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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

a generational posit

Good example.

Here's another generational one:


Your G-g-g-g-g-g-g-grandfather (throw in a few more g's maybe) was a biblical scholar fluent in Aramaic, Ge'ez, Arabic, and Swahili. He owned the same plot of land that his family had held for 5 centuries, was moderately wealthy, and had been to Axum, Mecca and Timbuktu in his travels. He knew the Torah, the Bible, AND the Quran. One day raiders came to town and sacked the 700 year old village he lived in, stripped him naked and put him in chains in the hold of a ship. On the journey he heard one of his captors singing an in-work version song we all know as "Amazing Grace" - but English was one language he did not know.

He lands in a new land where the first thing he sees getting off the boat is local young boys - tweens, assembled at the dock where they "assault" the women from his town as a man holds up a book and chants what has the rhythm of a prayer (that BTW... is how slaves that came into Boston before the North abolished slavery were greeted). He and the others are too weak from the journey to even object.

He is sold and ends up on a plantations somewhere where as I type this a white couple is planning their wedding because it's such a 'quaint and charming' place...

3-5 generations later, his descendant is convinced he comes from a jungle savage that didn't even have language before being brought there, but still knows he is being treated unjustly and has the lash-mark scars on his back to prove it. He is a man who has had to sit there and watch as the white plantation workers have "assaulted" both his wife and his daughter in front of him. For laughs, they castrate one of his sons and made bets on how long it would take the young boy to die bleeding out. They made another slave eat the cut away body part (that DOES come from another English colony, New Zealand; and I don't doubt also ours because parts of that form of brutality WAS common during Jim Crow).

One day soldiers arrive and tell him he is a free man after burning down the plantation house and shooting the elderly slavemaster. But a few years later he finds he has no money and nowhere he can go and the new laws make it so he cannot afford to buy a horse, buy passage on a train or boat, or find work anywhere but on a sharecropping farm just a few yards away from the house he lived in as a slave...

A generation later the husband of his daughter is lynched when he tries to vote... he was a man who still believed his ancestors were jungle savages, but he thought himself now a civilized free man, he was told he was a citizen, so he died trying to prove it.

The daughter has 3 children - 2 by her son and one by the son of the former slavemaster who "assaulted" her. She sells the last son to some Cherokee - that is MY Ancestor (but the handover happened in the decades BEFORE the end of slavery not after, as my ancestor walked the trail of tears and later "vanished into" southern white culture - this fact of that person being African and NOT Cherokee was only discovered a decade ago).

A half century of sharecropping goes by and two brothers exist. One stays on the sharecropper farm, the other takes a chance and moves to a town called Tulsa - where he opens up a general store and gets moderately wealthy until the day before he's set to call his brother out and get him a job there; a white mob comes into town and kills EVERYONE...

Another half century of sharecropping goes by... That child sold to Cherokee now has a white descendant who is in the local chapter of the Klan up in the Appalachian mountains - he may or may not have killed, he has no idea he has spent many years terrorizing people he should see as family... but karma will catch up with his descendants in a few decades because them hillbillies is moving to California right soon and they're gonna get infected with pot smoking liberals, Mexicans, Peruvians who actually DO come from the jungle, Chinese, and even 'gays'... oops...

But back to the black side of the family... WWII comes and the government needs people to rebuild the navy out in California. Our man of this generation and a whole lot of other local black folk move out to Oakland California. He makes good money making ships, even manages to buy a house out by the waterfront. Things are looking up. The Klan is still over in Berkeley but they don't lynch folks out here (that I know of...). The 1950s arrive though and the liberals in San Francisco see all these black families owning land in West Oakland... and are frightened by 'children running in the streets and people just hanging out on porches and talking to each other like savages that can't manage their own affairs'...

So they use eminent domain to take his home and they 'move him on up to the west wide' in a deluxe apartment called the Oakland Projects... Where his house once stood, the 880 freeway now rests. On the other side of the freeway white land developers put up hotels and office parks. On his side there are strangely very few on-ramps and no businesses. Not even a grocery store. The liberals call this "Urban Renewal" - a plan to "help" minorities by managing their affairs for them. Something folks out on the "rez" in the country would like to respond back about also...

He loses his job because he can't get to work without getting arrested. His son never has a job - joins the Black Panthers in the 60s and gets shot by the FBI during a peaceful assembly to hand out food to the poor after being seen a week earlier standing around in a suit and tie and rifle in a 'display of second amendment rights'. But before he dies, he did at least learn the truth of where his ancestors came from.

