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Nicest Female Skins in SL


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This is kind of a question and kind of an opinion I am sure the topic  has been posted before but Skins are my total obsession on SL and I would like to share my favourites with others and maybe find some new places that sell good quality skins to check out.


I know skins are a matter of personal opinion but that being said I will list my absolute  favourites and the reasons I like em in order of preference;

1, Curio - The softest and most detailed skins I have found on SL in my opinion, you cannot go wrong with a Curio skin, I love the doll like delicate look they give.  They are absolutely unique to me, a class above most of the others I have found.  You have to find the right shape to bring out the best in these skins,  perhaps even more so than some of the other skins around, but the same could be said for most skins really and so worth it when you do. Ok they are 1K a pop but for that price you get tons of options, they are well worth every last L$ IMO.  I have four Curio skins and I absolutely adore them.


2, Pink Fuel ; My current second favourite - these skins are suprisingly detailed for the price (about 400L$ for one skin) and again give a really unique look with character, they also look really current and up to date.

3, Al Vulo - I think a lot of people either love or hate Al Vulo, but I love em and think they give a really pretty, clear and fresh look. I usually wear these type of skins with a cutesy type of shape  either a shape from Al Vulo itself or a shape that has been made for an Al Vulo skin which are easy to pick up for pennies as so many people seem to admire these lovely skins and make shapes especially suited to them.  They also have a group gift skin available which you can pick up for free by joining group if you wanna try them out.


4, Rockberry - Again absolutely fantastic for the price at around 450L$ a pop, Rockberry skins give a bang up to date look and the strength of these skins is that the faces are so damm pretty in my opinion.  They are full of character in my opinion, not hard or shiny at all, and not at all featureless, they look different on every shape , unlike the Laq skins which to me although undoubtedly well made do look pretty similar on a lot of shapes.

5, Mother Gooses - These skins are unique, great for a slightly younger look and I have found they are easy to match with a lot of shapes as they seem  work well with all kinds of different shapes.  You can also pick up a lot of dollarbies of these skins from the main store as well win them on the lucky boards if you want to try them out.


6, Filthy - These are a new find for me but so far I am pretty impressed by these, they are lovely and clear, soft and fairly detailed although for the price I would prefer to buy a Curio skin.  howver I joined the group which is currently 199L$ to join I believe and for that price I was able to try a couple of their skins out. But 1800L$ for a skin??? I don't think so, obsessed as I am, 1K is about my limit for a skin unless it is really omg wow and these aren't THAT special although of course others might disagree.  I would pay 1800L$ for Curio but I have yet to find another store that I would say that for.


7, JesyLilo - Although for me not the most detailed, these skins have a unique look about them which is bang up to date and  is just really kewl and the store also frequently gives away group gift skins if you wanna give them a try.


8, Modish - I like these skins I have only got the opportunity to try out a couple which I picked up on promo or group gift but I'm very impressed so far with them and often wear them.


9, Belleza - I feel kind of meh about Belleza to be honest, I have a lovely skin from them but then again I bought another one that I was really dissapointed in, they are hit or miss from me but I did feel they deserved a mention because when they get it right what you have is a lovely skin that just goes with so many different shapes, which is hard to say about a lot of the other skins which you usually have to spend hours finding a shape to match with.

I should state here that I am not a big fan of Laq although it has to be said there is something about their skins which does stand out, for me they seem to be for the more glam look and just don't appeal.  I do have a Laq skin and there is no denying the quality but  I do prefer a cutesy softer look.


Well those are my current faves,  I'd be interested to hear about opinions from others.

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I will check out Tuli and Hush as haven't checked those out yet.  I think I have been to Pulse and while they looked amazing and really unique they weren't quite right for the look I am after.  Mojo I'm not sure if I have checked them out already i need to visit the store to remember lol I check out far too many SL skin shops.


I agree with the poster who said Rockberry can be slow with new releases, although they do have a big selection in store, would be nice to see some more new ones.  Also the main Rockberry store has several lucky boards where you can win one of their skins, forgot to mention that in my original post just in case anyone on here isn't aware.

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LilithLustful wrote:

I will check out Tuli and Hush as haven't checked those out yet.  I think I have been to Pulse and while they looked amazing and really unique they weren't quite right for the look I am after.  Mojo I'm not sure if I have checked them out already i need to visit the store to remember lol I check out far too many SL skin shops.


I agree with the poster who said Rockberry can be slow with new releases, although they do have a big selection in store, would be nice to see some more new ones.  Also the main Rockberry store has several lucky boards where you can win one of their skins, forgot to mention that in my original post just in case anyone on here isn't aware.

