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53 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Do you have any theories as to how you were able to detect this in him while only seeing his back? Barring any physical clues (even something like a strange smell we might not pick up consciously), the first thing that occurs to me is what is known as the 'energy field' which extends quite a ways from people -- in this way we are 'touched' by others and can pick up information. (prana, chi -- many other names for this field  that I can't remember atm).

Certain disciplines train people to sense this 'energy' if one doesn't already have the ability.

I'm not sure, unless maybe he was swearing under his breath and my ears picked it up? Though I can't remember hearing anything beforehand.

I think energy fields are probably real! Like how you can walk into a room and get a vibe off people, depending if they feel shy, had an argument, just watched a comedy and are relaxed, etc

Edited by Rat Luv
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21 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I'm not sure, unless maybe he was swearing under his breath and my ears picked it up? Though I can't remember hearing anything beforehand.

I think energy fields are probably real! Like how you can walk into a room and get a vibe off people, depending if they feel shy, had an argument, just watched a comedy and are relaxed, etc

My son, at a young age, was always able to pick up on my mood as soon as he saw me.  I think some people have an innate ability to read emotions moreso than others.

Is it empathy or a sixth sense?  I don't know but it always amazed me when he could sense it at 2 or 3 yrs old.

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31 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I think energy fields are probably real! Like how you can walk into a room and get a vibe off people, depending if they feel shy, had an argument, just watched a comedy and are relaxed, etc

I think its not energy field but initial approach and facial expression.

I visit Greece Island because of my country I expected a unfriendly attitude. We went to a pub with my friend. But people inside pub  always smiling towards me and their attitude friendly I am surprised and feel welcomed. Facial expressions not hard to read I think :)

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7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

What happens when you get electrocuted is, you start to cook.. That guys ears being red was not a good sign..

He had to be tied down long enough to where it was cooking his brain and messing up neuron networks..

I remember I was scrubbing the floor one time.. I was kneeling in water, my supporting hand was in water and my scrub brush caught a light cord that I guess had been rubbed down to the wires..

Anyways, I remember not being able to move and being locked there..I don't even remember any pain at the time it was happening..

The only thing that saved me was my supporting hand slipped on the soap which caused me to collapse , which unlocked the bristles  from holding onto the wire..So the wire snapped back to where it was, which was out of the water.

I'm only guessing that i must have been shaking enough to cause my other hand to slide out enough to slip.. I had no idea what my body was doing at the time..

When I got unlocked, I laid there for what seemed like 5 minutes in the water just looking at the ceiling.. The whole day and that night my stomach felt like I had been kicked by a horse so hard.. I couldn't eat for like three days..

My father told me it was because I was cooking.. He said he's been tied down a couple of times and it's no fun at all..

He still took me to the doctor.. They checked me out and gave me something for the pain, which really they didn't seem to help much or if they were, I sure would have hated not having them.. hehehe

I don't think I had any lasting impacts from that, other than maybe it making me a really picky eater.. hehehe

I cannot stand the smell of any fast foods,They make my stomach turn.. I hate eating out and thinking someone else is making my food in a kitchen that is doing nothing but making meal after meal from open to close.. It doesn't take much to make my stomach turn when it comes to food..

I can be in a barn all day long cleaning out stables, but show me a McDonald's bag and I'll start urping like there is no tomorrow.. hehehe

I was only tied down for a few seconds, I think..  I couldn't imagine what being tied down for longer would be like..

Ooooh, this is in my wheelhouse...

Cooking isn't really what happens, though it's a common way people think about it. Let's do a little math.

"Specific heat" is the measure of how much energy is required to raise the temperature of a certain mass of something by a certain amount. For the human body, that's about 3.5k W*s/kg*C, where W is Watts, s is seconds, kg is kilograms and C is Celsius degrees. If heat is the thing that causes the damage during electrical shock, we have a well known temperature benchmark for worry. Heat stroke can happen if your core body temperature rises to 40C or higher. Typical body temperature is around 37C. So, we begin to worry if there's a 3C rise in body core temperature for an extended period of time. Let's allow ourselves one minute for this to happen. I'll do this calculation for me, who weighs (I blame Covid-19) 48Kg. A big fella would take longer to cook.

Rearranging the equation to solve for the Watts required to warm me 3°C in a minute, we get W = 3,500*48kg*3C/60s, or 2400W. That's more power than a standard 15A 120V (1800W) US outlet can deliver without tripping a breaker. We don't need as much power if you're willing to wait longer to cook me (there are some who'd love to prolong my agony, I'm sure ;-), but there are other limiting factors at work. To get that much power into a human body, you must have enough electrical pressure (voltage) to produce enough current flow to reach 2400W. Watts are Volts (pressure) times Amps (current flow rate), W=VA.

