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16 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Peeve: Some people seriously need to look in a mirror.  It stinks that being self-aware is just so hard for some people. They see only the faults in others and refuse to realize it is the fault in themselves that they are actually seeing.

Peeve: Some would read this and reply, "This is about me, right?!" while it may have been absolutely nothing related to them, at all.

Peeve^2: Some would read this and have no clue it is about them.


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5 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

There isn't even a rule that the avatar picture needs to relate to SL or RL.
I use a TV character at the moment on the forums. It has totally no resemblance with Sid Nagy inworld.

I chose this picture because I like that TV show. I could easily have picked Morgan Freeman as well. Great guy. Why not?

Well, yes, totally true.  My current forum picture is also a TV character - one that I relate to a lot lately.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Peeve: Capitalism seems to be the default.  I think, with AI (yep I'm harping on AI once again) we really see it brought out to light though.  AI could completely destabilize the way capitalism and consumerism works, it could make us as rather horrible cogs in the machine, give everyone true equality as at least a portion of our inequalities among one another are diminished and we are put on equal footing.. and it scares the absolute hell out of people, like, I mean, it scares even the most of socialistic people who feel threatened that they will be out of a job they previously thought was safe from automation.

It used to be, a lot of people would tell the coal miners to learn to code.  Now, it seems the white collars are going to be told to learn to mine, but then eventually they will be out of jobs as well.  We may find all of ourselves relying on some form of universal basic income, along with universal healthcare, and pursuing our own interests without capital gain on our part.


Kind of like Star Trek.. damn.. beam me up already Scotty.


Disclaimer:  This post may cause agitation, hallucinations, muscle stiffness, twitching, loss of coordination, dizziness, warmth or tingly feeling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, sweating, tremors, racing heartbeats, or a seizure (convulsions).  This is not focused at anyone on the forums, but my views as I wander around the web in a complete daze, watching people unravel before my eyes,  hey welcome to my world, such a crazy place we live in.  

Edited by Istelathis
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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Well, yes, totally true.  My current forum picture is also a TV character - one that I relate to a lot lately.

Peeve: We have to little real great comedians and actors these days like Lucille Ball was.
We all loved Lucie, didn't we?

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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

MY local grocery store offers this really cool service.

It's called "Collect from Shelf".

You go to the store, pick the groceries off the shelf, take them to the checkout, and pay for them, then go home.

No need to book an appointment at all, so easy to use!


I'd love to be able to do that in my supermarket, and I expect @Marigold Devin would too.  But we can't.  Now if those who could do it but don't, well, there's no changing some people.

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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

MY local grocery store offers this really cool service.

It's called "Collect from Shelf".

You go to the store, pick the groceries off the shelf, take them to the checkout, and pay for them, then go home.

No need to book an appointment at all, so easy to use!


Yeah, I do that too for bits and pieces.

The bigger bulkier stuff gets delivered.

Best of both worlds.

And why not - it is the 21st century after all and life should be easier not more complicated.

Shouldn't it?


Edited by Marigold Devin
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31 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

I'd love to be able to do that in my supermarket, and I expect @Marigold Devin would too.  But we can't.  Now if those who could do it but don't, well, there's no changing some people.

I'm lucky enough to be fit and active, but sadly my brother had a stroke at the age of 45, and at first I wasn't able to leave him so getting shopping delivered was absolutely essential. 

If I'm buying 2 x 2L of milk, a 16 pack of loo rolls, potatoes, canned goods, there is just no way I'm lugging that on public transport. That would be ridiculous.


I will add in a peeve here though, as is my right.

Peeve: When I actually am doing something "modern", ie ordering online the bulk of my shopping, when otherwise I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and someone always has to be the clever arse and put me down about it.

It's NOT big, it's NOT clever, and let those who live in glass houses cast the first stones!!!!! 

Such superior beings, humans, the sooner the whole race dies out the better.

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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

MY local grocery store offers this really cool service.

It's called "Collect from Shelf".

You go to the store, pick the groceries off the shelf, take them to the checkout, and pay for them, then go home.

No need to book an appointment at all, so easy to use!


Bonus: This service is often no extra charge, in the US!

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36 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: We have to little real great comedians and actors these days like Lucille Ball was.
We all loved Lucie, didn't we?

I think Miranda Hart is tremendously funny, but too many so-called comedians these days rely on cruelty as a basis for their "humour".

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13 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: People who use an avatar icon to pretend to be a different ethnicity on the forums than they are in RL.

I assume most of us are human, so I don't mind if folks use an animal avatar or icon. Gender is kind of fluid, so I don't care what gender their avatar or icon appears to be. Pretending to be a different ethnicity seems wrong to me, though.

I've woken up on the wrong side of the bed today I think. :/ 

Am I guilty of this? 

These are both me. 

In my defence, Your Honour, I don't roleplay with the other avatar/alt. I'm still me behind the keyboard, and just go quietly shopping with her sometimes. I just sometimes get fed up of being a pasty faced ginger. 🙃😁


temp laugh.jpg

Edited by Marigold Devin
added emojis to lighten the post hopefully
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2 hours ago, Istelathis said:

It used to be, a lot of people would tell the coal miners to learn to code.  Now, it seems the white collars are going to be told to learn to mine, but then eventually they will be out of jobs as well.  We may find all of ourselves relying on some form of universal basic income, along with universal healthcare, and pursuing our own interests without capital gain on our part.

If the dooky hits the fan and it all falls apart, I will be worshipped for my abilities with a slingshot.

No worries here. I know at least a dozen ways of cooking pigeons.

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12 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Unless you get one of those cashiers who has a habit of scanning items twice, thus overcharging by stealth, and whuppsie, someone forgot to take their receipt. 


Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down.


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45 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

If the dooky hits the fan and it all falls apart, I will be worshipped for my abilities with a slingshot.

No worries here. I know at least a dozen ways of cooking pigeons.

But then, there will AI slingshots that will do this faster and more efficiently, no one is safe from the AI inquisition! 

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Just now, Istelathis said:

But then, there will AI slingshots that will do this faster and more efficiently, no one is safe from the AI inquisition! 

Batteries die when the power grid is down. And I can shoot down the drones.

Oh wait, peeve thread, I forgot...

Yeah, dangit, you're right, them dern AI's are gonna ruin everything!


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2 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down.


Strangely I was thinking about a woman who worked in my nearest local shop. I think she's had to cut down the number of holidays she was taking since the place (surprise, surprise) closed down! Her sleight of hand was phenominominal) 

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2 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down.


Peeve: Where I live, you are supposed to do "self-checkout" at most groceries now including Target, Wal-Mart. Most people with small "orders" choose this option, since there are fewer cashiers now and they would have to wait in a longer line.

There's no "cash drawer", it's often "credit/debit only". (Some stations let you pay in cash, some let you get "cash back".)

If you make a mistake and double-scan an item, you have to catch it BEFORE you finish your order for someone to help cancel the item. Otherwise, you have to go wait in the line at Customer Service with the other plebes.


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