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On 6/2/2023 at 3:24 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah, I've blocked, muted, and expelled from the group, both in-world and on Flickr. Unless she starts coming at me with alts, I should be good.

I actually wasn't initially going to do any of those things, until she started spamming my Flickr with hate messages, and contacting random members of my group to diss me. Giving her the benefit of the doubt was, in hindsight, a mistake: she's clearly an attention-seeking troll who wants to generate The Dramaz. And I ain't doing that.

Incidentally, this is all about my gallery exhibition. Who'd have thunk that such a warm-and-fuzzy, feel-good installation would generate toxic responses! But the *coughs* "art world" boasts its share of idiots too.

Sorry, I'm intensely curious. Why was she so upset by your art? Did you pose her afk avatar? Steal her partner? What did you do? 🍿 👀 

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1 minute ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Sorry, I'm intensely curious. Why was she so upset by your art? Did you pose her afk avatar? Steal her partner? What did you do? 🍿 👀 

Now you've got ME curious! Best guesses: Disagreed over position on some issue, and/or the person has "issues" (trying to find a PC term).

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Now you've got ME curious! Best guesses: Disagreed over position on some issue, and/or the person has "issues" (trying to find a PC term).

There's this famous Flickr dude who I found on a bench in Luanne's world one time. I had so much fun posing us in romantic positions and sending him screenshots. He was SO MAD when he came back online 🤣. Worth being blocked for. I wonder is Scylla did something like this and framed the pics. 

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2 hours ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Sorry, I'm intensely curious. Why was she so upset by your art? Did you pose her afk avatar? Steal her partner? What did you do? 🍿 👀 

lol, no. None of those things. I've never run across this person before.

She is a self-described "anti-woke" woman who has decided that the Left has gone "too far." She thought the art itself was bad, and that an exhibition on empowerment and the positivity of womanhood was too "politically correct." In fact, she suggested that I, and everyone in the SLLU Feminist Network (which has been in operation since 2007) must clearly be men IRL, because a woman would never (she says) take that kind of approach. (One of her own Flickr pieces is a poorly-executed pic of her holding a fetus suspended from a coat hanger.)

So, she produced no less than two nearly 10 minute YouTube videos savaging both me and the exhibition (but mostly me, and in the case of the second video, a DJ friend who she's decided wasn't sufficiently attentive to her); they are jam-packed with obscenity and slurs, including the "f" slur (the one used to insult gay men) and the "r" word (the one that compares people with those suffering from Downs Syndrome). Her second video is also, or was, explicitly transphobic: she hates "men in dresses" trying to get into women's prisons, etc.

Her first video must have received a warning or been briefly hidden by YouTube, and she decided (incorrectly) that I must have reported it, so she then spammed my Flickr account with posts "accusing" me of being a man IRL, and hating "free speech," and contacted at least one of the members of the SLLU Feminist Network to complain about me. The second video -- which I also did not report -- was actually removed by YouTube for bullying and harassment.

She's a troll.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

She is a self-described "anti-woke"

I saw a video the other day that explained the true origin of "woke" - people of color warning their children and loved ones to "be woke", literally "be aware" in case they should find themselves in danger. Very interesting.

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Is the quote option unavailable to some?   Multiple quotes?  Use that + button and stack 'em up.

I find multiple quotes almost impossible on the phone interface.

On the PC even, when editing a post and "adding" a quote, the "new quote" always goes to a "new post" first, then you have to go fishing for it.. the only easier workaround I've found is to grab the quote from a SECOND browser window by copying the quote from the second window, into your post in the first window.

* pout *

Peeve: Quotes are hard, I'm old, have a nice day!


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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lol, no. None of those things. I've never run across this person before.

She is a self-described "anti-woke" woman who has decided that the Left has gone "too far." She thought the art itself was bad, and that an exhibition on empowerment and the positivity of womanhood was too "politically correct." In fact, she suggested that I, and everyone in the SLLU Feminist Network (which has been in operation since 2007) must clearly be men IRL, because a woman would never (she says) take that kind of approach. (One of her own Flickr pieces is a poorly-executed pic of her holding a fetus suspended from a coat hanger.)

So, she produced no less than two nearly 10 minute YouTube videos savaging both me and the exhibition (but mostly me, and in the case of the second video, a DJ friend who she's decided wasn't sufficiently attentive to her); they are jam-packed with obscenity and slurs, including the "f" slur (the one used to insult gay men) and the "r" word (the one that compares people with those suffering from Downs Syndrome). Her second video is also, or was, explicitly transphobic: she hates "men in dresses" trying to get into women's prisons, etc.

Her first video must have received a warning or been briefly hidden by YouTube, and she decided (incorrectly) that I must have reported it, so she then spammed my Flickr account with posts "accusing" me of being a man IRL, and hating "free speech," and contacted at least one of the members of the SLLU Feminist Network to complain about me. The second video -- which I also did not report -- was actually removed by YouTube for bullying and harassment.

She's a troll.