His grandson is born in the projects. This young lad grows up believing his people used to be jungle savages because his father was killed before passing on the truth, and now live in the urban jungle. He joins a gang and gets mowed down by the police at the age of 17 with 2 kids already born...


It's one of those kids that think's she's the first person in the line to ever go to college - because she doesn't even know who her ancestor in Africa was - and joins BLM... and gets to hear people asking her why does she thinks her and her people are owned anything...


Now maybe they didn't have it the best of all the descendants, Maybe some of them even made it into the middle class and didn't have their homes taken away... I use to work for a black family of doctors in the 1980s, and I know a lot of folk did make it up earlier... but they also sure didn't have it the worst either...

- and everything above has happened to somebody... and a whole lot more too boot. That family didn't sharecrop for a whole century by choice.



But let's look at our modern day member of that family...

- She's thinks she's the first success. But she does finally know the history of the people she came from - just not her part in it.

- no one in her family has anything to give her in the way of support. There is no 'legacy admission to Harvard' for her. There is no internship at A, B & C Partners at Law. There is no person to help her get into that 'young leaders study abroad' program'... none of those many things... If she loses a job, she has absolutely no support to help her through a rough patch...

- the average white family has some or all of these things. No not the free pass into Harvard, but they do have connections, peers, internship paths, even the ability to put a down-on-your-luck family member on the couch for a bit through a rough patch.

- She lacks these things because everytime her family was about to start saving up or getting connected - they had it taken away.


This is the tame and extremely abridged version. When folks tell you they have been under 4-500 years of brutality and injustice... listen.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

so you would be aggrieved if the property was yours. But not if the property was your great-great-great-grandfathers ?

you understand why people, including yourself, are aggrieved when this happens

lets look at this generationally. At what point do we cut off restitution (or compensation) of property taken by the State since the establishment of the State. We are not talking about things that happened before this establishment. Just things that have happened since

a generational posit

suppose the property was a ring, an heirloom, which had been passed down from mother to daughter in your family for as long as anyone can remember. Then one day your grandmother turns up not happy. The ring has been taken by an agent of the State for no reason other than that they could, so they took it

you say what to your grandmother, your mother, your daughter and your granddaughter ?

do you say: Oh! well. Nevermind. It wasn't my ring. Grandma, you, Mum, my daughter and my granddaughter need to get over yourselves ?

then as time goes by your grandmother and mother die. You are now the oldest generation in the family. Your great granddaughter (of the now 6th generation since the ring was taken) says to you: Nana I know where the ring is. I am going to try and get it back

do you say: Child the ring is not yours, it was my grandmothers ?

child then says: It would have been mine had the State not taken it. I am going to try and get it back so I can give it to my daughter one day (the 7th generation). What do you say to this ?

do you just repeat yourself: Child let it go. The ring is not yours to give to your daughter - my great great granddaughter

or do you say: Child is all ancient history now, forget about it and get over yourself ?

a thing. 6 generations is 120 years. 7 generations will be 140 years. Is a long time. However is not ancient history. The ring was taken in living memory. Your living memory

your great granddaughter to aid her efforts in getting the ring back, asks you to attest in an affidavit that the ring was taken from your grandmother. What do you say to her ?

do you say: I am not going to attest to this. Let it go ?

Is this a reality you are speaking about regarding the Queen of England?

My gawd, if this becomes a reality, every Polish and Jew from 4 to 5 generations back at least could/would sue Germany and completely and totally bankrupt the whole country.  The whole European Union would go down.  Not to mention Germany stole half of Poland - most of our artworks and music and most of it's Classical music, so they owe us a freakin' fortune.  It would put them into slums.   

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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

do you just repeat yourself: Child let it go. The ring is not yours to give to your daughter

Yes. I would think it and say it.

There is a book I am very fond of called Dream of the Red Chamber (Hong Lou Meng). It tells the story of the rise, glory days and decline of a family in 18thC China. It is in some respects autobiographical, as the author's family mansion and goods built up over lifetimes were confiscated by the state (emperor at the time). 

It resonates with people who lost their family homes and goods during China's modern political transitions, and in one translation of this work the translator spoke to a man who took him on a walk past his former home in Beijing. He asked this man, do you resent it, that the state took your home? The man replies, it did make me very sad for many years, but now I just laugh.

I would want to pass on this message to a younger generation: Enjoy the good in life, grieve a little when it goes, but then, just laugh. 


ps. You may wonder why I said I would be aggrieved if someone took my stuff. This is because it would violate the common pact of the community I live in today, ethically and legally. Letting things go doesn't mean letting yourself be trampled on. I think a lot of people misunderstand that. It's more like tipping a boat back into balance. 

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4 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Is this a reality you are speaking about regarding the Queen of England?

