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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

I was looking forward to a bit of excitement to enliven an otherwise very dull day.

Maybe it did turn everyone's SL accounts into bots though? A girl can hope, right?


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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

How is it possible that such a simple announced test, triggers so much attention?
We test our outside alarms every month and a few times a year a phone alert is tested. What is the big deal?

Those who are abused and have burner phones are in danger of being discovered in their attempts to stay safe/get out.

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15 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Peeve: 21st century luddites. 

I will add to this and say: 21st century Luddites who have more money than I do, and so have piles of broken stuff that's nicer than anything I could ever afford, and they drop it and step on it and go oops, and buy another.

While I use parts of an old bicycle to power a homemade fan so that my laptop doesn't melt while I play dress-up.

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I try not to have too many peeves in a month, it's dangerous.

But, I have peeves, so sad.

Tonight's peeve is appointments. I'm procrastinating going to bed because I have an appointment tomorrow I don't want to go to, but must, if I want to keep being an alive person. I very much like being an alive person. I just don't very much like doctors. 

This also means I miss a day of work, which I also very much like and don't want to miss. 

Why is being alive such a troublesome thing anyway? 

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28 minutes ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:


Tonight's peeve is appointments. I'm procrastinating going to bed because I have an appointment tomorrow I don't want to go to, but must, if I want to keep being an alive person. I very much like being an alive person. I just don't very much like doctors. 

This also means I miss a day of work, which I also very much like and don't want to miss. 

Why is being alive such a troublesome thing anyway? 

Staying alive seems so hard sometimes, but there doesn't seem to be a good alternative. What it really ends up being is keeping up the regular maintenance vs. not keeping up the maintenance - just like with a car or a house. Stop taking care of your car, and you've still got a car, but now it might look crappy & not run very well. Same thing with our bodies and our lives.

14 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Whatever doesn't kill us, only scars us for life.

And scars are cool points.

I like your perspective. I wish other people would see my scars as being cool, rather than as damage that depreciates my net value.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
Because I can
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10 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I like your perspective. I wish other people would see my scars as being cool, rather than as damage that depreciates my net value.

People like that are made of plastic, and want you to be, also. Keep it real, and keep on doing you.

No real person can live up to some magazine fantasy Photoshop "ideal", anyway. There's a reason they call that art. It's artificial.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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When your boss gives no warning about a meeting, just starts the video call in the group, and expects everyone to be there. He does this 90% of the time... but

If you have a stack of issues for him, that he needs to resolve, escalated issues, he takes 2 weeks to do them.. then wonders why customers are disputing their payment to him, because um, issues NOT resolved, of course they want their money back! Then they give him bad reviews and he tries to get them removed. Why be the clean up crew?? Do preventative maintenance!!








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8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Had a growth removed from my noggin' this morning. (First time for that.) The Dermitologist sent it to the lab just in case, but I'll try not to think too deeply about it.

Waiting can be hard.  I can't say if my approach would suit you but I try to get as much information as possible about such things so I'm prepared for whatever comes.  In the meantime don't go out bare-headed.

I take my doctor's fees in chocolate.

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17 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Waiting can be hard.  I can't say if my approach would suit you but I try to get as much information as possible about such things so I'm prepared for whatever comes.  In the meantime don't go out bare-headed.

I take my doctor's fees in chocolate.

Luckily, it's not that serious. I do wear a cap when walking dogs in the sun, rare because of the heat.

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