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Problems with Linden Lab's plans to attract new users.

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3 minutes ago, Flea Yatsenko said:

Most free to play games (sorry for calling it that) don't make money off of most players. Most of LL's revenue comes from sim payments. People who pay for public sims are far more likely to keep their public sims if people keep showing up. F2P games revolve around a few users who spend a ridiculous amount of money while everyone else is just there free loading to keep the people who pay a ton of money entertained. SL would be a lot better off with a lot of free loading explorers going to people's sims and being social than having free loading users just leave the platform because they don't bring in enough money.

SL just needs people to fill empty sims and make them social and fun at this point regardless of if they spend money or not.

I did own land at one point, so LL has never really made money off me that way. However, I have spent (to me) quite a lot of money in SL buying stuff and giving donations to places I love and giving tips to Hosts and DJs, along with the occasional ‘other’ services lol. 

I wonder if that perhaps describes a lot of the F2P users? (I only had a Premium account during the year or so I owned land) Just a wild guess, how much would you expect that to add to the LL bottom line?

Also, I think this thread relates to growing the user base via mobile. I know I have played a version of Sims on my iPads, so perhaps these new users would be interested in owning and developing land? Or perhaps just bring in money via the goods and services economy? 

I agree that having a lot of people in-world makes the place more engaging (well, at least it does to me, as my main interest in SL is going to clubs and hopefully socializing there) and therefore helps retain the big spenders, but seems like LL needs new income as much as it does new users? Of course, if they kept the mobile app available for some level of subscribing user, that would automatically bring in income, but would people pay for that? I don’t game so I have no idea about the uptake of pay-2-play vs F2P games.

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11 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

It's not just Gen-Z. Flexi is one of the better ways to make some very curly (corkscrews, waves, etc.) hairstyles. 



 Mesh + flexi is also really nice:



This illustrates my point perfectly about there being a disconnect. There are several, but this one happened in real time and on more than one level.

I was really pointing out that, there are social things that happen in world based on things that people aren’t into…for whatever reason so they miss them. Then I thought about it driving home and well, there’s another level to that: people are always saying you can’t have a profitable business in SL using inworld tools anymore, yet…there it is right there.

So it was asked earlier how to attract younger users. I was pointing out they are already here. More importantly, look at how they are using and sharing second life. In a lot of ways, it’s not the same as it was used before, but it has to be accepted and embraced all the same. 

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24 minutes ago, Flea Yatsenko said:

SL just needs people to fill empty sims and make them social and fun at this point

Well, that eliminates the need for Gen-Z's right there, you can't be "social and fun" with others if nobody can understand the gibberish you speak instead of using a real language like everybody else.

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“The Chairman alluding to the problem of young people and their English said his experience was that many did not seem able to express or convey to other people what they meant. They could not put their meaning into words, and found the same difficulty when it came to writing.”

-- "Unable to Express Thoughts: Failing of Modern Young People," Gloucester Citizen, 1936

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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

"Unable to Express Thoughts: Failing of Modern Young People," Gloucester Citizen, 1936


"I saw a woman clad in a gown of Bristowe Red, where but for their pride and conspiracies, she would have worn sack cloth as of old..."

Letter by an English Knight complaining about peasants wearing nice clothes and not knowing their place, mid 1440's.


Is it time to complain about people wearing swimsuits in SL, that were designed AFTER 1910 again?


Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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If gen Z is already here, they likely choose not to interact with us or exist mostly as wallflowers. Also, because they do not have very strong reading comprehension skills or know how to spell very good (i'm not even trying to pick on them, this is an on going problem nobody seems to know how to explain or solve), they would likely just communicate with each other on Discord via voice. We will have to make accommodations to help them or they will likely remain on something called Roblox. I think Firestorm as the largest TVP should lead the charge and include a Gen Z friendly language setting as part of their UI language options to help lead us into the double plus good future. Why not make some crazy, crazy progress? Lol. I'm just joking, mostly.

If LL's master plan is to try to attract a user base that is struggling with reading comprehension and expressing themselves to SL, I think we are in a deeper pile of poop then we thought. Mabey they should focus on retaining us (their existing users).


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4 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

If gen Z is already here, they likely choose not to interact with us or exist mostly as wallflowers. Also, because they do not have very strong reading comprehension skills or know how to spell very good (i'm not even trying to pick on them, this is an on going problem nobody seems to know how to explain or solve), they would likely just communicate with each other on Discord via voice. We will have to make accommodations to help them or they will likely remain on something called Roblox. I think Firestorm as the largest TVP should lead the charge and include a Gen Z friendly language setting as part of their UI language options to help lead us into the double plus good future. Why not make some crazy, crazy progress? Lol. I'm just joking, mostly.