Just remember Scylla, there is no such thing as bad publicity, and it doesn't matter what she says or to whom, the people who know you much better, all your fans and friends won't take any notice of what she's trying to say or do to discredit you. That just is not possible. I wouldn't even be writing about her and feeding her trollish little blackened soul. You could be composing your next amazing photo for goodness sake! 

Edited by Marigold Devin
for clarification
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  Peeve: Today ordered a vintage synthesizer from Japan (my first to be shipped from that country). Soon after completing the purchase, I realized that "Oops.." I could have bought the same model from the US for only a few dollars more. 

  Oh well, never had anything shipped from Japan before (except a vinyl phonograph record, which of course arrived warped). We'll see how that works out.


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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lol, no. None of those things. I've never run across this person before.

She is a self-described "anti-woke" woman who has decided that the Left has gone "too far." She thought the art itself was bad, and that an exhibition on empowerment and the positivity of womanhood was too "politically correct." In fact, she suggested that I, and everyone in the SLLU Feminist Network (which has been in operation since 2007) must clearly be men IRL, because a woman would never (she says) take that kind of approach. (One of her own Flickr pieces is a poorly-executed pic of her holding a fetus suspended from a coat hanger.)

So, she produced no less than two nearly 10 minute YouTube videos savaging both me and the exhibition (but mostly me, and in the case of the second video, a DJ friend who she's decided wasn't sufficiently attentive to her); they are jam-packed with obscenity and slurs, including the "f" slur (the one used to insult gay men) and the "r" word (the one that compares people with those suffering from Downs Syndrome). Her second video is also, or was, explicitly transphobic: she hates "men in dresses" trying to get into women's prisons, etc.

Her first video must have received a warning or been briefly hidden by YouTube, and she decided (incorrectly) that I must have reported it, so she then spammed my Flickr account with posts "accusing" me of being a man IRL, and hating "free speech," and contacted at least one of the members of the SLLU Feminist Network to complain about me. The second video -- which I also did not report -- was actually removed by YouTube for bullying and harassment.

She's a troll.

They must not think much of Freedom of expression, unless it's their turn..

ETA: By they, I mean that person.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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57 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Oh well, never had anything shipped from Japan before (except a vinyl phonograph record, which of course arrived warped). We'll see how that works out

Hopefully, fine! ☘️ It's a bit cooler having a synth from Japan anyway...😎

My peeve is we can't get matcha, wasabi or cheesecake-flavoured KitKats in UK stores ☹️

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Lmao, the opposite. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE cheesecake, and hate to see it RUINED! KitKats? GAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! 😒😂

1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

KitKat-flavored cheesecake sounds good!

But you can't dunk cheesecake into a cup of tea :P

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35 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Hopefully, fine! ☘️ It's a bit cooler having a synth from Japan anyway...😎

My peeve is we can't get matcha, wasabi or cheesecake-flavoured KitKats in UK stores ☹️

Shoot, I'd eat chessecake Kit Kats.

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

@Rat Luv, Amazon has a 24-flavor variety pack of KitKats (imported from Japan, at least Amazon US does).

I find the cheapest UK ones are from a guy on eBay UK (though I haven't looked for a while...) They are pricey though...the only horrible one I ever had was sake 🤢 But I REALLY recommend wasabi, I know it sounds like it won't work, but it's very mild and tastes incredible! :P I think there are another 100 flavours I've never tried, lol.

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1 minute ago, Rat Luv said:

I find the cheapest UK ones are from a guy on eBay UK (though I haven't looked for a while...) They are pricey though...the only horrible one I ever had was sake 🤢 But I REALLY recommend wasabi, I know it sounds like it won't work, but it's very mild and tastes incredible! :P I think there are another 100 flavours I've never tried, lol.

Peeve: Japan gets all the cool flavors, even for things that are US brands.

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3 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Just remember Scylla, there is no such thing as bad publicity, and it doesn't matter what she says or to whom, the people who know you much better, all your fans and friends won't take any notice of what she's trying to say or do to discredit you. That just is not possible. I wouldn't even be writing about her and feeding her trollish little blackened soul. You could be composing your next amazing photo for goodness sake! 

Aww, thanks Marigold. You're a sweetie! ❤️

You're quite right, it doesn't matter. Which is why I've only responded to her twice, both in IM: to facetiously thank her for the link to the first video, and, after she spammed my Flickr and started IMing members of the SLLUFN, to let her know that I was muting, blocking, and banning from the the SLLU groups and land. The only place I've talked about her publicly is here, and this second time only in response to Rob's question. She's a troll who literally begs at the end of her video for people to comment (no one has), and you don't feed trolls.

As for her views -- well, I didn't initially eject her from the group and ban her because she has a right to those. But I've been "doing feminism" in SL for 14+ years (and longer in RL): I don't require the approval of a foul-mouthed semi-literate YouTube troll with 14 subscribers.

And, as it happens, the exhibit has been much more successful than I had even hoped. We got a lovely review from Inara Pey a couple of days ago. So, it's all good, and I'm happy!

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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