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13 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

Spent some formative grade-school years in North Carolina so I loved Hush Puppies; New Yorkers have nooooooooooooooooo idea what they are or what they are missing!!

Heeey! If we live anywhere near Brooklyn, Queens, or Manhattan we sure do. That's a hotbed for Southern, BBQ, and Soul Food restaurants.

Peeve: Man, now I wanna go to the city! 😒😄

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29 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

You're lucky to have some days off. I don't have any - none at all. When you retire, days off come to and end :(

Also not getting days off when you're an unpaid carer, unless the person you care for falls over and ends up in hospital/rehab, and even then you're not off, because you get phone calls because nurses ring and say "have you got insulin" and the nursing home rings and says "can you bring in some toiletries and more clean clothes". 

Always on pins waiting for the next stress to happen.

Until one day it will all be over, and I'll have mixed feelings about that. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I thought I might have gotten it since I hadn't had a flu in so long, but It is just the flu.. I'm still kind of getting rid of the aftermath..

If I ever had it, I think I must have been one of those that never knew it.. what do they call them, A symptomatic or something like that?

Everyone around me has had covid, so I had to have had it at some point and not known it.. I had to stay home from work a few times from the boys and my husband getting it.. My youngest  couldn't taste for a few months.. He had it the worst..

He had one day where he had a hard time breathing, but the next day was much better.. He had symptoms for 3 days not counting the lack of taste and smell..

Everyone at both of my jobs  I believe had it as well.. I remember my last job, I think some were just saying they had it.. Because they would still pay you to stay home.. one guy  was out with it like 6 times, which they finally caught on to him.. Why it took 6 times for them to catch on is beyond me.. hehehe

I hope you are better now and getting back to  more normal..

Myself I'm just coughing  things out and  blowing my nose getting rid of the losers of the battle.. hehehe

Tomorrow or later today I should be almost done with it..

I keep thinking I'm on top of it and then go and leg myself up all over again. Energy levels are so not back to normal. Still coughing, less than half a sense of taste. 

Don't you be going back to work while you're still feeling ropey.

Look after YOU! Don't try and be a hero.

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26 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Heeey! If we live anywhere near Brooklyn, Queens, or Manhattan we sure do. That's a hotbed for Southern, BBQ, and Soul Food restaurants.

Peeve: Man, now I wanna go to the city! 😒😄

LOL, I feel your pain!  We neeeeeeeeeeeed some of those restaurants to come upstate!!  😆

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28 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I keep thinking I'm on top of it and then go and leg myself up all over again. Energy levels are so not back to normal. Still coughing, less than half a sense of taste. 

Don't you be going back to work while you're still feeling ropey.

Look after YOU! Don't try and be a hero.

Ya, If I start to feel like work is too much, I'll just tell them that  I'm still not  up to it and they won't have a problem with me going home..

That is one thing about this job compared to my last job.. This one  is so much about keeping employees in a good and happy  and safe work environment.. They understand morale and how important it is.. It's like everyone there gets along so well.. If I were to lean up against something and just think for a few moments.. it wouldn't take but less than a minute before someone passing by asked me  if I am ok..

I love my  job, where I can't ever remember being able to say that,  one single time, one single moment in all the years at my old one..

you were just cattle to them, where this new job reassures us that we matter..

It's going from a job where everyone was  pissed off and angry all the time to a job where everyone is smiling all the time.. hehehe

I'm still kind of taken back on how cheerful everyone is there.. I'm waiting for  the gotcha moment.. hehehe



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28 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I keep thinking I'm on top of it and then go and leg myself up all over again. Energy levels are so not back to normal. Still coughing, less than half a sense of taste. 

Don't you be going back to work while you're still feeling ropey.

Look after YOU! Don't try and be a hero.

I tried to  jump back in real quick because I posted too soon and got side tracked about work..

How long have you had yours and are you getting better or is it coming and going  and just not leaving?

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27 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

LOL, I feel your pain!  We neeeeeeeeeeeed some of those restaurants to come upstate!!  😆

There are a bunch, depending on where you are! Albany seems to have a lot. Ithaca over near Cornell U, too.

To be fair, I haven't been in upstate NY in decades, so I can't vouch for any of those places. The last place I visited there was Mahopac, and all I can remember is a massive golf course and some trees. 😄 I'm a mix between a city dweller and an island bum (I love nightlife and a hot, tropical climate) so venturing further up North is sort of the last thing I ever want to do. 🤣

Edit: Forgot my favorite peeve - SNOW.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Edit: Forgot my favorite peeve - SNOW.

