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Am I a "soulless" person?

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34 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:
4 hours ago, Nick0678 said:
Whatever troubles you it can be answered through psychology and with a nice chat.
How would you describe the relationship you had with your parents during childhood?

I thought all troubles relate to sexual frustration according to shrinks? Must check what it says on my card 😆


cat lets get this session started.jpg

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1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

I am deeply insulted by any all-powerful deity that allows children to suffer from cancer, and by people who somehow attempt to reason their way out of this.

Actually there are much worse things than children suffering from cancer.  Just saying....but it's the one thing that people who have no faith cite as one of the main reasons why they don't believe. :) 

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1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

I am deeply insulted by any all-powerful deity that allows children to suffer from cancer, and by people who somehow attempt to reason their way out of this.

I blame that damn snake, Eve and the guy standing next to her making sure it's safe for him to have a bite too.. hehehehe


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@Gopi Passiflora    I think you are conflating the concept of a spiritual soul and a slang expression used to describe a behavior usually lacking in emotion. Luna was the first to note that in his reply. (Ref Post)

You haven't answered/replied in the thread. So, no one knows if Luna's response answered your question. Or were you just trolling?

Without farther input the thread will devolve into a less than intellectual debate on whether there is a god and such things as a supernatural realm in which there might be a soul/ghost that is a part of our being beyond the physical.


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10 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Barring any religious notions (and I don't see you referencing the 'soul' as we see in religious writings), some of the dictionary definitions of soul that could apply are:

1. the emotional part of human nature; the seat of the feelings or sentiments.

2. the essential part or fundamental nature of anything

3. a person's feelings or moral nature as distinct from other faculties

It feels to me like you are distant and blocked off from your feelings.  Might you be depressed?  When people are depressed they shut down their feelings, often because feeling pain is too overwhelming. It can become a habit though, and hard to break out of.

When you can't feel pain you also can't feel joy, and so life can seem very flat and meaningless.

While it's true some people just aren't particularly "touchy-feely" as you say, and don't enjoy social situations as much as others, because you say you don't smile and seem troubled by your situation this makes me think you believe something important is lacking in your life.

One way to get in touch with feelings is to find something to do that you really love. Also, therapy can help you discover why you're depressed and help you break out of it. Some say medication can help if you're kind of stuck or if there are biological components contributing.

Life can be painful and seem unnecessarily meaningless when cut off from what is so fundamental to a human being -- feeling.  I hope you find some resolution for this and can enjoy life more.

Well, I don't think it's depression because my therapist says its not. But who knows? I do take medication.

I guess you may have a point about being blocked off from feelings because I do have anxiety and several phobias (I guess including social ones.)

Thank you for your answer though.

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10 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

1   Stop reading stupid s*** that makes you feel worse


2.  Do you have pets?  Cause if you do and you care and love your pets you are not 


Well, actually...I don't (in real life at least. Hence why I referred to being distanced both "people and beings" in my OP). This is part of what made me concerned that I am "soulless". But you have a point with what you said. Thanks for the input.

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1 hour ago, Nalates Urriah said:

@Gopi Passiflora    I think you are conflating the concept of a spiritual soul and a slang expression used to describe a behavior usually lacking in emotion. Luna was the first to note that in his reply. (Ref Post)

You haven't answered/replied in the thread. So, no one knows if Luna's response answered your question. Or were you just trolling?

Without farther input the thread will devolve into a less than intellectual debate on whether there is a god and such things as a supernatural realm in which there might be a soul/ghost that is a part of our being beyond the physical.


I am not trolling, I apologize for making you think that. I admit it's a half-baked post in my OP, but I really am concerned. Thanks for the input though, it got me to respond to some posts here.

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12 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

There are some things that many people take for granted that I don't enjoy. I don't enjoy close relationships with other people or beings for example. I'm not a "touchy-feely" kinda person - I prefer keeping my distance from others. I try to appear enthusiastic in social situations but maybe I'm just faking it? I don't smile a lot. Among other stuff.

I've read that such things make a person "soulless"....

You've kind of described Aspberger's Syndrome, and I vaguely recall someone in the medical world saying that it was possible as many as one in every hundred human beings may be on the autism spectrum. 

NB: My answer isn't based on any scientific fact, just a possible opinion not a diagnosis.

Edited to add: You started the gender identity thread that sadly got removed by a moderator. I don't remember you coming back to respond or reply to those who gave input on it. That's possibly why some of us thought you might be trolling. 


Edited by Marigold Devin
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7 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

You've kind of described Aspberger's Syndrome, and I vaguely recall someone in the medical world saying that it was possible as many as one in every hundred human beings may be on the autism spectrum. 

NB: My answer isn't based on any scientific fact, just a possible opinion not a diagnosis.

Edited to add: You started the gender identity thread that sadly got removed by a moderator. I don't remember you coming back to respond or reply to those who gave input on it. That's possibly why some of us thought you might be trolling. 


Could be, I am willing to accept that it is a possibility. I guess I'll have to talk about my therapist for that.

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Some people just like a solitary life, there is nothing wrong with that and it doesn't mean that you or anyone else haven't the full range of emotions that everyone else does, in fact, I imagine some people prefer a solitary life because people can become overwhelming.


Unless you are a ginger 😜

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12 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Well, I don't think it's depression because my therapist says its not. But who knows?

Do you think you might have been socialized not to have and/or express certain feelings to a degree?  Many boys/men are socialized to deny all feelings except anger -- the other feelings are seen as a weakness and more in the realm of what's acceptable for women (I noticed you started the thread about whether women were looked down on).

And of course if anyone has trouble accepting feelings they have trouble connecting with others on an emotional level.

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12 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Could be, I am willing to accept that it is a possibility. I guess I'll have to talk about my therapist for that.

