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Marketplace is boring and lacking creativity.

Ajay Giano

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Whoever is running the marketplace not only lacks creativity but they are also super lazy. The pictures of the items they are displaying are not only done in poor taste but the items the people are wearing are old and outdated.

Let's not forget that LL makes a cut from each sale they should put a little effort into the website. It's holiday season and yet the only thing on the main site is a 2004 looking ad for cuddles and a vampire ad.

My suggestion? Fire whoever is running this.


Here is a few ideas to improve the site.

- Make monthly themes and encourage designers to create items for that theme.

- Highlight the theme on the main site and sponsor a LL event (example: Medieval theme, anything from clothes to buildings and at the end of the month have a LL sponsored event for that theme)

- Make a group and draw each month a selected few to model for the website. (so the same people don't show up)


Here is a concept i made: 

- Best of 2011 (list of the most popular items sold in the marketplace for 2011)                                                                             - Top Favorites (The top items people listed in their 'favorites')

They should treat this like any app marketplace.



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Ummm... This is not Amazon.com.  Item photos are not created, posted, or managed by LL.  They are the responsibility of the individual merchants who use Marketplace.  Marketplace is essentially like a RL street fair.  Linden Lab provides the street and takes a cut of sales in exchange for being the banker and doing some crowd control. Merchants stake out a place on the sidewalk, set up a card table and a booth, and do their own thing.  As a merchant, I don't think I could care less about what LL puts on the splash page.  That's not what residents are logging in to look for.  If you want to focus on a feature that always needs work, pay attention to the search engine.

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I personally don't want monthly themes, bells and whistles. When I visit Marketplace, I usually know what I've gone to look for, and wouldn't appreciate the distraction.  I am also grateful that I don't have to listen to muzak when I do visit Marketplace, as in real life, it gets to be a pain in the arse when my senses are being assaulted while I'm trying to work my way through a shopping list.


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I have suggestions too about presentation, when you present an idea is not good to bash first, your message will be best recieved if you come as a helper than as an unnecesary basher.

we do have some themes, Linden Lab is very focused on Vampires, we have a special place for them in the Marketplace, and here in the forums. I do agree that we should have had a christmas theme this time of year, we used to have them, and it was great. the Best of 2011 is a great idea too, like a showcase of the creations that sold most in 2011, we can look back at how the creativity of the Marketplace merchants developed and what was more appealing to the users.

mesh goodies i dont know, some people still have a negative idea about mesh, specially the ones who dont have processors with SSE2, that is needed to display mesh correctly. they are gonna feel discriminated. its better to have mesh mixed with the other products, if anyone wants to buy a product with mesh, they can do so, and the other people are not gonna feel "forced" to buy a product with mesh because an advertisement is there.


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Showcasing mesh when the majority of your customers(and even more of your potential customers) cannot even see or make use of it, would not only be a waste of time, but also just give more cause for people to wonder what exactly the powers that be are doing up(down?) there.

I do like the themes, as we've had them in the past. Though I never actually go to the main marketplace splash page(I have a saved bookmark on a different page, lol), I know it would appeal to at least some people. The whole vampire thing is, imo, beyond overdone right now anyway and should slowly fade back to where it was.(but that's just a personal preference thing really). I like that they have special categories during certain times of the year, like the winter fest. It's nice if you're looking for items in a general theme but not real sure what exactly, so you don't have a specific category in mind. I've shopped for gifts like that plenty of times. Actually I've shopped for building supplies like that too. I do think that, when these "themes" are up on the MP they should take focus of the splash page. That is, if they aren't going to allow us to control what splash pages/options we make use of(which would be a far better idea, imo). I don't think there should ever be a specific, I guess it's a genre, like the vampire thing currently does. It just seems a bit skewed, even above and beyond my own personal opinion of the whole shpeal. I do agree that some of those ads they have on that page look rather outdated. BUT, I don't mind. There are plenty of people in-world who don't go for(aren't looking for) the newest craze, fad, newest skins and looks. Some folks really enjoy, I guess what some would call an "older" look. Until recently I had the same skin since shortly after I made this particular av, and that skin was made a long time before I bought it. I like that skin. Even if others think it looks outdated(I don't think it does at all). So I guess what I'm trying to say is, we don't always need the newest, shiniest, current fad/craze/whatever, tossed at us. Sometimes the, I guess, "classic" look/feel is more appropriate for your target audience. So a good balance is in order there. But that's only specific to the linden created images/splash ads, NOT the merchant created ones that direct you to an actual product/merchant store. I don't give a fig what other merchants do as far as their ads go, it's not my place to judge or criticize. LL, yeah, they could do better in that area, but they've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they do not excell in this area, lol.

I don't like most linden sponored events they rarely ever appeal to me and the few that have did not really go as planned. But again, personal preference, and I know others DO enjoy them. By events, I mean ones you have to actually physically attend and all be in the same place for a set amount of time(like a show, party, things like this). I like the ones that involve other things like the egg decorating, some of the hunts, stuff that doesn't require me to stand around with umpteen more avs and likely crash repeatedly.

