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I've been in SL for just over three months now after cancelling my IMVU account which was hacked. a few of my SL friends are alts and I just wanted other peoples views on this topic. it seems that most people don't like alts ............... confused.

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I don't like "alts" for several reasons.  The ones I am aware of have been used to defraud contest boards, take advantage of my generosity and decieve people.  This is not to say that ALL alts are used in this manner, but the ones I'm aware of have all been used this way.  In my opinion, bringing in multiple alts to vote for oneself on a contest board to try to win the money offered, or participate multiple times in sploders so that if one of the alts wins the large prize, the alt transfers the won money to the main is dishonest and not fair to the rest of the people competing. 

For a while, one of the things I enjoyed doing most in SL was selecting a new resident, taking them around and giving them their first premium skin, shape, clothes and genitals.  An expensive hobby to be sure...but one I really enjoyed.  I told everybody I helped that I didn't want anything from them for helping but that, when they could, to do the same for someone else new to SL.  I also told them not to give away my name as the person who did this for them.  After doing this for a short while, I found out that the past three "new residents" I helped were actually one person and I had just outfitted most of his alts!  When he told me, he laughed at how gullible I was.  So now, I won't ever offer that to anybody again. 

I have also been made aware of alts created to deceive some friends of mine by mains that were banned from entire regions. 

So, fraud, deceit and untrustworthiess is what I see when I look at alts.  How people can keep them all straight I have no idea.  My advice...just don't do it. 

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It's not the alt. It's what you do with the alt. =^-^=

What people really don't like is deception.  And that tends to be a typical function of alts... Pretending to be someone else around the people who know them.  While others treat alts as 'disposable' accounts in order to do something that's likely to get them banned in hope that they keep their main avatar.  In that light, yes, alts are a plague. (>_<)

But, alts don't have to be deceptive by default.  Land/group owners may have alts running as bots for assisting people or sending group invitations.  Or store models to show off outfits in a way that gives the buyer a better idea of how things will look on an actual avatar.  (^_^)

For busy people, an alt is a way of escaping a constant inrush of instant messages and teleport offers.  Or even roleplay characters that never have to break character. =^-^=

Back when we had the surname list, there was also a little bragging rights game of seeing who could abuse the system by making the most screwy names from the current crop.  Myself, for example. xD

I have 20 alts.  Many of which are chosen for their name, a few are dedicated roleplay characters, and I even tinker with bot software once in a while.  If someone don't like that, tough! (^_^)y



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They can be really expensive. First thing they want is to not look like an alt, so you have to buy them skin and hair. Next they want something to wear, omg can you imagine the nerve? Then they want some really nice shoes to go with the outfit you just got them, you know the $L800 kind, of coarse reminding you all the time how nice they are because you know cause you are not a noob. THEN THE BE-ALL OF BE-ALLS!!! They, omg it upsets me just to think about this.... they, they, they... say "why don't you just add a credit card to this account so you don't have to keep going back to your main to GET ME MORE LINDENS!"

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

<snip> Or even roleplay characters that never have to break character. =^-^= <snip> 


I can totally agree with this point but I MUST OBJECT TO BEING CALLED AN ALT! Really how do we know that other Avi is not really the alt and I am the main? Can you tell me that? Jeeezzzzz all this name calling and on live tv too! :smileysurprised:

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I agree with immy Sideways. It's not the alt, it's the intent. In the end, everything is driven by the lone person in the chair. Alts, like words and pictures, are tools. It's helpful to be aware of their many purposes and the inevitable suspicions that arise from their mere possibility.

I've been hurt by a person's deceptive use of alts, but that hasn't caused me to see them with disdain. If there is a reason to dislike alts, I'm sure it will be along shortly.

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I really don't know what I would do with an alt. I have so little time to spend inworld as it is and sharing that time with an alt would just drain me. If other people choose to use them though I don't think it really bugs me. I think once you get to know someone you can tell by the way they write who they are so it does not really matter what name floats over their head.

