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My personal orange cloud horror.... am I the only one seeing this?


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Anytime I go to a crowded place on SL I see a storm of orange clouds.  https://gyazo.com/f4bbeb465b46329b1f720d68dad3077d   I am using the latest version of Firestorm 6.4.12 (63831), have a fast i7 Mac, with an external  Radeon RX560, and a 300+mps cable connection. 

My avatar is always fine, but those around me are orange clouds as the rez.   Once they rez -- everything looks normal, but any new visitors are the same orange cloud for a minute or so, depending on the size of the crowd -and the lag.

Everyone from Linden, to helpers at Firestorm, have implied that there is something wrong I need to fix -- and no one else experiences this.  No one else is seeing all this orange!   I have done the usual clear cache etc with no success.   Now Linden wants me to ping them and see if it is my connection, which seems unlikely.

BEFORE I do that  -- am I really the only one seeing this?   I need to know if this is just the way avatars are rezzing now.   No other viewers do this, not the previous version of FS, and not the new Second life viewer.

So  anyone?    Ideas?   A crazy setting I have screwed up? (click here to show clouds LOL) 



Edited by FaintOutline
minor typos which were annoying...
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I logged an alt on early today and she saw me as an orange cloud.  It lasted 10-15 minutes before I finally rezzed for her. 

That is the only instance I've had in quite a while.  By the same token, I don't go to busy clubs and when I attend a busy event, I intentionally derender everyone except Friends.

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Sunday morning I logged in to visit a friend.  There were 8 of us when I tp'd in and everyone was a cloud for maybe 20 seconds max before they all appeared completely normally.  Personally I prefer the cloud rezzing in than the flying mesh body parts.  

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12 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Sunday morning I logged in to visit a friend.  There were 8 of us when I tp'd in and everyone was a cloud for maybe 20 seconds max before they all appeared completely normally.  Personally I prefer the cloud rezzing in than the flying mesh body parts.  

Yes possibly this is a "feature,"  although the clouds seem to be white in the Linden viewer.    I find it odd since the orange cloud was always a sign of trouble previously.  What confuses me is that the "feature" does not seem to be widely known about --  among the firestorm reps.   I mostly posted to hear from people like you who have seen it in groups.  So, Thanks Cindy and Little me.

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When I go to places where there are others, I often see everyone else as a cloud initially.  I've never timed it to see how long it takes for everyone to rez, but I don't think it's longer than it used to take for everyone's body parts to stop flying around and become clothed.  I haven't used the Firestorm viewer for awhile, and the cloud behavior has been pretty normal in the viewer I use for quite awhile.  As Cindy mentioned,  I also prefer seeing the cloud when others are rezzing, rather than seeing the body parts flying around, which used to be the case for me when I had last used the Firestorm viewer all the time.

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I'm also finding that orange-cloud avatars seem to take ages to rez in fully. Sometimes worse than others, but always seemingly worse than things used to be. It doesn't need a crowded place either. This morning I tp'd to a friend, in a region with 4 other avatars only, and it took a long time for her to appear properly. I haven't done any timing; it's all just qualitative, but it really does sem a lot longer than it used to.

There might be an element of impression here, though. Previously, while waiting for the last few body parts to arrive by post, one got the impression that you were nearly there; just a few more bits to go. Now that you remain an orange cloud until everything is actually there, the full time taken becomes very noticable.

Has a deliberate change of feature been actually implemented? Visible bits and pieces arriving piecemeal, hanging around then finally attaching, versus being held as an orange (or white) cloud until everything is in place? Or is this a case of just how it happens sometimes?

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7 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Sunday morning I logged in to visit a friend.  There were 8 of us when I tp'd in and everyone was a cloud for maybe 20 seconds max before they all appeared completely normally.  Personally I prefer the cloud rezzing in than the flying mesh body parts.  