I am rather enjoying linden realms right now(and it's the ONLY reason I even downloaded firestorm, because you can't play without a mesh viewer, and I really wanted to see it-it doesn't live up to the hype as far as how it looks, but functionality wise it's not too bad if I dumb my viewer way down, lol..good way to kill some time and make some $ :P, but I won't go anywhere but the realms with that viewer, I don't like it) So I can definitely see some benefit to MORE of this sort of thing that might offer just something a little extra for those looking. However, I doubt we'll see it anytime soon. They don't tend to listen very well, or at least take what they DO listen to..to heart. I wish they would. Even some of the most minor changes could change the opinion of someone still sitting on the fence. But..sigh, what can ya do.

Maybe the new-ish, CEO will do better in all of these areas, or well at least find people to do better, lol. I'd like to hope so. I'm willing to give him a chance.

(who am I kidding, I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon regardless, lol)

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

I have suggestions too about presentation, when you present an idea is not good to bash first, your message will be best recieved if you come as a helper than as an unnecesary basher.

we do have some themes, Linden Lab is very focused on Vampires, we have a special place for them in the Marketplace, and here in the forums.
I do agree that we should have had a christmas theme this time of year, we used to have them, and it was great. the Best of 2011 is a great idea too, like a showcase of the creations that sold most in 2011, we can look back at how the creativity of the Marketplace merchants developed and what was more appealing to the users.

Looking at the overall response to the vampires in the Forums, I'd say that the theme is called "hate" and the place is called "hell."  :D

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Ajay Giano wrote:


- Make monthly themes and encourage designers to create items for that theme.

- Highlight the theme on the main site and sponsor a LL event (example:
Medieval theme, anything from clothes to buildings and at the end of the month have a LL sponsored event for that theme

They've done themes before, I'm not sure how well that worked out.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Showcasing mesh when the majority of your customers(and even more of your potential customers) cannot even see or make use of it, would not only be a waste of time, but also just give more cause for people to wonder what exactly the powers that be are doing up(down?) there.

I'm not sure your figures are right there.   According to Charlar Linden, on the 19th, "it looks like 55% of users logging in are running mesh capable viewers.."  It's not quite clear when those figures were collated, but since Phoenix had released their mesh capable viewer only a week before, the figure must be higher now than then it was.

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still...?   only 55%? pshaw im waiting for 100%... where's the contiguous experience of a virtual world?

all incompatible viewers should be banned IMMEDIATELY.

:matte-motes-not-even: & where is winterfest?? *stamps feet*

don't mind me... im a little into the holiday spirits :matte-motes-grin:

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Tari Landar wrote:

Showcasing mesh when the majority of your customers(and even more of your potential customers) cannot even see or make use of it, would not only be a waste of time, but also just give more cause for people to wonder what exactly the powers that be are doing up(down?) there.


Which viewers can't see mesh? I mean seriously, which?

Is there anyone left in SL who can't see mesh?


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Name the viewers that can't see mesh. 

And still, my guess is that those who use non-mesh viewers are not the big shoppers. I have bought 5 fatpacks of mesh boots and at least as many single pairs of mesh boots.  That's boots only.

I would love to see a mesh button on the MP. Searching for mesh items bring up too many items that either use "Mesh" as in the mesh fabric, or has to use wrong search words. "Best of 2011"  would be great too. It is too many low quality old items that still show on the first pages when you enter a keyword.

Also, I would really like to have demos separated from the other items, or I could filter them out. Also that the MP remember my preferences, that I always want 96 items pr page when I log in. 

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i don't mind the layout..i do wish they would have switched from vamp to holidays after ThanksGiving though..that seemed kind of odd..

but other than that it's very workable as it is now..

and yes i would like to see a mesh button at least for now since it is new..that would probably help in the awareness of mesh for those that may not know we have it now..

it will at least get those that may not know what it is asking what it is hehehe


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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Cat Slade wrote:

And to above posters - there are plenty of viewers that don't 'see' mesh yet.

 LL's 1.23 doesn't see mesh, and neither does Imprudence (I think) nor old versions of Phoenix.   Which other ones don't?

ya i see a lot of people that didn't even know that a phoenix upgrade would be letting them see mesh..a lot think they have to switch to the newer viewers to see it ..

so most may be just an upgrade away from seeing mesh..

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So what you want is what YOU want.


Forget everyone else.

(NB: It isn't Winter for anyone South of the equator.  It isn't "holiday season" for anyone who isn't from the Western tradition.  They should make marketplace reliable before they make it pretty.  And if you want to market to the world, try remembering the world.)

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Cat Slade wrote:

And to above posters - there are plenty of viewers that don't 'see' mesh yet.

 LL's 1.23 doesn't see mesh, and neither does Imprudence (I think) nor old versions of Phoenix.   Which other ones don't?

Dead technology really doesn't count.

Current phoenix supports mesh. So almost everyone who thinks they can't see it can.

The others are dead lines of luddites. It is never wise to market to luddites - they're the last people who want anything anyway.

