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Corner Crossings


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Who at SL thought this bit of landscaping was a good idea? Couple of ban lines, some off sim objects and that's basically passage through there cut off for anything larger than a speedboat since being forced into a sim corner crossing is almost always fatal. 



Edited by VictoriaGrwd
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1 hour ago, VictoriaGrwd said:

Who at SL thought this bit of landscaping was a good idea?

I haven’t seen this in-world yet, but yeah tight corners like that and you’re relying on the mercy and good-will of other residents who we can hope are sensible enough to leave it clear. Unfortunately it’s often the case it’d be littered with things.

But sometimes I also see people making an open waterway to let others pass through from their own personal land, which is nice and restores my faith in SL humanity. 

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Those crossings are better off being avoided. Too risky. In fact, sailing anywhere that is not protected land is a risk. Never know who's got a security orb until it's too late.

38 minutes ago, discussionbot said:

But sometimes I also see people making an open waterway to let others pass through from their own personal land, which is nice and restores my faith in SL humanity. 

It's very nice and generous when people choose to leave waterways that are in their land accessible to the public. But we shouldn't count on it or take it for granted. Would've been nice to have a small sliver of protected land going through those narrow region crossings to keep them sailable. But now it's too late to change that, and if it's private property, we have no choice but to respect that.

I always find it rather disingenuous when some land barons sell landlocked parcels as "sailable", when really it's a gamble and the neighbors' generosity can change at any point. People can buy a parcel like that then lose their waterway access at the drop of a hat if they are not very thorough/knowledgeable when buying it.

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8 hours ago, VictoriaGrwd said:

Who at SL thought this bit of landscaping was a good idea?

Possibly the same person who envisioned a city full of intersections like this - the cross in the middle is where 4 regions meet.


Edited by Diablo Lioncourt
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2 minutes ago, discussionbot said:
11 minutes ago, Diablo Lioncourt said:


I feel so much pain just looking at this image. I can’t believe it’s real. Great work from the builders there. 

Never too late to fix it. There we go:


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Well it's their land, their rules.  You don't have any rights to use it.


There's a linden waterway there for you yes, if you think a landowner is blocking it then abuse report it and let Governance deal with it.


If your turbo charged bathtub is too big to fit in a narrow channel, it's not the problem of the adjacent land owner to deal with, it's yours.


I've a lovely zero second orb on my land by a waterway to move on any "entitled " boat owner.

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8 hours ago, Diablo Lioncourt said:

Possibly the same person who envisioned a city full of intersections like this - the cross in the middle is where 4 regions meet.


Maybe a sim quadruple dedicated to manifesters, quantum jump reality shifters and other searching souls, and the cross marks the best spot for those who still didn't manage, because they're not trying hard enough.

Maybe just cybersparkly, though, risky but pretty, because who cares about risk in the face of beauty.

Is there an automated vendor selling an "I survived the " shirt nearby?


When I have mainland, I form it with public in mind, and am happy if other people go there. I'm surprised that many people don't, to me, it's much more fun to create something not just for myself but to share. Not viable irl, but in SL very much so, that's a really nice aspect for me. For privacy, I'll take to a skybox. But, yes, your land, your imagination.

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45 minutes ago, InnerCity Elf said:

When I have mainland, I form it with public in mind, and am happy if other people go there. I'm surprised that many people don't, to me, it's much more fun to create something not just for myself but to share. Not viable irl, but in SL very much so, that's a really nice aspect for me.

I have also recently realised that I’ll get more joy out of my unused water parcel in a prime sea if others use it, and will be converting it into a public space/maybe GTFO dock. 

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18 hours ago, VictoriaGrwd said:

Who at SL thought this bit of landscaping was a good idea? Couple of ban lines, some off sim objects and that's basically passage through there cut off for anything larger than a speedboat since being forced into a sim corner crossing is almost always fatal. 



I'm genuinely perplexed by how those regions have been 'developed' by whoever owns them. And yes, in quotes because it seems that bone-headed to me.

Since there are limits on how far you can raise or lower land in most Mainland regions, I'm assuming they've created floating islands of lands on the water. Which is an option, sure... but in the middle of a waterway? And the way they've done so would, to my mind, make them unattractive to potential buyers/renters who want to use said waterway.

I'm not sure where on the grid this is, but from what you've said @VictoriaGrwd I'm guessing it's somewhere that was originally designed to be sailable. So I think this is something that Governance should be made aware of, for the simple reason that it's potentially impacting a lot more than just the residents of neighbouring regions.

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13 hours ago, discussionbot said:

I feel so much pain just looking at this image. I can’t believe it’s real. Great work from the builders there. 

Kama City, on Zindra, literally the WORST roads in SL. There are dozens of corners there, JUST like that one.

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On 7/21/2024 at 8:52 AM, VictoriaGrwd said:

Who at SL thought this bit of landscaping was a good idea? Couple of ban lines, some off sim objects and that's basically passage through there cut off for anything larger than a speedboat since being forced into a sim corner crossing is almost always fatal. 

Actually, the region corners referenced in the OPs map above are typical and work just fine for sailors in boats up to the size of an infinity freighter. If the specific complaint is about splashy rocks, these particular rocks are phantom and provide a visual hazard but do not block your boat.

