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41 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's still good to know how it is really spelled in case I decided to ever use it again.. hehehe

Like, also, if you're ever visiting a sick relative in the hospital and they say, "turn up the volume", you'll know they mean the TV (and not to give them an overdose of Valium).

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   Peeved. One of the weekend sales put their gallery up quite late on Saturday, so I usually check it in the morning next day (which is still Saturday SLT). One of the items I went to check out had already been taken down. Can't have been more than a couple of hours between the gallery going up and the vendors being removed from the store (the event signs were still there on an otherwise empty wall).

   It's especially a shame as it's a creator whose stuff I hadn't seen before, so I was quite curious to check it out, but that just had me so miffed I put it on my personal blacklist instead. 

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27 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Peeved. One of the weekend sales put their gallery up quite late on Saturday, so I usually check it in the morning next day (which is still Saturday SLT). One of the items I went to check out had already been taken down. Can't have been more than a couple of hours between the gallery going up and the vendors being removed from the store (the event signs were still there on an otherwise empty wall).

   It's especially a shame as it's a creator whose stuff I hadn't seen before, so I was quite curious to check it out, but that just had me so miffed I put it on my personal blacklist instead. 

Some merchants are very strict in the times for sales, others not so much. Some even leave the promo open for the rest of the week although the sale is officially closed already.
It almost seems that some merchants don't grasp the idea behind promotions too well.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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Peeve for tonight, people who try to spoil shows or movies for me. UGH!

I may look and behave sweet as pie, but that does not mean I lack the capability of throat punching someone into the next century. 

I swear to all that is holy, this is a hill I will absolutely die on. Leave me and my little innocent vices alone, I have so few of them. 

I swear I have the weirdest peeves, don't I? Talk about first world problems, lmao. 

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8 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

It almost seems that some merchants don't grasp the idea behind promotions too well.

   It feels as if many merchants never took half a minute to actually reflect on their practices, but just do what they see others do, like good little sheeples. Why put a landmark in the folder with the box that your vendor delivers, and then the same landmark again in the box? And what the heck am I supposed to do with a texture of their brand logotype? And are they using an unpacking script that unpacks itself because they're the types who'd walk into someone's home with muddy boots just to get a reaction, or are they too incompetent to copy-paste the freely published unpacking scripts that actually do what an unpacking script should?

   Getting your brand to appear in a sale gallery, but then not actually giving people the chance to give your products a try seems to me like it would do more harm than good, as it just creates frustration and confusion. It's no better a promotion than to buy a L$10 full perm coffee cup and tinting it teal to have an event gift for your hair store.

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4 hours ago, Orwar said:

   It feels as if many merchants never took half a minute to actually reflect on their practices, but just do what they see others do, like good little sheeples. Why put a landmark in the folder with the box that your vendor delivers, and then the same landmark again in the box? And what the heck am I supposed to do with a texture of their brand logotype? And are they using an unpacking script that unpacks itself because they're the types who'd walk into someone's home with muddy boots just to get a reaction, or are they too incompetent to copy-paste the freely published unpacking scripts that actually do what an unpacking script should?

   Getting your brand to appear in a sale gallery, but then not actually giving people the chance to give your products a try seems to me like it would do more harm than good, as it just creates frustration and confusion. It's no better a promotion than to buy a L$10 full perm coffee cup and tinting it teal to have an event gift for your hair store.

Also demos that require unpacking... grr! I much prefer an unpacked folder in all cases (including the full product) but unpackers for demos really wind me up. The demo can be a big messy folder with all bodies etc, it's fine and convenient for trying on right there and then in the store but the extra steps and messing with inventory just to unpack a demo is annoyingly time consuming. At least with the full product there is an argument for unpackers where you can select which body you'd like it to deliver but in a demo situation... just give me the folder so I can quickly go to recent and try it on.

It's a little thing but more clicks = bad in my book :)


Edited by AmeliaJ08
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9 hours ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

Peeve for tonight, people who try to spoil shows or movies for me. UGH!

I may look and behave sweet as pie, but that does not mean I lack the capability of throat punching someone into the next century. 

I swear to all that is holy, this is a hill I will absolutely die on. Leave me and my little innocent vices alone, I have so few of them. 

I swear I have the weirdest peeves, don't I? Talk about first world problems, lmao. 

I agree with this one, though thankfully it's rare in my case. I'll add to it, though, with the people who spoil long, plot-heavy games as you're literally in the middle of playing or watching online. Same GRRRR category for me. Having someone wander into a gameplay livestream full of 15,000 people like "HEY did you get to the part where the guy says the thing and you find out..." irks me to no end. OMG! Great, now the streamer's spoiled halfway into this 25+ hour playthrough, thousands of people in chat are spoiled, and you're a terrible person and should feel terrible. 😒

That's already happened twice now with Alan Wake II, though fortunately yes, we had gotten to the part with the thing.

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15 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Also demos that require unpacking... grr!

   There is one good reason to pack your demos - if your folder contains a large amount of items (such as when it's rigged for 6 separate bodies, and the top and bottom pieces are separate, and then there's a third piece, also rigged for the same bodies, plus the HUD, the advert, etc) - if you're in a crowded event and you try to pick up a demo and it has to load all the contents before you can hit the buy button, it can be a little laggy. The way I shop, grabbing demos, hopping home, unpacking, demoing, and deciding what things to go back out to buy, I'd rather spend a minute unpacking stuff at home than several moments at a crowded store or event waiting for folder contents to load.

   So for me, I get more peeved by things not being packed so that I have to stand at a laggy event than I get by having to unpack things.

