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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next subject where we could share our thoughts... :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: That is just knowledge and nothing else, and is a waste of money that is sorely needed elsewhere. This is just for general information, to have an idea about the cost of Rosetta mission. On this page http://scienceogram.org/blog/2014/11/rosetta-comet-esa-lander-cost/ there is the following image about the cost of Rosetta mission: I quote some text from the above link here: "Like a lot of blue-skies science, it’s very hard to put a value on the mission. First, there are the immediate spin-offs like engineering know-how; then, the knowledge accrued, which could inform our understanding of our cosmic origins, amongst other things; and finally, the inspirational value of this audacious feat in which we can all share, including the next generation of scientists. Whilst those things are hard to price precisely, in common with other blue-skies scientific projects, Rosetta is cheap. At €1.4bn, developing, building, launching and learning from the mission will cost about the same as 4.2 Airbus A380s—pretty impressive when you consider that it’s an entirely bespoke robotic spacecraft, not a production airliner. On a more everyday scale, it’s cost European citizens somewhere around twenty Euro cents per person per year since the project began in 1996." And something else from another source: • How many people are involved in the Rosetta programme, and how many jobs has it created? About 2,000 people from industry, ESA and scientific institutions were involved in Rosetta's development. It is difficult to establish exactly how many new jobs were created, but Rosetta has certainly helped contribute to the development of the space sector both from the industrial and the scientific point of view. • Who are the Rosetta mission contractors? Rosetta’s industrial team involves more than 50 contractors from 14 European countries and the United States. The prime spacecraft contractor – the company leading the entire industrial team – is Astrium Germany. Major subcontractors are Astrium UK (spacecraft platform), Astrium France (spacecraft avionics) and Alenia Spazio (assembly, integration and verification).
  3. Monti Messmer wrote: A friend has a table chair sunshade ... and on the table is a green bottle. Flagged for alcohol. Does the bottle have an indentation (a bump) going inside the bottle at the bottom? If so, then it is a wine bottle. OMG! A wine bottle! Alcohol alert! :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: So, from what you've shown me, the use of the word 'default' is not applicable in this case. I withdraw it Thank you Phil. :heart: :matte-motes-smile: :smileywink:
  5. I'm running 64bit version of Windows 7 and I'm using 64bit version of Firestorm. GPU memory is 1 GB System memory is 8 GB The viewer has never run out of memory and I use pretty high graphics settings, even shadows on most of the time. (When I was using 32bit viewer version ealier in the same system, I had some "out of memory" things happening.) It's clear that 64bit system with 64bit viewer runs better as it can use more memory than what 32bit versions can use.
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: I've just seen the latest pics on the news. I find it rivetting, but now for a negative view... I actually object to so much money being spent on things like that when we are so short of money for important things down here. It really doesn't matter what things were like when the planets were formed, or where our water came from. The Earth is here, together with water, and we have to make what we can of it, and I don't see that the thirst for such irrelevant knowledge is making the best of what we have. Did all the money spent on the project go out in the space? Of course it didn't. Hundreds of people here on earth were paid for their work on the project. So they could buy food and other things for themselves and their families. :smileyhappy: I'm always amazed when people say why to waste money on some 'not so important' science projects. Those projects actually increase our knowledge of things; they often bring forth new inventions. Good inventions which are for the common benefit for all of us.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: That's very interesting and very good. Have we got publically available pictures of it on the surface yet? Not from the surface yet, but this one was taken by Philae's camera during Philae's decent towards the comet. http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2014/11/ROLIS_descent_image
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: ... i thought that the browser is still shipped with Windows. IE is still shipped with Windows; at least some basic version of it, as can be seen from the screenshot below. But I want to quote some texts, and add my thoughts about the 'default' browser matter. :smileywink: "If you are living in Europe right now [starting from March 2010] and using a computer with a Microsoft operating system you are presented with a program on the first system startup that states 'An Important Choice To Make: Your Browser'. This screen appears after system startup and leads to another screen called Select Your Web Browser(s)." Please note that under every browser there is a button named "Install". If the user clicks "Select Later" button then on next boots up of Windows this screen will be presented again and again; so long until the user actually has made a choice and installed the browser of their choice. Due to this window one could say that Windows actually is supplied with many browsers. Because: • supply - - make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide. Windows makes other browsers available via that popup window for installation, thus it supplies them. The way how something is made available does not matter, it is still supplied. Does the fact that some basic functionalities of IE is installed during Windows installation make it the default browser for Windows? In my opinion it does not. Note that the user must make a choice: if the user prefers IE, then the full version of IE must be installed from that popup window. Only after that IE will be the default, full and up to date browser - for that installation of Windows. Naturally the user can select any browser of the their choice from the list and install it thus making it the default browser. And also later on the user can install additional browsers and make any one of them the default one for their Windows. • default - - a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer. In my Windows the default and the non-default at the moment are:
