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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:


I did receive two unsolicited landmarks today. 


Is the fun over? Is it time for us to file our ARs now? I''l have to go through my recent messages and see if there's anything odd in there.





I don't think so. I have received unsolicited lots of stuff before I visited st. brokoli.

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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

I think Our Lady is urging us to simplify...I couldn't help but notice that she is wearing freebie sandals, but I didn't realize the importance of this observation until you and the others suddenly started wearing plywood attire. 

i hope this doesn't mean I have to sacrifice my Bax boots. 

/me rummages through inventory in search of pink dotted dress she was blessed with when she joined SL

I think you she wants you to prove your worthiness. Sacrifice, Give me—I mean, find a recipient who would be happy to get your Bax boots. I promise to shower you with compliments on the pink dress.

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I do believe it is well known among certain circles that Sylvia and I share similar shopping tastes, so surely I would be a more worthy and appreciative beneficiary of her wardrobe as she simplifies.

Fortunately for my future inventory, I didn't feel the call to simplify myself. But then it's well known that such higher powers speak to each of us in individual and personal ways.

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@Sylvia: A warning be careful not to be deceived by those vixens that wish to profit by your spiritual enlightenment.

As you can see I have been busy honing my building skills and have at this point been able to design and produce footwear suitable for pilgrimage.

These desirable boots are both mod and copy which will allow you to colour them black or black as appropriate to their purpose.

I would suggest any high quality boots or any footwear for that matter currently in your inventory be placed in my safe keeping pending a raffle were they can be purchased by me , sorry someone. The funds collected will be given to the first redhead I encounter.

Be strong Sylvia be strong.


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I was with her deep in meditation when I heard the call.




A white light enveloped her and before I knew what was happening, she was taken up into the sky.




I ran after her and leapt into the car in a futile attempt to follow,




but the car ejected me for not being the owner and I was left standing on top of it shouting to the virtual heavens, no! take me with you! alas, she hovers some 4096 above us now. amen 


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That is right Forum Dwellers I have some Ahem.... Good News to tell you tonight!

It seems 'Our Lady of Perpetual Silence' is back! I got an interview with the EyeWitness here is the tape:

CurlyBlondChick: Well yous sees when I'sa gettist heres no ones was about. But then /me go to the kitchen to gets me a drink and when /me a comes back there see is a big fluffy cloud. Next thing I knows is she turns into this thing of beautiful that's when /me runs off to call you.


I tried to interview 'Our Lady of Perpetual Silence' but again I got no reply:

Live Report: So the prophecy about your return was true?

OLOPS: ...

Live Report: People love you have you received our offerings and good wishes IMs?

OLOPS: ....


Well there you have it Dwellers the mystery continues....


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When I saw the live report on television I could hardly believe my nonprim eyes.




I rushed to the shrine as fast as my invisiprim heels allowed me.




I gazed upon her and was overcome with mixed feelings of anger and relief.




I had somehow known she would return for me, I knew there was a perfectly logical reason for why she was unable to accept my friend request. For it is written, crash happens.


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Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

I haven't received anything odd, and I've visited the shrine several times. :smileyhappy:

Yes, they have other things to do most times. These bots get lots of jobs but their main ones are --


  • Join groups to make them look more popular than they really are
  • Add places to picks to make them look more popular than they really are
  • Appear at places on demand to make them look more popular on map dots and traffic than they really are
  • Send IM spam to groups

Their distribution when they are on the mainland would not be very good for general land and avatar scanning. It would be very good to survey certain objects. Lots of her friends are missing from the mainland today too, but their office is "open".

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@Live: I thought about it for some time and I believe I have the answer to OLOPS absence. Obviously she must be from the US and of course everyone has the 4th of July off.

@Charolotte: I love your prim attachments most becoming and such a lovely texture. Would you have a Marketplace link so I may acquire them also?

/Dee heads off to refine her building skills dreaming of the profits that could be made:P


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DQ Darwin wrote:

@Sylvia: A warning be careful not to be deceived by those vixens that wish to profit by your spiritual enlightenment.

As you can see I have been busy honing my building skills and have at this point been able to design and produce footwear suitable for pilgrimage.

These desirable boots are both mod and copy which will allow you to colour them black or black as appropriate to their purpose.

I would suggest any high quality boots or any footwear for that matter currently in your inventory be placed in my safe keeping pending a raffle were they can be purchased by
, sorry someone. The funds collected will be given to the first redhead I encounter.

Be strong Sylvia be strong.


Fiddle-dee-dee, Dee! I thought of it first! You (and Quinn) are just stealing my idea, one which was put forward with completely altruisitic and honest motives and was intended solely to aid in Sylvia's quest for enlightenment. I must admit those are lovely boots, though. Do you have them in black?

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I must apologize if you believe I would offer Sylvia my aid purely for my own benefit or gain. I have, from reliable sources mind you, that Quinn is in fact a client of yours. I recognized a double team effort going here and besides why share when the possibility exists to have it all.

Thank you on the boots. I do have them in three colours of black. Please contact me in world and we could discuss reasonable price prior to my placing them on the market place.

Hugs - Dee :P

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These accoutrements are the result of a miraculous occurrence and therefore I could never imagine selling them for a price.

Until st. brokoli gains in followers and notoriety, these splinter free plywood attachments hold no value to me as a merchant and until delivery issues have been resolved I could not in good faith offer them for sale.

Thank you for the compliment though, once they if they are ever offered up for sale, they will come in different color variations and be no mod no copy no transfer, but will have way too many resize scripts buried deep within their undeletable soul.


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