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Community Events General?

Rowan Amore

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I logged into my dashboard today and right at the top was an event called ***** with Us @ the fetish lounge.  Curious, I opened it only to see a picture of 2 completely nude female avatars with toys.  Now, I'm certainly no prude but I thought community event had to be general in nature and certainly not include nude photos.  

Does LL not moderate that in any way?

ETA..they have one up now with this line in the ad


Its our face sitting event day! Come be our new victim while we jiggle our axxes on your face..............

Edited by RowanMinx
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2 minutes ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Weird. Not seeing any events with wordy dirds. What date and category?

I just have it set to all categories.  The one at the bottom at 11 pm is the same one that was first on the list this afternoon.


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From the Event Posting Rules page, that you need to agree to before you can create a new event:


The event descriptions need to conform to General guidelines, consistent with the overall Second Life website policy - so no overt sex descriptions; sex for money, sex chat, simulated sex, strong violence, or anything else broadly offensive.


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6 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

From the Event Posting Rules page, that you need to agree to before you can create a new event:


The event descriptions need to conform to General guidelines, consistent with the overall Second Life website policy - so no overt sex descriptions; sex for money, sex chat, simulated sex, strong violence, or anything else broadly offensive.


That's what I thought.  It's disturbing that tucked back here in the forums, there are plenty of words that gets censored that in my opinion shouldn't yet the "F" word is right there available for viewing off the main dashboard for ALL to see.  I know the forums like the marketplace use some kind of software that does the censoring.  Wouldn't it be prudent for LL to use something similar on their event page?

Who could I ask about this?

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18 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

Who could I ask about this?

That's a good question.  Maybe inquire via a Support Case - or maybe a JIRA feature request for adding some kind of word screening on the "Add Event" web form?   Though some of the descriptions looked at single word by single word don't contain words that would likely be screened on an individual word basis, but it's the combination of words together, and the meaning our minds put to those combinations.   So it may be iffy as to what could actually be done?  



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7 hours ago, MoiraKathleen said:

That's a good question.  Maybe inquire via a Support Case - or maybe a JIRA feature request for adding some kind of word screening on the "Add Event" web form?   Though some of the descriptions looked at single word by single word don't contain words that would likely be screened on an individual word basis, but it's the combination of words together, and the meaning our minds put to those combinations.   So it may be iffy as to what could actually be done?  



If you read the descriptions though, it's definitely single words not combinations.  The "F" word along with the "P" word for female genitalia are pretty much banned in this forum but there plain as day on events.

I did look at support tickets but no subject seemed appropriate.  I'll check out a jira next.

Not that censorship is great but if they apply it in one area, it needs to be applied across the board.

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24 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Do they moderate anything here anymore?  I don't think I've seen any signs of any moderation in quite a while -- heck, maybe not since the new year.



Maybe we broke them with the excessive moderating they did in a "certain person's" attention seeking threads....

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Just now, Tommy Linden said:


The best way to report these, would be to have the event posting open on your screen in the viewer, and file an Abuse Report with it visible in the screenshot. 

-Tommy Linden

Thank you.  Would it be of any benefit to start a jira requesting the same filters be applied to the events as it is in the forums?

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Weird. I just scrolled through 8 pages of mine. I saw the word "erotic" and "kink" and "fetish" each once, but nothing remotely as explicit as what you've got on yours.

It can't have anything to do with personal settings: I'm completely "adult" in all of mine.

Open the first one on page 3.


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5 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

LL has never bothered to moderate the events. Spam, Adult listings, false advertising, it's been that way for years.

The only change they made was to charge L$ for it- just enough L$ to make it annoying, but not enough to make it matter.

I don't normally even look at that but yesterday while waiting for my friend list to load, I glanced at it and right on the first page of listing was one at least with an R rating along with a definite X rated pic if you happen to open it.  I just find it odd.that it's allowed in an area far more.people see and we get censored here for saying ***** or ass.   

Eta...I guess ass is ok but you get the idea.

Edited by RowanMinx
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I came in to say just what LittleMe said.  While today is a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr Day) in the US -- it has been very obvious for some time now that we are in "slow mo" so far as TPTB.  Now maybe something is going on somewhere but we aren't seeing it and often have to wave fists and shout to get attention.  This is NOT UNUSUAL when companies change hands and can last for a few months or more.  


So settle back and be glad that the server issues are better (I haven't crashed but once in a few days and that was just a plan log out crash not a reboot crash -- so majorly better for me).   Some folks got their new sims after a couple of weeks. That's good.  But I wouldn't really expect much advancement or moderation for awhile except for REALLY important things.  Since we haven't heard from many of the people that we typically do hear from -- we don't know who is really around.  


Just be glad we are still here and can go on with our virtual lives. There are other platforms that didn't fair so well. 



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