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It's pretty clear to me that we need to have a forum dress-up party, like an intervention, where we sit Maddy and Kali down (and maybe Lil, whose views on this SHOCKED me) and force them to try on different outfits.

We have responsibilities here. And SOME of us are letting down the side.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's pretty clear to me that we need to have a forum dress-up party, like an intervention, where we sit Maddy and Kali down (and maybe Lil, whose views on this SHOCKED me) and force them to try on different outfits.

We have responsibilities here. And SOME of us are letting down the side.

You can use my empty skybox to rez, open boxes, and have some changing privacy.  It has walls and is fireproof.

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21 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's pretty clear to me that we need to have a forum dress-up party, like an intervention, where we sit Maddy and Kali down (and maybe Lil, whose views on this SHOCKED me) and force them to try on different outfits.

We have responsibilities here. And SOME of us are letting down the side.

Back in my earlier days, when I was a social butterfly at The Hangout, I'd change clothes every day -- and choose my outfits very carefully.  Nobody ever saw me in the same outfit twice.

In the last few years before Covid, I still shopped a lot, but got lazy and quit changing clothes as often.  I wasn't really socializing anymore and got tired of just dressing for myself, so I mostly only changed outfits for a picture. 

Then, sometime within those two years of Covid, I even grew tired of shopping altogether.  I still pick up something new now and then, but I truly have so much stuff that I haven't even unpacked and filed, that I can't justify the shopping anymore unless it is something that I really love a lot.


ETA:  I did change outfits yesterday and remember that there is another reason why I just don't do it much anymore.  Trying to get all the pieces to properly match and fit is a real PITA, unless they are made by the same creator.  Then, the makeup is just such a hassle anymore.  The BOM pieces each take a long time to bake and show.  I think it actually took me well over an hour (maybe two) to put myself together yesterday.  That is just plain too much work to do every day.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Then, sometime within those two years of Covid, I even grew tired of shopping altogether.  I still pick up something new now and then, but I truly have so much stuff that I haven't even unpacked and filed, that I can't justify the shopping anymore unless it is something that I really love a lot.

This is more serious than I thought. Drastic measures are in order.

Including, of course, a pre-retreat shopping expedition.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
4 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Then, sometime within those two years of Covid, I even grew tired of shopping altogether.  I still pick up something new now and then, but I truly have so much stuff that I haven't even unpacked and filed, that I can't justify the shopping anymore unless it is something that I really love a lot.

This is more serious than I thought. Drastic measures are in order.

I am still spending money, but most of it goes on stuff related to the KittyCats that I started breeding a few years back.

Some day I will wise up and give up on that stuff -- it is mostly a money sink, kind of like boats in RL.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I am still spending money, but most of it goes on stuff related to the KittyCats that I started breeding a few years back.

Some day I will wise up and give up on that stuff -- it is mostly a money sink, kind of like boats in RL.

You're definitely doing it wrong -- we may need remedial work here so that you unforget how to buy clothing. I've seen some of your outfits -- we just need to get into trim again.

I can't speak to Kali's practices, but I've been clothes shopping with Maddy. She'll find one item she likes, buy the fatpack so she can mix-and-match with any of the six other garments she owns, and call it a day.

Ask her about her RL pumps collection. It's truly heartbreaking.

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4 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Agreed. Makeup is a nuisance in SL and in RL. I have better things to spend my time on.

In fairness, I go light on the makeup in both worlds. In theory, BOM made this easier, but so few makers provide colour keys that it IS a hassle sometimes. But I also have a half dozen or so lipsticks and shadows that are my go-tos.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

In fairness, I go light on the makeup in both worlds. In theory, BOM made this easier, but so few makers provide colour keys that it IS a hassle sometimes. But I also have a half dozen or so lipsticks and shadows that are my go-tos.

I do have my go-tos, but so often feel like I should actually wear some of the other stuff that I've bought.  I truly wore the same eye shadow and lipstick through 4 outfits changes -- thus for a couple of months. 

What I really need to do is take a pic of the ad and then annotate it myself as I try on the different ones in the collection.

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Agreed. Makeup is a nuisance in SL and in RL. I have better things to spend my time on.

This I agree with (partially!). Makeup in RL is a WHOLE peeve I could write an entire paper on. I liked it as a teen and did the whole  complicated goth makeup rituals in my 20s, but then realized it really served no purpose (for me) whatsoever and stopped wearing everything. Nobody seemed to mind. Didn't impact my social life in any way.