   However, there are several astonishingly bad unpacking scripts, and not just the ones that unpack themselves. If I put an unpacker on, and it auto-detaches before the unpacking script has fired, so that I have to re-attach it again .. Or if it has an auto-unpack on equip thing that then fires late, so I've already clicked on the thing to unpack it manually and suddenly there's 2 unpacked folders for the same thing. Gah!

   I also really don't like unpackers that you try to rez and they immediately auto-delete and say 'you MUST wear me'. Why? Why is that a thing? It's just over-engineering for no darned reason.

   Creating an unpacker HUD is so easy, it takes minutes. Aside for the graphical design bit if you want something a little prettier than a plywood box, but then that's one of those things that you can make once and then re-use it (just like you don't have to manually re-write the scripts each time), unless you feel that you must include the product ad on the unpacker (which, to be fair, you can easily make a template for your unpacking stuff and just have a slot to pop the image in). 

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15 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I agree with this one, though thankfully it's rare in my case. I'll add to it, though, with the people who spoil long, plot-heavy games as you're literally in the middle of playing or watching online. Same GRRRR category for me. Having someone wander into a gameplay livestream full of 15,000 people like "HEY did you get to the part where the guy says the thing and you find out..." irks me to no end. OMG! Great, now the streamer's spoiled halfway into this 25+ hour playthrough, thousands of people in chat are spoiled, and you're a terrible person and should feel terrible. 😒

That's already happened twice now with Alan Wake II, though fortunately yes, we had gotten to the part with the thing.

I don't watch TV, so I don't see commercials for Movies unless I catch previews in the theater or watch YT videos that may give spoilers.  So, I'm in a "fortunate" position that I can go into a movie and not really know what it's about (except whatever basic info may have been in a trailer).

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A) When my avatar is not human, and then someone I'm talking to or RPing with asks me if I could become a human. I am in this form for a reason, go find another person to talk to.

B) Anyone in general asking me to change something. No I am not making my boobs cartoon sized for your viewing pleasure. Go away.

Edited by Missy Starchild
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Peeve: My preferred (regional) "Grocery Store" has different layouts in different locations (partially due to the fact they bought other chains' stores and rebranded them).  As a result, the aisles are wider in some stores, and NOTICEABLY narrower in others - where you cannot pass others with your cart.

The "you shall not pass" situation causes me enough stress that I tend to only shop at the stores with wider aisles.

"First World Peeves", right?  

I had this specific issue pre-COVID.  I think the stores with narrower aisles just "feel more crowded", even if they have the same number of shoppers overall.


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7 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I agree with this one, though thankfully it's rare in my case. I'll add to it, though, with the people who spoil long, plot-heavy games as you're literally in the middle of playing or watching online. Same GRRRR category for me.

I have a brother I did not speak to for a solid month once because he ruined a show for me, lmao. I warned him to shut his yap and he chose not to listen, his fault.

I would feel the same with games too, if I played any, honestly. Why do people feel the need to spoil things for others, so annoying! It's the weirdest thing to spoil too. They're innocent, harmless, little vices and someone's gotta go and destroy it like they're saving the planet or something.


Today's peeve, my usual, and it's not even really a peeve just, an ongoing and sometimes monotonous annoyance. I say this after just paying bills. Simply being an adult, lmao.  Like some years back a tiny egg and a tiny sperm got together and said "let's smash". So now I get to pay bills and be responsible for the rest of my life. I got the short end of that deal, I'd say! I tell my parents that all the time and they just shrug and say "well, we had fun!". I love my parents, lmao. 

I've been an adult for several years now, but I haven't yet come to terms with it, obviously. It doesn't help when I am the after school crossing guard and keep getting comments about "Oh you must be working on your senior community service hours, out here helping the elementary kids". Then a kid pipes up with "No, that's Miss (initial), she teaches first grade".

The looks on their faces when they get it wrong though, lmao. 

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: ..where are the Second Life "maternity clinics" for non-humans?

Are we furries supposed to give birth in a dirty cave, or a filthy manger or something?


Depends on the type of furry...

Barns for equines, kennels for the canines, zoo cages for the lio... *cough*

Never mind, forget I said anything...

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43 minutes ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

I have a brother I did not speak to for a solid month once because he ruined a show for me, lmao. I warned him to shut his yap and he chose not to listen, his fault.

I would feel the same with games too, if I played any, honestly. Why do people feel the need to spoil things for others, so annoying! It's the weirdest thing to spoil too. They're innocent, harmless, little vices and someone's gotta go and destroy it like they're saving the planet or something.

I knowwwwww, right?. It's one of the rudest things someone can do. I get the "omgomgomg gonna explode if I don't discuss this thing with you, ahhhhh" feeling of anticipation and desperately wanting to talk to people about it (I had that while waiting for my brother and my best friend to catch up on The Last of Us show episodes, lol), but damn, settle down, Beavis. Spoiling ruins everything and then everybody's mad at ya!


47 minutes ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

Simply being an adult, lmao. 

Oh, you're hitting my greatest peeves of all time now. 😂

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On 10/30/2023 at 4:11 AM, Casidy Silvercloud said:

Peeve for tonight, people who try to spoil shows or movies for me. UGH!

I may look and behave sweet as pie, but that does not mean I lack the capability of throat punching someone into the next century. 

I swear to all that is holy, this is a hill I will absolutely die on. Leave me and my little innocent vices alone, I have so few of them. 

I swear I have the weirdest peeves, don't I? Talk about first world problems, lmao. 

Not a weird peeve at all.

Reminds me of that song by Alice Cooper, It's the Little Things,


You can burn my house
You can cut my hair
You can make me wrestle naked
With a grizzly bear
You can poison my cat
Baby I don't care
But if you talk in the movies
I'll kill you right there
It's the little things
It's just the little things
Aw it's the little things
It's just the little things
Yeah it's the little things
That drive me wild
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