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"Thanks Dakota"

Sassy Romano

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This is certainly no fan post, i've had my arguments with Dakota, Dakota has delisted my items and i've argued about the reason, the categories and other stuff but...

Thank you Dakota for a presence here, few Lindens dare to venture into Commerce Merchants, your input is appreciated i'm sure.


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Thank you all for noticing that Dakota has been working in a timely manner to address questions/issues posted on the forums and through support channels. It's great to hear posittive feedback when we are doing something that is working for you all.

As a quick side note: many of you may have noticed that the June Marketplace update has not happened yet. An update will be coming shortly, but in a slightly different format than is has been given in the past. Stay tuned!


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Pretty much yes.  There's a lot of bitching and complaining that goes on and as I said,  I've had my arguments but i'd much rather have a battle of wits with an opponent than none at all.

I've felt an increased presence from Dakota and while a degree of maintaining the company stance is inevitable, the responses have also been helpful and explanatory.  My personal experience of support resolving non deliervies has been good and I felt that an impromptu thank you was well earned. 

Feel free to add yours anytime Toy ;)

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(here comes the spoiler...)

There used to be an employee at LL that communicated routinely with the Residents. Unfortunately, all of his communication consisted of lies and obfuscation, constructed to make us get all happy and giddy, but telling us nothing. I spoke out about him quite vehemently on the old (Jive based) Forums. He is now gone.

Yes Dakota has done good at communicating to us. But much of what is being communicated is empty calories. Sadly it's getting worse by the day too. THAT leads me to believe that the utter horse puckey we are receiving is not actually coming from her mouth.

No tin foil hats here folks, just simple observation.

It was said earlier (by Paladin Pinion) that "a visible Linden is a good thing." I will disagree. A visible HONEST Linden is a good thing. A visible Linden that is made to shovel misleading statements on us? Sorry but there's nothing good in that at all.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


. A visible Linden that is made to shovel misleading statements on us? Sorry but there's nothing good in that at all.

Dakota has been misleading us? Can you give an example please. To me she has always seemed brutally honest.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

Dakota has been misleading us? Can you give an example please. To me she has always seemed brutally honest.


I didn't say "misleading", I said being made to put forth information that is meant to give the wrong impression. The particular response I linked above states that there is "no reason" for LL to divulge the algorithm they use to select enhancement ads for viewing on the Home Page. There is a very fine line here Rya and I'll do my best to draw it clearly.

Lying, especially lying in print (or near as when the lies are provided in an Office Hours or other public setting) is something sure to get any company in trouble. So instead of outright lying, the action taken is to simply state something that sounds close but in actuality has no relation whatsoever. Politicians are experts at this art .. and it is an art.

If you read up a few posts above the one I linked, you'll see an example of Dakota providing exactly that sort of response. Her post tosses out variables and conditions that, on first blush, would seem to be at the cause of the issue (a Merchant never seeing their Home Page enhancement ad). However when you actually think past the statement and the confusing conditions, you realize they have absolutely nothing to do with it at all.

So I pushed Dakota into a corner .. pointed out that since we all pay the same rate for a Home Page enhancement, that we should all get equal chance of appearing. Dakota's response (the one I linked) is the response that comes after they have no more "tangential" answers to give ... that being "we don't have to."

In all honesty, that answer is correct .. there is nothing anywhere that states they "have to" divulge the algorithm. But that's not the point. The point is that there is absolutely no harm to divulging it ... if it is truly fair and operates the same for everyone .. and yet they refuse.

The "need" is basic business common sense.

In this forum is (was?) a post about someone that bought full-perm hair and, when they asked the seller for the Textures to the hair, received no useful response. The immediate assumption (as posted and echoed by several follow-on comments) is that the hair is most likely stolen. Their "proof" is that real full-perm hair sellers would happily hand out the textures too as it does not harm them in the least. Yet the fact that this particular seller did not is "proof positive" (in the minds of the OP for that thread and the others that posted) that the seller is engaging in illegal practices.

So here we have the exact same situation. When I worked for another Virtual Sales website and was involved in creating our algorithm used to display Featured Items, we happily and immediately posted that algorithm on our Forums. Why? Because we knew that our customers and sellers would feel better knowing that it was a fair algorithm, that no favorites were being played and that they stood an equal chance just like everyone else.

