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Are you drifting away from SL

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

How many of you are realy being honest and how many of you are just showboating for the proper eyes? lol

I was being honest when I said 'no' to the first 4 questions and 'probably' to the last one.  I'm not saying SL is perfect or that LL don't sometimes get things a bit wrong, like any organisation would.  But I've embraced all the changes to SL without any problems and all the changes I can think of have been for the better.  Viewer 2 was a bit underwhelming when it first appeared but now we see why the change was made and Viewer 3 is fine most of the time.  For me, lag is still the main difficulty, although it almost seems a cliche to even say the word lag!  There have been times when it was almost non-existent but now, even with a good computer, there can be several minutes of grey people after arriving at a moderately busy place.

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Lol I was just being onrey .

Ive been attacked for 2 days on my own land and region on main land and AR's dont seem to help. all surrounding regions are riddled with image,sound and object spamming self replicating objects. Anyone who comes to the land will get flooded with images from all the objects

Sick of LL ignoring important abuse problems in SL. I even sold my Venue because it is rediculous with sims being attacked and greifing. I have started to dub it is a greifer community. Sorry but thats my experience these days,  My answers would be


Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are..............No, I keep up with things and all seems fine to me except a few trhings I do not agree with. I think LL should do a better job of letting users know what is going on thru their blog

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree......No

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless........................Pretty much yes when serious abuse issues go unchecked when reported

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.................................Starting to feel that way. I Sold Sweethearts jazz club to take a breaK and sort out my thoughts on it all

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.......................................................................Addicted yes. But having second thoughts

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Over the past 6 months or so, I have found myself slowing distancing or drifting from Second Life...yea. I've found I became anti-social and didn't have many friends and in turn that made me not want to log in, because there was no one to talk to or anything to really do except put outfits together lol BUT I've recently joined a RP community and am going to try to come out of my shell a bit more and try to make some new friends. I just want to have fun in SL again. :matte-motes-smitten:

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I think the answers will vary according to how you have invested into Second Life. I would imagine Land owners and many business owners would be none too happy with LL the company over the last 2-3 years, whereas someone attached to a roleplay communtiy might be having a great time right now.....or those that frequent Dance clubs or listen to live performers, or those that are emotionally involved with either a partner or SL Family...or others that have invested time & money into Breedables etc etc

It depends how you use Second Life I guess.

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

I think the answers will vary according to how you have invested into Second Life. I would imagine Land owners and many business owners would be none too happy with LL the company over the last 2-3 years, whereas someone attached to a roleplay communtiy might be having a great time right now.....or those that frequent Dance clubs or listen to live performers, or those that are emotionally involved with either a partner or SL Family...or others that have invested time & money into Breedables etc etc

It depends how you use Second Life I guess.

I was going to suggest something like this. It seems to me that a high percentage of forumites are also merchants/land dealers/club owners or others who have a financial interest, sometimes a very strong financial interest, in SL. There is certainly a higher percentage here than in the circle of people I know in SL, anyway. Naturally that makes a big difference.

I've never earned a Linden (wait; I did get paid for a survey once) and in all likelihood never will—my time inworld is limited and I am reluctant to spend very much of it building. I invest here solely for my entertainment and I feel the investment is fully justified. My answers would have matched Conifer's: No, No, No, No, Probably (or maybe just Yes).

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Lol I was just being onrey .

Ive been attacked for 2 days on my own land and region on main land and AR's dont seem to help. all surrounding regions are riddled with image,sound and object spamming self replicating objects. Anyone who comes to the land will get flooded with images from all the objects

Sick of LL ignoring important abuse problems in SL. I even sold my Venue because it is rediculous with sims being attacked and greifing. I have started to dub it is a greifer community. Sorry but thats my experience these days,  My answers would be


Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are..............
No, I keep up with things and all seems fine to me except a few trhings I do not agree with. I think LL should do a better job of letting users know what is going on thru their blog

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree......

