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Political Billboards on Mainland

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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Maybe we should just ask for a clarification.

@Quartz Mole and @Dyna Mole, would you be able to find a clear answer for us as to whether or not the second part of these rules apply to all advertisements, or just to networked ads / ad farms? It would be appreciated, and save a lot of typing.


My concern isn't just ad farms, but the concept of what we're calling "all advertisements".

While it'd be hard to argue the example in this thread isn't an ad (but not impossible), what if it were a Trump flag among other flags? What about a similar billboard but with a rainbow on it, wouldn't that be obviously advertising, since it's a billboard?

Like I said, it's a case of be careful what you ask for, in my mind. Best case it means the bad actor can take those textures and just put them on a flag less than 8 meters and it's now okay. Worst case, we lose most flags in SL.

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35 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

Worst case, we lose most flags in SL.

/me hands over my pile of Ukrainian flags.

Від усього не позбудешся)))

Translation from Ukrainian to English:

You can't get rid of everything. =]

Edited by WeFlossDaily
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Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

I love when she popped up out of the brush and scared the crap out of them.. LOL

It's all quiet and then..............*BAAAA!!!!\o/*


I watched this movie back when it first came out, which I think is pretty long ago. So, I don't remember details. I do remember hating that she was naked through the whole thing.

I liked her a lot better in an early and obscure movie with Kevin Costner and David Marshall Grant. I loved her character, and while not a Costner fan by far, was heavily into bicycling at the time so loved the theme of the movie. Russian riders with pot bellies was pretty funny, too. Supposedly several RL Russians riders were at a screening for a bunch of bike racers and when the pot bellies were shown, someone looked in their direction and did not see them. That person thought they walked out in protest but instead they were down in their seats laughing their asses off.

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14 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

I watched this movie back when it first came out, which I think is pretty long ago. So, I don't remember details. I do remember hating that she was naked through the whole thing.

I liked her a lot better in an early and obscure movie with Kevin Costner and David Marshall Grant. I loved her character, and while not a Costner fan by far, was heavily into bicycling at the time so loved the theme of the movie. Russian riders with pot bellies was pretty funny, too. Supposedly several RL Russians riders were at a screening for a bunch of bike racers and when the pot bellies were shown, someone looked in their direction and did not see them. That person thought they walked out in protest but instead they were down in their seats laughing their asses off.

Ya, she ended up finally getting something to wear once she was finally with the main characters.

But ya their whole tribe was mostly just painted..

It was good enough paint on them I thought, that it hid things pretty well.. Plus they didn't really do a lot of close up things with her unless it was  more of her face most of the time..

They really pulled me in though to where I could forget the world around me, which I don't find a lot of movies that do that..

I really liked the movie myself.  :)

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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41 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya, she ended up finally getting something to wear once she was finally with the main characters.

But ya their whole tribe was mostly just painted..

It was good enough paint on them I thought, that it hid things pretty well.. Plus they didn't really do a lot of close up things with her unless it was  more of her face most of the time..

They really pulled me in though to where I could forget the world around me, which I don't find a lot of movies that do that..

I really liked the movie myself.  :)

Thx for the clarifications!

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21 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I think that is mostly the ones on the far ends of each side.. Moderates are a bit more tolerable of each other and agree on a lot of things.. Even when they don't , they don't hate each other.. hehehe

Exactly. The grease to SL, and how SL can grow (in part with other things),  is empowering individuals to manage their experiences, stay out of what really are 'interpersonal disputes' - even over signs or flags - and just send form letters outlining the derendering, ignoring, muting and blocking functions available.

SL needs to open up to different types of views, from left to right, right now it's just the Tumblr of virtual worlds.

1 hour ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

[Moderator redacted quote from removed post]

Why not? Even if it is a comment for/against recent events, at worst it's just someone being insensitive.. OR it was just a picture of a cat that went up randomly, and SOMEONE ELSE got triggered by it - by their own interpretation of it.."

Like an example of a black avatar being sold on another LL platform and was named "Tyrone", but the creator was threatened with disciplinary action as apparently the name "Tyrone" was deemed offensive, - due to a meme at the time - and was NOT the intent of the creator.

16 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

The ban was put in place to prevent the weaponization of such signage which was happening, and in the case of the two I posted , is happening.

The signs are right next door to someones small LGBTQ garden and overlooking a covid memorial, and the entire supporting build has been constructed as a giant F YOU. I didn't mention that as being a giant ***** is not against ToS and not the point here.


The problem lies in people's perception of something being weaponized. Just because a person might have a counter view to you, and say meet your impassioned expression with the same level of their own - doesn't mean it's weaponized against you.

I can clearly tell you here and now - I am not a fan of LGBTQ+ things and rainbow flags, and so what? So if I express my own view, say "The Nuclear Family" or heterosexual relationships and lifestyles - why is it that many feel that is 'weaponized' against them?

