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9 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:
On 3/11/2021 at 8:02 AM, Luna Bliss said:

Prokofy did supply a definition of what God is:

"St. Anselm, who wrote that God is that "than which no greater can be conceived."

The quote by Natales is still there underneath the quote by MollyMews:

"These are scientists that are loath to admit a mistake and there is a prime agenda to avoid having a god one has to answer to." 

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That sentence you refer to I still in the OP and has been since the OP was written. Get it straight.

I was pointing out that your sentence was indeed still there, as Theresa couldn't find it and believed you had removed it. Are you too stupid to comprehend that?

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21 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Not sure where you got that idea. It is wrong

Constantine (306-337 AD) made Christianity the national religion of Rome.


That might have been what it was then..

It's been awhile since I dabbled in that stuff..


ETA: It may have been this too, I can't remember hehehe..

This isn't the exact video , but it has the animation I was looking for..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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28 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Rome had numerous polytheistic religions immitating Greek mythology. In the list was the emperor. The Jews and Christians being a monotheistic religion refused to worship the emperor. Thus recorded 300+/- years of Roman persecution. Which should tip you off to how strongly they believed


But not really until the time of Augustus, which was right around the time of Christ:


And are you arguing that mass numbers of people haven't been killed for not obeying rulers who didn't clothe themselves in divinity?

Oh, and I just found this nifty article about how the U.S. Capitol has a painting of George Washington ascending to Heaven in glory:


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51 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:
On 3/11/2021 at 8:02 AM, Luna Bliss said:

Prokofy did supply a definition of what God is:

"St. Anselm, who wrote that God is that "than which no greater can be conceived."

The quote by Natales is still there underneath the quote by MollyMews:

"These are scientists that are loath to admit a mistake and there is a prime agenda to avoid having a god one has to answer to." 

That sentence of mine is not supplying a definition of god. If that were a definition then judges would be gods.

Nalatas, just cut the cra*p. You are not arguing in good faith the way a reputable Scientist would, seeking to draw conclusions from the observations presented -- you begin with an agenda to disprove evolution so that your world view (creationism, Biblical literalism, your conception of 'God') can then be validated in your mind. I really wouldn't care so much as I do respect all views -- the problem is that your views (an alt-right/fundamentalist mindset that believes they have this SEKRIT alternate reality truth which supersedes reputable science) has caused a good majority of the 525,000 deaths from Covid in the U.S.). It's time to tamp you and your kind down a bit before anymore damage is done to society.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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It's unfortunate that so many religions dismiss Science and believe in literal translations of the Bible.
Those who believe every word in the Bible is true do so because they don't deal well with uncertainty. But science is uncertain. Theories are subject to revision -- observations are open to a variety of interpretations, and scientists quarrel among themselves. This is disillusioning for those untrained in the scientific method, who thus turn to the rigid certainty of the Bible instead. There is something comfortable about a view that allows for no deviation and that spares you the painful necessity of having to think.

Science is complex and chilling at times. The mathematical language of science is understood by very few. The vistas it presents are scary - an enormous universe ruled by chance and impersonal rules, empty and uncaring, ungraspable and overwhelming. How comfortable to turn instead to a small world, only a few thousand years old, and under God's personal and immediate care, a world in which you are His peculiar concern and where He will not consign you to hell if you are careful to follow every word of the Bible as interpreted for you by your personal preacher.

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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's unfortunate that so many religions dismiss Science and believe in literal translations of the Bible.
Those who believe every word in the Bible is true do so because they don't deal well with uncertainty. But science is uncertain. Theories are subject to revision -- observations are open to a variety of interpretations, and scientists quarrel among themselves. This is disillusioning for those untrained in the scientific method, who thus turn to the rigid certainty of the Bible instead. There is something comfortable about a view that allows for no deviation and that spares you the painful necessity of having to think.

