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  2. So three days ago my friend met her perfect man in SL. They were starting to build a life on his sim, were enjoying learning about each other and having fun. Last night his account was banned for "violating the terms and conditions" of SL. He'd been reported by a vindictive ex for *****. He appealed, but he is out. No telling him what he sposedly did or giving him a chance to defend himself. This is a man who spent hundreds of RL dollars every month in SL. So if he can be tossed aside and lose everything without warning or explanation, anyone can. I almost don't want to interact with anyone inworld ever again if this is what can happen.
  3. If your Domme friend is someone we know, then please tell her "hi"!
  4. People who think that language is clear and simple presumably aren't aware that half of the religious wars fought in the past 2000 years have been over the interpretation of a couple of words here and there in some very old books.
  5. "It's a Trap!" (This would be more entertaining with a meme of Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars, but I am holding back due to something the Mod said! Quartz? I think it was Quartz.)
  6. So LL can't even comply with the same rules they expect their users to follow? I know the Senra avatars are expected to be adult bodies, but it wouldn't hurt for newbies to get bodies that don't have genitalia.
  7. You mean, "so vague we've been trying to figure out what the heck it means for the last few pages"?
  8. This would be my guess as well. D/s in particular need not be sexual in nature. My Domme friend in SL tends to feel that it is inappropriate to engage in D/s play of any sort in a non-D/s setting, but that has more to do with how D/s can be misinterpreted by those who are not "in the know" than with the belief that it is inappropriately, publicly "sexual." (Her own flavour of D/s actually is mostly non-sexual in any case.) I think this is a potential additional "wrinkle" we can put aside.
  9. Why do tinys always want to bend and break the rule or change them to suit themselves. The rules will be interpreted exactly as they are written. Complaining until you are blue in the face isn't going to help this time.
  10. Ok, I read a lot of the post, but not all. It wasn't until about three years ago, that I found out that there were private parts for child avatars. Somebody had bought some land in a sim, that was near the sim that my store was located in. They bought the land from auction. I checked the land, and who bought it. Later on, I saw the name appear on the screen. I clicked on my radar, and then focus. That was when I saw her. She was up in the sky, and was wearing a short skirt, but no panties. I didn't message her, and went back to doing other things. A few days later I messaged her, and told her about a sim that was for sale. It was a couple of sims over, to the east of my store. I knew the guy, that owned the land, and messaged him. I told her what he wanted for the land. She didn't buy the land. The land that she bought, she divided it up for sale. She had to keep lowering the price to sale the land. She later on deleted her account. Now what should be done. I have read that some members spent a lot of money for their skins. I think LL should some how compensate those members. Perhaps give them gift cards, that they can give to those that make child avatars. Or if possible, LL could edit the skins that they bought, and put the baked on under wear on. Now, about some of the sims. I think all the Blake Sea sims, should be made into PG sims. And perhaps some of the other sims. This includes some of the sandboxes.
  11. Since I can legally hunt either in SL without hunting tags, both are fair game. /me nocks an arrow I could also just hike and go sightseeing without any preferences on the wildlife I see. /me loads film in her camera and pulls out her binoculars. Answer: Depends on the day
  12. Yes this. I hear it too often in forums that someone says child avatars make them squeamish and go on to say that makes them dislike young avatars. When they describe that feeling, it very much reminds me of people describing what it feels like when faced with an addicts drug of choice. Something they know is not good for them but that they really, really want regardless. Granted for some more motherly types it could be strong feelings of overprotectiveness to what they see as something vulnerable but in either case it is an issue that they need to deal with and not put the onus on the child to be out of sight and therefore out of mind.
  13. They disabled flying in the sim so getting to the other rooms in the sky is extra challenge. 😆
  14. That sounds like we need multiple solutions (also because there is no "one size fits all" solution as is being discussed).
  15. Whooo.. My life here just got so much better. If you are ever in town and looking for good hottub I know where one is.
  16. I had no idea being a shill was so hard. I blame the thread.
  17. Which ever direction we go there will be consequences. If child avatars can't use BOM that will severely limit the content they can use forever. If you go down the route of adding physical mesh layers to body's that have modesty layers painted on and can't be removed, you would heavily inconvience people a lot in the short term, but in the long term as new content became available you would still be able to use BOM.
  18. Only 429 posts so far in this thread? That’s just not good enough. I suggest you pull yourself aside and have a serious word with yourself about your commitment to this forum. I shall check back again tomorrow and I better see some improvement young man/woman.
  19. There may not be a change in the ToS in wording but their might be a way the ToS is interpreted.
  20. The mesh for my body was designed with the body's current proportions in mind. If you add a physical layer on top of the body then it will clip through pretty much every piece of mesh content in the affected area. You ever worn the wrong size mesh for your body by mistake where everything pokes through? That's what would happen.
  21. Leashing in and of itself is not "sexual activity." It might be, according to some, in bad taste, but not actionable unless other adjacent activity accompanies it. Stages of Dress/Undress, emoted activity from one to the other, animations playing, would all play a part in making it something that could be ARed, but leashing by itself.... no. It's not sex and it's not sexual activity. I can walk down the main street of Anytown, USA with my friend in tow on a leash and so long as we are both decently* dressed, that is everything covered, we are not going to be stopped, cited, or tossed in jail for moral turpitude. We can walk through Walmart and probably only get strange looks, but then it's Walmart, we might not be the strangest thing to see there. But even odds we won't be asked to top or to leave. At a local night club we might just be one of a crowd. In our local church? Well I suspect that they might take objection and say something. Maybe. Silly games, and even displays power play, are not sexual activities in a vacuum. *for a given value of "decently and probably defined by some local code, or by private business owners policyl
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