I do wear it (a LOT of it) in SL to pull more complicated looks together - usually combined with face tattoos or materials. In that way, I guess I use it more like stage and special effects makeup - 99% of the time it's for photography. I definitely don't go through all the trouble of fiddling with appliers and whatnot for a simple trip to a shopping event or a friend's house - noooo wayyyy.

My biggest SL makeup peeve, though, has got to be Evo X. It just complicates everything further for me as I've got looks in standard Evo, looks in Catwa, looks in Genus, and looks in Evo X. And of course, I never label my outfits with that amount of detail, so who even remembers which skin is for which layout. For appliers, doesn't matter much, but I layer a lot with BOM, and sometimes I forget that THIS makeup is only classic Evo BOM but I need Evo X BOM oh gosh ok lemme find some Evo X layers oh didn't I get some freebies in the last... oh gosh I didn't unpack those okay let's see no wait that was Evo omg.

Tattoos - much the same. So many tattoos I can't wear when I'm in Evo X mode because they came out before that was a thing and the neck portion winds up on mah head somewhere.

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Makeup in RL is a WHOLE peeve I could write an entire paper on. I liked it as a teen and did the whole  complicated goth makeup rituals in my 20s, but then realized it really served no purpose (for me) whatsoever and stopped wearing everything. Nobody seemed to mind. Didn't impact my social life in any way.

I'm just not very good at it. 

"Oh, you're going for the 'distressed-edgy-goth' look tonight!"

"Um . . . no?"

*rushes to the mirror*

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My biggest pet peeves:

  • Patterns in the fat pack. I want this top in exactly one color, the houndstooth you have in the ad. But what's this, I can only get that if I spend 1299 for the fat pack? Sorry, no sale.
  • Monochrome outfit singles, you know, where I can't buy the white top and aqua skirt, i have to either buy white top & skirt, or aqua top & skirt, or both if I want to mix colors. 
  • Hair with 500K vistris. Learn to simplify your models. Please. For the love of God and the fans that send my computer into fits. And not just for me...I love seeing everyone's avis! But I can't when your stupid hair is killing my computer.
Edited by KKMallory
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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm just not very good at it. 

"Oh, you're going for the 'distressed-edgy-goth' look tonight!"

"Um . . . no?"

*rushes to the mirror*

For real!!!! Eyeliner is the absolute worst. Trying not to poke your whole eye out while making sure not to accidentally slip and sketch a line across the side of your face. 😂  It's just bad. But the worst? Taking it OFF. Oh my goooooooooooood. All the times I spent scrubbing my face at 6am before allowing myself to crawl into bed after a full night of clubbing - never again!

Funny, because I love men who wear guyliner and makeup (clearly). But I'm just over doing it myself. Hi, I'm a hypocrite! 

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

For real!!!! Eyeliner is the absolute worst. Trying not to poke your whole eye out while making sure not to accidentally slip and sketch a line across the side of your face. 😂  It's just bad. But the worst? Taking it OFF. Oh my goooooooooooood. All the times I spent scrubbing my face at 6am before allowing myself to crawl into bed after a full night of clubbing - never again!

Eye liner and fake eye lashes were two things that I just never got the hang of in RL.  Hell, I had a hard enough time applying mascara without poking my eyes out.

When I did makeup regularly, it was foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow and maybe lipstick & mascara.  Back then I smoked and was constantly drinking cokes, so lipstick just wouldn't stay on, so I seldom bothered.  Not to mention that I am a lip biter -- my own, that is -- and lipstick just hilites how horrid the lips look when they've been chewed.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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On 7/23/2022 at 6:18 PM, Persephone Emerald said:
On 7/23/2022 at 8:48 AM, Luna Bliss said:

omg, not only do we have blatant species discrimination, but now I see blatant bug-gender prejudice. How can I continue on the forum today knowing such injustice exists in our space? 

I feel I have to AR you for referring to all insects as "bugs" and for not even mentioning arachnids. Bugs are a specific group of insects, and I'm quite sure the other insects and arachnids don't appreciate being mis-specied by you with your obviously ill-informed and anthro-centric statement.

You have discovered my weakness, Persephone -- I have a deep spider prejudice, and it does indeed cancel out my claim to love all. Ain't nobody free till all are free, they say, so this one prejudice ruins all claims to a mindset that embodies a love of diversity and inclusion. I hang my head in shame.

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14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

You have discovered my weakness, Persephone -- I have a deep spider prejudice, and it does indeed cancel out my claim to love all. Ain't nobody free till all are free, they say, so this one prejudice ruins all claims to a mindset that embodies a love of diversity and inclusion. I hang my head in shame.

Not just a "phobia", like arachnophobia?

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