPLOADING MESH!!! I think over 25,000 since Lani took over uploading there. No idea before that but sure it was plenty also.
  2. AND there has been an ongoing issue on Aditi with items in the OBJECTS FOLDER (default when you pick them up) disappearing overnight which is less than handy if you are working on something long term. It appears that if you MOVE them from the Objects folder they have a much better chance of remaining. So anything Lani (alt there) is working on long term goes into an ADITI UPLOADS homemade folder. Just saying.
  3. Bumping this again as it isn't fixed. Folders are still ending up in VERY odd places for me (that's another thread) and just now I found that my favorite (hides neck seams with mesh head and not perfectly matched skin) chocker (yes, spelled that way) is missing. I have the exact name and I knew the maker. It is nowhere to be found. I had it at the beginning of the month as I featured it in a blog photo. Other things missing too so not much is changing -- for some of us anyway. Put in a ticket but doubt it will do any good. I DID NOT DELETE THIS. I am also (now) opening EACH folder before I delete to make sure that there are no mysterious folders within folders. This IS getting old and seems to be increasing EDIT: So while I STILL want that choker back as it is simple and I like it, I went out and got the matching skin for my head (no demo so I was a bit trepidatious) and it is very nice and I no longer have a LINE (it was a fine match with the default Maitreya skin except for the back of neck). So that is a step up I guess :D. Hmmmmmmmm. Honestly these problems never seem to go away these days. Before they only came around now and then (or maybe I just didn't delve into my inventory all that much seven or eight years ago :D.
  4. And yes, apparently so as that is how "land barons" make their money. Likely the discounts change from time to time and yes as Alwin said you will need to contact Linden Lab to find out.
  5. I haven't every had this happen but an excellent tip! Who knew how handy Avatar Health could be. I just use it to stop animations LOL.
  6. OK I got that too through the LAND TAB (thanks) . Meanwhile I found this quote in the group land wiki so that's easy to convert: If the group has 2048 sqm of land donated to it, they can own up to 2253sqm of land (the 10% bonus). Looks like the answer is 1686 or 1687. Note though that land can only be taken off in 16 meter chunks (4x4) so that figures into the mix also. So if my math is correct it would be 1680 that you could have. From another thread I think we could divide land up in smaller chunks long ago (not the 4 x 4 minimum now) but that was LONG ago. Maybe the 16 minimum came into play with all the add farm stuff. I really don't remember. If the donations of land tier to the group is not enough to cover the actual land owned by the group, a Linden will forcibly seize some of the group land to bring the owned land to within the donated land tier. Usually Linden Lab gives 7 days grace on this. But I also read somewhere in an "officialish" statement that the owner was responsible for the tier and would be charged. So after all this I now know "again" where the Buy for Group Land option is -- LOL. But the charge is still very iffy. HOPEFULLY THE OP WILL ADD TO THIS POST WITH ACTUAL TIMELY INFO.
  7. Agreed. I spent some time fiddling with the numbers in the boxes. There also used to be an easy way to donate your "leftover" tier to a group and I can't find that anywhere now. Any idea where it went? I don't see any way CURRENTLY to buy land for a group OR donate tier to a group. Those options have seemingly disappeared. So the only thing one can do is buy land and then donate land TO a group? It has been years since I looked at this closely but it is even more confusing now than it used to be.
  8. Here is where you can see what is available to each person. In the case of the group I am in there are three people donating land and there are three 512 lots that are group owned. So I was confused and see how easy it is TO be. Changing the donation amount to anything past 512 charges a $5 a month cost as you can only donate up to your 512. Later note and photo: There USED to be an option to buy land for group in the land buying tab. That was no longer there in my test. The WIKI says it is there and I found an interesting paragraph stating that you could own land for up to 72 hours with no charge to your group. (see screenshot below). THE PROBLEM IS that the wiki may not be correct since obviously it isn't on some account. Previously even a non-premium member could by land FOR a group they were a part of (pretty sure they had to be an owner). That no longer works and even an owner that IS premium could not buy a mainland lot for the group this way. So I was (maybe) wrong on two counts LOL --- or maybe not. The problem is that you can frequently get charged for land when you aren't expecting it. I even called up and chatted with billing once about land who gave me incorrect information about when tier was charged and ended up paying for land for a month when I only owned it for a couple of days. That isn't a big deal if it is a 512. If it would have been a sim -- that would have been a really big deal. So if you get all your land and then cut off what you think you need to and abandon be sure and check the costs for each person (or alt) in the land management tab. And "I" am a little smarter now LOL. Good luck with this.
  9. I have a VERY oddly (choppy) shaped 512 across from my store. It has been there a long while at that price which was lowered from 30,000 ish. So there are overpriced lands everywhere. There were times long ago when waterfront land really did sell for 22,000 for a 512. I doubt that is happening often now. Both Bay City and Horizons are double prim lots so you "could" think of a 1024 there as a 2048 so far as prims go. And they are a planned neighborhood with streets and such which keeps things looking better in general. Depending on what you want (prims versus space) they might sell. SOMEONE bought them along the way and the prices were high even at auction but I don't remember exactly what they were. Search of this forum on Horizon and Auction should find you a thread or two if you want to check. I have seen VERY reasonable RENTALS in Horizons so that seems the logical way to go if you simply want to have a home or shop there.
