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Is there anyway to permanently block people


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I assume you are 100% sure they're doing this on purpose?

When you put out an item with a payment permissions script it will ask if you approve sending money to X. It never asks you again. Set up wrong, you can find yourself paying somebody tiny bits of cash forever.

It is possible they put you into some affiliate vendor and then left it or forgot it. Either accidentally, purposefully to pay you for something way back when and then forgot about it, or as a way to hassle you. And... as a way to auto-hassle someone, this does seem like an easy way to 'fire and forget'.

I'm not sure if the notification of being paid by an object is different though.


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On 10/11/2023 at 7:14 PM, Perrie Juran said:

I could swear there was a current  JIRA requesting the ability to block payments but I can not find it right now. There is an old one from 2017 that was closed.

I'd suggest filing a JIRA requesting this be implemented perhaps referencing this thread to document the harassment.

It is a common enough form of harassment LL should look at dealing with this.

Oh, please please please harass me like this! I know that @Subscribedd didn't want to hear "just take the money and go on with your day", but I mean really. This "harassment" is costing your enemies money. What more could you ask for?

There are two things blocking doesn't actually block. 1) a payment to you by the blocked person and 2) a physical interaction...a bump. Oh, and one that was the topic of another long thread, it does not prevent the blocked person from seeing YOU or hearing your local chat. They are "dead to you", but you are not "dead to them".

Subscribedd, I think you're being way too sensitive about this. If each time these idiots pay you, you simply say to yourself "KA-CHING!" and laugh, you'll feel much better about it all.

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39 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Subscribedd, I think you're being way too sensitive about this. If each time these idiots pay you, you simply say to yourself "KA-CHING!" and laugh, you'll feel much better about it all.

I'm reminded of a joke (have to paraphrase it, can't find it on Google):

One day, Jack received a phone call with the caller asking, "Is Harry there?"

Jack, confused, said "There's no Harry here!" The caller insisted that Jack take a message, but Jack hung up instead.

Over the next few days and weeks, Jack continued to receive many calls for "Harry".

One day, Jack's phone rang and the caller asked, "Hello, this is Harry. Do you have any messages for me?"


I suppose the moral here is, perhaps someone will come asking, "Did you receive my $Lindens? I need them now."


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6 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Subscribedd, I think you're being way too sensitive about this. If each time these idiots pay you, you simply say to yourself "KA-CHING!" and laugh, you'll feel much better about it all.

I wonder how you would feel if day after day, 20, 30, 40, 50 times while logged in for a couple of hours you saw the message "Chief Idiot has payed you One Linden Dollar."  Insane sounding but I knew someone who was harassed like this. Tell me that it wouldn't get old.

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20 minutes ago, Perrie Juran said:

I wonder how you would feel if day after day, 20, 30, 40, 50 times while logged in for a couple of hours you saw the message "Chief Idiot has payed you One Linden Dollar."  Insane sounding but I knew someone who was harassed like this. Tell me that it wouldn't get old.

There's no way to block those messages even?

In case it didn't come up yet, I've known users who had Alt accounts specifically to be the "money account". Possibly to avoid those messages (and avoid people bugging them for L$ as a large club owner).

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7 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Oh, please please please harass me like this! I know that @Subscribedd didn't want to hear "just take the money and go on with your day", but I mean really. This "harassment" is costing your enemies money. What more could you ask for?

There are two things blocking doesn't actually block. 1) a payment to you by the blocked person and 2) a physical interaction...a bump. Oh, and one that was the topic of another long thread, it does not prevent the blocked person from seeing YOU or hearing your local chat. They are "dead to you", but you are not "dead to them".

Subscribedd, I think you're being way too sensitive about this. If each time these idiots pay you, you simply say to yourself "KA-CHING!" and laugh, you'll feel much better about it all.

Would be nice if there was an automated "Thank you, Send More!" script that triggers each time that 1L was sent. That would like become annoying to the sender quick.

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3 hours ago, Perrie Juran said:

I wonder how you would feel if day after day, 20, 30, 40, 50 times while logged in for a couple of hours you saw the message "Chief Idiot has payed you One Linden Dollar."  Insane sounding but I knew someone who was harassed like this. Tell me that it wouldn't get old.

I would just sit back and smile and smile as each payment came in. It's like getting royalties for being someone's enemy. I think you can turn off that notification in your Preferences, though.

But what the heck, I admit I'm weird. A long time ago, I made a "modesty barrel", a wooden barrel with a couple of shoulder straps to wear to "protect your modesty" while changing clothes. As a joke, I listed it on the MP for $L10. But the joke's on me. After all this time, I'm actually making a few sales! And in the face of lower priced competition, even!

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11 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

It's like getting royalties for being someone's enemy.

   Wouldn't that be an awesome post box sign? 'Here lives Orwar, professional enemy'. 

   .. The last executioner in Sweden very proudly had his profession on his sign.