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I have 4 alts and have never used any of them for nefarious purposes.  What amuses me is that guys who've met all or some of them in the past will often ask me whether this or that alt is "taken" when they know damn well that the main avie is partnered.  Nice try!  In fact, my partner gets 4 for the price of one, and is quite content with the arrangement.   And, no, i can't log in 2 at the same time with anything like consistent results so the answer to your unspoken question is "no" or "not yet, anyway".  :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  

My 4th alt is a child and she is a different case altogether. 

My point? Just about everyone has alts and there are dozens of reasons for having them.  I made my first alt in order to give the main avie a little peace and quiet.  I enjoyed the process so much that i made a couple more.  I dress them differently to accompany their different characters, which appear to have evolved quite by accident and over a period of time.  Of course, they're really all facets of the main avie (me).  It was quite an interesting experiment and still is. 

Uhm.. my point.  Please don't judge everyone who has alts by the few (ok, the many) bad apples.  If they weren't messing around with their alts they'd simply find other methods by which to deceive / rip people off / have multiple secret liaisons.   It's not the alts, it's the people behind the alts and, as Immy pointed out, what they choose to do with them that counts.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

IIf there is a reason to dislike alts, I'm sure
will be along shortly.

I saw that!

BJayy, while Maddy would have you believe she agreed with Ms. Sideways first, she was simply the first to get to the keyboard. I was busy cleaning up after the horrific breakfast she served.

Like it or not, Maddy and I are joined at the hippocampus. That said, I can take solace in knowing that, during our childhood, while she had all the fun, I got all the praise.

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I know squashy and it never ends. After you get them, well I guess they get for themselves now that they have their own credit card, everything they need to look nice they want even more. Why don't you get me a car too, can I have my own house, and the whopper WHY DODN'T YOU BUY A BETTER COMPUTER AND GRAPHICS CARD SO WE CAN ALL GO TO PARTIES TOGETHER?

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I created a male and female alt just to see how easy it is to build a good-looking avi without spending any Ls- or very, very few- so that I could be certain that my irritation with people who run around for a year looking like a noob is justified.  It very much is.  It didn't really take all that much effort even, except when I took my male alt through the MHOH, which was a bit time consuming but more than worth it.  Each of my alts cost less than 200L, and they only cost that much because frankly, there really aren't any GOOD free/almost free AOs.  But Oracul has a couple that are 150L each, and they are fine.  None of them has a single item of clothing or accessories that cost more than 10L, and I'd challenge anyone to be able to tell.

I don't really "play" them so much, but when I do they are rp characters only.  As far as I know, no one knows they are me, however I am aware of the need to change my syntax... and I'm quite good at it... plus I don't use them to interact with people I am close to.  To do that without telling them, I think, would be dishonest.  

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I have an alt that's a robot with no personality.  It has no social life and it says on its profile that it belongs to me.  I created it mainly to sit on my land group to stop it from folding.  I don't shapeshift myself, apart from changing clothes - but the robot does.  

I have created various other alts mainly because I find a funny name and want to try it in SL.  But, once again, none of these alts login  much and they don't visit my regular haunts.  Certainly I'd never dream of using them to cheat in contests......not unless the prize was L$100,000,000 or something:smileyvery-happy:

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Venus Petrov wrote:

<snip>Create a thread like this and the alts come crawling out of the woodwork. 

/me peers above this post

It must be very funny to see this thread at Linden Lab. For they can see what IP address a post was made from and can see all the alts in this thread. :smileytongue:

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

<snip>Create a thread like this and the alts come crawling out of the woodwork. 

/me peers above this post

It must be very funny to see this thread at Linden Lab. For they can see what IP address a post was made from and can see all the alts in this thread. :smileytongue:

/me laughs

If they care!

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I myself is an alt technically but this "alt avi" is like my main account. I did'nt like the username of my 1st avi. Year ago there was no display name so i decided to make this 2nd account. I also like the idea of not having a payement info. I'm kinda OC when it comes to shopping so having my 1st avi as my "credit card avi" helps me control my self in spending inworld. My 1st avi is like a parent. I get allowance from her twice a month;)

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