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.......................
.Pretty much yes when serious abuse issues go unchecked when reported

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.................................
Starting to feel that way. I Sold Sweethearts jazz club to take a breaK and sort out my thoughts on it all

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.......................................................................
Addicted yes. But having second thoughts


I can understand why you would feel the way you do, esp regarding griefers. I remember well just a few months ago someone putting those big prims up complaining about you as well as others, and that was wayyyy out of order.

My SL has been very different from yours, as I expect my RL is too.  No way could I ever handle running my own venue, partly because I'm not that sociable, and partly because, as you've found, just too many people with issues that air them causing grief to the majority. 

But I was surprised to read you've sold Sweethearts. That has just got to have been one of the most popular venues in the whole of SL, for such a long time too. Maybe it's true what they say, and familiarity always breeds contempt.

I don't believe that LL have any duty to us to tell us anything through a blog or otherwise, but with the nature of SL it's nice when they do, and it would make the world a better place if it didn't seem to be so much "them (the Lindens) and us (the residents)". 

Something does need to be done about the griefing on what should be the most welcoming parts of Second Life. Sad that something as great as SL should need policing as much as RL does, but it does show that the people who are attracted to SL are not just cloned from one cell and identical in personalities.

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Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

Nope, sl is supposed to be ever evolving, though. I'd not expect it to remain stagnate. I know exactly where I am, who I am, and what the heck I'm doing here, too ;)

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Not really. Do I think the vast majority are actually heard by the lab? Nope, but that's nothing new. As far as your average everyday ordinary avs being elitists, I couldn't possibly care less. I don't give much thought to that sort of thing, to be honest. They can do whatever they want, it's their world too. In mine, I have no need to care about it.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

Sl itself doesn't treat me any way, it can't, it's not a living entity. No one can make me feel anything I don't allow, either. So no, it doesn't make me feel undervalued or worthless. No one makes me feel that way, I can't imagine letting a virtual world "make" me feel that way, I control my own feelings.

The lab has their own issues, that's for sure. They definitely don't know what they're doing, and need some refresher courses in both business and customer relations. They need actual PR reps. I deal with them as little as possible, for that reason. But they are certainly not alone. A lot of people in business have no friggen clue what they're doing. I tend to leave room for improvement, for anyone who goes into business. That is, assuming, they work towards improvement. Some people don't, despite admitting their flaws, they never try to do better(there are a ton of creators/business owners in sl who work the same way, too). The lab doesn't hold the trophy on that one though. They could do better, I hope one day they do, but for now I work with what I've got. I still won't let them "make" me feel any way, either. If I feel frustrated, or angry, or whatever, at them.. that's all on me. I could have let whatever caused me to feel that way roll right off my back, but I chose not to. Again, they don't own my feelings, I do.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Nope. If it was a waste of my time, I wouldn't bother. This is one complaint I will actually never understand. If you're doing something you find to be a waste, why on earth are you still doing it? Or did the lab handcuff you to your av, hold a gun to your head and say "enjoy your sl, or else". Seriously, lol. I do understand not wanting to lose one's investment, be it time, money, or whatever else have you. But you only invested it, because you wanted to, and sometimes investments don't pan out. Sucks, but that's a reality in life. I don't believe in focusing entirely on the negative. I'm quite certain that if folks are still here, despite feeling as if they've wasted their time or lost their investment, there MUST have been at least something good that kept them here. That's what I'd focus on, if I ever thought my investment was wasted. But personally, I'd never feel that way.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

Not addicted, but I do really enjoy sl. I have for a very long time and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be here. It has it's sucky moments, yeah, so does life, but I'm still living life too ;)

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Yes, I wanted to see how the diff groups were affected, that's why I didn't add "are you bored", that would have told me nothing, and you are right, from reading the answers here you can clearly see that, the business community is upset the most while others are completely unaffected.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.


Been on SL for just over two years with various accounts and initially I didn't really get involved.  My initial gut response to the first two questions would be something like "I see it going downhill faster and faster", but I'm not sure if that's a true observation or I'm just becoming more aware of things.

There are definitely parts of SL that can be improved but it's the way LL has dealt with them, or declined to deal with them, that has left me feeling under valued.  I would say that LL has convinced itself that it does not need customers.