   "A. G. Dalman - Executioner"

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Those who are saying "Yay free lindens" never ran into this issue before. Sending 1L$ is an easy way to ban a person, if those linden do come from a stolen card.

That is an harasing technique used in the french community to "freeze" an account, leading up to make a ticket for it. If you do are premium, it does take less time. But it already happened to me. it'd be also good, if we could totally block everything, and also an option that allows us to receive L$ by the people we allow.

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The thing is, they don't even need to do anything themselves.

A moderately skilled scripter could easily write an online tracker that will automatically send the person money when they log in.

For all we know you're getting your panties in a twist while the person in question doesn't even have to think about you, except for when they lose couple of lindens every day.

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On 11/3/2023 at 5:22 AM, Orwar said:

   Wouldn't that be an awesome post box sign? 'Here lives Orwar, professional enemy'. 

   .. The last executioner in Sweden very proudly had his profession on his sign.


   "A. G. Dalman - Executioner"

That's one way to keep away unwanted salespeople and proselytizers. 

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On 11/4/2023 at 7:26 AM, Ico Kiyori said:

Those who are saying "Yay free lindens" never ran into this issue before. Sending 1L$ is an easy way to ban a person, if those linden do come from a stolen card.

That is an harasing technique used in the french community to "freeze" an account, leading up to make a ticket for it. If you do are premium, it does take less time. But it already happened to me. it'd be also good, if we could totally block everything, and also an option that allows us to receive L$ by the people we allow.

I've not heard that receipt of  only one fraudulent $L would get a person in trouble. You are right, though, that this is a thing, but usually the payment made to make the target "look bad" is much larger, like $L 10,000 or more.

If you think you've been paid fraudulent or stolen $L, there are preventive steps you can take. Don't spend the money, but immediately file a support ticket with LL, including the transaction details, and ask them to determine if it was fraudulent. If it is, they'll just remove the $L from your account. If it's not, you can then go on a nice shopping spree.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/2/2023 at 5:29 PM, Perrie Juran said:

I wonder how you would feel if day after day, 20, 30, 40, 50 times while logged in for a couple of hours you saw the message "Chief Idiot has payed you One Linden Dollar."  Insane sounding but I knew someone who was harassed like this. Tell me that it wouldn't get old.

Despite all the jokes going on in here and most of them pretty much saying im being sensitive and or ungrateful, you seem to be understanding because it actually is really annoying. I don't care about the Lindens, I can buy my own damn lindens, It's the constant consistency they are going out of their way to do this. It's very annoying and I'm tired of seeing it. I bet if Lindens weren't involved a lot of people in this thread would sing a different tone. It's even more annoying even today it still happens. If they were able to send note cards ant not lindens it would be a different tune from people in this thread. It's the thought and energy they are putting into this action. It's old and annoying.

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1 hour ago, Subscribedd said:

Despite all the jokes going on in here and most of them pretty much saying im being sensitive and or ungrateful, you seem to be understanding because it actually is really annoying. I don't care about the Lindens, I can buy my own damn lindens, It's the constant consistency they are going out of their way to do this. It's very annoying and I'm tired of seeing it. I bet if Lindens weren't involved a lot of people in this thread would sing a different tone. It's even more annoying even today it still happens. If they were able to send note cards ant not lindens it would be a different tune from people in this thread. It's the thought and energy they are putting into this action. It's old and annoying.

Likely many don't understand how disturbing it feels to be targeted by someone who is sadistic (wants to bug you).  Often it takes going through the experience oneself before a full understanding can be reached.

It's not the way in which someone targets another that's at issue here  -- it's the fact that they actually want to do another harm that's bothersome.  Additionally, one never knows how far a sadistic person will take it...in many cases they would go far beyond sending $L to make you know they want to bug you.

I have a good friend right now who is being targeted....there's an ex frequently showing up wherever she is (usually clubs) and TP'ing onto her head, among other annoying behaviors.

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On 10/11/2023 at 12:56 AM, Subscribedd said:
On 10/11/2023 at 12:42 AM, Arwyn Quandry said:

If you're using Firestorm, you can disable payment notifications. It's not the most ideal solution but it may help until they get bored. Sorry you're dealing with this. 


Thank you for being kind. At first, I ignored it, but I'm beginning to gather they are looking me up to do this torment, which means if i ever partner they might harass them as well. Like to what end.... to what damn end... 

I'm not following why this isn't a practical solution to the problem, especially if it's really such a torment. (Personally, I'd find it much more torment to be forced to use Firestorm, but in fact that's not the case, every viewer I've looked at has this same Notifications setting in Preferences, and Firestorm weirdly only offers a single setting for both send and receive, unlike all others I checked.)

The payments would still be recorded in the L$ Transaction History page of the account, so you'd still know their harassing intent (and what region they were in when they expressed it), and thus as Arwyn says it's "not the most ideal solution", but it seems to be a real source of discomfort still, weeks later, and I'm not seeing the point of staying victim to the ongoing aggravation. I must be missing something.

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