Yet LL chooses to keep this information "secret" and their only reason for not posting it is "we don't have to."

Now here is the real important issue. I think Dakota, if left to her own conscience, would do what is right and work to post the algorithm. However I believe there are other hands on hers that are stopping her from being honest and forthright. Hands that are dictating what she can and cannot say .. and not to protect the image or reputation of the company from the inevitable misunderstandings that can occur, but to purposely mislead and dupe the customer base. Potentially there could be motives behind this that reach all the way to dirty tricks being played behind the curtains.

What you say and what you do not say tell WAY more about you (or about you as a company) that most people realize. In this case we have yet another example of LL choosing to not say something when there is no viable reason. This leads astute observers to realize that if such a simple thing is dirty beyond public revelation, the REAL dirty laundry must be much much worse.

Whether that assumption is correct or not, I cannot say. All that matters is that the failure to be fully transparent, the refusal to disclose something that, by their own testaments is totally legit, is a means of "talking politics" when plain speaking is much more valuable and beneficial.

I was in a job where management forced us to use such "double talk" with customers all the time. Every time they did, we objected, protested, attempted to point out that doing so would inevitably lead to more harm than good. And every time we were proven right. And yet they continued with that practice.

I "hear" in Dakota's replies the same sort of carefully crafted non-response that typifies a corporate ethos of never speaking plainly. As I've stated many times before, the PAYING public is quite capable of getting the aroma of bad management and less than forthright behavior.  If LL really REALLY wants to improve their new user base and stop the slow gradual decline in income they have been seeing, they need to begin acting trustworthy. In my opinion, forcing their front line employees to spew garbage when telling it like it is would be better ... is just bad management and is sure to raise the odor that keeps people away.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Pretty much yes.  There's a lot of bitching and complaining that goes on and as I said,  I've had my arguments but i'd much rather have a battle of wits
an opponent than none at all.

I've felt an increased presence from Dakota and while a degree of maintaining the company stance is inevitable, the responses have also been helpful and explanatory.  My personal experience of support resolving non deliervies has been good and I felt that an impromptu thank you was well earned. 

Feel free to add yours anytime Toy



Although it is good to actually see the RARE posting in the Merchants forum from ANY Linden.  Since Brooke's number of postings in this forum has evolved to a rare 1 or 2 posts a month (if that) from her early days of wanting to be actively involved - just like all her predicessors, it seems that Dakota is the only one that tries to post.

That being said, as much as I agree with you that I would rather have a good healthy and even spirited disagreeing exchange with a LINDEN on topics of interest to us than none at all, I really do not have anything personally to thank Dakota for.  Her exchanges with me have been in the line of defending the secret stance that Brooke and comany has taken and scolding me for speculating what Brooke's team MIGHT BE DOING since Brooke refuses to be transparent.  I could hunt down Dakota's last posting exchange with me if you dont believe me.

I stand again with Darrius on Dakota's true value of her posts in these forums for the topics that are of interest to me.  In these topics - Dakota does exactly what Darrius said... she doesnt lie but she posts defensive postures and empty value content and re-statements of scripted LL company lines.  No value to me Sassy.

If there is one aspect of Dakota that I do find of value to her ocassionally showing up in the forum.... if you push her hard enough, her emotions tend to get her to say things in postings that most other Lindens would not post.  I have learned more from Dakota when I pushed her buttons and shes ranting at me then I could ever get from Brooke's new SECRET STANCE communications.  So thank you Dalota for that.

It is not the end of June - two months after Brooke promised at the last Open Office that she would reveal much more details on the Direct Delivery.  Other than one post of a few cryptic hints of how it might work - which was revealing evidence that we now have a strong guess how it will work - she still has not delivered on this promise.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

BTW: I need to clarify something. I did originally say "misleading". The point I was trying to make (and totally failed) is that it's not Dakota personally acting this way ... IMO she is being directed to reply with non-answers.

Well sure. What else? You've worked in big business enough to know that's how it is. It isn't any different than us telling residents that land owners can do whatever they want and there is no recourse. The owner makes the rules -- both inside SL and in their corporate office. It's silly to expect anything else. That's how corporate works.

That said, I do see more communication than there used to be. I wasn't here in the good old days when Lindens roamed the land at will and talked to us peons. But I never heard from them at all after I joined until more recently. I forgive them the business mentality, that's what they are, after all. They don't owe us anything except to meet the obligations that they promise in the TOS. But I do see more attempt to let us know what's going on, even though people do routinely object to anything new and regularly regale them about it.