The human body, like all materials, resists the flow of current to some degree. It's difficult to state the resistance of the human body because it's comprised of many different structures (skin, bone, blood, muscle, fat, etc) which all have different resistances. Skin, because it's usually dry, has the highest resistance. To pass a current through a human body to the fragile bits, like heart and brain, you've got to first get into the body at some point, then out again at some other point (you need two "wires" to make a circuit). The most dangerous of the commonly encountered shock paths is hand-to-hand, where the current enters the body through one hand and exits from the other, passing almost directly though the heart. The resistance of that path (measured in Ohms (Ω) has been fairly well characterized, and ranges from 1200-3200Ω (well take the average at 2200). The voltage required to push one Ampere of current though one Ohm of resistance is one Volt, expressed in the equation E=IR where E is Volts I is Amperes and R is in Ohms, so we can also write it as V=AΩ. Those confusing letters were chosen to make little girls like us ask questions.

Again, Watts are voltage times current (VA), so we now have all the values we need to determine what voltage would be needed to push 2400W into a human body with a resistance of 2200 Ohms.

W=VA and V=AΩ(or A=V/Ω). Combining the equations we get W=VV/Ω. and finally, V=Sqrt(WΩ). Plugging in 2400W and 2200Ω, we find we need 2300V, nearly 20x what's available from a 120V household circuit. Even if I increase my cooking time to twenty minutes, I can't raise my body temperature into heat stroke range on household 120V. Even worse for the cooking argument, the heating doesn't occur uniformly throughout the body. It concentrates primarily in the high resistance part of the path, the skin at the contact points.

The actual damage mechanisms are more complex than heating. The most common path for an electrician to encounter in the field is hand-to-hand... the cardiac path. It takes only 1/50 of an ampere of current flow along that path to provoke cardiac fibrillation which can interrupt blood flow sufficiently to cause brain injury. Currents in the same range can interrupt contraction of the diaphragm, decreasing blood oxygenation enough to cause brain injury. I was taught very early on that I should always work on house wiring with one hand in my pocket, or gloved. This rule had me wondering if Michael Jackson had a second career as an electrician.

For a 2200Ω typical body, you can get 1/50 of an amp using only 44 volts. Curiously, the IEC/UL limit for maximum permissible voltage on unprotected exposed wiring in consumer products is... 42.5V.

You can also sustain direct neurological damage along nerve conduction path. Nerves operate on hundredths of a volt and vanishingly small currents and would be vulnerable to damage by external electric current. Neural wiring is also lower resistance, so damaging currents would preferentially flow along neural paths. Nevertheless, at 120V, I suspect that, unless the head was a contact point, brain damage is more likely a result of interrupted breathing or cardiac activity. Nerve damage at those voltages is more likely to be in the vicinity of contact points, the hands.

If the shock current is high enough, muscles will involuntarily contract. This is a real problem for hand contact, as you may be unable to release your grip on voltage source. TENS units can and do safely pass such currents into muscles without causing nerve damage.

I wondered if low voltage (considered anything below about 375V) electric shock might induce an ischemic (clot) stroke via some mechanism, but find only this article, which suggests it's highly unlikely...


There are theorized mechanisms in that paper, including that prolonged tetanic muscle contractions might produce or release blood clots. Those clots might then go on to produce either a heart attack or a stroke.

In the case of the poor fella your father described, it's impossible to know the precise mechanism that produced his brain damage. The most likely explanation, which might not be correct, is that oxygen flow to his brain was reduced because of temporary cardiac fibrillation or interruption of breathing.

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1 hour ago, Rat Luv said:

I think energy fields are probably real! Like how you can walk into a room and get a vibe off people, depending if they feel shy, had an argument, just watched a comedy and are relaxed, etc

Yes I'm imagining non-verbal forms of communication (body language) and energy fields would both play a part when entering a room full of people, at least for me.

What about the readings you do? Does the information all come from the meaning of the cards or do you receive information from....hmmm...hate to use those spooky words again like 'spiritual realm' and 'God' and 'other dimensions'.....so I'll just say...is some of the information more psychic in nature (not arriving from the typical, measurable, physical ways we derive information from)  ? 

Also, what do you see as causing the specific cards chosen in the first place?

relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance.
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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Just you. My best friend is an atheist and a materialist yet I've had no problems with her, and so disagreeing with another isn't the issue. She doesn't insist that I read books on how I must be fooling myself with a defective mind should I discuss experiences which appear to transcend known physical laws though. She doesn't insist she knows everything. She allows others to have differing viewpoints on the matter without diagnosing them as delusional.
Big difference, compared to what you do.

I genuinely believe that since this issue disturbs you so much that counseling would be of benefit.
Since you consistently diagnose others as having malfunctioning minds isn't it only fair that I do a little diagnosing of you?

I've never insisted you read anything. I offered recommendations. I've also never diagnosed you, or anyone. I have neither the skill nor the knowledge to diagnose anyone, though I do practice on myself. I have suggested alternate explanations for things we all feel true that aren't, such as numerous forms of bias. One need only search these forums for "bias" with you as the author to see that you regularly proclaim we all have bias. If you feel both insisted upon and diagnosed for hearing your own proclamations applied to you, could that be a matter of interpretation, potentially colored by... bias?

If you have read and understood me over the years, you'd see that I am my own prime example of all the errors in cognition and reason I discuss. These errors are demonstrated time and again in psychology experiments, field analysis of human behavior and my own self observations.

Meanwhile you did just say you're doing a little diagnosing of me, so that's not a matter of interpretation. Do you believe you have the skill or the knowledge of me to diagnose?