Science is complex and chilling at times. The mathematical language of science is understood by very few. The vistas it presents are scary - an enormous universe ruled by chance and impersonal rules, empty and uncaring, ungraspable and overwhelming. How comfortable to turn instead to a small world, only a few thousand years old, and under God's personal and immediate care, a world in which you are His peculiar concern and where He will not consign you to hell if you are careful to follow every word of the Bible as interpreted for you by your personal preacher.

I love how violent the universe is..  Just the little stuff that goes on outside our atmosphere that would end us before we even got close to it..

The coolest word in the world is Spaghettification.. hehehe

I was watching one program and this guy said , these guys really have a thing for the pastas and what would happen to the human body.. hehehe


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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I love how violent the universe is

Did you ever go through a period when you believed in a God with more agency, and so you questioned what kind of God could allow such pain?

I did, and eventually realized that there were greater concerns in creation than what my individual self would prefer.  I think I was struggling with tornadoes in my young mind at the time, and discovered they actually have a purpose in the larger scheme of things. Same realization with the insects that were bothering me at the time.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Did you ever go through a period when you believed in a God with more agency, and so you questioned what kind of God could allow such pain?

I did, and eventually realized that there were greater concerns in creation than what my individual self would prefer.  I think I was struggling with tornadoes in my young mind at the time, and discovered they actually have a purpose in the larger scheme of things. Same realization with the insects that were bothering me at the time.

I can't say I ever really blamed him for those kinds of things..  I would have been blaming him for every bump in the road then.. hehehe

Why'd you do that dude!! you made me spill my coffee, I've been really good today.. Jeezus! \o/


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17 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I can't say I ever really blamed him for those kinds of things..  I would have been blaming him for every bump in the road then.. hehehe

I was probably at a younger age than when you took your trip into Christianity.

I remember at age 12, developing my intellectual abilities I suppose, having my mind blown when attempting to imagine there being nothing in the Universe. I couldn't do it, because in my mind there would still have to be something.

But then, how strange for there to be anything at all.

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24 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I was probably at a younger age than when you took your trip into Christianity.

I remember at age 12, developing my intellectual abilities I suppose, having my mind blown when attempting to imagine there being nothing in the Universe. I couldn't do it, because in my mind there would still have to be something.

But then, how strange to be anything at all.

I just remember always believing.. I liked reading the books, But I never liked churches much.. I liked studying a lot of the stories..

It got really interesting for me when I found out that the same words today had different meanings or that they were being misrepresented today.. The more I studied, the less I listened to others, the more it became more personal and not feeling like it was a religion.. I didn't feel like i was in a group, I guess is what I mean.. hehehe


Like here is an example.. Adam and eve bite the apple.. God never said anything about the apple killing them, or them dying right then and there, but that they would surely die..

What it did was curse everyone to a death..

Now here we are today with preachers and ignorant followers talking about burning in hell forever..

There is two problems with that.. To burn forever would mean you aren't gonna die.. To gain eternal life, you would have to make it back into the garden eat from the tree of life which then you become a god and then be burned forever..


The reason they got kicked out was because if they did it again they would become like them, gods..

So I just did my own thing instead.. hehehe

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12 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

What exactly is "Darwinism"? Is gravity "Newtonism" and does the fact that scientists are finding some of Newton's theories incorrect in certain situations mean that gravity doesn't exist?

It is common knowledge and taught in school that Newtons theory was superseded by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. That is not the case With Darwin's theories for evolution. Why continue to teach and promote something that has been proven wrong or superseded? From the excerpt of the RS page I quoted above, it is accepted fact that Darwin's theories are no longer relevant but they feel a need to hold on to them to prevent a crisis. In effect saying "let's continue teaching that 2+2=5 to prevent a meltdown for evolutionists. 

If as they are stating, Darwin's theories are no longer relevant to explain Evolution then it is time to acknowledge it and dump them and instead promote those theories that are a more realistic explanation.

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14 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

It is common knowledge and taught in school that Newtons theory was superseded by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. That is not the case With Darwin's theories for evolution.

Theresa Tennyson nods and smiles.

Of course it is.

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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13 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Hell arrived in America when the alt-right and Biblical literalists gained access to the internet.