I will be sure to let you know if I find hush puppies on the menu anywhere near me!  As for snow..........  I love my town but most of our houses were built in the 19th century; very pretty, very quaint, but NOOOOOOOOOO garages for so many of us!!!!!  So, snow..........  it's not just that more and more I hate driving in it, trying to stay outta the ditches, but my new joke about winter is that the most treacherous part of any journey is the distance from my front door to my car!

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18 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I tried to  jump back in real quick because I posted too soon and got side tracked about work..

How long have you had yours and are you getting better or is it coming and going  and just not leaving?

I have never felt so ill in all my life, thought it was flu at first, seems to be more than that. But on top of a virus I have other things going on so it muddies the waters on what is virus and what is just the tiredness of my life generally. 

Haven't slept in bed for a whole month though. Can't sleep laying down, because of congestion on the lungs. It's the utter exhaustion that's most difficult to cope with, and what I see in you is this enthusiasm for work on Tuesday, this belief you'll be OK, and I get that enthusiasm on some days, walk to my brother's house, start deep cleaning, or get involved in gardening, and then suddenly, at around two hours it just feels like I could collapse any minute, whereas I would go all day without any breaks and not finish gardening until sunset.

I am not even sure if I'm still infectious or not, have only caught taxis when the driver has a barrier screen (have to tell the taxi firm beforehand about possibility of having covid) and remain distant from other people. My neighbour who gave me this infection on the other hand, has been nipping to supermarkets in his car, possibly infecting quite a few people, then coming home and sleeping for the rest of the day because his energy levels are so low. 

Just be careful if you do go back to work. It does sound like a caring workplace, but if you think you might be infectious, please don't go. 

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21 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

I will be sure to let you know if I find hush puppies on the menu anywhere near me!  As for snow..........  I love my town but most of our houses were built in the 19th century; very pretty, very quaint, but NOOOOOOOOOO garages for so many of us!!!!!  So, snow..........  it's not just that more and more I hate driving in it, trying to stay outta the ditches, but my new joke about winter is that the most treacherous part of any journey is the distance from my front door to my car!

Oh man, that sounds awful. I can't deal with snow even a little bit. It's fun as a kid, but beyond that, nope! 

I'm the same way with cold weather in general, though. I'll always remember the one ridiculously cold morning I was on my way to work and got in my car and sat there shivering, waiting for the heat to kick on. Older car, so it took a bit. And out of nowhere, the urge to scream hit me so hard that I just did it. I just let out a furious scream into the void at what, like 7 in the morning - simply because I was cold. 🤣

I can't even tolerate it when it drops below 65 degrees. Below zero? Imma literally scream.

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2 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I have never felt so ill in all my life, thought it was flu at first, seems to be more than that. But on top of a virus I have other things going on so it muddies the waters on what is virus and what is just the tiredness of my life generally. 

Haven't slept in bed for a whole month though. Can't sleep laying down, because of congestion on the lungs. It's the utter exhaustion that's most difficult to cope with, and what I see in you is this enthusiasm for work on Tuesday, this belief you'll be OK, and I get that enthusiasm on some days, walk to my brother's house, start deep cleaning, or get involved in gardening, and then suddenly, at around two hours it just feels like I could collapse any minute, whereas I would go all day without any breaks and not finish gardening until sunset.

I am not even sure if I'm still infectious or not, have only caught taxis when the driver has a barrier screen (have to tell the taxi firm beforehand about possibility of having covid) and remain distant from other people. My neighbour who gave me this infection on the other hand, has been nipping to supermarkets in his car, possibly infecting quite a few people, then coming home and sleeping for the rest of the day because his energy levels are so low. 

Just be careful if you do go back to work. It does sound like a caring workplace, but if you think you might be infectious, please don't go. 

Ya, I'm pretty sure mine is the flu, because it's what's been going around work.. Some had it and had already came back, which I didn't know until after I was feeling  sick..

I haven't really heard of anyone around  here getting covid in awhile.. But I'm probably gonna wear a mask when I get there anyways just because of the dust since the fans will probably be off when we get there tomorrow..  I have a really good mask with really good filters for it, so that should help... It's not a big ole respirator type mask or anything like that, but it's not a thin cloth one either.. The filters for it are like really good too..


I really hope  you get better soon and start to feel much more active as well as can get more  rest  laying down soon..  I had pneumonia one time and I couldn't lay down with that.. I really  understand that exhaustion from just not being able to sleep well or lay down and sleep well..

Already exhausted from being sick yet you can't rest well..  I do hope  it gets much better for you  soon..


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