While my alt saw me as a cloud for quite a while, when I logged in, I saw myself as mesh body parts & clothing very slowly taking their proper place.  I don't typically see myself doing that when I log in at my home.  

I like the cloud effect better.

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7 hours ago, Odaks said:

There might be an element of impression here, though. Previously, while waiting for the last few body parts to arrive by post, one got the impression that you were nearly there; just a few more bits to go. Now that you remain an orange cloud until everything is actually there, the full time taken becomes very noticable.

This.  I think it may feel longer, just because you can't see any thing happening (and we're so used to the "Help, I'm stuck as a cloud!" problems here in the forums) , but once it clears you are fully there.   

I do prefer the seeing clouds instead of body and clothing pieces floating around. 

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10 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

Is this the latest Firestorm viewer? Because I still get floating parts.

Except for myself, who appears as a carrot gas fart.

Every version of Firestorm for the last few years has done this.

The particle cloud is for unloaded avatars only - once the avatar itself loads, the cloud goes away. No, an avatar being loaded as far as the system is concerned does not mean that all of the parts are in their proper place, it just means it has loaded the assets.

Thus, the sight of floating parts.

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Well thanks everyone.   

It amazing that no one I talked to at Firestorm or Linden was social enough to have regularly entered rooms which were (edit: filled with) an enormous orange cloud.  But I have been involved with beta testing long enough to have known that coders were not likely to find themselves testing at crowded events.

So the orange clouds are in a fact a feature which actually works pretty well -- if they were not bright orange.    Light gray perhaps with less density?

So until Firestorm gets tired of looking like the viewer has released orange smoke grenades -- I will ignore them.     Solar Legion this is the first version I have been aware of the "cheeto farts." 


Edited by FaintOutline
missing words
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4 minutes ago, FaintOutline said:

So the orange clouds are in a fact a feature which actually works pretty well -- if were not bright orange.

Oh, if you don't like the Cheeto orange color -- I don't either -- then just use the standard Linden Lab viewer.  Its default cloud is white.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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18 hours ago, FaintOutline said:

Anytime I go to a crowded place on SL I see a storm of orange clouds.  https://gyazo.com/f4bbeb465b46329b1f720d68dad3077d   I am using the latest version of Firestorm 6.4.12 (63831), have a fast i7 Mac, with an external  Radeon RX560, and a 300+mps cable connection. 

My avatar is always fine, but those around me are orange clouds as the rez.   Once they rez -- everything looks normal, but any new visitors are the same orange cloud for a minute or so, depending on the size of the crowd -and the lag.

Everyone from Linden, to helpers at Firestorm, have implied that there is something wrong I need to fix -- and no one else experiences this.  No one else is seeing all this orange!   I have done the usual clear cache etc with no success.   Now Linden wants me to ping them and see if it is my connection, which seems unlikely.

BEFORE I do that  -- am I really the only one seeing this?   I need to know if this is just the way avatars are rezzing now.   No other viewers do this, not the previous version of FS, and not the new Second life viewer.

So  anyone?    Ideas?   A crazy setting I have screwed up? (click here to show clouds LOL) 



If you disable particles you can see little egg people.

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I have to say I just purchased a pretty spiffy computer, (I am not bragging just stating its a good pc) and my first weeks everything was super fast... no orange clouds.. however, I have noticed as I participate in world more and more, the ability to render lickity split is declining. I honestly do not have issues with egg-people but it does take quite some time for mesh bodies and heads and clothing to rez in.......It is getting progressively worser.


 I was almost traumatized when some larger tattooed headless male (I think.. no .. you know what) took forever to rez and kept dancing.. It was frighting! As well as when I cammed around to see my beautiful self I was HORRIFIED at the sizer of my nose and feet!

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Probably not.  A room, like in IMVU.  Something we would call a region.  😉

Back in the day before I was cool and used SL.... I used AOL and they called them chat rooms (private and public) .. So, I was not understanding exactly the "room" makes sense now though... I have never used IMVu though

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