If LL's master plan is to try to attract a user base that is struggling with reading comprehension and expressing themselves to SL, I think we are in a deeper pile of poop then we thought. Mabey they should focus on retaining us (their existing users).


I teach literature to Gen Z students.

This is utter nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

"Unable to Express Thoughts: Failing of Modern Young People," Gloucester Citizen, 1936

More seriously though, there is a world of difference between that oaf in 1936, and the other oaf in the 1440's, doing the "looking at the past through rose tinted Arc Welder's Safety Visors" thing, and being literally unable to understand a word the "kewl people" are saying.

Your example oaf would still have expected the people he was complaining about to have correctly answered "What State is Utah in?" rather than replying "Ummm Detroit?"

Granpa: "It seems a little tardy" Understandable

Pa: "It's a bit slow" Understandable

Us: "It's Laggy" Understandable

Gen-Z: "boomer cap no glow yolo" LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH YOU USELESS PROLE!

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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I teach literature to Gen Z students.

This is utter nonsense.

I could be wrong. I was just speculating.

It's just that they use a lot of very, very strange slang.

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As fun as it is to lean into the stereotypes and crack jokes at the expense of certain age groups, Gen Z are no more a monolith than Boomers, Gen X or any other age demographic.

We really don't need to worry too much about "dumbing down" SL for younger users because, much like when each of us joined, SL is never going to appeal to the majority of people because of it's complexity and nerdy quirkiness.  Regardless of the generation, the majority of those who find the idea of SL appealing are already somewhere on the "nerdiness spectrum" (with the exception, perhaps, of some of those who have been mislead into believing that SL is a dating site and are only interested in learning how to wear an attachment and sit on a poseball). 

Speaking from personal experience, some of those Gen Z'ers are pretty damn smart.  I'd suggest not buying into the popular divisive narrative that younger people (or any other group) are somehow less diverse or individual.

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1 minute ago, WeFlossDaily said:

I could be wrong. I was just speculating.

It's just that they use a lot of very, very strange slang.

They do. So has literally every generation of young people going back to at least the Renaissance. It's one of the ways in which languages evolve.

In fact, one of the ways Old English slowly changed to Middle English was because hip young Saxons began declining nouns in the same way that the Vikings who settled along the east coast and North of England did. 

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32 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

I could be wrong. I was just speculating.

It's just that they use a lot of very, very strange slang.

Some use a very poor interpretation of AAVE. They do not all do this.

Them using slang is no different from Gen X using it.

Chill pill. Hella. Dude. Trippin'. Cool beans.

Or dare I go back further...

Daddy-O. Cruisin' for a bruisin'...

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
I can spell
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4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

In fact, one of the ways Old English slowly changed to Middle English was because hip young Saxons began declining nouns in the same way that the Vikings who settled along the east coast and North of England did. 

Hip Young Saxon: Adopts declension of nouns


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25 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:


 My guess is Japanese. I sounds out: Ka-ni-chi-wa. 3ligt, but sorry if I was wrong. Men det är svenska inte och jag kan'te prata på det. Sorry, I reject some of the English rules that were carried over from Latin, like not splitting the infinitive, and I sometimes incorporation bits and pieces of other languages into my English, be it a strange world order or spelling. For example, I like how British ppl say fringe. Or in my above bit of swedish, kan'te isn't even a real word*, it's just an incorporated English-ism I think fits into my Swedish. Where I live there are a ton of accents and boarderline regional dialects and weird ways ppl say stuff. I also like to experiment. I could go on and on and on about language. But, ya first thought when somebody makes fun of how I talk is: 'Speak American' Sorry, my bad. hejda))))

*and broke finger typos and stuff

Edited by WeFlossDaily
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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

In fact, one of the ways Old English slowly changed to Middle English was because hip young Saxons began declining nouns in the same way that the Vikings who settled along the east coast and North of England did. 

So we will be able to communicate with gen Z, after all? Groovy.

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5 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

Men det är svenska inte och jag kan'te prata på det.


5 minutes ago, WeFlossDaily said:

Or in my above bit of swedish, kan'te isn't even a real world, it's just an incorporated English-ism I think fits into my Swedish.

Nej, "kan'te" är bara en förkortning för "kan inte", så det är OK.  😉

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