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52 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I can only say what I experience. It does not mean that others experience it. I can not claim the I know it all. I get a grey screen with "You have been logged out of Second Life". And the option to view IM and chat, or quit.

A few rare times before my viewer has crashed when I take pictures with big size. More than 5000 x 5000, and I freeze. I can take so big pictures, but not over that.

The only thing that changed was the body. I have not added parts besides the usual apparel I wear, I have been using hairs, clothes and jewelry from the same creators as I have done before. The complexity was way under 80 000 with Legacy, so it should not be high. I think the highest number was 65 000. After I had set the body to BoM, I turned off Media. I do not use Media and Voice.

I have been inworld a lot lately and used Maitreya, because I have posted many pictures to Flickr. I have changed outfits, hairs, visited events and stores, I have been logged in several hours without grey screen and the message "You have been logged out of Second Life". No problems.

I have the same internet connection, cable and 5G.

Ah no that's not a crash, well it is to some but it's... complicated. That's the old TP bug, there's a big thread about in the tech support forum right now actually.

It doesn't seem linked to attachments at all, it's a server bug. It does seem to come and go in waves though so I can see how it could seem linked to specific attachments etc but it's really some deeply hidden client/server communication bug and Monty Linden is specifically trying to root out the cause, apparently it is many years old at this point.


Edited by AmeliaJ08
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24 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Sorry for asking a stupid question, but what does a crash look like? Is my screen going black, blue or is it a different message? I am only familar with the grey screen, the disconnect.

I'm not sure how official handles crashes (probably the same but no experience) but in Firestorm a crash will nearly always be the viewer immediately closing itself and a window with a little bug picture and "Bugsplat" title will appear, this is what they use to track and report crashes.

I have seen the occasional time the viewer just closes with no bugsplat message though, there's no warning or grey screen or anything when a viewer actually crashes.


Edited by AmeliaJ08
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On 10/19/2023 at 5:31 AM, AmeliaJ08 said:

Basically every Jake I see has the hands splayed out like that, I sometimes mentioned it to be nice since I know the wearer isn't aware of it but at this point I have given up.

It's a huge issue to have not fixed yet, Jake is a good body at a great price but that is a big problem.

Unlike the majority of mesh bodies in SL, Jake uses non-looped hand animations. This is why you see them correctly and anyone else that renders you later sees splayed fingers or "starfish". LL has yet to implement a running background animation to "fix" bento bones.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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Re: Maitreya's weird shoulders ...

Draw a line down the centre of your body.

Measure the height of your head without hair, top of head to bottom of chin; that's equal to 1.

For women, the top of your shoulders should be 1.333 down from the top of your head; that is, a head plus 1/3 of your head height.

For shoulder/arm width, the outer edge of your upper arms, just below the armpits, should be one head width out from that centre line you drew at first.

Ideal proportions, granted, but more realistic than 90% of the avatar shapes I see in world where the heads are too small, the legs way too long, the shoulders too narrow, torsos too short, hips not wide enough, the crotch up where your belly button is, and breasts/nipples not quite low enough (if your head = 1, the fullest part of breasts should be at 2).

Again, these are only if you want anything somewhat realistic, and not the usual exaggerated extremes, which can look amazing, but in the same way someone sees Maitreya's weird shoulders, as an artist I can not not see everywhere. I am seeing a noticeable number of female avatars though that have a more realistic height now though, at least at the music clubs I hang out at.


Also, notice how wide this model's neck is, rather than the skinny-minny necks on so many avatars? One of the oddly hard parts in life drawing class for many beginner drawing students is they always under-estimate the width of a neck and draw them at first absurdly narrow. Stand at your mirror looking straight on and turn your head 30° still keeping your eyes on the mirror. See how wide your neck and the muscles are? Cool, huh.


Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Re: Maitreya's weird shoulders ...

Draw a line down the centre of your body.

Measure the height of your head without hair, top of head to bottom of chin; that's equal to 1.

For women, the top of your shoulders should be 1.333 down from the top of your head; that is, a head plus 1/3 of your head height.

For shoulder/arm width, the outer edge of your upper arms, just below the armpits, should be one head width out from that centre line you drew at first.

Ideal proportions, granted, but more realistic than 90% of the avatar shapes I see in world where the heads are too small, the legs way too long, the shoulders too narrow, torsos too short, hips not wide enough, the crotch up where your belly button is, and breasts/nipples not quite low enough (if your head = 1, the fullest part of breasts should be at 2).