I can't say what I've invested in SL has been a waste when I consider what I've wasted on TV and movies.  However what I am willing to invest into SL is severely limited by my lack of faith in LL.  I actually invest more into another grid where it costs far less for much better service, you could argue that's because it's much smaller then SL but I'm not convinced LL is doing all it can do.

I am still in love with SL, at times it has felt like an addiction, but it no longer feels like the place I want to spend all my spare time and funds at.

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

As in physical space? I know where I am, but mentally, the changes can be overwhelming. I'm one of those who follow every change, mainly because I invest monies I really shouldn't be spending in a virtual world. I'm just always weighing if the value is there when we have no say in the direction of our investment.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Depends, and this question needs clarification to answer. Elitist how?

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

You mean Linden Labs? Again, because I invest here, I'm more worried that I'm building something that might collapse in on me...no control at all... free falling and money flying out of my wallet.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

I spend 90% of my time here working on clothing designs. I have thought, given the terrible market for clothing due to freebies and hunts, and glut, that maybe I am wasting time... I have considered packing up and walking away...and going back to writing novels. I can't say I wasted time here, that would devalue what I've learned, and a special someone I've met through SL. I'd say I waste more time reading forums than anything else, but it's the only way to find out what's going on with the lab.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

Define that. I'd say I have issues... and that it would be extremely hard, and might need Betty Ford, to really get out of SL and stop reading about it. I will always love SL, as the memories are as real as RL. Our brains really can't tell the difference from the exeriences and emotions we share here.



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I don't believe that LL have any duty to us to tell us anything through a blog or otherwise, but with the nature of SL it's nice when they do, and it would make the world a better place if it didn't seem to be so much "them (the Lindens) and us (the residents)". 

Wait? They provide a service we pay for (some of us) and they do owe us communication if they change the terms of the service. This isn't Facebook. That's free. This isn't. (for some of us). 

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

No.  True, its a far different world than it was when I first joined and sometime I think new features are pushed out too fast without a lot of people being ready , but life is about change and you have to roll with the punchs and deal with it.
It would be pretty boring if nothing ever changed.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

There are those that think they are the elite and hold more sway in SL, but they only are if the collective 'we' think they are elite or I  as an individual give them any control.  I don't.  No one is better than anyone else. I really don't care what other's think.   I go my own way, live my own life, and follow my own personal code. That's not to say I'm anti-social.  I have a lot of close friends here and still enjoy meeting new people.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

You are only as worthless as you think you are and allow others to treat you.

LL could do a much better job with customer service and communication. Its a sad state when you have to go to other web sites to find out what they are up,  to have to wait weeks or months for any response to your concerns,

Irregardless of their slogans SL is really their world and they can do what they want.  I think a lot of people lose sight  of that and mistake it for a democracy.   However, we are all free to stop spending money, stop creating, stop anything that benefits them in response to anything they do.  Where would SL be without its residents? Empty for the most part and still stuck in 2005.  LL needs to remember that and improve their relations with the people that make SL what it is..

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Just like RL, SL is what you as an indivdual make of it.  If you invest nothing, you get nothing in return.  Back in the day, people who came to SL were people that are early adapters and looked at it as participating in a great adventure into the future.  Nowdays, it attracts a much broader range of people, in fact almost as broad as RL.  So your going to have bad people or people you don't like or have much in common with.  But there are still great people out there that are interesting, creative, and worthy of spending time with.

SL is entertaning and there is nothing wrong with liking that aspect.  I also realize that not everyone wants to participate in creating things, or any of the other things SL has to offer as its not for everyone.  But if someone thinks SL is just a game and get bored if they aren't entertainedt, they don't really know SL, haven't explored all its possiblities, and are more they type of people that are content to veg out in front of a TV not liking what they are watching but not willing to find the remote and change the channel.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

 I'm not addticted.  I can go away on a trip, and had even had RL issues that kept me from coming in world for a few months and haven't fallen apart or gone through withdrawal.  I do spend a LOT of time here as I work full time and also have made some very good friends that I like to socialisze with and things I enjoy doing.