  10. Note that this may not be correct and read further down :D. It is possible that there is a 72 hour waiting period --- or not You will end up paying tier on the extra for ONE month assuming you buy and then abandon. The only way around that would be to have the owner divide and then sell you the small part that you want for the price of the whole and then THEY would abandon (or keep) the other part. If you own it ONE SECOND you would still owe the tier (been there). If you make a group and have the three people all donate their tier to the group, then the group can buy the land. You can tell just how much in the backend of the website in the land area. No way to strike the below text out any longer :( but the stuff below is incorrect. So for the group land I am part of there is 46 meters left over per person it says (never used) so that would be 1674 if my math is correct. 3 x 512 + 3 x 46.
  11. I spent much of my virtual time today looking through my not terribly vast (so picky) inventory for Victorian garb. I had one great dancing outfit that I wear now and then but I found this oldie from four years ago and decked it out with both "antique" and newish releases for a stylish if not quite authentic look.
  12. Linden Homes are not the same as renting out purchased mainland (which I did mention you could do). You never actually "buy" Linden Homes and they come with a bonus feature in that the house is free from counting against your 175 prims. So what you are planning on doing is not really what you are quoting. I think the only way we will get a DEFINITIVE answer is if a Linden replies OR if they actually state something on the info page (which would be a good idea). Also, depending on how much land you purchased (if it was mainland) giving up your Linden home "could" reduce your tier payment. So you might want to check that out in the web backend LAND area :D. If it is private land you "bought" then this doesn't apply of course.
  13. Along with Rolig's answer, if you are not a premium member (paying each month for extra befits) then you bought your land from a private person. You are actually "leasing" the land as you don't really own it, they do. In that case you have to be part of a land group. You may have been invited to the group and you may or may not have accepted that invitation. You DO have to accept the invitation (which might mean asking for an invite again) because you need to make that group ACTIVE (in bold) in order to rez anything at all on your land. Find your groups and see if you have one that might be the land group :D. You can CHANGE your active group by right clicking on the group and choosing activate. IF you can rez a box on the land you recently purchased, then this ISN'T the issue, it is that the building you are trying to rez (take out of your inventory and bring into the world) is either too big for the lot or "almost" too big for the lot and you need to rez exactly in the center (not easy). Also see if you can rez your building in a sandbox. If things still aren't working, come back here and explain more :D.
  14. The changing the password thing was abandoned quite awhile ago. Now the inventories are supposed to be linked automatically (one way of course). Put in a support ticket to let the devs know you have an issue. I THINK you can do it from the main grid; I am thinking there isn't support directly from the beta grid.
  15. Against the rules perhaps? I have to admit it seems vague but I have never heard of anyone renting out their Linden home. I am betting a LINDEN can tell us. It might also have more in the Covenant but I am not heading over to investigate. You could certainly get rid of your Linden home and then buy a 512 on the mainland and rent THAT out.
  16. You have your answer. It won't change. The only "special cases" that I know about were for a few folks who were here at the beginning and (in theory) got "free land forever". That is long gone WAY over a decade. Other special cases were at one time anyway Linden Lab employees who seemingly got free land as a perk. Since I doubt you qualify for either special case, you are in with the rest of the populous. There is no way to buy land once and never pay again -- on this platform anyway. Here is Linden Lab's official info: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land_Buying_FAQ
  17. Don't you just LOVE folks that post and then never return? That was rhetorical of course
  18. It comes from today's blog post of course LOL. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2017/08/let-there-be-music.html
  19. Also a thought -- You MAY have issues with the model rather than or in addition to issues with the physics model -- so uploading the model with just a cube as the physics would be a test of sorts. There could be OTHER things causing problems and none of us have actually seen enough of your model in close up to spot them.
  20. Just wanted to say two things. One -- that "would be buying a lot of materials" thing should have set off some bells. Seems pretty fishy for what you were ordering. Two -- RL business ethics as well as SL business ethics are only as good as the people who follow them. Makes absolutely no difference in my mind anyway. I had plenty of folks in RL cheat and steal my creations. It happens just as often there but for more money involved
  21. Hanging ONE PRIM DRAPES. I moved a couple of nights ago and I had already been (painfully) working on drapes and curtains. After two days (yes really) I got some very nice drapes and some tie back curtains. BUT I really NEEDED some super low land impact drapes for my new place (limited prims and even though there are a lot it is a BIG house). So that was my project of the day. I am very happy with them. Woot!
  22. Just a note as noted in the tutorials. When you upload PLANES physic you do NOT analyze. When you upload CUBE physics you do. And yes, physics models are sometimes difficult to grasp. Maybe you should try the CUBE version rather than planes and see if that works better for you. also depending on your model (and your in one piece IS complex) the uploader could easily go crazy and get confused. You will likely need to use the Linden Viewer to upload CUBE physics (not a problem with planes physics). More close up photos will likely help others if they have more advice. All I know pretty much is in those videos.
  23. Sorry it was working (and a few hours later) when I typed it in. Cert issues again it seems :(. Meanwhile here is the Youtube link for house physics https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=g6SJjFc4P_k And stairs https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=9W3XhkW-igM Typically the reason your model is SO TINY (hence difficult to see where the problem is) in the uploader window is when you SCALE the size within the uploader (like telling it to be .25 of the actual size of the model). So make sure your model is the correct size in Blender before exporting. There may be other issues when you import from another 3D program; I just never do that :D. The general answer if I learn my lessons from Aquila would be that you have some skinny planes somewhere in your physics model. The uploader doesn't like SKINNY (long and narrow) pieces. So you need to get rid of those. The other thing that might be helpful would be to uploade the model in SECTIONS rather than as one object (assuming this isn't a linkset which has as mentioned its own way of doing things). It is often less problematic to break up the model for the uploader. Good luck.
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