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Rat's Tarot Thread

Rat Luv

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6 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

So first I drew: EIGHT OF SWORDS

BUT I wasn't happy with this answer, it seems a bit vague. So I did a massive shuffle again and drew: er, TWO OF SWORDS 

So three times for luck, I did a massive massive shuffle and drew: THE FOOL


The deck is just insulting me now 😒


This. I swear this happens. I swear my deck is sarcastic. :)

"Hey! I gave you TWO perfectly good answers, now you're just annoying me, so, HERE!" 

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18 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

I’d like a card please, regarding the creative direction of a new project. I’m looking at 3 possible choices, each with certain advantages...and I’m feeling a bit stuck!




Someone rezzed self-replicating cups in the sandbox 😠

It's the family card! It suggests spending time with people close to you, feeling content, relaxed and stress-free. It makes me think of a happy ending, with the mum and dad standing under a rainbow. A rainbow of cups! It's also made me curious about your project :D

Maybe it's telling you to be a bit 'all ages' in your delivery? A bit more Strawberry Linden than Carmen King 😂 Or...if you're planning to hire someone or get help, maybe the answer is closer to home? Do you have any relatives who could contribute ideas or time or assistance? (or if you consider close friends 'family', anyone there?) Do you have a cousin who's good at design or coding? Could an object in your family home help?

You know what I think? This reminds me of The Magician card. The way they have their hands up, it's like they've conjured the cups into the air. So I think this is card knows you're creative and can make something amazing out of what you have to hand, or close-by. And if you can work from home, that's a bonus too 😉

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Business as usual then, I guess? 😉

I was thinking of holding back some and taking a more conservative approach but seems like abundance is in order! Thank you! Project is a secret for now but I’ll work on it for the rest of 2020Q4 . 

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5 hours ago, Zzevir said:

Do me, do now. Not like that you silly rabbit (well if you want we can make something about that to). 

I have some things starting and want to see what's not going to happen. 



Don't worry, you'll meet someone better next time 💔

Oh...it's what's NOT going to happen? You're in luck...you won't get your heart broken! Phew! You never know...maybe this is 'the one'? I'm glad someone found love this year 😊 But I hope you're being responsible and not going to their house if you're in a Tier 2 lockdown area, like I am. It can also mean isolation so...if that's NOT happening...be honest Zzevir, are you breaking Covid restrictions?? 😲😷

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10 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

So first I drew: EIGHT OF SWORDS


Which suits the question! It can mean being frustrated or feeling trapped by your current situation. Maybe it's time to get back into the thing you did, because you're at risk of treading water by holding back and not trying? Oh look, she's treading water on the card 😲 Only just spotted that now!! And she feels fenced in  by the swords.

BUT I wasn't happy with this answer, it seems a bit vague. So I did a massive shuffle again and drew: er, TWO OF SWORDS 


The only two cards with a woman with a blindfold and swords...what are the chances? 😲

This can mean being indecisive and sitting on the fence, or blocking out reality and truths you don't want to face. Both cards together might suggest someone who feels they're trapped and needs to break free but isn't willing to make a move to change things, or doesn't realise they're stuck. But it could just mean you're finding it hard to decide what to do! And this tarot reader isn't helping! 

So three times for luck, I did a massive massive shuffle and drew: THE FOOL


The deck is just insulting me now 😒

Actually, this can mean being spontaneous, going after your dreams and believing in yourself. Sometimes you should go with your gut instinct and not care what others advise. Even the cards! But watch out for the cliff edge. I get the impression you have thought very long and hard about this - maybe you really want to get back into it but you realise there are drawbacks or risks involved. It's OK to be conflicted! Just the fact you're thinking about it means you probably won't go blindly into it without caution. I think that's what the cards are saying...they are testing me today 🙀

You should read these 3 as past , present and future.

 Research having many suits in a reading.  It is very important.


Also, understand placement... Was it reversed?  Significant differences in card readings.



Edited by Tarina Sewell
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3 card spread. Past Present Future.


as a reader, when you read for someone the placements should face them. For instance. You are sitting in front of me. I pull these cards.. The world is upright - future, the star is reversed - present, and the lovers is upright and past. (If you are reading for someone online read as they were at the computer as their person)

If I were reading for myself the world and lovers would be in a reversed position. And read as past present future. left to right


So their meanings can be significantly different.  Most often they are opposite but some cards are better when reversed.


 As well as pay attention to how many suits are in your readings, how many aces or court cards and how many major Aracana. All these factor into how you read the cards.


All cups? Probably seeker is wanting family guidance, swords generally point to inner battles (which you got) or physical including illnesses. Coins? yep, money. (or pentacles) wands usually represent spirituality determination etc...