Again, these are only if you want anything somewhat realistic, and not the usual exaggerated extremes, which can look amazing, but in the same way someone sees Maitreya's weird shoulders, as an artist I can not not see everywhere. I am seeing a noticeable number of female avatars though that have a more realistic height now though, at least at the music clubs I hang out at.


Also, notice how wide this model's neck is, rather than the skinny-minny necks on so many avatars? One of the oddly hard parts in life drawing class for many beginner drawing students is they always under-estimate the width of a neck and draw them at first absurdly narrow. Stand at your mirror looking straight on and turn your head 30° still keeping your eyes on the mirror. See how wide your neck and the muscles are? Cool, huh.

I bet if you were to compare the average Maitreya body female avatar to a Barbie doll's proportions vs. a real human's proportions, you'd see the proportions in SL are closer to the Barbie doll.


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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I bet if you were to compare the average Maitreya body female avatar to a Barbie doll's proportions vs. a real human's proportions, you'd see the proportions in SL are closer to the Barbie doll.


Who cares if your proportions are realistic? SL lets me have an avatar that's my fantasy, not my real life, and my fantasy isn't looking like the one on the right! Besides, you can't say the mile-wide thighs and butts on many Reborn avatars are remotely realistic either.

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4 hours ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

Who cares if your proportions are realistic? SL lets me have an avatar that's my fantasy, not my real life, and my fantasy isn't looking like the one on the right! Besides, you can't say the mile-wide thighs and butts on many Reborn avatars are remotely realistic either.

Exactly true. I never said avatars had to look realistic. I prefer realistic proportions, but if folks want to look like Barbie dolls, Stretch Armstrong dolls, vampires, elves, orcs, aliens, furries, frogs or toasters this is their right.

I wonder if women gravitate toward Barbie proportions as being attractive because most of us grew up with these kinds of dolls, but I don't think it's wrong for an avatar.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
* Stretch Armstrong
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I think I am somewhere in between Barbie and RL. Like comics, where the figures often are 8 to 9 heads tall, instead of 6 to seven heads tall. I was a comic addict when I grew up. Still love comics.

My ideal shape would be close to Queen Aleta from Prince Valiant. While realistic for a comic strip, she is still quite idealized.


My avatar shape always look different in animations. I think it is nearly impossible to use SL animations and keep rigid to RL human proportions. I must nudge shoulders, arms and other parts. Especially after Bento hands was introduced.

The worst work was when I posed with a male alt. I spent so much time with both shapes, to have hands placed correct on each other. I did not overwrite the ordinary shapes, and that was good. They looked strange when they stepped off the poseballs.


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4 hours ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

Who cares if your proportions are realistic? SL lets me have an avatar that's my fantasy, not my real life, and my fantasy isn't looking like the one on the right! Besides, you can't say the mile-wide thighs and butts on many Reborn avatars are remotely realistic either.

@Persephone Emerald was responding to my earlier post, I think.

And I don't also care if anyone's realistic, it's SL, do whatever. I have certain looks on female avatars I think are absurd to the point of comedy, especially if they're going for sexy/attractive, but happy to also be told that real proportions are just as absurd. All good.

It's the female avatars who think they look realistic I was pointing out that any artist can spot a mile away and can't unsee, much like the weird Maitreya shoulders once you've seen them. I'd assume every gal sporting a Barbie-equse look knows it's not real, but based on my in-world conversations and the fact that even the best body makers seem to have no clue about proportions for their standard avis, I'd say not. Then again, whatever sells sells.

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On 10/22/2023 at 3:47 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

Re: Maitreya's weird shoulders ...


   Hm, couldn't be bothered to replicate the pose, just using the 'arms down, legs together' pose from the FS pose stand (not a fan of what it does with the shoulders).

   I think I might pass for a human, though!

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On 10/22/2023 at 2:47 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

as an artist I can not not see

Problem with that is...

If you picked 100 random women out of a crowd in RL, and photographed them, in the same pose, against a grid background, so you could measure their proportions, about 98 of them would NOT properly conform to the "officially unofficial I-Went-To-Art-School Officially Unofficial Numbers" which if you don't exactly match, means your body is "wrong".


In a previous thread about "proportion bigotry", somebody posted 6 pictures of real women, in response to some clown posting an "officially unofficial proportion chart"

According to the chart, 5 of the 6 real women were "wrong".


One chart posted on these forums claimed that the length of my hand from wrist joint to middle finger tip MUST be 1/4 of the distance from finger tip to body center line. My RL avatar's hands are closer to 1/6th, so apparently my hands are too small, and should be illegal if imported into SL.



Those "Officially Unofficial Numbers" are AVERAGES of thousands of women, not some damn rule we MUST obey because somebody says they went to Art School.

