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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I've mentioned some things that can cause it, and so has Orwar. 

Well...Orwar's one did make sense, but it wasn't about racial or genetic differences, just how different cultures have different values for how they determine obesity or inflammation.

5 minutes ago, Robin Kiyori said:

Others have health issues that result in fluctuating weight. My Dad eats very healthily and golfs frequently.  But because of his pancreas not working as intended. He keeps weght on.

Yes, this is correct, thyroid and pacreas issues can influence it...but 70lb??

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Maybe because your sister was using her brain through reading whereas you weren't? The brain does use a significant percentage of calories when it is active.


From the article, reading wouldn't fall into the category that would increase caloric burn enough to make much difference.  At least compared to running around doing physical activities, reading uses minimal energy.

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11 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:
1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

My older sister and I are 1 year apart.  We ate the same foods growing up and basically the same amount of that food.  We didn't have a lot so it was somewhat portioned per person.  We didn't have snack foods around.  My sister sat on the couch most days reading.   I was out from sun up to sun down running around the neighborhood.  Riding my bike, playing kickball, climbing trees, etc.  I was always the chubby one.  She was thin as a rail.  Same parents, same ancestors, same everything.  



Maybe because your sister was using her brain through reading whereas you weren't? The brain does use a significant percentage of calories when it is active.


tsk tsk -- posting an article in defense of a position without reading it.

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53 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I don't believe a completely carb-free keto diet is healthy. In fact, most doctors will tell you it's not.

It worked for me, and my own doctor was OK with it. It's definitely "not easy" and not for everyone. Since then, I took myself off it and put on a few "healthy" pounds for my age/height.

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35 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I did. Did you? I see nothing in that article that supports Rowans position. The opposite in fact.

Paraphrasing, "Rowan was more chubby than her sister, because her sister probably read more, while Rowan exercised more." 

I call BS! Maybe the article, if interpreted that way, would qualify for the Ig Nobel.

Good show!

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A lot of the energy goes towards firing a synapse. That involves a lot of transportation of ions.  

Since the brain is such a big energy-guzzler, does that mean that the more we put this organ to work, the more energy it'll slurp up — and the more calories we'll burn? 

Technically, the answer is yes, for cognitively difficult tasks

Reading, is not a cognitively difficult task for most people.  Your brain is also an organ and not a muscle so utilizes energy differently.  


Nevertheless, in those early stages of learning to perform a mentally taxing task, surely we can justify eating a sugary snack to boost our energy reserves? 

If you simply feel the need for a mood-boosting sugar rush, then yes. But if you believe your deep thinking will burn off that sugary snack, then unfortunately, no. 

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8 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

This is all Orwar's fault.

   Nope - Persephone mentioned sweetening tea, which is wrong; all else was just a little besides.


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11 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

Well...Orwar's one did make sense, but it wasn't about racial or genetic differences, just how different cultures have different values for how they determine obesity or inflammation.

Yes, this is correct, thyroid and pacreas issues can influence it...but 70lb??

Metabolism and metabolic conditions that affect weight are a huge topic in medicine and condensing it in a short answer would be oversimplification. 
to give you an idea, so many factors affect weight gain/retention/loss. Some of these factors are the same for females and males, some are sex specific. For example, in males, lower testosterone levels can cause weight gain even when the person eats healthy and exercises heavily. In males and females, high cortisol levels and low leptin can cause weight gain. Unbalanced ghrelin prevents one from feeling “full” so they eat more to reach satiety. Insuline is another obvious one. In women estrogen promotes fat retention and gain. And so on and so forth. And there are endocrine conditions like Cushing’s that can cause the person to gain enormous amounts of weight and it’s beyond their control.

Our bodies are complicated machines and there isn’t a one size fits all solution or answer.

Edited by Krystina Ferraris
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7 hours ago, Orwar said:
15 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

This is all Orwar's fault.

   Nope - Persephone mentioned sweetening tea, which is wrong; all else was just a little besides.