The type of encroachment that is BAD is when a resident encroaches with NON phantom objects that actually partially block a channel or corner. Similarly, a banline that borders protected water without any inworld visual clues is suboptimal but, unfortunately, not prohibited.

region corner.jpg

Edited by diamond Marchant
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  • 3 weeks later...

Some of the "protected" rivers on Sansara that connect seas/oceans to the outer edge of region waters get very narrow and twisty. I recently bought a parcel bordering the protected water that connects Sansara to Bellisseria. I tried three times to sail a small motor boat from my new parcel along the river to the Sea of Fables.  I kept running into either corners sticking into the water that are no-scripts or no object entry or ban lines. It kept breaking my boat.

I know that a protected path exists because I have walked it underwater. But when using even a tiny boat on top of water, it is really hard to determine where the very narrow (often only 8 M wide) protected path twists and turns around around parcel corners that stick into the water.

Perhaps a more experienced boater can navigate this successfully, but for me it was too hard and no fun.

I am going to try the script Aethelwine recommends in my tiny rowboat...

But to the OP's point... I have to agree that those "corners" in protected waters can be so difficult to navigate that it takes all the fun out of boating along that water.

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When following narrow protected water channels anywhere on the mainland, if you aren't experienced then the first thing you need to do is enable parcel lines on your mini-map, and zoom in the mini-map so that those channels look nice and wide compared to your avatar dot.  That will make it much easier to stick in the middle of the channel.

I also want to correct a few myths in the above post.  Neither scripts being disabled, nor object entry being turned off, have any affect on a vehicle which is already moving and sat on by an avatar. 

Objects in which an avatar is sitting on, such as a vehicle, effectively bypass this parcel setting.  Of course, if you are un-seated from your vehicle, even for a fraction of a second, then your vehicle simply becomes an object like anything else, and will be effected by that setting.

The parcel setting "Run Scripts" is a bit misleading, it should really be "start scripts".  Any script already running will continue to work when it passes into a parcel with Run Scripts disabled. The Run Scripts setting is also height limited like ban-lines, it has no effect at all when you are more than 50m above terrain mesh.  But once again, if you stop your scripted vehicle in a no-script area, the scripts turn off, so when you try and restart your vehicle, it wont work, because now the "Run Scripts" setting is in effect.

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On 7/21/2024 at 8:23 PM, Diablo Lioncourt said:

Possibly the same person who envisioned a city full of intersections like this - the cross in the middle is where 4 regions meet.


Not sure what the problem is. Just drive real slow making the turn 😁

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On 7/22/2024 at 9:42 AM, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Kama City, on Zindra, literally the WORST roads in SL. There are dozens of corners there, JUST like that one.

The only thing I hate about those roads is you have to walk across the street to catch a ride on a hover car 😆

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17 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I know that a protected path exists because I have walked it underwater. But when using even a tiny boat on top of water, it is really hard to determine where the very narrow (often only 8 M wide) protected path twists and turns around around parcel corners that stick into the water.

In addition to enabling parcel lines, if you’re in Firestorm then enable this:

Preferences -> Firestorm -> Build 2 -> Show boundary up to maximum build height

It’ll let you highlight the entire narrow path with yellow lines stretching in the sky when you keep the about land window open as you sail. 

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Worst spot I know of:


There is a ban line at a region corner here. What looks like open Linden water - isn't.

Which is why my avatar is in the water at the center, and my boat is gone.

This is where a river exits Sansara into the sea, and is the new route from Sansara to a new section of Bellessaria. There is a usable channel here, if you can find it.

If we have to put up with this kind of thing, it should be marked. Large, illuminated, mole-placed warning buoys would be appropriate.


RL example.

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8 hours ago, animats said:

Worst spot I know of:

Your screenshot just highlights my aforementioned post about using the mini-map with parcel lines showing.  If you had that showing, you would have easily seen the protected channel and would've avoided the banline.  I understand how problematic mainland travel can be for some people, but if you aren't going to do the bare minimum of preparation beforehand, then this is the likely result 🤔

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17 hours ago, animats said:

Worst spot I know of:

Yes this a problem. After the East River was connected to Belli, I filed an issue on https://feedback.secondlife.com/ldpw  requesting that channel markers be placed to mark the channel. There is ample precedent for this on Mainland. This request was denied (closed) soon after.

This situation is what I call a "booby trap", as the channel appears to be perfectly passable water but it is not. As a courtesy, the landowner should mark it. Note that I do NOT maintain that I have any right to sail over the area with banlines. Rather, I simply request that inworld objects be rezzed which give a sailor visual clues, as happens in the real world. The property-lines-on-water is useful but not sufficient, IMHO. Depending on your boat, sail configuration and environment choices, such lines may be hard to see.

To give credit when credit is due, sections to the west of this area which had similar issues have been resolved. Also, governance has addressed some "encroachment on protected waters" issues. So Thanks!

booby trap banline 2..jpg

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It is possible that not everyone has even a few LI available to add markers, assuming they even want to do so. Since there are tools to help others avoid these areas, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect those tools to be used.

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