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Hi, elitism is a view only held by the viewer, so really it is a question about your view of it, that is why it is short and sweet, so that you can explain your view of what is elite if you are feeling that has affected you.

The words SL over LL again is an opportunity to see your view on what it is, for example to most new it is SL, to those with experience it becomes LL, and you can draw the line between the 2, you have done that very well as most experienced have done and have drawn a line between actions in world and out world.

In fact you have all given a spread of yes and no, so making its results valid, an all yes or all no could be seen as dealing with just one issue and the questions having no spread at all.

I notice that this thread is getting a lot of views, now if I know how the mind works then a lot of the views will be linden, and because of the yes/no spread in each post they will look at each and every post.

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Marigold Devin wrote:


I can understand why you would feel the way you do, esp regarding griefers. I remember well just a few months ago someone putting those big prims up complaining about you as well as others, and that was wayyyy out of order.

My SL has been very different from yours, as I expect my RL is too.  No way could I ever handle running my own venue, partly because I'm not that sociable, and partly because, as you've found, just too many people with issues that air them causing grief to the majority. 

But I was surprised to read you've sold Sweethearts. That has just got to have been one of the most popular venues in the whole of SL, for such a long time too. Maybe it's true what they say, and familiarity always breeds contempt.

I don't believe that LL have any duty to us to tell us anything through a blog or otherwise, but with the nature of SL it's nice when they do, and it would make the world a better place if it didn't seem to be so much "them (the Lindens) and us (the residents)". 

Something does need to be done about the griefing on what should be the most welcoming parts of Second Life. Sad that something as great as SL should need policing as much as RL does, but it does show that the people who are attracted to SL are not just cloned from one cell and identical in personalities.

Hahaha Marigold. That one grefing incident was tiny compared to what we normally get

I have filed abuse reports for months about this http://world.secondlife.com/group/6dde726f-5154-87c3-3bc9-30db471cd672

Naming my alts without permission and clearly a defaming group. and it is being allowed to continue without check. I mean this is bull**bleep**.

This guy makes this group because I had to ban him because him and 4 of his freinds came in to cause public drama over their one friend being banned for not following the rules. Constant battle dealing with residents who clearly know they will get away with being turds


I don't know. I guesss I have lost my thick skin over the years.  I used to be able to blow this stuff off, but eventualy it becomes incredibvly hurtful and it breaks you down I guess. Almost daily saomone would Im me or my wife and curse us out up one wall and down the other. Even when We owned Phat Cats it was the same. but abuse reports were not ignored so it was not as bad as it is today.  Out of the blue somone sends an Im telling you how worthless and what a peice of crap you are. For no reason at all. Or maybe there was an Alt behind it. who knows. But it gets really bad at times and users just keep creating alts and coming back and being dorks. Sooooo it's break time lol


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Heck this is an easy one......no :)

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

You made some great places, even if you do rub people up the worng way like putting up the cost of my add from 2000 to 8000, but that aside, you have given a lot to SL.

Lmao the only reason I would have done that would have been an error or raised so it would not be renwed for moving purposes or selling the place to a new resident. Or the person renting the ad was unwelcome according to our rules and was being let off easy without removing the ad, without refund. I raised the price of all my ads this time to 80,000 just so no one would rent therm ( there is no way to lock them or shut them down. so raising the price and making them unappealing helped in keeping therm from  being rented). Because the sim was changing ownership. last time i rased them to 8 somone actually renewed it lol. I always send out notecards about whats going on or answer anyones questions . I am not even sure what time you are talking about. but i dont even remeber having ads for 2 grand to be honest. unless that was years ago. but it isnt to spite anyone lol. For the longest time i was having issues sending notecards. I would send them from our region and no one would get them.  even tested it with my alt and my alt would not get notecards. . This has happened opn more than one occasion and Ims not going thru. So yea. SL failures seem toi get the best of us sometimes lol.

Sorry if i offended you in anyway I am sure it was not intentional

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