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FREE LAND ? No set up fees ! Woohoo !

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Sy Beck wrote:

How come nobody who has ordered a sim in the past week hasn't been on to complain....or maybe....nobody has been ordering sims in the past week(s)?

More importantly, how come no-one has been telling us how this 100% clearly proves that SL is dying, the sky is falling and LL are desperately trying to claw back some money before they go bankrupt?


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I don't think the sky is falling. If it does, I've had fun while it lasted.

Maybe next year the next surprise will be they are lowering tier or increasing tier allotments. Who knows. Those who timed it just right with the free land and then reduced tier will then be very happy. 

I know it's a server cost thing or something, but I don't see why it's 292 for one island estate region, but for that same amount you can get 1.5 regions of mainland. With that pricing why would anyone opt for the island first?


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Melita Magic wrote:


I know it's a server cost thing or something, but I don't see why it's 292 for one island estate region, but for that same amount you can get 1.5 regions of mainland. With that pricing why would anyone opt for the island first?


The Maths can get a bit complicated but in theory LL can make more money from one mainland region than they can from an estate sim because of the sliding scale of tier.

If you have the opportunity to own a full mainland region, then yes you can get better value than estate land, although you want have the estate tools, the USD$100.00 a month difference is hard to justify purely for the extra tools and landscaping benefits.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Setup fees were never the problem. Plenty of people can afford huge one time fees. The real problem is the ridiculously high recurring fees. 300 USD a month is... Well, it's just insane to pay that for something you don't really even own.

Yet apparently, people aren't looking at it in that context :(  By all reports, they sold well over the weekend.

See message #35


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Sadly, there are two threads on this same topic running concurrently. In the other thread, I pointed out that this sale was a good deal for anyone who planned to own a full sim for a year (28% saving). In terms of the numbers, yes, it stems the bleeding of people out of private islands over the past 18 months, but it does nothing to promote long-term economic growth.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Sadly, there are two threads on this same topic running concurrently. In the other thread, I pointed out that this sale was a good deal for anyone who planned to own a full sim for a year (28% saving). In terms of the numbers, yes, it stems the bleeding of people out of private islands over the past 18 months, but it does nothing to promote long-term economic growth.

I agree with you in as much as I know about such things...which isn't much.  I was pointing out that some people don't seem bothered by the ridiculous price of keeping it :(  $300USD for something that is virtual...wonder how many of those sold, will still be paying that after the first month?  With it being free setup, perhaps just a novelty, but when it comes to shoveling out that cold, hard cash...IDK


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  • 2 weeks later...


Secondlife needs :

No set up fees

Anyone can buy a Homestead (no full sim needed)

Homesteads 49.99 USD per month tier }}}}}}}}


I go for that so fast. :matte-motes-sunglasses-2: and I know others that will too. In the long run LL make more $$ if thay was to do it for that cost.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The issue I haven't seen addressed is equity.  Now it's true than no one actually owns their land.  They pay a tier to LL to possess it in world.  Actually, they pay an up-front Set-Up fee and a monthly tier.  That set-up fee amounts to a price of admission, an equity or value for those that have paid it, whether the original $1750 or the lesser $1000.

When LL initially lowered set-up fees to $1000, some large land owners lost sums exceeding $50,000.  I'm not a large land holder in SL, but I expect the sum was substantially higher for the Ansche Chungs.  The loss came in the form of value; the resale value of the property given the cost to obtain a like property which is equity as it exists in SL.

The latest LL "no set-up fee" Oklahoma land rush virtually eliminates landowner equity for existing land owners.  Sim have no resale value now nor, arguably, rental value above and beyone tier.  The many equity investments in LL's economic stability were wiped out in the great giveaway, which comes at a time of declining populations.

Now I have it on good authority that the large land holders don't suffer this fate in the same way as the small landowners do because LL has cut backroom deals to reduce or eliminate set-up fees while also reducing tier on the acquisitions of these select few.  The result is onerous though. 

What happens to good faith or confidence when you to this to people who've invested, trusted in you?   Look at Wall Street and the Big Banks for a clue.

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Intolerance wrote:

What happens to good faith or confidence when you to this to people who've invested, trusted in you?   Look at Wall Street and the Big Banks for a clue.

That's an apt analogy, but perhaps not for the reason intended.

There was a time when the market could support setup fees.  That time had pretty much passed before LL tried the no-fees deal, as evidenced by the resale value of private sims approaching zero over remaining tier.  Other than those "used" sims there was practically no buying, and week after week Tyche's gridsurvey reported small declines in total grid size.

The market had already collapsed; sims already had zero asset value.  Linden Lab merely acknowledged, with the no-fee offer, what was already painfully evident to resellers.

What's apt about the analogy is that the entire mortgage industry operated as if the rules of the market had been repealed and that real estate would always appreciate in value.  Similarly, estate owners acted as if the price they were paying the Lab to set up new sims was somehow immune to market changes.

We all know better now.  The thing is, we knew that before the no-fees offer made it official.

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Intolerance wrote:

Now I have it on good authority that the large land holders don't suffer this fate in the same way as the small landowners do because LL has cut backroom deals to reduce or eliminate set-up fees while also reducing tier on the acquisitions of these select few.  The result is onerous though. 

Large landowners do get the sort of breaks you mentioned, but it's perfactly fair and anyone can get them. All you have to do is negotiate with LL to take, say, 100 new sims, and they'll cut you a deal. It doesn't constitute unfairness or inequality. It's just the normal way of doing business.

Llook at it this way. Would someone who pays tier on only one sim seriously think that it's unfair that the person who pays tier on, say, 500 sims is paying lower tier rates? Quantity discounts are normal.

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  • 1 year later...

Knutz Scorpio wrote:

Suki Hirano wrote:

Do you have any idea how misleading your topic title sounds?

Actually the responder before you was a necropost by a year and four months.  Back then Linden Lab had a special, no setup fees for new sims if I recall correctly.


I realized that. No set up fee =/= free land.

$1200 fee + $300 tier + $X setup fee is not free. Neither is $1200 fee + $300 tier + $0 setup fee.

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