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The Women Are Marching Today!

Luna Bliss

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52 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

I read this and trying to understand    

{{{Texas’ new abortion law — which bans abortions at about six weeks from the patient’s last menstrual period }}}

ABORTIONS ARE STILL ALLOWED but have an exact time window for it to be done first six weeks 


{{{While abortion patients themselves can’t be sued under the new law, anyone who performs or aids with the abortion can be sued}}}can be sued.

{{{Sotomayor wrote in her dissent that the cash reward effectively “deputized the State’s citizens as bounty hunters.”}}}

so that is her opinion .


 You are in the first 6 week you do not have a baby bump so unless you told someone who would know only you or the dr and or father/ boyfriend,

If the procedure is done during the allowed window, then NO ONE can be sued.


It would be an interesting read to read the full text rather than the cut and paste in this article. Unless you can read everything you cannot get the full factual information.

As i read it is basically is if you need the abortion get it done early asap patients cannot get sued but the clinics drs who did the procedure after the allowed date can be sued.

strange they highlight parts of and hide the rest. When a article does that it is a red flag   

NOTE the article states 

I would think this would be more of a worry for the Drs/clinics 

Patients can’t be sued







They have a link to the law...


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4 hours ago, roseelvira said:


 I grew up on a farm my siblings and i at a young age knew life began/ begins at conception =sperm fertilizes the egg life begins be it a deer, chicken, cow, goose, horse, duck, dog or cat etc. 

i grew up on a farm as well. Scrabble existence

there was nothing special about life then and nothing special about life now

less than 300 years my ancestors were eating the neighbours for dinner. The only reason we still aren't is that people came from overseas and said that human life is special. Which raises the question: special to who? special in what way?  That it is human?

yet when you kill it and cook it then is just meat. Same as any other animal killed and cooked

my point is basically that the idea that humans are  deserving of life, are sanctified in some special way different from other animals, no matter at what stage of life, is cultural construct of the human mind

human animals are certainly more clever than other animals. Not sure that raises them to sanctified level tho

this is not to say that we should go round killing each other and not care because we all just meat.  But I do think that we shouldn't mythologise the sanctity of life notion as it relates to human beings

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10 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Can survive outside the mother's body.

so we don't have to have or show ány compassion when there's a miscarriage pre 7 months ?... it's just a lump of cells   ...
There's really a bit more to think about in this kind of discussions... it's nothing, and it's éverything?... or something from the moment of conception?

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9 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

is the link is that from the publication 

read it 

It is very hard to read all squished together 

In our state the pages do not look like that 

so is that a cut and paste just wondering and not the whole law 

if i have time today i will try to get to the official government pages to read it instead of that link.

the way some people are talking it is making it sound like the woman would be the one hunted down and sued and that is not the case from the way that link reads.



Looks to be the official website so I'm going to say it's the official publication.

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9 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

The other looked cut and paste   




Is was done to be readable as one page instead of a PDF file which is how it is shown from the current link I posted.  So you can read without downloading the file.  You have 3 options on how to read it on the recent link.

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9 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:
19 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Can survive outside the mother's body.

so we don't have to have or show ány compassion when there's a miscarriage pre 7 months ?... it's just a lump of cells   ...
There's really a bit more to think about in this kind of discussions... it's nothing, and it's éverything?... or something from the moment of conception?

I agree...there's a lot to think about when deciding where the 'line' is...that line where we decide a human being begins and should have rights of its own apart from the mother, or that the government has the right to intervene on behalf of this fetus.

But I think you must mean a baby born prematurely, as a miscarriage is when an embryo or fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy. Miscarriages occur fairly frequently and they usually happens early in pregnancy (8 out of 10 miscarriages happen in the first 3 months).

The longer the fetus has matured in the womb the greater the chances emergency procedures could save it (premature babies are able to finish maturing in incubators with some success, for example).
The issues surrounding these developments will be more complicated and present major gray areas to contemplate when a human womb is less needed as advanced medical procedures can fill in the gap.

When I say I believe a separate human being begins when it can survive apart from the mothers body this does not mean I disapprove of emergency procedures to assist a prematurely born baby with breathing so it will survive -- the definition of viability or survival outside the womb does include additional support for me and many others.
As I've said before, I don't believe abortions should occur in the 3rd trimester in most cases and so naturally I'd approve of assistance for survival at that stage.

Some of these issues rarely apply when aborting a fetus however, as 90% of abortions happen in the earlier stages of pregnancy. Abortions occurring at or after 21 weeks gestational age are rare. Many abortions occur below 10 weeks of gestation when medication can even be used to abort the fetus. The Texas lawmakers are developing a law that would disallow Texans to purchase such medication outside state lines.

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12 hours ago, Finite said:
13 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Blocked at least temporarily as of a couple hours ago. We'll see how it goes at the appeals court.

Thanks for posting that!  I just happened to check the forum before sleeping and had not seen the news. I could rest much easier knowing we have taken a step back, at least temporarily, from the encroaching proto-fascism developing in America.

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15 hours ago, roseelvira said:
19 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Can survive outside the mother's body.

A fertilized chicken. duck, goose. pigeon, bird, Gater. snake  etc  eggs are outside the mothers' body growing inside the shell  

All this talk of eggs. I'm thinking an omelet would be good for brunch today   :) 

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1 hour ago, roseelvira said:

the way some people are talking it is making it sound like the woman would be the one hunted down and sued and that is not the case from the way that link reads.

Hmm....I haven't heard or read anyone talking that way.

It's the one performing the abortion as well as anyone who assists a woman in having an abortion who would be sued (if that law comes to pass).