Gopi I am here for you, we will walk through this together. Maybe you are a soulless person, or even a bad person BUT we can change that.

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How about a pet? They bring people a huge amount of happiness because they love and depend on you unconditionally. A person who is happy is someone people want to be around. I'd recommend a dog over a cat because they're pack animals and need to be around others.

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15 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

How about a pet? They bring people a huge amount of happiness because they love and depend on you unconditionally. A person who is happy is someone people want to be around. I'd recommend a dog over a cat because they're pack animals and need to be around others.

Well, I'm not a dog person (you are free to ask why - it does have something to do with the original topic at hand), although I have considered (albeit not seriously) getting a cat when I live on my own. The problem with cats is I've heard horror stories about how they can mess up stuff you own - and how they may attack their human companions. But this also ties in with idea that its not just people I keep my distance from - other living beings too. In other words, I'm not a pet person for the most part because I never had a genuine desire to take care of one. It would be unfair to both me and the pet if I tried to get one but never really was enthusiastic about it.

That is a good suggestion in general for most people though, but I doubt it would work for me personally based on my personality/brain wiring/whatever.

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Do you think you might have been socialized not to have and/or express certain feelings to a degree?  Many boys/men are socialized to deny all feelings except anger -- the other feelings are seen as a weakness and more in the realm of what's acceptable for women (I noticed you started the thread about whether women were looked down on).

And of course if anyone has trouble accepting feelings they have trouble connecting with others on an emotional level.

I suppose growing up, I was forced to try to hide my feelings because I was very sensitive to things like teasing. I sometimes failed because I would cry (now I know there's nothing wrong with that, but this happened in the less...forgiving world of the 90s.) I also refrained from smiling or laughing because if I did, other people would point it out openly because it was such a rare occurrence.

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9 minutes ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Well, I'm not a dog person (you are free to ask why - it does have something to do with the original topic at hand), although I have considered (albeit not seriously) getting a cat when I live on my own. The problem with cats is I've heard horror stories about how they can mess up stuff you own - and how they may attack their human companions. But this also ties in with idea that its not just people I keep my distance from - other living beings too. In other words, I'm not a pet person for the most part because I never had a genuine desire to take care of one. It would be unfair to both me and the pet if I tried to get one but never really was enthusiastic about it.

That is a good suggestion in general for most people though, but I doubt it would work for me personally based on my personality/brain wiring/whatever.

DO NOT get a CAT, i repeat, DO NOT get a CAT unless you like to have the cat wake you up at 3am and ruin you sleep, meow while you eat, scratch your furniture and mess your clothes with hair.

plus one more thing... (not everyone will find it annoying but most of us are)



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1 hour ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Well, I'm not a dog person (you are free to ask why - it does have something to do with the original topic at hand), although I have considered (albeit not seriously) getting a cat when I live on my own. The problem with cats is I've heard horror stories about how they can mess up stuff you own - and how they may attack their human companions. But this also ties in with idea that its not just people I keep my distance from - other living beings too. In other words, I'm not a pet person for the most part because I never had a genuine desire to take care of one. It would be unfair to both me and the pet if I tried to get one but never really was enthusiastic about it.

That is a good suggestion in general for most people though, but I doubt it would work for me personally based on my personality/brain wiring/whatever.

If you live somewhere that it's possible, instead of a pet, feed the local wildlife. Birds, squirrels, sometimes rabbits (not hares), the occasional raccoon can not only be educational, just watching them can be entertaining. Grow a few potted plants, at least they won't sass back. 😉🤭 If you like the scent, Lavenders are easy to care for and you can get some of these: 


Walmart: c64f75c2-c20f-430c-8859-79bf531e7172.869




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1 hour ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

I suppose growing up, I was forced to try to hide my feelings because I was very sensitive to things like teasing. I sometimes failed because I would cry (now I know there's nothing wrong with that, but this happened in the less...forgiving world of the 90s.) I also refrained from smiling or laughing because if I did, other people would point it out openly because it was such a rare occurrence.

Well, I don't know if this will help, but sometimes when others send something that doesn't feel like what's best for me, I imagine it splatting against my shoulder and I just brush it off. But when they send me something that feeds my soul it's like a lovely fragrance I inhale, or like a beautiful glowing light that shines within and around me.

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   @Gopi Passiflora, it may be a bit cleshay (spelling?) but as a therapist once said, "If you find the need to ask the question, it most likely means you are not..." "Soulless. You DO have a soul, and while some of the great people here have given some very helpful sound wise advice, it does not need to detour into a "religious" discussion. Cat's are great, and unlike some views on them, some are very laid back and not destructive at all. However that being said, get a plant if you can (a bonsai tree maybe?). They are relatively easy to take care of, don't talk back as @Silent Mistwalker mentioned, and can be a great blessing person in your position. Start small, and work your way up whenever you are comfortable with it (if ever), and remember... People always tell us to just "be yourself", but then turn around and judge you for it. Be yourself, find help and caring when you need it, and disregard all the rest and just be free...


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26 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

   @Gopi Passiflora, it may be a bit cleshay (spelling?) but as a therapist once said, "If you find the need to ask the question, it most likely means you are not..." "Soulless. You DO have a soul, and while some of the great people here have given some very helpful sound wise advice, it does not need to detour into a "religious" discussion. Cat's are great, and unlike some views on them, some are very laid back and not destructive at all. However that being said, get a plant if you can (a bonsai tree maybe?). They are relatively easy to take care of, don't talk back as @Silent Mistwalker mentioned, and can be a great blessing person in your position. Start small, and work your way up whenever you are comfortable with it (if ever), and remember... People always tell us to just "be yourself", but then turn around and judge you for it. Be yourself, find help and caring when you need it, and disregard all the rest and just be free...



It's French.


Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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