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Can anyone tell me how many people aged above 40 playing secondlife?

viksri Shim

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RikThistle wrote:

I already sold that one to a guy from Arizona. He was a bit miffed when it got put up in Lake Havasu though, because he, like Google, was ignorant of the difference between it and Tower Bridge. But then if you're a mark, you're a mark.

Maybe Google got the info from the guy who bought it. He was first, by a long way.

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Apparently LL hasn't reported demographic data on user ages since 2008, but the following blog article reports on those 2008 figures:


I would, however, take those results with a rather large grain of salt, as LL has absolutely no way to validate or verify the ages that people enter, so all the kids that swiped mommy or daddy's ID and used that data to age verify, or who used the age info of some adult celebrity, will also be in there, skewing the numbers higher than they really are.

It will also include all the older residents that don't want to admit their ages, in case it got revealed, and who shaved a few decades off their birthdate, skewing the results the other way.

It will also include anyone who declined to enter real information at all for an anonymous service, and who just picked an over-18 birthdate at random to go with equally fictitious data on their "real" name, gender, etc. . I know when they eliminated account validation back in 2006, and made it possible to register an infinite number of accounts with completely unverified information, I created 5 accounts in less than 5 minutes with totally false info, just to show how stupid it was to have no validation checks at all. (I deleted all 5 accounts a few days later, and 4 of them I never even logged in once with.) I don't believe I used real data for anything on those accounts, and am pretty sure I just used a random age over 18 for the birthdates.

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

Apparently LL hasn't reported demographic data on user ages since 2008, but the following blog article reports on those 2008 figures:

As soon as they realized we were all old folks and geezers, we were like, soooooooo uncool... so they chose to keep it under wraps after that.

Now, where mah cane at? And you child AVs, get offa may lawn!

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The Little Boy and the Old Man

Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
Said the old man, "I do that too."
The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
I do that too," laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, "I often cry."
The old man nodded, "So do I."
But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
I know what you mean," said the little old man.”
Shel Silverstein

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Most of those i've met have been late thirties and older, up to about 65 i think.   I really don't care to know people's RL ages anymore; it's irrelevant.  If someone i just met inworld asks me, i tell them my avatar's age is 18.  If i get to know you and like you, then i'm not in the least bit secretive but i don't appreciate being questioned about RL details in the first 5 minutes of acquaintance. 

According to the OP's criteria i think i may just qualify for my first zimmer frame.  :matte-motes-bored:

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Sorry I use to know but forgot, oh is that my pill? There are 342,678.321 redheads in SL though. The beauty of SL is you make your own label society doesn't.

The only one that can come near to answering this question is the Lab, big door to the right.........


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I'm 41; that's the only age statistic I can tell you for sure. A close friend in SL was around the same age, or at least, the person I met in RL claiming to be her appeared to be the same age as me.

Beyond that, I can't be sure. Most of the people I know tell me they are of a similar age, or a little older. If they are faking it, they've done a very good job of maintaining the lie over the last few years. The youngest person I talk to on a regular basis is in her mid 30s, the oldest in her late 60s. I've met a number of gents claiming to be in their 50s and I can't imagine why they'd keep up the pretense. Their musical tastes and cultural references seem about right for someone of that age.

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  • 3 years later...

I am 70+ and I don't want to act like 20-y-o.  I belong to the "X" generation, my wife tells me, born during the War, before dating followed sex, instead of the other way around, before we had the Hippies and "free love."  My wife is still angry at the 30-y-o who was trying to chat up the teenage shop girl and referred to my wife as the granny.  I don't want to be like him.  I would be far happier being with my own age group, sharing the same values.  My kind of person is a misfit in SL.  But on the other hand I saw in Market place an avatar or outfit for a man of at least 50, with a beard, a hat and a waistcoat.

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I don't consider myself elderly at 42. But I know a few people who are mature in sl. I think sl has a veriaty of ages, genders, gender identity, and sexual orientaitons. SL brings people together of all ages. I have even known adults that play as child avis reliving their childhood.

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Rolig Loon wrote:

Gee, this is an ancient thread.  Some of us who weren't old before, are now.  (But if anyone other than my grandkids starts calling me "granny", I'll whap you with my cane.)

[ /me steps up on my Ivory Soap Box and clears my throat ]

Rolig, given your time in SL Answers and the countless number of people you have helped over the years I bequeath the Honorable Title of "Granny-Geek" upon thee.

[ /me jumps off my Ivory Soap Box and runs for my ever loving life! ]


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viksri Shim wrote:

 I was quite eager to know how many people who are aged above 40 playing SL.

We can make an educated guess at least.

Last time I heard, the official number of active Second Life users was slightly less then one million, that is slightly less than one million accounts have logged on to Second Life during the last 30 days.

If we subtract the bots and the alts, the number of actual humans (and martians and other sentinent RL entities) who've perused SL's services the last 30 days is probably around 300 000.

That should mean about 250 000 people aged above 40.

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