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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Monti Messmer wrote: You cannot use your real size simply because the starter Avatars are all giants and no one bothered the first few days. Rubbish. Of course we can use any size of avatars, small, real life size or giant. The size of an avatar does not define is it a child avatar or an adult avatar. Some people just are paranoid about age play and they have chosen that height is one major factor how they determine is an avatar a child or an adult. Most likely they have not read the TOS properly; or if they have, they have not understood what the TOS says about age play. So they want to play "safe" (in their misconceived thinking) and set some arbitrary height limit to determine age. Which is totally silly thing to do. As we can see from these real life photos: There are very tall and very small people above. However, none of them looks like a child, everybody can clearly see that every single one is definitely an adult. So the size of person (alone) does not define person's age in real life. It's the general looks - does it look like child or does it look like an adult. The same naturally applies to Second Life. • If the avatar looks and acts like a child, it is child avatar • If the avatar looks and acts like an adult, it is adult avatar Even though there are lots giant avatars in SL, it does not mean that small avatars automatically should be classified as child avatars. The defining factors are the general looks and behaviour of an avatar, not the size.
  2. Even some desktops have an integrated graphics chip. My second PC at home is such one. And this processor: http://ark.intel.com/products/75122/Intel-Core-i7-4770-Processor-8M-Cache-up-to-3_90-GHz According to the above link has an intergrated Intel® HD Graphics 4600 chip in it. So be sure that you have disabled the integrated graphics chip and that you actually are using the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 card.
  3. Niecia Davi wrote: i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. But you have agreed to the Terms of Service and now you are worried that there will be no compensation. Did you actually read the TOS and understood what it means before spending your money? Second Life has never been an investment. It has clearly been said that it may not last forever. http://www.lindenlab.com/tos
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Coby Foden wrote: One "Log In" button was perfectly enough for me. :smileyhappy: I don't quite understand what has been the "bright" idea with these four separate login buttons. :matte-motes-frown: Reason I like it is that I have started to log in so many times while failing to check where I was set to log in to first. Ok then, now you have to think "Hmm.. what button to click... let's see... (0. O )". :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  5. One "Log In" button was perfectly enough for me. :smileyhappy: I don't quite understand what has been the "bright" idea with these four separate login buttons. :matte-motes-frown:
  6. There are even four login buttons. The fourth appears when hovering mouse over the bigger image. :smileyfrustrated:
  7. I think your UV map in Photoshop is very big - like 1024 x 1024 or even 2048 x 2048 - therefore you see lots of tiny details in Photoshop. In SL the maximum size for the whole head texture is 512 x 512. So, if you upload any larger texture than that the viewer will downsize it to 512 x 512. The viewer does not do the downsizing very well, thus there will be lots of quality loss in the image. Do this for better result: Before uploading the image, make a copy of it. Then resize it to 512 x 512 - Photoshop does better job in downsizing than the viewer does. After resizing you might want to add a little bit of sharpening to the image. Now you can see how good (or bad) the image can look when downsized to this size. This is the best what you can see in SL after uploading the image. Save the image as TGA file. Upload this to SL. The quality of this image in SL should look pretty much the same as in Photoshop. Do not use JPG files when uploading to SL, it will just add some more quality loss. PS. Besides TGA files you can also use PNG files when uploading to SL. Both are lossless file formats. JPG is a lossy file format and therefore it should be avoided when uploading to SL. [ETA The 512 x 512 size limit applies to the classic avatar's skin, system clothing and tattoo textures. If that head is imported mesh then the maximum texture size what you can use is 1024 x 1024. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits The texture sizes what SL uses: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_sizes
  8. That's strange if your arms and hands are shaking while holding a fishing rod. Many fishing rods have an animation which control your arm's movement, there should be no shaking. Are you sure that besides the AO there isn't something else besides the fishing rod which have an animation in it? Try this: first detach everything what you wear (you can leave the system clothes on, just detach all attachments :smileyhappy:). Then wear the fishing rod and observe do the arms and hands still shake.
  9. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Port might even be more appropriate... shall we change it back? - - - - - :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileyvery-happy:
  10. OMG :smileysurprised: N i p p l e s! Well, I'm not going to remove that. Somebody else's turn to correct that "mistake". Anybody horrified of the sight, go and do your thing. :smileytongue: :smileywink:
  11. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: While you're at it... "you might exhale also with any port of the body" Not sure how to visualise that, I know we're all digital, but still... Done, port changed to part. :smileyvery-happy:
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: TheeRegisteredNurse wrote: My God! $500???? What the hell??? More like $1000. Yes, it is stated: "Upon creation of a custom surname, the account designated as owner will be billed a US$500 setup fee plus the first annual US$500 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed US$500 to retain custom surname ownership." So, upon creation the fee is US$500 + US$500 = US$1000. And from then on US$500 fee every year to keep the name active.
