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Ico Kiyori

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Everything posted by Ico Kiyori

  1. Was not. Cuz I started to have some weird graphic glitches around the grid, while having a clean cache. Before it happened. When I did tried to log again, boom.. that message.
  2. Those who are saying "Yay free lindens" never ran into this issue before. Sending 1L$ is an easy way to ban a person, if those linden do come from a stolen card. That is an harasing technique used in the french community to "freeze" an account, leading up to make a ticket for it. If you do are premium, it does take less time. But it already happened to me. it'd be also good, if we could totally block everything, and also an option that allows us to receive L$ by the people we allow.
  3. So you took time to read the beginning of the comment, but not the rest? That's literally what i've said. But go off I guess.
  4. I barely post or comment on topic on the forum. I usually do lurk around.. but this? This must be the most stupidest stuff ever. Is LL totally craycray or something? Do they REALLY believe that this is a correct move? Barely nothing in the last 5 years has been done to make things easier to resident on Secondlife. Barely the minimum. Even when the community proposed some improvements such as the ability to select easily animesh (which is btw one line of code, and function that is highly requested), LL didn't cared at all. And now they do think that with this stupid move people are going to jump and get theirs expensive and overpriced premium plus? For what? Maybe is it time to have a reality check or some sort. Nothing, NOTHING, except if you're a creator or do upload a sh*t ton of images/sounds/etc, makes you want to pick the premiem plus. Also what kind of move is that, to add to an external app that isn't even made by LL, time limited? Do they know that you can easily change that up in android, to bypass that? So many bad decisions lately.. Just make it stop already.
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