  9. Val, that's a nice 'nude total look'. The hair is cool in its messy look.
  10. Hippie Bowman wrote: Okay here is some random pictures Enjoy! Peace! Food! :matte-motes-delicious: :matte-motes-wink:
  11. Thanks Val and Hippie! :cathappy: :catvery-happy:
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby and Maddy: . . . . . Some years, and several groups later, I left the army and became a professional singer/organist, and I had a drummer. I stopped doing that after some years but I took it up again in the 90s and made my living at it until the end of '98, but this time with a guitar, and a keyboard on the side. Within the last year I made a friend who is taking piano lessons (and he's 80 years old!), and that inspired me to get a piano again. It arrived 10 days ago. . . . . . Dunno if all that was of any interest to you, but I thought I'd tell you anyway It was interesting. Thanks for sharing. :heart: :smileyhappy:
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: I'm relearning to play the piano at the moment, and that's enough learning to be going on with for now That's great Phil. :matte-motes-smile:
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: My bars were all unlisted because they have: bottles! Ufff... :smileyfrustrated: Linden Lab really should stop this childish word play. I wonder what good (imaginary) purpose it is supposed to serve? If they don't stop, soon half the words of English language are rated as 'adult'. :matte-motes-oh-rly:
  15. Just for general info: Today I updated to the latest official release: Second Life 3.7.20 (296094) It loads and works all right for me. By the way, when launching the viewer there was a popup window saying: Well, my graphics card hasn't changed. It has always been 'NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2'. I guess the new viewer version detects the full complete name of the card, instead of the short version what was the case in the earlier viewer version.
  16. Coby Foden wrote: Nothing wrong with the viewers. I checked these viewers: Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Second Life 3.7.19 (295700) In both viewers the profiles work all right. Today I updated Linden Lab viewer to version: Second Life 3.7.20 (296094) The profiles work perfectly also in this new version; just like in the earlier version. I'm pretty sure that there is nothing wrong with the viewers.
  17. Bumping the sleepy thread :matte-motes-asleep: up a bit with autumn mirror water effects. :catvery-happy:
  18. Phil, I have noticed that you do like "default" stuff. Be it a browser, or a viewer and its default settings. :matte-motes-big-grin: What I have noticed is that the "default" definitely is not always the best meal in town. Why not give up your love for the default and try something else for a change? You are a smart man, surely you can learn something new, don't you? :matte-motes-big-grin:
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: ETA: the fix didn't work. Or, more accurately, it only worked by removing the right column altogether, and wrapping every thread title. So really it didn't work, and I have no fix as yet. That's strange; on my computer the fix worked, but on your computer it did not work. What's going on? My test environment for the fix was: Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601). Browser: IE, version 11.0.9600.17358 Well, on further study I noticed that there is another error in IE when the fix is applied. All the columns are ok, but now on the top the tabs (Answers, Forums, Blogs, Knowledge Base) have moved a bit downward covering text under them. This tab covering error appears to happen everywhere where the said tabs are present. Ok, back to Firefox for error free forum browsing. :smileyhappy:
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: ETA: the fix didn't work. Or, more accurately, it only worked by removing the right column altogether, and wrapping every thread title. So really it didn't work, and I have no fix as yet. That's strange; on my computer the fix worked, but on your computer it did not work. What's going on? My test environment for the fix was: Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601). Browser: IE, version 11.0.9600.17358
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: Aaw, c'mon. I wanna hargument :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy:
  22. Ok, I tried this: Turning compatibility mode on in IE (Version: 11.0.9600.17358) helped to get rid of the error on page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/bd-p/GeneralDiscussionForum
  23. jwjaii wrote: I tried using the demo, but could not be successful. So I decided to trust after reading the comments on the seller's page. I really don't understand what you mean by "I tried using the demo, but could not be successful." Out of interest I took the demo. I was able to wear all the items in the demo and see how they looked. Anyway, to avoid future dissappointments, always do this (if it's not too hard): :smileywink: 1. Don't trust what others say in the product's comments. 2. Therefore always try a demo first to see how it looks on you. 3. If you are satisfied with the demo, then it is safe to buy the full product. 4. If you are not satisfied with the demo, do not buy the full product - it will not be any better than the demo is. Good luck for your future shoppings.
  24. Nothing wrong with the viewers. I checked these viewers: Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Second Life 3.7.19 (295700) In both viewers the profiles work all right.
  25. Firefox browser shows all pages ok. Google Chrome browser shows all pages ok. In IE browser I see the same error in the first page as you do, second page is ok. (It's good to have many browsers installed. Then it's quick to check is some error a particular browser issue or is it affecting all browsers.) :matte-motes-big-grin:
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