  13. Yes, there was a typo. I corrected the st to set in the wiki. (There were some other spelling errors too, fixed them too.) :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileywink:
  14. There's nothing wrong with your avatars. I find them interesting. Variety is a good thing - in any world. :smileyhappy:
  15. Sometimes even that does not work. Yesterday I was flying a helicopter. Then the chopper crashed. I was making funny motions in the air. Then finally I found myself on the ground. I couldn't move, only rotate myself in the spot. I relogged, I could walk again but the AO did not work. I detached it and attached it back again. No joy, still not working. I already knew what had happened. The scripts or one single script in the AO was not running. How to fix it? It's simple, just edit the AO (can do it even when wearing it). Check all the scripts inside the AO and click "Running" if there are any not running. After the AO works again.
  16. Perhaps what you see is the alpha sorting issue? It happens when you you have alpha blending mode on. The only way to avoid it is not to use alpha blending mode. Like in your wings, you have two (partially) overlapping items. Both have alpha channel in the textures. What happens is that sometimes the wing what is in front indeed shows to be in front. But it also happens that the wing which is behind actually shows to be in front. When this happens in rapid space the result is flickering. In alpha blending OpenGL cannot reliably detect what is in front and what is at the back. Use alpha masking mode and the problem is no more. I'm not sure if it is alpha sorting issue what you see, but it could be that one.
  17. I won. I was one minute quicker. :smileywink: :smileyvery-happy:
  18. If there was a way to turn the Linden skin semi-transparent only then it would be possible to have a ghost like effect. But I think there is no way how we could access the Linden skin and change it into semi-transparent one. Here I have a new skin. The head has no designed skin texture, the slot is empty, so the Linden head skin texture shows on the avatar's head. Upper and lower body body have designed skin textures. The Linden skin texture is under the designed skin textures and thus does not show. The appearance sliders affect only the Linden skin. They have no effect at all on the designed skin. Now if there was an extra slider "Transparency" then we could affect the transparency of the Linden skin. We just would make new skin, leave the head, upper and lower slots empty (i.e. no desinged skin textures). Then we would see only the Linden skin and its semi-transparency effect as we would adjust the "Transparency" slider. Ok, who will make a new BUG report for this new semi-transparency slider feature? :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileyvery-happy:
  19. The hair is inside that "logo" thing. To get the hair out from it you need to open it. Instructions how to open, look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  20. Yes, Dress is right. The reason why it is not possible is that under the user created skin there is the default Linden skin. So if the created skin was made semi-transparent, then the Linden skin just would show through the semi-transparent created skin. What comes to the Linden skin: it is not possible to make it semi-transparent, nor is it possible to remove it. Alpha mask affects both - the created skin and the Linden skin. Avatar alpha mask is similar to on/off switch; either it is on, or it is off. In avatar alpha mask there are no in between semi-transparent states.
  21. Zsigmond Alcott wrote: I don't know what viewer you are using but you can do as you disribed in your first post in the Firestorm Viewer. Preferences>Move & View>Firestorm. Disable (uncheck) "reset camera position on avatar movment". There is also a usefull feature called "Clicking your avatar keeps camera position". When left clicking the avatar, holding the mouse button pressed down and then dragging the mouse sideways the following happens: 1. When "Clicking your avatar keeps camera position" is unselected • Avatar turns so that it's back faces the camera. So you're viewing the avatar from the back all the time when rotating the camera around the avatar. 2. When "Clicking your avatar keeps camera position" is selected • Avatar does not turn so you can rotate all around the avatar and thus see it from all sides. This is very usefull to quickly check the avatar all around. Besides dragging the mouse sideways (which rotates the camera around the avatar), it is also possible to drag the mouse backwards and forwards which will change the camera height. Perfect. To return to normal view (from the back) just release the mouse button and press ESC-key once.
  22. AdelleBelle wrote: OK i checked the Status Grid and there is said the Inventory maintenance is over. Why then half of my inventory just gone right now? Is not fun at all, i have very expensive stuff in there :matte-motes-mad: This might be of help - How to fix inventory problems: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory
  23. bebejee wrote: As others have said the flying animation does not work for swimming, atleast not for me, I tried it at a few sims and there was no swimming animation moves in flying mode just flying in water and the avi eventually pops out and fly's in the air. CheriColette wrote: I was excited and went to water to try it..... but didnt work. I was in estate sim ocean What do you mean by "but didn't work"? Flying underwater didn't work or the swimming didn't work? Here is a short video of flying underwater. Works just like flying in the air. Naturally there is no swimming animation because it is - flying.
  24. Bobbie Faulds wrote: looks like a rezzing glitch to me. With mesh, since it's rigged, until it rezzes in properly it can look odd. Yes that is so. Often it happens when for example going to a live concert where there are lots of people wearing mesh. It's rather messy scene at first before everything is rezzed properly.
  25. Qie Niangao wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Swimming is a built in animation. Really? It's not on the list in the wiki and I've never seen it. Me neither. I can see no default swimming animation at all. Putting fly mode on under Linden water is just that - flying under water. And if you are close to the water surface and going forward you will soon pop out from the water and will fly in the air. There is no default swimming animation which would allow us to actually swim on the water surface. With default animations the only thing we can do in the water is to "fly dive" under the water. :smileysad: :smileyvery-happy:
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