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How did you come up with the name for your Avatar!

Hippie Bowman

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When I first created "Ceera" as a character, it was for a text-based free-form roleplaying forum that existed before Second Life was invented.

The character was intended to be a nemisis for my main roleplaying character to bump heads with in adventures. But I didn't want her to be all-out evil. She was a sorceress, but was amoral, with a rather poignant backstory of being the victim of fear and persecution as a child. In the back story that I wrote, she eventually had her revenge on the villagers that had destroyed her home and family, and had tried to kill her. She used dark sorceries to attack them with what was percieved as a searing dark wind that brougt nightmares based on their deepest fears - nightmares that were intense enough to kill the victim. The surviving villagers called their unseen magical foe "The searing dark wind". She adapted that and renamed herself as "Ceera Darkwynde". At the time, Internet searches for the word "Ceera" came up completely empty, except for hits on my own roleplaying posts featuring that character. So as far as I was able to tell, the name Ceera was unique. By the time that roleplaying forum closed, Ceera had largely redeemed herself, made peace with the character that had been her mortal enemy, and had become my most popular and well-known role playing character out of close to 30 that I had there.

When I came to SL over 6 years ago, it wasn't possible to choose a surname. My best friend in SL had an Asian surname for their avatar, but that was also not available. So I kept Ceera and accepted "Murakami" from the available lists, as a surname compatable with the Edo-period, Kitsune and Japanese magic setting that we liked. For quite a while, the name Ceera remained unique to myself and my alts. I still own the majority of the SL accounts that have Ceera as a given name, and am the one with Ceera as a single-name signon as well.

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my name is a mash-up of a couple of names i originally wanted to be just Claire like RL but it didn't matter what last name i chose i couldn't be it so i decided to name myself after the next female singer to come on the radio who happened to be called Gretschen i very nearly went through with the name then at the very last moment i decided to mash-up the two together and it stuck

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Hi everyone ! intresting topic. it actually took me a few Hours to come up with a name i liked. I wanted something a bit charachterish and cartoonish without being overtop. I wanted to use Violet as a first name because my its  My favorite color, flower, and scent ! i choose Valentine because it fit my criteria of being charachterish and cartoonish but still realistic. unfortuately someone else had the same idea so I just stuck Miss infront of it..knowing i could just delete that part once i was in game

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valerie Inshan wrote:

I really like your name Jesica, "Dragovar" is awsome. Sounds like some golrious Viking name. Great choice!

hehe never thought about the viking angle but it totally fits seeing as that my RL ancestry is swedish


personally it reminds me more of Vlad Dracul, (which is ironic as I had no familiarity with the vampire RP when I signed up)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

You have one of the most interesting and exotic names I've seen here. Works perfectly.


Thanks very much Dillon! I like your name a lot as well. It's fun hearing about how people decided on their names.

I feel that we lost something that made SL unique when LL did away with surnames. Our names made us feel unique. We gave them some thought and we're attached to them, whether realistic or whimsical, familiar or exotic. People are doing what they can within the constraints of the current system but, in many cases, the names are just gamer tags or chatroom handles.

Ok, I'll get off the nostalgia soapbox now. Sue me, I just had my 5 year SL anniversary yesterday and was thinking about the "old days" when I saw this thread. :matte-motes-grin:

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I just went with my first name and i looked at the 10 names they gave me to pick form and 10 more and the best name of the 20 was hilltop and then i started going by crystal hilltops as a boondocks joke cause i was working as a stripper and then i had to think up a greek name for school so i went with Iona which means purple jewel and geordi  which means hill near meadow

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I wish I had a great story...  I just used my real first name and figured no one would believe it anyway.  I have hippie parents and shudder at all the possible names they could have come up with.  I like my name and always have, but I wonder of being called Moon or Sunny or Amethyst would have felt the same. 

I put zero thought into choosing a last name (it was the first one that worked).  If I had known I could have had so much fun with the combination, I definitely would have put more effort into it.  Even so, I am very glad to have a last name - I like running into other avatars with the same one.


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Kelli May wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Kelli May wrote:

I wanted something short and easy to type, yet with a bit of theatricality. And no offence intended to any real-life Kellies, I wanted something that sounded a little fun and frivolous, because I can take myself far too seriously.

Kelli, your name does remind me of Holli Would.

That is part of where I got the name... I'm not as bad as her, so where Holli Would, Kelli May. I'd given up telling people that explanation, because hardly anyone got the reference. Hurray, someone else gets the link!!

ETA: and now I have inspiration for my next "Vanity Thread" photo...



Kelli, in the last days of the old GD forum, Val started a "Movie Star and You" thread. So i put myself beside Brad Pitt, but only used my SL face. I look forward to seeing what you do with the entire avatar!

Holli Would.jpg

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