The star is the card for Aquarius. The card would point to someone who is thsi sun sign or has the characteristics of Aquarian. (I am an Aquarian)




Edited by Tarina Sewell
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1 hour ago, Rat Luv said:



Don't worry, you'll meet someone better next time 💔

Oh...it's what's NOT going to happen? You're in luck...you won't get your heart broken! Phew! You never know...maybe this is 'the one'? I'm glad someone found love this year 😊 But I hope you're being responsible and not going to their house if you're in a Tier 2 lockdown area, like I am. It can also mean isolation so...if that's NOT happening...be honest Zzevir, are you breaking Covid restrictions?? 😲😷

Don't tell this to my wife. 


And no I don't break any restrictions I'm happy if I can avoid people. 

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1 hour ago, Zzevir said:

Don't tell this to my wife. 


And no I don't break any restrictions I'm happy if I can avoid people. 

The card has many interpretations..  Have you been hurt by someones words to you or about you? It indicates heartbreak being inflicted upon you by someone and you are in emotional pain.  Internet bullies, workplace people talking behind your back...

Hence your nature to avoid people...

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5 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

The card has many interpretations..  Have you been hurt by someones words to you or about you? It indicates heartbreak being inflicted upon you by someone and you are in emotional pain.  Internet bullies, workplace people talking behind your back...

Hence your nature to avoid people...

Lol no I'm not that tender soul how can be hurt by online bullying. And my colleagues are like a second family.... I don't talk to them if it is not needed. 

And I avoid ppl as I'm allergic of stupidity. 

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I'm gonna go ahead and give it a try and see what happens..

Last year the company I work for was sold to a larger company.. With that comes a lot of changes

Since this new company has taken over, they haven't been very transparent and have had me and a lot of others contemplating leaving to find another job..

I've been on the fence about it because it still is the transition period and there has been good and bad with the change from one company to another..

I've been in my seat for over 10 years now and just can't really jump up and leave like I got there yesterday.. Some days are good some days just make me want to get up and leave.. it's really something that is on and off with me while the transition is happening..hehehe


I'm just really curious what the cards would say.. I don't know if I've given enough information or not to get a good reading..




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17 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Last year the company I work for was sold to a larger company.. With that comes a lot of changes

Since this new company has taken over, they haven't been very transparent and have had me and a lot of others contemplating leaving to find another job..

I've been on the fence about it because it still is the transition period and there has been good and bad with the change from one company to another..

I've been in my seat for over 10 years now and just can't really jump up and leave like I got there yesterday.. Some days are good some days just make me want to get up and leave.. it's really something that is on and off with me while the transition is happening..hehehe

I sympathise, I have been in that situation with, well all of my jobs really 😂

Disclaimer: Rat's Tarot Thread is NOT a substitute for professional careers advice!



The Tower can mean transition 😲, upheaval, chaos and unexpected events causing disruption. It can also mean revelation, seeing what's really going on behind the scenes - so MAYBE your gut instinct is right.

But it doesn't tell us exactly what the changes will be. They might not be something life-changing...maybe they'll bring in a new IT system that doesn't work properly, and that could cause disruption for a fortnight? Or they could start being really petty and bringing in loads of stupid new rules? Actually, if that happened, would you still want to work there? 

I think just the fact you're having on and off days shows the new company owner has already disrupted your daily routine - especially if you weren't having those "want to get up and leave" days before. And if your colleagues are feeling the same, it's possible that's something's up. Maybe the lightning bolt is your own mind, telling you it's time for change. Why not "jump up and leave" if that's how you feel? They don't own you!

What I reckon the card is saying is, be prepared to walk if you need to - either because they bring in stupid rules or lay people off, or you just get tired of having bad days with them. The company could go on and your job could be secure but if you're feeling frustrated already, and it makes you unhappy, do you want to stay with them? 

Anyway, I would read this card as saying:

  • Update your CV
  • Apply for jobs while you're still in work- you don't have to take them, but you can get a good feel for what else is out there and that could make you more confident about possibly leaving your current place
  • Don't leave your job until you've got another one lined up! (unless it gets really bad and you can afford to)
  • Join a union - just in case! 

I wish you luck whatever you do! 

Edited by Rat Luv
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I actually got some pretty good inside news later in the day after posting  in here..

It's actually coming from someone I know really well that is working with the top person at the plant..

He told me the main company up north is really happy with how things are going, and that wage increases are coming in the new year that will put people at the wages the northern plants are making,as well as bonuses are coming back..

They will be going to longer days but shorter weeks and removing one of the shifts.. We've been short handed since the virus broke out, so that will be good combining the people from the shift that will be going away... longer weekends will be nice too..

I guess I was just letting the grapevine get to me a bit too much..

it's good to finally have some solid information for once.. I could have dug a creek faster than it took me to dig up what they told me today.. hehehehe


I appreciate the reading.. I never had that done before and I think it's pretty neat and interesting..

Thank you for taking the time :)


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