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So, what you think about the use of Gestures in World?

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A post from another thread gave me the idea to open up this discussion.
So, what you think about the use of Gestures in World?
Do you like them? Are they annoying to you?
Do you like to shouting, giggling and howling?
Gestures are fun, joy, happiness or just noise for you?

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i like gestures in sl.. but if some one repeatedly uses them over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over ............  it gets anoying and i mute them!!! but i like them and they are fun when put to use in a good way. they can add to character.

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Really depends on the situation IMO, and the people/persons present. They can be fun, entertainaing, expressive, informative and all sorts of positives. Not to mention just convieniant if you happen to have a job that requires making periodic announcements.

I think largely most people seem to be too intolerant of those having fun with gestures. We need to remember that is why we are here in the 1st place...to enjoy ourself. Also don't be too quick to breathe fire on the people that shoot off a gesture that seems obscene for the situation. Many of these are loaded into freebie packs and not labeled so a new person would have any clue what text or sound they put in local chat. Sure, they should maybe test it elsewhere, but heh, unless you're running a church or funeral for someone, lighten up a bit. It was probably an honest mistake..and if it wasn't? Who the hell really cares in the long run, lol. If nothing else it's a wake up call to check your own sense of humor. You do have one, right? (not 'you' the poster of this thread, the proverbial 'you')

One of my fave SL DJ's of all time, who also happened to have a very good on the air voice was also known for his incredible ability to do an entire shift, responding to everything said in text chat with an appropriate gesture. It was uncanny. You could say almost anything to him and get a humorous gesturized response.

I can honestly only recall a couple times where I found gestures to be truly annoying and that was instances where people came into a location and just kept doing the same gesture over and over and laughing at themself...was like a kid that just discovered playdough.


Otherwise heh. whatever.I think most of the new veiwers actually let you block gestures now, don't they?

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I agree, being able to kill the sounds was a giant leap forward.  I find most gestures juvenile  -- somewhere between mildly and really annoying, depending on the gesture and how many times I hear it in a 5 minute period.  I get very annoyed if some Bozo decides to fill my entire screen with a scrolling picture of a spam bunny or 50 copies of "Ooooo-la-la-LA!! I LOVE this SONG!!"  I usually leave rather than stay for more.  Needless to say, I don't use gestures myself.  Well, except for one tiny one that does   :-)  , only a little more gracefully.

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if you can't stand them at all, that's the way to go. if you are a land owner you can do the same for your whole parcel....

... but for someone like me that doesn't mind the occasional one (just repetitive and constant ones), it's mute or boot, =/


gestures, the new bling. =P

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I love them if used in the right theme and at the right moment but like anything else, they can be overdone.  In clubs, the do tend to add a lot of life and make it seem more lively but even there, gesture spam gets so bad, I often have to mute certain residents.

But, gestures aka, emotes in other games, are essential to the virtual world as the lets us express ourselves through our avatar better.

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the one place gestures annoy the crap out of me more than anything else is at clubs where they gesture spam you with "tip me" "hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" "tip the DJ" and so on 50 times a second. outside of the club environment i don't mind gestures and find and find they can liven up situations in moderation

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I don't dislike some cute, funny or comical gestures and also understand their necessity to warm up the party at clubs or events to some extent, but I rarely use gestures myself these days. When there were still some chat camping places, I made some gestures made up of all text and used them to win at chat, though. :P

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I like the gestures but as has already been said, if somebody uses them over and over and over one after the other i find that really annoying. Away from the club scene a gesture used here and there can be really funny if used at just the right moment.

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Smoothie Perl wrote:

A post from another thread gave me the idea to open up this discussion.

So, what you think about the use of Gestures in World?

Do you like them? Are they annoying to you?

Do you like to shouting, giggling and howling?

Gestures are fun, joy, happiness or just noise for you?

i don't mind as long as my screen isn't flooded with text.