Maybe I'm jaded after the conversations I've had with AT&T, Comcast, and my huge corporate bank. By comparison the Lindens are doing pretty well I think. Just try convincing Comcast of anything...man, could I tell you stories...they make Lindenland look like utopia.

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AT&T, Comcast, huge corporate banks ... they have customer bases that number in the millions. They are also on the wane. Specifically both Comcast and Time Warner Cable (the two largest cable/internet providers in the USA) have suffered greatly in recent past because of their customer service attitudes. Both have undertaken MASSIVE advertising campaigns to remake the public image of their customer service practices too. (After they actually fixed a lot of their internal problems.)

Now let's look at a big company like CCP - Owners and operators of the MMORPG called Eve Online. They have a computer system that puts Second Life to shame, they have a customer satisfaction rating that is outstanding, and their Devs routinely interact with their customer base. In fact, it's not uncommon to have a flock of CCP Devs randomly message a group of players currently in-game and ask them to participate in an early alpha or beta stage test run.

Second Life should not be run like an AT&T, Time Warner or Comcast. It should be run like a CCP. It has a lot more in common with CCP than it does the others too.

Pointing at the failures and proclaiming "everyone else failed too" isn't even a tiny tick on the "excuse-o-meter". Pointing at the successes and saying "it is possible, so get to it" is the much better approach .. IMO.

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  • 5 months later...

All answers I got with this Dakota Linden are awful. We have a problem of delivery with marketplace, for years..... and I got many bad review for this reason.

So it's the fault of who ? Dakota Linden, and this same person cause many bugs, and won't remove these reviews.


My wish, I hope he will get fired, and replaced by a real programmer.

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Gwendolina Akina wrote:

All answers I got with this Dakota Linden are awful. We have a problem of delivery with marketplace, for years..... and I got many bad review for this reason.

So it's the fault of who ? Dakota Linden, and this same person cause many bugs, and won't remove these reviews.


My wish, I hope he will get fired, and replaced by a real programmer.

I think i'm pretty safe in saying that Dakota isn't a developer, support is generally not handled by programmers, real or pretend ones.

Even though Dakota recently erroneously delisted an item of mine when it did not violate the two reasons it was flagged for, that's the subject of a more entertaining follow up but support is a thankless task and I for one still stand behind the sentiment of my opening post.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Gwendolina Akina wrote:

All answers I got with this Dakota Linden are awful. We have a problem of delivery with marketplace, for years..... and I got many bad review for this reason.

So it's the fault of who ? Dakota Linden, and this same person cause many bugs, and won't remove these reviews.


My wish, I hope he will get fired, and replaced by a real programmer.

I think i'm pretty safe in saying that Dakota isn't a developer, support is generally not handled by programmers, real or pretend ones.

Even though Dakota recently erroneously delisted an item of mine when it did not violate the two reasons it was flagged for, that's the subject of a more entertaining follow up but support is a thankless task and I for one still stand behind the sentiment of my opening post.

It always get flagging busy around Winter time;-) I hate the uneditable yellowed out items that require a ticket to unblock. Face it, the market category scheme as it exists is FUBR and they might as well save money by only having two flag issues, DMCA violations and Maturity rating violations. Save time and money:D

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Now let's look at a big company like CCP - Owners and operators of the MMORPG called Eve Online. They have a computer system that puts Second Life to shame, they have a customer satisfaction rating that is outstanding, and their Devs routinely interact with their customer base.


Lol I must have missed this first time round. Yes EVE's support is amazing - and they have similar concurrency numbers to SL. But EVE also has a much more geek-savvy customer base, and a game world ethos of "Space is a cold, harsh place - deal with it" which, frankly, SL could do with a little more of at times.

Which give me an excuse to link to the awesomeness that is http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-biggest-dick-moves-in-history-online-gaming/ and http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-most-elaborate-dick-moves-in-online-gaming-history/

On the original topic I think Dakota does as pretty well in what must be a nightmare of a job. I too have had my disagreements with her here and there, but she does seem to deal with things efficiently and in a reasonable response time.

I hope for her sake she gets to spend her downtime ganking traders leaving Jita, or something suitably cathartic. ;)

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