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17 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I think I have every right to be as sickened by how people talk to me about me without even knowing me as they have to spew their vomit all over me.

Peeve: ..and demand that YOU clean it up and pay for THEIR dry-cleaning. And what were you doing where they happened to be vomiting?  Do you often go around, hoping to catch people's vomit? Pervert!

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Peeve: I miss the Minoan sims where women were expected to go topless. Historically, it may have only been upper class women and priestesses who prominently displayed their breasts, but I enjoyed being able to go topless in a sim without it being a pickup place.


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15 minutes ago, Modulated said:

I think you're just taking a position because you have a child avatar, and that is strange tbh, any adult wanting to be a child in SL...it is straaaaaaaange.

Oh, but being a demon, vampire, furry, or animal is fine and normal 🤣 

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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Not anime, I assure you. Stop telling me what I have seen and not seen.  You know full well it happens but you won't admit it because it's going to be a negative for your view, and that's fine. We all know what the truth is.

I can admit it happens. But you're still wrong.

Don't tell me what I've seen that I haven't.

Don't tell me it's all anyone ever sees of me and all of my kind because it's happened to you before. Report it and move on. It's really simple. Unless a person is an idiot or something. I would like to think you aren't an idiot.

When it happens to me, I report it. Just like I report men who hit on me. Just like I report RL kids in SL. Stop saying I'm a piece of crap when you don't know me. My SL is not what you assume it is, even if you have seen nasty things. We've all seen nasty things. I'm looking at one right now.

If people shouldn't be offending you, maybe you shouldn't be working it so hard to offend others. There's new rules, go enforce them, and have fun. We're technically on the same side, unless you're just blowing smoke and trying to be loud.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: I miss the Minoan sims where women were expected to go topless. Historically, it may have only been upper class women and priestesses who prominently displayed their breasts, but I enjoyed being able to go topless in a sim without it being a pickup place.


I actually have a Minoan costume not unlike those above that I've not had the chance to model or use yet.

The Minoans were interesting . . . the early assumptions of archeologists were, of course, that it was a patriarchal society, and that the throne that Sir Arthur Evans discovered at Knossos was for "the king" -- despite his initial conclusion that it had been shaped and built for a woman.

New assessments of Minoan culture suggest that it might well have been much more "open" with regard to gender hierarchy than those early assessments. At the least, it had a very powerful and prominent class of priestesses.

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Posted (edited)

Just for the record, I have nothing to do with Modulated's opinions even though my posts are being sandwitched between his and his opposition.  :)

I think child avatars are fine as long as they don't upset my patrons.  We don't allow child avatars looking under teen age in general on our region, because they should not be at a club where the adults smoke and drink and swear.  We have an M-rated region, so older ones are welcome, as are all kinds of other critters large and small.  The boss might warn anyone that uses one of the forbidden words of this forum though.


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I actually have a Minoan costume not unlike those above that I've not had the chance to model or use yet.

The Minoans were interesting . . . the early assumptions of archeologists were, of course, that it was a patriarchal society, and that the throne that Sir Arthur Evans discovered at Knossos was for "the king" -- despite his initial conclusion that it had been shaped and built for a woman.

New assessments of Minoan culture suggest that it might well have been much more "open" with regard to gender hierarchy than those early assessments. At the least, it had a very powerful and prominent class of priestesses.

Peeve: It's interesting that you and @Persephone Emeraldbring up Minoan civilization. Minoan civilization was "centered on the island of Crete".

..and there's many Cretins about as of late.


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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Oh, but being a demon, vampire, furry, or animal is fine and normal 🤣 

What isn't strange at all is grown men playing dress-up dolls and wanting to play sex games with them. Right?

But I don't go around all day dissing them for it, do I?

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: It's interesting that you and @Persephone Emeraldbring up Minoan civilization. Minoan civilization was "centered on the island of Crete".

..and there's many Cretins about as of late.


There is an irony here, too, in that I couldn't post a picture of myself wearing the costume of a Minoan priestess anywhere here but in the "Adult" forum.

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  • Moles

Hi gang!

Please remember the theme of this long-standing thread and avoid getting into lengthy discussions about things that have been hot topics in other threads. Also, please refrain from flaming, baiting, and other tactics that have no place in discussions anywhere in the forums.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There is an irony here, too, in that I couldn't post a picture of myself wearing the costume of a Minoan priestess anywhere here but in the "Adult" forum.

I posted a picture of historical art and costumes on mannequins. 

Nipples are not obscene,...unless they're on women. 🙃

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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I posted a picture of historical art and costumes on mannequins. 

Nipples are not obscene,...unless they're on women. 🙃

Well, now I'm inspired. Time to dust off the "How DARE you, Theseus!" outfit!

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: My boy Husky has a rare "hot-spot" from licking.  I'm hoping flea medicine helps!


I hate when they get stuff like that, I have pit bulldogs, and they have all sorts of skin issues, apparently it comes with the breed. I bathe them regularly, groom them, and they still get raw spots from chewing and stuff.

And yeah, summertime so fleas.

Poor doggies~!

EDIT: Hey guys, look up there, I got the laugh emote. I won!

Edited by PheebyKatz
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26 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There is an irony here, too, in that I couldn't post a picture of myself wearing the costume of a Minoan priestess anywhere here but in the "Adult" forum.

Midget Cretans would be against the rules in that forum, just saying.

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24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Minoan civilization was "centered on the island of Crete".

..and there's many Cretins about as of late.

"Cetin" isn't derived from "Crete" but from "Christian". Specifically from an area in the Swiss Alps, where they had a lot of congenitally deformed people, who were believed to be some kind of idiot angels.

Just an FYI.


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2 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

If you didn't even know what I was saying, how was it an insult?

As for what I was saying, it still stands. A background in actual rhetoric and public speaking is the only way to argue effectively if you're going to take the arguing path.

Otherwise you just end up looking like some confused person who doesn't know what they're talking about, arguing passionately about all sorts of imaginary things and exaggerating everything to tell a story in the hopes people will somehow decide they're all on your side.

It's amateurish. No offense..

Some people apparently think word salad punctuated with dog whistles, red herrings, straw men, and ad hominen attacks count as a debate.

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27 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There is an irony here, too, in that I couldn't post a picture of myself wearing the costume of a Minoan priestess anywhere here but in the "Adult" forum.

Where did you post that? And why only in the "Adult" forum? I really DO have to see this.

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  • Moles

Hi gang!

If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life forums. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas.  This thread is for short posts about personal pet peeves, not for lengthy discussions about topics that are already being handled in other threads.

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