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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just an update for what it's worth.  I thought a lot about this thread and what I quoted from you.  Last weekend, I switched back to Maitreya.  I still love and miss the softer look of my Legacy but fully decked out, I'm around 400,000 now.  I've also turned on the rendering cost at busy places and an astonished that some people wearing not much are pushing 3 million.   Eye opening, to say the least.


Yeah I have the same dilemma with Belleza. It's my "perfect look" but that polygon count is just too much. Once I switched, even on my newish high end machine the difference was there over time. And as someone who talks about lag a lot, I didn't want to be the one lagging other people. :)

Ideally I wish Rehalia was a human body - because it's the real low lag one, and it even fits the clothes of other bodies - but paws for feet and a unique UV map (meaning I can't use human skins) put it off the table even for an 'extreme neko look'.

Before I got a new computer in 2019, a lot of venues would just outright crash my system (at the time a 2013 MacBook with the top GPU they had back then - so only 6 years old when I replaced it) if I turned my camera in the direction of wherever they had rezzed the most gatchas...

Some of the gatchas out there are even worse than the mesh bodies - not just in terms of polygon count, but in whatever other things they're doing - something in them can just cause some GPUs to experience critical failure... My guess would be the way polygons are organized (when you don't need to animate it you can be super sloppy I guess), but I don't really know.


I really think this is worth putting pressure on. The Regallia body proves you can do everything Legacy does on 1/10th the polygons, and the 5.x Maitreya body proves you can take an existing body and further optimize it in an update while delivering a better product in the end result. The Legacy people seem to know how to shape a model well - so someone who has their ear needs to tell them to go study real-time graphics optimization.

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/2/2021 at 8:35 PM, SyndraJade said:

If this is posted in the wrong place,I'm sorry. Not looking for a specific person's help, just opinions on some Marketplace stuff.

I don't understand Avatars or what it takes to make them, so I decided I'm gonna get a complete one so I don't have to worry about it. I found 3 options, and I'd like some opinions. My current avatar looks good but I'd like to update her and change her look. I don't know what works, or what is outdated, so if you could please give me opinions I would appreciate it. These were all well reviewed, and look good to me, but what do I know. If they're all good to you ,then please tell me which you would pick.


Option 1-https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Kalhene-ANYA-BENTO-fitted-mesh-bodyHead-v40/19973384?page=1

Option 2-https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Star-Bento-Mesh-Body-Fitted-body-bento-head-bento-hands-Bakes-on-Mesh/18696950

Option 3-https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/50HEAVEN-avatar-animated-Mesh-head-MO-TANNED/9134493

COMING this weekend release. Kalhene Erika !

Kahlene New Release !.jpg

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As an Hourglass user I was really excited about Kalhene Erika, until I tried the demo.

It looks like it ought to fit Freya clothes, but it doesn't. It doesn't fit Hourglass or Kupra clothing either.  And it's not a case of "almost fitting, an alpha mask will do". It's not even close enough for that.  So, yet another new body that no-one is going to buy because the only clothing possible to wear is half a dozen items from the starter pack, and no-one is going to create for because no-one has bought it.

I don't know why they didn't build it to fit Freya clothes. They built the original to fit Maitreya,. It would have been a superb opportunity to begin a new body with an already-existant range of clothes. If it had fit Freya or Hourglass clothes, I would have bought it today without hesitation.

The ONLY WAY to get a new body established is to build one that already-made clothing will fit. That's why Lucybody is successful, and Kalhene Anya/Alexa. 

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7 hours ago, Karly Kiyori said:

As an Hourglass user I was really excited about Kalhene Erika, until I tried the demo.

It looks like it ought to fit Freya clothes, but it doesn't. It doesn't fit Hourglass or Kupra clothing either. 

That's a shame, I would have bought it for one of my alts (who used to use Freya until I got fed up with it and switched her to Lucybody).

7 hours ago, Karly Kiyori said:

The ONLY WAY to get a new body established is to build one that already-made clothing will fit. That's why Lucybody is successful, and Kalhene Anya/Alexa. 

I totally agree with this. What a missed opportunity there.

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   I went and peeked at Kalhene, but the Erika body really isn't for either Neph nor Mina since they're both petite peoples. Their other body (Anya) was nice, but there were a few issues which made me decide not to get it (now, anyway).

  • Doesn't use Universal neck, and I'm not too excited about going back to having a neck seam.
  • Altitude gaps in the mesh.
  • Waist shape makes Maitreya rigged clothes unusable (it can use most tops from what I tried, both regular Lara and Petite - but unless there's a whole lot of support for it for trousers, I'll probably not go for it).
  • It comes with a head (separate object, but you get the head + body, and it's too expensive to purchase both when I have no intention of changing my head).

   But it did have some very appealing features. Well, the bosom and posterior look better than Maitreya's in my opinion (much smoother). All in all I think it looks like a nice body, and if some of the issues (neck and gaps primarily) were fixed, I'd might consider getting it to wear with whichever outfits I could whilst using my Maitreya for the clothes that don't come rigged for it.

   As far as Erika goes, it looked very nice, but since it isn't a body type either of my avies would use, I'd give it a pass - though I can certainly see the appeal. I much prefer it to Kupra in terms of shape.

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   I went and peeked at Kalhene, but the Erika body really isn't for either Neph nor Mina since they're both petite peoples. Their other body (Anya) was nice, but there were a few issues which made me decide not to get it (now, anyway).

  • Doesn't use Universal neck, and I'm not too excited about going back to having a neck seam.
  • Altitude gaps in the mesh.
  • Waist shape makes Maitreya rigged clothes unusable (it can use most tops from what I tried, both regular Lara and Petite - but unless there's a whole lot of support for it for trousers, I'll probably not go for it).
  • It comes with a head (separate object, but you get the head + body, and it's too expensive to purchase both when I have no intention of changing my head).