Here in 'Murica in the south we dump a ton of sugar and lemon in cold tea and go on a sugar high!

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That reminds me...I need to go make what is known as 'sun tea'. In the really hot places in the US you can put a gallon jar with tea leaves out in the sun for a few hours on a hot front or back porch and let it steep. A great way to conserve energy, and makes a delicious tea. I don't put sugar or lemon in mine though...just stick it in the fridge and have easy iced tea for a few days.

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57 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Here in 'Murica in the south we dump a ton of sugar and lemon in cold tea and go on a sugar high!

Zach Bryan even put that in a song 💖 I never had a sweet tooth, I literally never even buy sugar or add sugar to anything.

But.. I am a SUCKER for my mother in law's (mama) ice tea. There's so much comfort in that glass of Sweet Southern Goodness 😃 

Edited by Krystina Ferraris
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32 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Sweet Southern Goodness 😃

I've known people in the South who hardly eat during the summer because it's too damm hot -- they stay alive just chugging the sweet tea.

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So, my show at Nitroglobus just got extended a month -- until the end of September. "Lots of people still visiting, still reviews coming out, people love it" blah blah blah. My suspicion is the gallery's planned exhibit for September has fallen through -- these things are setup a half year or more in advance, so I can't believe she didn't have something else planned for September. But whatevs, that's good news, I guess.

HOWEVER, as per my agreement with the gallery, it extends the length of time for which I'm not allowed to post pics from the exhibition anywhere on social media. She wants the images to be "exclusive" to the gallery while the exhibition is open.

Which, PEEVE. Seriously. LET ME SHOW OFF MY PICS!!!

I got her to concede to letting me post one a week through September, which is something, but still . . .

Grrr and arrrrghhh.

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38 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, my show at Nitroglobus just got extended a month -- until the end of September. "Lots of people still visiting, still reviews coming out, people love it" blah blah blah. My suspicion is the gallery's planned exhibit for September has fallen through -- these things are setup a half year or more in advance, so I can't believe she didn't have something else planned for September. But whatevs, that's good news, I guess.

HOWEVER, as per my agreement with the gallery, it extends the length of time for which I'm not allowed to post pics from the exhibition anywhere on social media. She wants the images to be "exclusive" to the gallery while the exhibition is open.

Which, PEEVE. Seriously. LET ME SHOW OFF MY PICS!!!

I got her to concede to letting me post one a week through September, which is something, but still . . .

Grrr and arrrrghhh.

Peeve: And you can't host another party there?!?

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11 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: And you can't host another party there?!?

That hadn't even occurred to me.

Who would come?

Such things are NOT DONE in polite circles, Love!! Artsie people have RULES!

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

That hadn't even occurred to me.

Who would come?

Such things are NOT DONE in polite circles, Love!! Artsie people have RULES!

I detect the slightest whiff of sarcasm!

Knowing, of course, that OUR Forum gathering at your show, went "well" from my limited viewpoint.

ETA: And you can't control if your attendees take pictures..!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I detect the slightest whiff of sarcasm!

Knowing, of course, that OUR Forum gathering at your show, went "well" from my limited viewpoint.

ETA: And you can't control if your attendees take pictures..!

Well, everyone on this forum has always been enormously supportive of my photography, and my exhibitions of them. To say I am grateful would be putting it mildly.

But the people on this forum are, pretty much entirely, free from the silly conventions of the SL art world. And also are generally up for a party whenever one is on offer!

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But the people on this forum are, pretty much entirely, free from the silly conventions of the SL art world.


2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And also are generally up for a party whenever one is on offer!

Not me, yours was the first party I remember going to in..ever, for the Forum.

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But the people on this forum are, pretty much entirely, free from the silly conventions of the SL art world.

I had no idea there were so many ruuuuules. I typically stroll into a gallery whenever I need a new piece for my wall, and now that I think about it, I've only been to two actual gallery openings/events (yours and one...somewhere years ago), so I had no idea things were so strict. Exclusives and can't post and blah blah. Yeesh!

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