2 or 3 lines are fine, over that is a bit annoying.

gesture conversations can be very funny :)

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The sound ones get annoying - particularly 'HOOOOOOOO' and 'I love that tune ooh-la-la-la'.   Also the ones that say people's names in baby voices.  

Also big text doodles or spam getsures are annoying.  

Sometimes sound or text gestues can be amusing for the first couple of times you hear them, but that's all.

The only gestures I use are silent one-liners that I've written for myself.

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Some sound gestures remind me of annoying adverts on TV and make me groan.One particular one in the UK is the meerKat ad "simples".

I hate it so much I killed one and made a rug out of it.It says "simples" when you tread on the little rat.......LOL I feel better now.........:matte-motes-evil:

I must add When I spell checked this "meerkat" was underlined and "market" was offered.............

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I DJ so I see plenty of gestures when I work and I toss one out now and then.  I prefer local chat in the club to over-gesturbating.  Personalities emerge, it is interactive and fun.

Outside the club, the only time I use a gesture is by mistake or, occasionally, for fun.  But, I use them rarely.

Gestures are a cheap replacement for a genuine expression.

The 'baby laugh' gesture drives me nutso.  /me laughs

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Cool Cerice.  I never knew that existed.

Now I like gestures in certain sims because they are classy with them and it's funny and definitely not overdone.

There was a live performance I went to once and the gesture spam by one person was so annoying and took away the whole sound of the live performer I had to keep asking her to please stop but she wouldn't.  I kept asking kindly, but no go, and then I finally said:  Mayalily gets out her gun and shots so and so's GESTURE INVENTORY to smithereens.  That finally shut her up and the live performance finally went on. 

Now, I know about turning off gesture spam as I hadn't known about this option before. 

But for the most part, people are usually very classy with gestures and I find them funny, but they are not funny when they drown out the whole performance of a live entertainer.  I was like where did this person learn manners?  Jail? 

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Gestures are ok. I especially like the one that comes with animation. What I find annoying was when the sim is packed with avatar, everyone's having a lag, DJ's doing his/her best to get through all the listeners and when he mentioned someone's name, someone's gesture cuts off with a long howling.

Gestures are fun when done right. I don't think attending a classical live music and having someone saying 'Oh la la la I love this tune' in the middle of the performance would be consider as classy.

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my first two years in SL i worked for a club that had a dj that was there that owned a gesture company..

he was a popular dj and i think everyone must have shopped at his store..because it was how most communicated in the club it seemed for a  long time..

i learned to keep my sound off for those things..it overrides the music..and that really mello not excited guy "YAaaaaY" one really wore me out on them..

some are funny but some are really still being over used..


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Gestures are fine, in moderation.

However, 'moderation' seems to be a word missing from some people's vocabulary. I've been to concerts where the concertgoers only communicated in gestures. After the 5000th 'HOOOOOOOOOOO', you just want to reach through the monitor and feed the offender thier own arse.

As for those people that kill local chat entirely with huge ascii pictures that shove everything else off the screen, forum TOS has forbidden me from saying what I'd like to do with these miscreants.

Granted there are some original gestures. For example, tinies love to use gestures, but said gestures are cuter and more original than whatever comes out from a freebie pack. I never got irritated with them, hells it's hard to stay mad at a tiny in general.

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Gestures always was and it is one of my favorite things and occupations.
I agree that moderation in any activity is the rule but somehow even in RL we forget that rule when it's on our interest or pleasure (for me is smoking for example). I'm trying to use my gestures as an extension of my communication so I think I never overdo it.
But I never thought gestures spamming in a party or in a dance club it's something I've must hate or get sick of it on a contrary I like that because giving more energy to the place tho.
I think there are other things that are extremely annoying for me, like extensive particle use (especially TP entering or TP exiting particles), particle object attacks (that black smoke I hate most) or begging is another thing I can use the word "hate". 
As about the need of gestures, as far are  3D wolds are going to exist, gestures it will be always a funny and enjoyable addition for them.

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