One of my alts uses Kalhene Alexa (same as Anya, but with "something extra") because I'm too stingy to get Maitreya for her :)  Even with the head included it is (or was) less than the price of Maitreya and its a good deal. My main quibble with is is the lack of nail polish options for it; there are a few overpriced ones in the Kalhene store but AFAIK no other creators are making them.

The waist shape is a problem for higher-waisted pants but for lower ones they fit well. For me, it makes Anya/Alexa too thin. 

I'm with you on Erika - neither myself nor any of my alts desire a body shape like that but if we did, I wouldn't get it knowing that it doesn't fit any clothes already available. If I was going to buy a body with a shape like that I'd probably go for the paid version of Ebody Curvy or Tonic Curvy instead. There isn't much for those two but there's a lot more than nothing.

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24 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

The waist shape is a problem for higher-waisted pants but for lower ones they fit well. For me, it makes Anya/Alexa too thin. 

   Hm, just tried some lower-waisted trousers and it seems to work pretty well. If they'd just give it a universal neck and fix that altitude glitch I'd probably grab it. 

   When I went to the store, I only saw the body + head combo for L$4,500. Not sure if I missed a vendor with just the body by itself.

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On 6/24/2021 at 6:46 PM, Rowan Amore said:

Just an update for what it's worth.  I thought a lot about this thread and what I quoted from you.  Last weekend, I switched back to Maitreya.  I still love and miss the softer look of my Legacy but fully decked out, I'm around 400,000 now.  I've also turned on the rendering cost at busy places and an astonished that some people wearing not much are pushing 3 million.   Eye opening, to say the least.


I decided to try something out , so I took everything off my avatar to where my vis tris was at  0.00..

I've got a lot of the bodies so I thought I would see which, out of the ones I have, were the most impacting..

Well, Not going to do all my bodies, but  the main ones I mess with..

These are all with BOM  activated or already have it..


 Maitreya v5.3- Lara, with hands and feet................176.37k..


My LucyBody, with hands and feet..........181.85k..


Belleza all the bodies are close

Freya v 5.2 with hands and feet............  500.73k

Freya v5.2 Bento with hands and feet....521.29k

Isis v5.2 with hands and feet..................501.41k

Isis v5.2 Bento with hands and feet.......521.97k

Venus v5.2 with hands and feet.............501.41k

Venus v5.2 Bento with hands and feet..521.97k


[BODY] Legacy (f) (1.4) ..........................219.98k

[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.4).......380.37k

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.4)........................167.10k

Combined, Body,hands and feet.............767.45k


Legacy Perky-

[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.4).................220.00k

[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.4).......380.37k

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.4)........................167.10k

Combined, Body,hands and feet.............767.47k


I figured I would try the Kalhene demos for the heck of it since I had everything off already..

Not sure if it makes a difference or not between demo and release.. it's just for fun..


Kalhene Bodies without the head.. They also load with hands and feet.

DEMO-Kalhene- ERIKA Mesh Body v1.0............97.36k

DEMO-Kalhene- ANYA Mesh Body BoM v4.0...106.33k



Well , that killed some time while I'm dog sitting my nephews Blue Heeler that keeps wanting to play fetch while I'm doing this..

If anyone doesn't know what a blue heeler is.. It's the same dog breed that mad max had in road warrior.. He looks just like him.. Very beautiful and smart dog..

Just thought I'd add that for some reason.. hehehe





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6 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Hm, just tried some lower-waisted trousers and it seems to work pretty well. If they'd just give it a universal neck and fix that altitude glitch I'd probably grab it. 

   When I went to the store, I only saw the body + head combo for L$4,500. Not sure if I missed a vendor with just the body by itself.

I think you were looking at Analexa then, which is actually two bodies (the female one and the transgender one). The body I got should be L$1999, but when I got it, it was on a half price sale at L$999. That's with head (though my alt doesn't use it).

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Ruth 2 rc3 seems to come in at a bit under 27k triangles FWIW. And it fits Maitreya fairly decently (except around the butt which is consistently too big :/). Free and full-perm, not sure why it's not popular. . .

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2 hours ago, Quistess Alpha said:

Ruth 2 rc3 seems to come in at a bit under 27k triangles FWIW. And it fits Maitreya fairly decently (except around the butt which is consistently too big :/). Free and full-perm, not sure why it's not popular. . .

Ruth <--- Branding matters.

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On 7/5/2021 at 7:05 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

 Maitreya v5.3- Lara, with hands and feet................176.37k..


Legacy Perky-

[BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.4).................220.00k

[FEET] Legacy (f) (Classic Fit) (1.4).......380.37k

[HANDS] Legacy (f) (1.4)........................167.10k

Combined, Body,hands and feet.............767.47k


Good lord. I knew Legacy was bad but I didn't know it was THAT bad. The whole of Maitreya is equivalent to just ONE FOOT of Legacy. 


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On 7/5/2021 at 3:12 AM, Maitimo said:

I think you were looking at Analexa then, which is actually two bodies (the female one and the transgender one). The body I got should be L$1999, but when I got it, it was on a half price sale at L$999. That's with head (though my alt doesn't use it).

According to their description on MP, the two bodies are discontinued and is now sold as a single body with separate breast implants and transgender add-ons.

"ANYA and ALEXA Mesh Bodies are no longer for sale, from now only ANALEXA is available in the market (ANALEXA is Anya Mesh body with the added and optional features for transgender avatars that were included in Alexa) . All customers who have bought Anya or Alexa Mesh bodies will receive ANALEXA in the redelivery terminal at them store. "


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