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SL has gotten incredibly boring

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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Another way of looking at it is: 

Second Life is "User-Generated Content".

If you find Second Life "boring", are you only "consuming" Second Life?  Are there ways you could "contribute" to Second Life?


All fine and good as long as there is inspiration.
But inspiration comes and goes. 
When inspiration goes, boredom comes. But that is fine.
If one wants to climb high mountains, one has to accept going trough low valleys too.
I think I would kill myself if inspiration was always on peak level.

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27 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I think I would kill myself if inspiration was always on peak level.

I'd never get anything done, because I'd be stuck in idea-generation mode. The hills and valleys model is apt.

Still never really get bored, though.

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Personally I find that when boredom hits me in Second Life, that it's time for another break. Come back when the fascination has returned or just wander off into the sunset if it doesn't.

I find that a healthy mindset to have, because boredom is not a result of the environment but one's relation to it. I need only look into photography groups and see people having a blast, I can poke into some ERP Sim and people are having a b...ad phrasing.

When I'm faced with endless possibilities but can't find a thing to do, then my head is just not in it and nothing anyone could suggest would ever hit that spot either. There isn't some secret place of amazingness you just haven't found yet, or more precisely it's all around you. It's just not fitting your mood right now.

It's okay to take a break. Video game burnout is a thing.

Like I'm a soulsborne fanatic. That series has rekindled my love for gaming. Get me started and I can talk hours. There's a much anticipated expansion coming out and... I've got no hype for it. Burned out on it for now. It happens. It's fine!

So shelf SL and maybe poke back in again later.

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Posted (edited)


On a more serious note, Second Life is what you make of it.

I've co-owned an estate for a few years, but didn't engage in any roleplay there - I was there purely to maintain the infrastructure. That said, there were several requests for roleplay event by many tenants.

They would ask: "Can we do any roleplay here?" I would always answer with "Yes, sure, nothing's keeping you from roleplaying here whatsoever. Plenty of space and nice buildings and places to roleplay all around."

What I did not realize was that they meant to ask: "Are there any people active in organizing and leading roleplay events here that I could participate in?" In other words, most people wouldn't want to start a roleplay group with all the responsibilities that come with them, but rather simply join an existing one in which the path was all laid out.

I wouldn't call it lazy, but decent roleplay groups aren't casual either. To have an engaging active roleplay group requires spending time and money an energy in them. The more people dedicate such resources to it, the more likely such a group is to succeed.

Conversely, an important aspect of boredom is the lack of motivation to put a decent amount of effort into something, anything really. In my humble opinion, it's more a state of mind than it is a lack of opportunity.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
pure... -ly
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57 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Conversely, an important aspect of boredom is the lack of motivation to put a decent amount of effort into something, anything really. In my humble opinion, it's more a state of mind than it is a lack of opportunity.

Ain't that the truth

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20 hours ago, 1xXM1M1Xx1 said:

SL has become a boring place. I wish I had the chance to join SL in its prime but unfortunately, I was like 2 or 3 when it was created. Now, all SL is a ego measuring contest with no substance. 

if you don't like crappy clubs with equally as crappy music, fornicating  every minute of the day, want to be a medieval slave, stand around and talk ship, or have a crippling shopping addiction, there's nothing to do. what happened to rp? what happened to the fun and excitement? what happened? where did it go wrong? I'm tired of standing around bored out of my mind! can someone make a RP place suggestion or something to do?

Idk why you chose to put fornicating inside of this when you could just avoid the adult side of second life all together. You can, like many other, create an RP sim of your own. If you cannot afford a large sim, just rent a smaller sim and make it an RP sim.

I am aware that making and owned a full sim is expensive and there should be an incentive to create and make sims for more communities and have it be more accessible than it is, atm, but Adult sims are not the only thing you can go in to. Mature sims are also where adults can hang out.

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Something to do - well, there's a lot. It really comes down to what you're interested in. If you like art - there are lots of great art galleries. Live music - look around for some good DJs and performers you'd like. Like sailing and exploring - grab a boat. Like fishing or riding around on horses, you can do that, too. Etc. I never found SL roleplay to be particularly interesting, so I'm rather useless on that front.

I guess I'd ask, though - why force it? Log in when there's something you want to do. Log out when there isn't. SL is primarily a creative outlet/character builder/virtual photography playground for me, so when I'm in the mood to do that, I'm in there. When I want to do something else (socialize, roleplay, play an RPG or some other type of game), I go do that.

People do forget that it is a Creative virtual outlet set in fantasy.

Edited by Starberry Passion
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20 hours ago, 1xXM1M1Xx1 said:

SL has become a boring place. I wish I had the chance to join SL in its prime but unfortunately, I was like 2 or 3 when it was created. Now, all SL is a ego measuring contest with no substance. 

if you don't like crappy clubs with equally as crappy music, fornicating  every minute of the day, want to be a medieval slave, stand around and talk ship, or have a crippling shopping addiction, there's nothing to do. what happened to rp? what happened to the fun and excitement? what happened? where did it go wrong? I'm tired of standing around bored out of my mind! can someone make a RP place suggestion or something to do?

Honestly, if you are looking to get refreshed. Nothing does that better than a nice break.

With each break I've taken, I've had a different path each time I came back. Also I didn't feel the pull that the grid had on me before that first break from it.. It become more of, when I have time I'll log in rather than feeling like I had to shuffle to get time in or lose sleep because of not wanting to log off..

That first round before my first break, SL felt much more like a part of my life than after it.. Kind of like an addiction.. But one that was really easy to put down..

When I came back each time, I felt really Newbie and kind of lost, which felt really good.. Then found different  inspirations each time as well..

It may not be what you need or want..I'm just saying what works for me when I start to feel like I'm just burning the clock when I'm logged in.. Time is too precious to be burning it up like that.. hehehe

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13 hours ago, 1xXM1M1Xx1 said:
19 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

What have you learned in RL that you an bring to the table and expand on?  It seems you're looking "out there" for someone/something to entertain you, when the happiest people I see in SL are ones who brought some interest from RL and experimented with it in SL. For example, I love nature, and so in SL I became a nature artist. And I trained in Reiki, and so practice Reiki and other rituals related to it here, expanding on it, making it work for SL.

Surely you have some talent or interest from RL that might fit here -- making it fit can be the fun part.

Others I know did discover a new interest here, but you do have to be willing to search and be open, investigate, and go places beyond  various clubs.

You mentioned that you like role playing -- you could start your own venture!  It can be exciting to see if you can make it work. Be willing to work hard at it though.


hi! so, there are things I'd like to do or bring to SL but given my RL situation, i can't really afford to open up any sims. i do enjoy learning, primarily languages but every language group i join is dead. i don't know what else to do.

You might try attending some classes here. If not exactly what you're interested in sometimes they can give you ideas for what you might like to develop yourself, or you can meet people that provide links to other places. Notice there are 5 tabs in the calendar.


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