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35 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Problem with that is...

If you picked 100 random women out of a crowd in RL, and photographed them, in the same pose, against a grid background, so you could measure their proportions, about 98 of them would NOT properly conform to the "officially unofficial I-Went-To-Art-School Officially Unofficial Numbers" which if you don't exactly match, means your body is "wrong".


In a previous thread about "proportion bigotry", somebody posted 6 pictures of real women, in response to some clown posting an "officially unofficial proportion chart"

According to the chart, 5 of the 6 real women were "wrong".


One chart posted on these forums claimed that the length of my hand from wrist joint to middle finger tip MUST be 1/4 of the distance from finger tip to body center line. My RL avatar's hands are closer to 1/6th, so apparently my hands are too small, and should be illegal if imported into SL.



Those "Officially Unofficial Numbers" are AVERAGES of thousands of women, not some damn rule we MUST obey because somebody says they went to Art School.

I'm 100% with you on this one. Let people look how they wanna look.

I had some art and drawing classes so I know how proportions are. We're humans whose bodies adapt to what we do, how much we move, how we breathe, etc. We have all kinds of proportions, a pretty wide range.

Not a perfect copy of some 7 or 7,5 heads tall body proportion chart.

And I love this because everyone is truly unique. 

I don't like every shape or body I see in SL, but the owners do. So it's not my business. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been told that my legs are slightly shorter than they should be and my torso is slightly longer than it should be.  I'm talking RL and not SL here.  So I must be one of the 98 RL women who do not conform.

I'll have to check my avatar when I have a moment to see if she conforms to me or to the "ideal".......

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On 10/22/2023 at 1:36 PM, Persephone Emerald said:

I bet if you were to compare the average Maitreya body female avatar to a Barbie doll's proportions vs. a real human's proportions, you'd see the proportions in SL are closer to the Barbie doll.


I follow the doll on the right. That's usually the result I come up with when I shorten my avatar. I shrink from 6ft (typical size I come across as a default with most premade shapes) to 5.5ft. Then I tweak the rest of it to taste.

The price I pay for that sometimes is a lot of vehicles don't fit my size (among other weird sizing issues). I find myself magically steering cars, it's hilarious!


Edited by JeromFranzic
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1 hour ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

According to Sources™️, Lara X may be out in the next week. Apparently there was a new demo video posted in their Discord showing it off. I'm not in said server so I haven't seen it. 


Edited by AmeliaJ08
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On 10/22/2023 at 11:47 AM, Arwyn Quandry said:

Who cares if your proportions are realistic? SL lets me have an avatar that's my fantasy, not my real life, and my fantasy isn't looking like the one on the right! Besides, you can't say the mile-wide thighs and butts on many Reborn avatars are remotely realistic either.

Its good to know them though, and start with correct proportions so that when you go off of them you can do so for effect rather than for 'oops'.

Picasso had a master's understanding of proportional anatomy - and it's why his work is seen as amazing whereas the crayon drawings on the kitchen fridge in the house of a 6-year old are "that nice honey".

An yeah... I use reBorn. And had to dial that thing down a lot.

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4 hours ago, Arwyn Quandry said:

According to Sources™️, Lara X may be out in the next week. Apparently there was a new demo video posted in their Discord showing it off. I'm not in said server so I haven't seen it. 

Word was back when it slipped out that the body was getting updated..That it would be anywhere from then , to before Black Friday..

So it's a real good chance we'll be seeing it at least this month sometime.

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Well I just battled to get into the Maitreya discord (seriously I hate discord) and could find no demo video, someone had specifically asked yesterday about the rumour of a release soon and staff said this was not confirmed.

If there is a video it's not on any part of their discord that I could access however I think it'd be safe to assume while nothing is official it would be wise of them to release some time this month.



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On 9/14/2023 at 8:09 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Nope. Maitreya never gives release dates. They'll announce right before the updates are ready for redelivery (just make sure you're on 5.3 so you can use the HUD and avoid the store).

Ya, because if it does come on Black Friday, that hud will be the safest way too.. It's like online shopping vs going there.:D


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1 hour ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Well I just battled to get into the Maitreya discord (seriously I hate discord) and could find no demo video, someone had specifically asked yesterday about the rumour of a release soon and staff said this was not confirmed.

If there is a video it's not on any part of their discord that I could access however I think it'd be safe to assume while nothing is official it would be wise of them to release some time this month.



I was in the in world group when I heard about it being before Black Friday.. But even that was just a guesstimate.. More probably of what they were hoping for.. But things come up and delays can happen and put things off..

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