As for your friend being both atheist and unchallenging of your ideas, I imagine her relationship with you is quite different than ours. I have friends who hold completely nutty ideas I do not challenge, as there are other benefits to the relationship I don't wish to risk. This is a forum in which people exchange ideas and our relationship presents little risk to ether of us from challenging each other.

It's also possible your best friend has only limited knowledge of psychology, physics, chemistry etc, and is in no position to recognize any discord between your beliefs and our knowledge of the world.

Scientific ignorance is available to everybody, for free.

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47 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Not like one of those electric hot dog cookers, then..

RIght. Those cookers must puncture the hot dog's body to get a good connection, place almost the entirety of the hot dog in the current path, have very little mass to heat up and rely on the dog being fairly conductive because of its high salt content.


Note that the 97% fat-free dogs become non-conductive (current falls to zero) much faster than regular. I imagine that's because the fat doesn't boil away quickly and keeps the contact points wet longer.

In my childhood, I did cook hot dogs using nails stuck into their ends, connected to a "cheater cord" recovered from a discarded appliance. Wondering if DC would cook differently than AC, I inserted a diode in series with one of the nails. The result was the electrolytic production of chlorine gas at one end of the dog and lye at the other. The ends had an unpleasant taste, which is a remarkable thing to happen to a cheap hot dog, which I generally find delicious.

In AC cooking, there's no time for significant electrolysis, the reactions reverse 120 times a second.

ETA: The safety of DC vs AC was a major selling point for Edison in his battle with Tesla. Tesla won because AC was a hell of a lot easier to distribute (because of transformers) and use (because of the simplicity and reliability of AC motors).


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

What about the readings you do? Does the information all come from the meaning of the cards or do you receive information from....hmmm...hate to use those spooky words again like 'spiritual realm' and 'God' and 'other dimensions'.....so I'll just say...is some of the information more psychic in nature (not arriving from the typical, measurable, physical ways we derive information from)  ? 

Also, what do you see as causing the specific cards chosen in the first place?

I don't honestly know! Maybe better to ask the people who had the readings if any of it came true or was relevant xD

I see tarot as a way to get my 'noggin joggin' by suggesting ideas I wouldn't normally think of when approaching a problem.  I know some readers disagree and think there are psychic powers or spirits involved (some people say leave your cards on a window sill during a full moon to 'charge' them, or 'wash' them in sea salt) but I'm not sure. I hope there aren't spirits involved anyway, as I've dropped the cards on the floor a few times (I'm a bad shuffler :$). I like some of it being a mystery though and not knowing myself what it all means :)

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16 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

chlorine gas at one end of the dog and lye at the other

No actual dogs were harmed, I had to read twice! 

I'm stuck on "Ball Park Franks", they still "plump when you cook 'em".


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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27 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...resists the urge to go googling for an explanation and chalks it up to magic.

I think the combination of casings chosen and fillings, made them "plump" when cooked. The package no longer makes any claim of cooked plumpness so, I am free to choose beef or chicken/pork. My gut says, beef or pork sound plumper. 

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think the combination of casings chosen and fillings, made them "plump" when cooked. The package no longer makes any claim of cooked plumpness so, I am free to choose beef or chicken/pork. My gut says, beef or pork sound plumper. 

I've never had a Ball Park dog. Do they stay plump once cooled down? Do they get shorter?

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1 minute ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I've never had a Ball Park dog. Do they stay plump once cooled down? Do they get shorter?

Plumping causes them to split their casing, so they are never they same again. I will have to try waiting to eat one until it is cooled down, for Science! Shorter, I think not.

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8 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:
10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I will have to try waiting to eat one until it is cooled down, for Science!

That's a high price to pay, Love. Science ain't worth it.

Actually, for measurement purposes, the cooled-down split frank doesn't need to be eaten at all!! (The split ones get kind of gross anyway.)

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:
3 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

I'm not sure, unless maybe he was swearing under his breath and my ears picked it up? Though I can't remember hearing anything beforehand.

I think energy fields are probably real! Like how you can walk into a room and get a vibe off people, depending if they feel shy, had an argument, just watched a comedy and are relaxed, etc

My son, at a young age, was always able to pick up on my mood as soon as he saw me.  I think some people have an innate ability to read emotions moreso than others.

Is it empathy or a sixth sense?  I don't know but it always amazed me when he could sense it at 2 or 3 yrs old.

Reading others is crucial to survival, so it shouldn't be surprising we're good at it. Energy field and sixth-sense explanations are under assault by AI algorithms informed by cognitive psychology research. Israel uses AI systems to detect "hostile intent" at airports. Those systems are currently invasive, but full passive systems are on the horizon.

The technology envisioned in the movie "Minority Report", and the ethical ramifications of its use, are within the realm of possibility. I'd not be surprised if AI eventually outstrips our ability to read others. Algorithms have access to much more sensory input than we do. My iPhone can measure my heart rate from a dozen feet away, just by looking at my face. Computers don't suffer the distractions that break our focus.

The potential for abuse here, intentional or otherwise, is enormous.




I could go on.

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