Yes, I neglected to mention the lucky boards too...and not just the main one, they have asnother three or so mixed among the boards to purchase :)


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I am fiercely loyal to Redgrave skins. The only concession I've made to my RL person on my avi is my skin, which is pale with freckles, but has an underlying ruddiness (the benefit of Irish ancestry). I was fortunate to find this kind of skin at Redgrave, with visible freckles, and a strange added benefit--my SL skin has a beauty mark in almost exactly the same spot as all the women in my RL family. Total coincidence, yes, but it's there.


With that being said, I absolutely swear by Amacci's eye makeup tattoos. It's really one of the best values in SL when you can find makeup that looks as great as theirs.

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My vote goes for Lyrical Oh.

His skins are the only humanish ones I'm using now on myself and my alts. Replacing everything I'd had before.

Very detailed, the darker tones look proper, not like some kind of tinted caucasian - and maintain solid shadows and highlights. He's now putting in a variety of bust lines - wearing a bikini versus wearing a corset gives different cleavage, so having variety is key in the skin as the mesh in SL just doesn't cut it for that.

His only problem is that he's put his skin shop on G-rated land recently, so I'm hoping he moves again soon before there are problems...


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Have you tried Pulse skins, Jo?

The skins are done in age ranges...like, 30's, 40's...up to 60's.

And i'm pretty sure each one has a "natural" version, no make up.

Then you can adjust your shape, mainly, your eyes settings, to further the "sleepless" look.

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I have to mention DrLife here as I've seen the best and most detaild pale skins there. The tones are beutiful as well and unlike many skin makers no skimping on the detail when it gets pale i wear the pale Xue almost always but sometimes with full body makeup from Curious Kitties which does soften the detail but I love the way it tones the color for when I dont want my avi looking human.

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There are LOTS of quality skins out there, many have been mentioned.  I am picky so I continue to wear my 2010 vintage 5th & Oxfords (sometimes layered with MOCk makeups)  Curio's are nice, but they make me look too young as do many other of the more popular skin lines.  Some have been listed that are new to me, always good to hear of new skins.

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I am currently wearing Pulse skins - every year around my SL Birthday I tend to do a makeover including a new skin and I modify my shape a bit - nothing too drastic.  I am going to bookmark this thread so I can check out some of the skin makers mentioned.  To me skin shopping is both time consuming and fun!

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I approve of this list! I just wanted to point out that the Filthy group has a 50% discount for group members on new skins that come out (I just joined the group so I haven't checked it out yet), I joined for the February group gift because it was so gorgeous!


I know this is a skins thread...but I literally have skins from ALL of these stores and I wanted to add that there have been about 3 shapes I have consistently been able to use on (just about all of them) and the shapes are from Mother Goose. I prefer my avatar shape to be not-to-tall and not-to-curvy. Plus, for about 800 L$ you get a shape and like 12 skins + make-ups and teeth options.


Btw, everyone should join Al Vulo! because the group gifts are amazing! The M.O.C.K. cosmetics group is amazing too because Mockie gives away LOTS of beautiful gifties too!


And I :heart: Mochi. That is all.


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I got a skin from MyDear Skin and I'm absolutly happy with it. It looks natural and the shop offers a great varity of skintones and different options for the skin which are delivered in the same box. 

To the picture above: I don't know....somehow the girl in the middle scares me :catfrustrated:

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They run about L$600 but I like Razzanova.

They are not a big name in SL but the skins are nice and I usually prefer to support small businesses in SL rather than  redgrave (I hate that place) or Belleza. Everybody runs around in Belleza, redgrave or curio but not too many Razzanova wearers out there.

Plus if you are in the group, often times they have free skins they give out. Small shop in the sky so you don't get bogged with lag or 10,000 skins to wade thru. For me it makes for a better shopping experience.

Here is Erin with one now. They look better with the sky settings set different, mine was just at mid day in this pic.


Erin Dec2011 (15).jpg


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I did look at Pulse, very nice but a bit too nice for me.

As I am a roleplayer and obsessed with realism, I'm looking for a skin that can look like someone tired, worked too much, not feeling well, in her late 30s the old fashioned way, etc.

At Pulse I only found Alexia, 50s skin, she looks prettier then I do today and I'm 39, with other words, I see a model, an elderly model yes, but still someone who could sell stuff in magazines.

Finding realistic skins that are also normal in stead of pretty and handsome, still is a bit tricky.

It is either too pretty and young or too ugly and old.

Also call me cheap, but 1200 is a bit steep for a skin.

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