For example, if I lived in Texas I could give my daughter money for an abortion, or give a woman a ride to a clinic for an abortion, and any vigilante could sue me (even people outside Texas could sue me).  Lyft and Uber drivers could be sued if they dropped a woman off at an abortion clinic.

I was looking into whether I could even be sued via driving across the state line (not too far from me) and bringing a woman to my state where abortions are legal.  Some said yes!

Lyft and Uber came out and said they'll pay drivers legal fees if they're sued:


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16 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:
16 hours ago, roseelvira said:

Wow  i stop checking the forums and all dust clutter breaks loose.

My concern is for the young girls and women who want to have the child but are put under so much pressure from friends/boyfriend/spouse/ or teachers /counselors/media/society / opinion of strangers/ and even therapists to have the procedure regardless they want to keep the child to either raise or allow another to adopt

And that does happen. 

What about their rights to keep the child?    It is so sad 


 I grew up on a farm my siblings and i at a young age knew life began/ begins at conception =sperm fertilizes the egg life begins be it a deer, chicken, cow, goose, horse, duck, dog or cat etc.  






And on the opposite side of that discussion are the men who use pregnancy as a way to control their wives/gfs/partners.  Or those men who abuse their partners while.they are pregnant.  Even more common.


That also does happens.

Just when I thought I was aware of all the forms of abuse people inflict on each other  :(

Thanks!  😉

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I'm the result of an unwanted pregnancy. My mother would have vastly prefered to have an abortion, but my narcissistic gram-gram was pretty much against that because WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK!!11

I was born into relative poverty, into a very unhappy partnership, to an alcoholic mother who did not love me.
Today, I have a multitude of mental health issues that do, to big parts, stem from that. It's costing taxpayers MUUUUUCH more money than a simple abortion would have, btw. To this day, if someone would present me with a button that would erase my existance in an instant, I'd goddamn slap that button faster than you could say "hi".
To this day, my mother is deeply unhappy with her life that she views as wasted. I say life, but she's not really living. She's just existing at this point. That's a very hollow shell of a person I'm talking about. Wanna know what my mother does? She gets up, goes to work, gets home, drinks and watches TV/naps, goes to bed. Every day. Every goddamn day.

Actions have consequences, but rarely do the "ooh every life is sacreeeeet!11" people think of the ones who are actually bearing the consequences for their goddamn virtue signaling. If women want an abortion, let them have it.
And don't even get me started about "just put it up for adoption then" - that often ends up a very traumatizing journey for kids, because.. guess what, fosterparents and childrens homes can be abusive, and you'd be surprised how often that is the case.
And again - taxpayers money. And the result of that traumatizing journey? Yeah, mental health issues that ALSO cost the taxpayer money.

So no, denying abortion isn't saving taxpayers money, it's wasting it AND creating miserable existances.
And the best part? The people who demonstrate against abortion in front of Abortion Clinics... what do you think happens if one of them get an unwanted pregnancy, or their daughters? Yeah, according to quite a few clinics, they go and get an abortion. Because "This is different" - they think their situation is oh so different than all the other womens, when in reality, it's the goddamn same.
Goddamn hippocrits.

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20 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I'm the result of an unwanted pregnancy. My mother would have vastly prefered to have an abortion, but my narcissistic gram-gram was pretty much against that because WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK!!11

I was born into relative poverty, into a very unhappy partnership, to an alcoholic mother who did not love me.
Today, I have a multitude of mental health issues that do, to big parts, stem from that. It's costing taxpayers MUUUUUCH more money than a simple abortion would have, btw. To this day, if someone would present me with a button that would erase my existance in an instant, I'd goddamn slap that button faster than you could say "hi".
To this day, my mother is deeply unhappy with her life that she views as wasted. I say life, but she's not really living. She's just existing at this point. That's a very hollow shell of a person I'm talking about. Wanna know what my mother does? She gets up, goes to work, gets home, drinks and watches TV/naps, goes to bed. Every day. Every goddamn day.

Actions have consequences, but rarely do the "ooh every life is sacreeeeet!11" people think of the ones who are actually bearing the consequences for their goddamn virtue signaling. If women want an abortion, let them have it.
And don't even get me started about "just put it up for adoption then" - that often ends up a very traumatizing journey for kids, because.. guess what, fosterparents and childrens homes can be abusive, and you'd be surprised how often that is the case.
And again - taxpayers money. And the result of that traumatizing journey? Yeah, mental health issues that ALSO cost the taxpayer money.

So no, denying abortion isn't saving taxpayers money, it's wasting it AND creating miserable existances.
And the best part? The people who demonstrate against abortion in front of Abortion Clinics... what do you think happens if one of them get an unwanted pregnancy, or their daughters? Yeah, according to quite a few clinics, they go and get an abortion. Because "This is different" - they think their situation is oh so different than all the other womens, when in reality, it's the goddamn same.
Goddamn hippocrits.


Thank you. Thank you so very, very much. 🤗

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13 hours ago, Mollymews said:

less than 300 years my ancestors were eating the neighbours for dinner. The only reason we still aren't is that people came from overseas and said that human life is special. Which raises the question: special to who? special in what way?  That it is human?

Your ancestors were cannibals?

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14 hours ago, Mollymews said:

less than 300 years my ancestors were eating the neighbours for dinner. The only reason we still aren't is that people came from overseas and said that human life is special. Which raises the question: special to who? special in what way?  That it is human?

Look i don't mind a little bit of biting during sex but cooking and eating my girlfriend  or wife ... i think it;s a bit too much for my stomach.

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