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Some thoughts about forum responses

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I've been watching the way forums (not just here) have been changing during the lockdowns, and had for a while assumed that the flare-ups are simply due to the effect of being cooped up. Cabin-fever, in effect.

I got my jab last night, no pain, not real aches as such, perhaps a bit tired, but what I've just recognised in myself is a quite sharp rise in my irritability level.

Something to bear in mind if you think that somebody is going a bit over the top - it might be you or it might be them with some post-jab annoyance bubbling up. Give them a little slack.

Of course, I realise that there's nothing beats the shear  joy of a forum feeding-frenzy when the nest of vipers is stirred, so don't let me spoil all your fun :)

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I'd like to be able to block people so they cannot respond to my posts because someone sure has some eschewed views of audacity and a giant log in their eye after ridiculing a person for their style of work in photography.  Some people need to be muted on the forum forever.  I think he was just jealous of her work but other's were saying no it's okay to horrible to someone, it's okay.  No it's not.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

simply due to the effect of being cooped up. Cabin-fever, in effect.

I don't think so.  The forum was worse pre-coronavirus.  It actually had been kind of okay, not great, but better than it was pre-coronavirus.  

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Sometimes people can irritate the crap out of others, even just temporarily, and I think it might fuel some of the responses people see. That whole "I'm fed up with you at this moment, and I need you to know it", effect. Sometimes people find slights in everything someone says, or thinks of everything someone says as a slight against them anyway, and will therefore respond with that frame of mind, no matter who they're talking to, even someone that agrees with them. At that very moment, they allow that frame of mind to cloud every judgment, so the entire world (forum?) becomes an irritant and open platform for argument-senseless or not. Bad days happen, ***** happens, life happens, it affects the way people respond to others, especially somewhere that text (and therefore context, misused/misrepresented, or not) is the only form of communication available. It's easier for most folks to be reactive in text than it is in person, voice, etc...

Most of the people that post here, even if I don't agree with them all of the time (or most, in a few cases) definitely don't irritate me. Those that do get me to the point of being irritated by their posts more often than not (even seemingly innocuous posts) don't get responses from me anymore. But I think that has more to do with being more self aware than anything else. If I know someone is irritating the ever loving stuffing out of me, especially with posts that really shouldn't, I punish them by never responding to anything they have to say. They'll never know they've had that effect on me, and I feel vindicated, without doing them or my own self any harm. It's a weird method, but it works :D 

(I still reserve the right to respond to people that only irritate me some of the time, on occasion....mostly in equal measure to the irritation they've caused me, but they never really notice, which is also a weird method, but works).

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1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

I got my jab last night, no pain, not real aches as such, perhaps a bit tired, but what I've just recognised in myself is a quite sharp rise in my irritability level.

Interesting. I suspect that reactions to the vaccine are all over the map. I had my first shot Monday morning.  No pain, no stiffness, no other physical effects that I can detect, and no irritability.  I have been a little sleepier for the past two days, but I attribute that to having had to wake an hour early to go get my shot Monday and then having to wake early again yesterday to get to the grocery during "senior time."  

My own impression is that we've had a very small number of people in the forums who love to stir the pot and have had time on their hands.  That, plus a number of people with spring-loaded trigger responses who respond to pot stirrers instantly instead of saying, quietly, "Oh, him again. I think it's time to go for a walk." 

I have more time on my hands than usual these days too. It makes me fidgety and offends my sense of usefulness. I compensate by doing crossword puzzles, writing poems that no one will ever read, and taking long walks in the woods. Those things don't make me feel any more useful, but they tear me away from the screen for stretches of time when I might otherwise be lobbing grenades at those idiotic pot stirrers.

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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7 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Sometimes people can irritate the crap out of others, even just temporarily, and I think it might fuel some of the responses people see. That whole "I'm fed up with you at this moment, and I need you to know it", effect. Sometimes people find slights in everything someone says, or thinks of everything someone says as a slight against them anyway, and will therefore respond with that frame of mind, no matter who they're talking to, even someone that agrees with them. At that very moment, they allow that frame of mind to cloud every judgment, so the entire world (forum?) becomes an irritant and open platform for argument-senseless or not. Bad days happen, ***** happens, life happens, it affects the way people respond to others, especially somewhere that text (and therefore context, misused/misrepresented, or not) is the only form of communication available. It's easier for most folks to be reactive in text than it is in person, voice, etc...