Why is it seen as harassment if I post pictures of heterosexual marriage, or those things.. in response, because I am your neighbour, or if it's how I would like to express myself - on the same private property where you and others so fervently promote as "People can do what they want  on their own private property"?

Why should LL get involved anyway, or come up with guidelines that would limit such expression, at the same time preaching 'inclusivity' on their platforms? Derender solves all issues, for others - mute and block..  But then, that wouldn't be as fun or as thrilling as seeing someone else have forced used against them on your whims?

23 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Sometimes I think it would be nice if we went back to a much simpler time..


Seriously, we really do. I remember a SL that was wacky, wild, free and even if people didn't like your position, they weren't at war with you over it, or tattletaling as much as they do nowadays. Everything is an offense to them, every expression policed... Unfortunately those days are gone as LL has become more political themselves, and have a built-in and obvious bias that HAS affected their business model, but too blind to see how. Patience, tolerance, inclusion and most importantly forgiveness should be extended to EVERYONE.
And in the office? Shut up about your politics or social issues or culture wars. We're here to get work done, thank-you.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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  • Moles

To remind people, the https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Forum_Participation_Guidelines say


No Discussions Not Directly Related to Second Life: Please keep all threads relevant and directly related to Second Life and Linden Lab. Anything unrelated to Second Life is subject to moderation. This includes, but is not limited to, politics, social issues, current events, and Non-SL discussion posts (Examples such as tell me a joke, make me laugh, etc). If the thread could exist on a non-Second Life Forum, that is probably a good sign it doesn’t belong here.

That includes discussions of current political events and popular memes, and I am anxious that this thread doesn't get derailed by people introducing them, no matter how indirectly.  That's why I've asked people not to discuss them, even as examples.

It seems to me pointless to argue about whether a hypothetical flag or sign would or wouldn't be covered by Linden Lab Official:Policy on ad farms and network advertisers.   

If you see a sign you think contravenes the policy, then report it.    If you want to put up a such a sign, then you should read the official policy, use your own best judgement, and wait to see if it gets returned or not.

Speculating about hypotheticals here seems pointless.


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I mean I don't feel like something like that, is in anyway shape or form of an advertisement. It's just their way of expressing their political opinion. And if that were the case, we shouldn't have any sort of political signs up, no matter the side. Just saying. 

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1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

And if it makes people uncomfortable, as long as it's not against TOS. Just blacklist and derender it, even if it is against TOS. Report it and then blacklist and derender it. I mean it is as simple as that. 

Indeed. When did SL turn into a population of crybabie and tattletalers. Perhaps as part of the Welcome Hub experience, information about derendering and blocking should be part of the education.

"Before hassling LL staff with your crying, first use these tools, that may solve your problem."

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4 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

New users, actual new users, are generally using the LL viewer which does not include derender.

Ok, well then... we work on their attitude of being offended at signs, and flags etc, and perhaps point them to therapy so they can learn about managing their reactions to things in life.

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9 minutes ago, Cynite00 said:
13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

New users, actual new users, are generally using the LL viewer which does not include derender.

Ok, well then... we work on their attitude of being offended at signs, and flags etc, and perhaps point them to therapy so they can learn about managing their reactions to things in life.

I could offer a free Reiki session to any noobie triggered by a sign to help them calm down ;0

But seriously, I don't think LL should ignore all signs -- for example, say a sign depicts outright abuse. I could see where LL wouldn't want SL to be portrayed in such a way in a public location -- that's simply not good for business should the abusive sineage be photographed and posted somewhere. So it's good the rules are a bit vague and left to their discretion really.

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35 minutes ago, Cynite00 said:

Indeed. When did SL turn into a population of crybabie and tattletalers. Perhaps as part of the Welcome Hub experience, information about derendering and blocking should be part of the education.

"Before hassling LL staff with your crying, first use these tools, that may solve your problem."

I don't know, but common sense dictates to me. If I have a problem with something. I move on and go about my day. Same thing goes for SL, I blacklist and derender and move on. I mean if it is against TOS, I report it and not make a big stink about it. And then block and derender and move on with my day. 

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1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I don't know, but common sense dictates to me. If I have a problem with something. I move on and go about my day. Same thing goes for SL, I blacklist and derender and move on. I mean if it is against TOS, I report it and not make a big stink about it. And then block and derender and move on with my day. 

You can't derender scripts, though, and scripts are full of math, and math is full of politics!  Those sneaky scripters are always causing problems, making everybody crazy, with their political campaigns hidden in scripts.  I used to be a normal person, but after one trip to the LSL wiki, I started having... concepts of plans!

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21 minutes ago, Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia said:

You can't derender scripts, though, and scripts are full of math, and math is full of politics!  Those sneaky scripters are always causing problems, making everybody crazy, with their political campaigns hidden in scripts.  I used to be a normal person, but after one trip to the LSL wiki, I started having... concepts of plans!

Okay then 🤣 

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