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The all-in-one Home Furnishings Topic!

Trinity Blakewell

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14 minutes ago, Trinity1776 said:

For those of you contemplating a move to Sakura...I recently searched for examples of modern Japanese interior design. It has a lot in common with other minimalist style, so if you've been collecting that kind of furniture (possibly for Newbrooke) you'll have a good head start. Some stores that carry pieces that will fit in are Black Nest, Fourth Wall, Architect and Fancy Decor.




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Thank you for the great pictures, Trinity!  I have been looking at pictures for ideas and like these.

There are a couple other styles of Japanese decor I have been researching - one is Wabi Sabi, a more rustic and worn look, but also minimalist. 8f8 on the black kite region has 3 collections available that are great examples of some wabi sabi and Asian decor.  Kawaii is another contemporary Japanese style, the culture of cuteness - Half Deer has lots of Kawaii cuteness in their store.

Edited by Flower Caerndow
forgot a word
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Equal 10 has a Japanese Low Table set and lighted screens for sale at Equal 10. The screens are $L99 and the dining set is $L150. Forgive the lack of photos due to Equal 10 being one of the laggiest events out there (can't they get rid of those stupid neon cars running around under the clear floor?)

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after seeing @Chic Aeon post about Athem I went to check the gifts.

Besides NUTMEG also got the THOR  and the KRAFTWORK ones. THOR is the ottoman (3 prims) nice poses. Kraftwork is the bedside, all linked also 3 prims, but you get all the objects unlinked also. 50 L each.


Edited by Tary Allen
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Asian Pacific is small but there are three very nice H and G items there  some food also.

Also some Zaara earrings that I am pretty sure I have already but worth getting if you do not.  Watch out for the "poofer"  Ctrl + Alt + T turns on transparent so you can delete it LOL.



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I bought a nice looking item that I thought was useful in backyards, Log homes in particular.


It is no modify, and the seller will not send a modify copy. Other vendors from him sell modify, and he does that on purpose.

[00:50] --: in teh sales i dont selll mod big items with many items as peopel tend to take em apart to use the parts all overtheir land , as i dont really want my designs destroyed so people can decrate thweir land with 15 items they bought for 99 lindens and thats not ment to be rude or ofensive, it happened a lot and wht is the poit of selling a design i worked hours on to know thats happening, when i add these thigns to my store say that item fr 500 ?L then i lkeave them mod, and i have to explai also that many designers of full perm items that i use , gt very angry people seeling things mod for 50 and 99 lindens that they can use several pieces frm , that takes away from sale for them also

[00:50] --: this is the main reson i specifically put the perms on the vendors
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): Thank you for your reply. I am sorry to inform you that this is not usable for me, but I will take the information with me. It is a bit puzzling that you change between mo and no mod.
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): *mod
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): but it is your right to set the permissions you wish, and I have to accept it

So we had a bit more polite exchange of words, and he is dead set of not offering any modify.

He also compared it to clothes?

[00:55] Marianne (marianne.little): thank you for the information. Have a nice day
[00:55] --: i as many clothing designers have had to change how we do things due to complints
[00:56] Marianne (marianne.little): what, I did not buy clothes. But I accept that you can set your permission as you wish, I can also not by anything that is no modify. I will be more careful in the future.
[00:57] --: im saying people like em as well as people that create clothes and anything else in these sale have to abide by cerrtin full peples stuff we use price wise perms wise or we can get into trouble , and at the end of the day im doing the ebst i can to accomidate shoppers
[00:58] --: but people tearing my designs up was never my intent it makes what im known for and work ghard to do pointless other than minor changes to fit

I am so used to items I can move parts for in the garden, but I am lucky I did not spend more.




Edited by Marianne Little
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I buy offers as a kind of demo, and if I like them, I may go back and buy more to a full price. When they treat me like I am some lower class customer because I buy items on sale, I do not get a good feeling for the store.

Another store that sell garden flowers and trees, I have bought over 10 full priced items from them, and maybe 3 weekend offers.


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On 5/10/2022 at 10:05 AM, Trinity1776 said:

For those of you contemplating a move to Sakura...I recently searched for examples of modern Japanese interior design.

Now I see why the RL home / furnishing pictures are there! Had to scroll back to find your explanation. It would be nice if SL looked that realistic.

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11 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I bought a nice looking item that I thought was useful in backyards, Log homes in particular.


It is no modify, and the seller will not send a modify copy. Other vendors from him sell modify, and he does that on purpose.

[00:50] --: in teh sales i dont selll mod big items with many items as peopel tend to take em apart to use the parts all overtheir land , as i dont really want my designs destroyed so people can decrate thweir land with 15 items they bought for 99 lindens and thats not ment to be rude or ofensive, it happened a lot and wht is the poit of selling a design i worked hours on to know thats happening, when i add these thigns to my store say that item fr 500 ?L then i lkeave them mod, and i have to explai also that many designers of full perm items that i use , gt very angry people seeling things mod for 50 and 99 lindens that they can use several pieces frm , that takes away from sale for them also

[00:50] --: this is the main reson i specifically put the perms on the vendors
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): Thank you for your reply. I am sorry to inform you that this is not usable for me, but I will take the information with me. It is a bit puzzling that you change between mo and no mod.
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): *mod
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): but it is your right to set the permissions you wish, and I have to accept it

So we had a bit more polite exchange of words, and he is dead set of not offering any modify.

He also compared it to clothes?

[00:55] Marianne (marianne.little): thank you for the information. Have a nice day
[00:55] --: i as many clothing designers have had to change how we do things due to complints
[00:56] Marianne (marianne.little): what, I did not buy clothes. But I accept that you can set your permission as you wish, I can also not by anything that is no modify. I will be more careful in the future.
[00:57] --: im saying people like em as well as people that create clothes and anything else in these sale have to abide by cerrtin full peples stuff we use price wise perms wise or we can get into trouble , and at the end of the day im doing the ebst i can to accomidate shoppers
[00:58] --: but people tearing my designs up was never my intent it makes what im known for and work ghard to do pointless other than minor changes to fit

I am so used to items I can move parts for in the garden, but I am lucky I did not spend more.




you think he would have at least put a resizer in there so that you can make it fit in your yard.

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Merak has several items and sets on sale this weekend. I like the design of the Maria's cabinet (4/5 LI - you get both versions along with all the decor items for $75), but it does suffer from moiré. There's also a 7 LI chair ($60 per fabric option), 4 LI floor lamp and 8 LI clothes basket for $60 each, but none of them 'earn' that high LI IMO. There's also a desk set, and a 21 LI L-shaped concrete patio set on offer ($75 each). 




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The large spherical 5 LI water feature from The Home Store has been mentioned here before when it wasn't on sale - this weekend, it's only $60. The 6 LI shabby wheelbarrow with animated butterflies is also only $60. The 5 LI corner planter is also $60. (I'm going to try removing some of the plants and substituting ones from TM Creations).



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