^^ I think this is really the best explanation.

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6 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

writing poems that no one will ever read

"Father MacKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no-one will hear"

Yes, I think you've encapsulated the situation very succinctly in your reply.

I wonder if the pot-stirrers are missing that other forum that used to act as a major venting-ground :)

Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
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2 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

I got my jab last night, no pain, not real aches as such, perhaps a bit tired, but what I've just recognised in myself is a quite sharp rise in my irritability level.

Ah, the vaccine.  I was commenting on the cabin-fever remark due to coronavirus.  The only side-effects I had from the vaccine were I felt a little tired and I was definitely irritable.   When one is irritable, I cannot take the nonsense that occurs on this forum at times.  Someone with a giant log in their eye about certain "slex" stuff that is atrocious to some of us on here, extolling that we should get rid of something so as to help certain people not gamble because it harms them.  Well, some of us feel their SL lifestyle harms others.  Deal with own log first please and stop shoving your own shame one is not dealing with off on others who aren't even doing anything.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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8 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

OK, it's a relief to know it's not peculiar to me then, the edginess.

Well, it's what I experienced but my irritation at a particular person is very real, however, and I can't just take a walk because it's an old thread I started, not to mention there is nothing that can be done about the problem mentioned in the old thread.   To me, it's a dead issue with no solution but the thread is still here after I requested closure and I would like to have a positive day and not deal with someone trying to take my positivity away because I sense they are jealous of my joy and jealous of another photographer who is far better than them.  It's like someone with joy, kill, according to some people that visit this board.  That's why some people are called "kill-joys".  

Edited by FairreLilette
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27 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

"Oh, him again. I think it's time to go for a walk." 

This was something I mentioned in passing in another thread, the problem for many people is that they might not be able to do that because of things like lockdown, curfew, circumstances, etc.

There's all sorts of problems with the advice to "get up from the computer and walk around". Somebody in a wheelchair? Somebody in an apartment block at two in the morning?

That's the basis behind my suggestion of giving people a little more slack than one might normally, we just don't know everybody's circumstances enough to make simple judgements at the moment.

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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:




though perhaps maybe not for the same reason, I'm particularly fond os this emoji and wish it were one of the reaction buttons. I would definitely use it (and I don't really use the reaction buttons, so that's saying something)

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2 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:



though perhaps maybe not for the same reason, I'm particularly fond os this emoji and wish it were one of the reaction buttons. I would definitely use it (and I don't really use the reaction buttons, so that's saying something)

I have a bigger one but I didn't want to be too obnoxious.  Yet.

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10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:


You can react that way but some of us have sensed it and others have even said it openly on the forum.  Most threads are negative and filled with negatives.  

This particular photographer I'm speaking about has joy in her work.  Dinkies have joy as well.  I see a pattern of a kill-joy.  Other's have seen same and said same.  It shouldn't come off as such a shock.  

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42 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I don't think so.  The forum was worse pre-coronavirus.  It actually had been kind of okay, not great, but better than it was pre-coronavirus.  

That's not how i remember it.. Topics became way worse after the virus started.. there also seemed to be way more political friction after as well..

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20 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I would like to have a positive day and not deal with someone trying to take my positivity away because I sense they are jealous of my joy and jealous of another photographer who is far better than them.  It's like someone with joy, kill, according to some people that visit this board.  That's why some people are called "kill-joys".  

Never allow anyone to take away your joy!  Not easy sometimes, I know. I find that putting a little wall up (in my mind's eye) between me and someone else attempting to bring me down works wonders.

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1 minute ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

That emoji. What exactly is it? I read it as a chicken-licken look "The sky is falling..." I'm probably wrong...


rolling eyes

I'd use it in a "knock it off, you're being ridiculous" sort of way, far more frequently than I use the reactions now, because it's super fitting for some :D 

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