Almost reminiscent of when the protestant's invented the printing press and edu-mu-cated the masses of the need for a Reformation from the purveyors of truth :)

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3 hours ago, BelindaN said:

The everything from nothing big bang makes no sense in the context of known science.

   It makes pretty much perfect sense.

   Except of course the Big Bang theory has never tried to explain where the universe comes from, but rather what happened in the first instant of its existence.

   The reason the Big Bang theory remains so prevalent is because despite gargantuan amounts of time and resources spent trying to disprove it, no one has managed to do so yet - even with an almost certain Nobel prize waiting for whoever manages to do so.

   The Big Bang is merely one piece of the puzzle, along with other pieces such as quantum tunneling, Einstein's theory of relativity, and inflation theory - which, combined, give us a seemingly plausible and relatively comprehensive picture of the whole 'what the hey?'. 

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's unfortunate that so many religions dismiss Science and believe in literal translations of the Bible.

In my opinion, Young Earth Creationists do not "dismiss" science. The have a very high regard for science, so much so that they are convinced God must have written a scientific text when He wrote the Bible. In thier minds since God's science disagrees with man's science, man's science must be wrong.

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6 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

In my opinion, Young Earth Creationists do not "dismiss" science. The have a very high regard for science, so much so that they are convinced God must have written a scientific text when He wrote the Bible. In thier minds since God's science disagrees with man's science, man's science must be wrong.

Men wrote the Bible, not God.  

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16 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Almost reminiscent of when the protestant's invented the printing press and edu-mu-cated the masses of the need for a Reformation from the purveyors of truth :)

Only the Protestants (with a capital letter and no apostrophe) didn't invent the printing press - it was in widespread use well before Martin Luther got out his hammer.


I guess the edu-mu-cation process could have used a bit of work.

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34 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Men wrote the Bible, not God.  

I am not trying to convince anyone otherwise. My intent was only to express an opinion on why a particular group says the things they typically say. Of course I am being naive again when I think anyone cares about understanding why others do what they do. Everyone just wants to shout thier own opinion while covering thier ears.

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38 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Men wrote the Bible, not God.  

The Bible is believed to be the inspired, infallible word of God, however, and given to certain men.  I have a religious right-wing sibbling.   I don't know if she is alt-right though I'd venture to guess she is.  Since she stole my jewelry and sold it at her church, we don't speak all that much but in very limited circumstances.   It may sound like I haven't forgiven her but that isn't the truth.  I question her ability to reason well after what she did is the reason and don't trust her with my well being.  But, she is still forgiven and loved.  She tries but is often like a 6-year-old around me and I cannot handle it.  

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44 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Only the Protestants (with a capital letter and no apostrophe) didn't invent the printing press - it was in widespread use well before Martin Luther got out his hammer.


I guess the edu-mu-cation process could have used a bit of work.

So were Protestants. Gutenberg's press and Bible paved the way for the masses to read for themselves what the Bible actually said and taught instead of having to hear the select readings of the RC church.   

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24 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

So were Protestants. Gutenberg's press and Bible paved the way for the masses to read for themselves what the Bible actually said and taught instead of having to hear the select readings of the RC church.   

Which has led to so many misinterpretations though I often wonder if that was worth it to us and a lot of words do not translate well for one thing.  They just don't.  There is a French poet I like a lot but the French feel all translations of his work into English is meaningless.  I feel that way about Shakespeare's work sometimes, that Shakespeare's work is best read in English as are the English poets.

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20 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

The Bible is believed to be the inspired, infallible word of God, however, and given to certain men.

I know what it's believed to be but it's still written by infallible men with an agenda.  Follow God or risk the fires of hell.

I've never understood how people who follow the bible religiously (pun intended) can just disregard all other religions since the dawn of man as being wrong.  Were the ancient Greeks and Romans wrong in their beliefs?  The Egyptians?  The Celts?  

I believe in a greater power but not one god over another.

Eta.  Totally off topic and all I have to say on religion.

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