Does anyone even use those things though? We're talking years out of date at this point.

If you're still driving a steam engine car at this point, you're not going to change, so should be ignored.


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Unfortunately, many of the people who are still using non-mesh capable viewers like1.23 are not likely to upgrade to one of the mesh-capable ones because their computers simply won't handle them.  It's not entirely a matter of choice for them; it's economics.  The mesh-capable viewers have many additional features besides mesh that place a high demand on older graphics cards.  Those viewers either create incredible lag for the user or they fail completely.  Over time, of course, people will replace their old computers as they can afford to.  People who try to enter SL on a wimpy notebook won't be able to, so they'll either get more capable systems or give up.  Until then, though, that segment of the SL population won't be able to see mesh.

I wish we had reliable statistics to tell us how big that population is, instead of making random guesses.  As recently as last June, the 1.23 viewer was still the 4th most popular viewer in use (behind Phoenix, V2, and Firestorm beta -- in that order -- which were current at the time).  The landscape has changed since then, however, so I have no idea what the ranking is today and what the percentage share of each may be.

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Rolig Loon wrote:

Unfortunately, many of the people who are still using non-mesh capable viewers like1.23 are not likely to upgrade to one of the mesh-capable ones because their computers simply won't handle them.  It's not entirely a matter of choice for them; it's economics.  The mesh-capable viewers have many additional features besides mesh that place a high demand on older graphics cards.  Those viewers either create incredible lag for the user or they fail completely.  Over time, of course, people will replace their old computers as they can afford to.  People who try to enter SL on a wimpy notebook won't be able to, so they'll either get more capable systems or give up.  Until then, though, that segment of the SL population won't be able to see mesh.

I wish we had reliable statistics to tell us how big that population is, instead of making random guesses.  As recently as last June, the 1.23 viewer was still the 4th most popular viewer in use (behind Phoenix, V2, and Firestorm beta -- in that order -- which were current at the time).  The landscape has changed since then, however, so I have no idea what the ranking is today and what the percentage share of each may be.

ya i need to upgrade myself..when i was on the 1.23 viewer ..Kirsten i believe..or maybe that was their v2 viewer?i could use shadows then..now i can't..

i really loved it and hate that it lags me so hard on the new V3..

i wasn't knocking anyone for not upgrading..but basically just saying that there are a lot that are using viewers like phoenix and the others and don't even know they can upgrade to to the next patch see mesh..

i used to be one of those that was on a low end computer hugging my resources tight..still like shadows and mesh and high and things you kind of just forget about because  they are out of reach anyways ..SL was still a blast long before i knew what it could really look like..

i really kind of miss those days myself hehehe but i had to go spoil myself and get  a new computer that could see it all LOL

now i am stuck in the vacuum of lusting for the riches of mesh and shadows and depth of view hehehe

my husband is going to not be so happy when we get our new computer  that he doesn't know we are getting yet  in the next couple of months hehehehe


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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Showcasing mesh when the majority of your customers(and even more of your potential customers) cannot even see or make use of it, would not only be a waste of time, but also just give more cause for people to wonder what exactly the powers that be are doing up(down?) there.

I'm not sure your figures are right there.   According to Charlar Linden,
it looks like 55% of users logging in are running mesh capable viewers.."  It's not quite clear when those figures were collated, but since Phoenix had released their mesh capable viewer only a week before, the figure must be higher now than then it was.

I've seen the figures, and I don't believe them. I'd like to, but I don't, lol. I don't believe they take into account the people who then change viewers, or crash repeatedly because the viewer isn't really compatible with their system(as it's set up, could be any number of reasons why). So many people *still complain that despite trying, those viewers didn't work out for them. So, yeah, I believe the number of people actually *consistantly* using mesh capable viewers is much smaller than they'd like us to believe.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

Cat Slade wrote:

And to above posters - there are plenty of viewers that don't 'see' mesh yet.

 LL's 1.23 doesn't see mesh, and neither does Imprudence (I think) nor old versions of Phoenix.   Which other ones don't?

ya i see a lot of people that didn't even know that a phoenix upgrade would be letting them see mesh..a lot think they have to switch to the newer viewers to see it ..

so most may be just an upgrade away from seeing mesh..

Yep, that's the biggest "culprit" of all, imo. If you honestly don't believe there are plenty of people out there using a viewer that cannot see mesh, I don't know what to tell you. I run into them all the time. For some, it may be that the mesh viewers simply aren't working so grand on their systems, like me. I HAVE a mesh viewer and only use it to go into the realms, which I need to dumb everything way down on the viewer to prevent myself from crashing(and everything  looks like a playdough creation my child made when she was 2. That's just the way it is for me. I prefer phoenix and that's my usual viewer, not an updated version either. I like what I've got, it works fabulous and I can have the graphics and such set even higher without any problems. I don't want to have to change my viewer just so I can see playdough. Mesh just doesn't look right on my system.  Eventually I'll have a better system, but right now I do not. I'm glad to have a system at all though ;) So it doesn't bother me in the least.

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