My gawd, if this becomes a reality, every Polish and Jew from 4 to 5 generations back at least could/would sue Germany and completely and totally bankrupt the whole country.  The whole European Union would go down.  Not to mention Germany stole half of Poland - most of our artworks and music and most of it's Classical music, so they owe us a freakin' fortune.  It would put them into slums.   

about the Queen. In New Zealand when it comes to the native people then yes

there is a Treaty of Waitangi tribunal settlements process in place.  Is a pretty robust process.  Nobody can just make stuff up to claim restitution, the claim has to be proven.  Also nobody can claim to be such and such a native just because they say so, they have to be able to prove it. Also any group of people has to be able to prove that the group is who they claim to be, to be recognised as having standing. And the representatives of that group have to be able to prove that they have a mandate from the group to represent it

when a settlement is reached with a iwi (tribe/group) thru this process then the Minister of Treaty Settlements recommends to the Parliament thru the Cabinet (government of the day). On Parliament signing off on it, the Prime Minister formally advises the Governor-General (who is the Queen's Representative). The Governor-General formally advises the Queen. Queen consents.  Lands returned, money paid, apologies issued. And done


about Europe.  People who had their property confiscated by the State during the Nazi era, have been able to get their property back. As Akane says: Some people choose not to do this. Others tho do

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4 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

Yes. I would think it and say it.

There is a book I am very fond of called Dream of the Red Chamber (Hong Lou Meng). It tells the story of the rise, glory days and decline of a family in 18thC China. It is in some respects autobiographical, as the author's family mansion and goods built up over lifetimes were confiscated by the state (emperor at the time). 

It resonates with people who lost their family homes and goods during China's modern political transitions, and in one translation of this work the translator spoke to a man who took him on a walk past his former home in Beijing. He asked this man, do you resent it, that the state took your home? The man replies, it did make me very sad for many years, but now I just laugh.

I would want to pass on this message to a younger generation: Enjoy the good in life, grieve a little when it goes, but then, just laugh.

is interesting this as it is a personal pov

in your own case then you would let it go. As this is your choice and there is nothing to prevent you from making this choice then I have no problem with you making this choice

for those who would prefer to choose the opposite then I don't think it is justice, for us as a society to organise our societal procedures in ways that prevent these people from making their choice

this latter is the story of Hong Lou Meng. When there is no procedural way within the society to reclaim your property then for your own peace of mind, best to let the thought go




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7 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

  This is the tame and extremely abridged version. When folks tell you they have been under 4-500 years of brutality and injustice... listen.

yes. We continue to tell of our history.  Who we were, what happened, and who/where/what we are now. Sometimes people listen, sometimes they don't.  Either way we just keep on with the telling as best we can

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20 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:
22 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

the deprivation is passed on through the generations via inadequate parenting. One generation is abused so severely (in America, say Native Americans), that their culture is decimated and they are not able to parent adequately, and so their children are not able to successfully parent the succeeding generations. And so here in the US we have rampant alcoholism on the reservations, and the wrecked, miserable, and wasted lives that accompany this disease.

How families fall into poverty, it's complicated. I wouldn't ascribe it to any one cause, but I would be cautious in calling it inadequate parenting. Poor people are not fools nor are they somehow morally damaged. Some of them just made unfortunate choices, or had unfortunate things happen to them through no fault of their own.

I've been referring to Natives & Blacks in poverty in the US though, not other groups of people in poverty.
Sure, sometimes all people can just make bad choices, or bad things happen to them, or society crumbles with the resultant job loss, or they don't have parents who value education, and so they end up in poverty.
But I've been explaining a different type of situation where entire cultures are damaged & broken, and often a pattern evolves in these cases -- this happened when we took the Native American's land which had a greater meaning for them than many comprehend, and when we separated Blacks from their families and enslaved them in a new world. This kind of severe abuse can create intergenerational poverty -- it's known as "the cycle of poverty" where the cycle continues, passed on via parents who never learned to cope well and so can't teach their kids to do so. If a person is severely damaged emotionally via a decimated culture and the inadequate parenting that evolves this adds a deeper dimension to the problem as they don't have some of the major skills in their repertoire which good parenting fosters -- not having those skills and an inability to function well doesn't mean they are "fools or morally damaged", as you described it, at all. The troubles and difficulty in functioning is just what happens when a person undergoes severe trauma. Not for all Natives or Blacks, of course, but for the ones who have lacked the support and resources to overcome the trauma.

I mention this dynamic because I've heard people criticize Blacks & Natives, blaming them for the severity of their disfunction after seeing other minorities doing okay and not understanding why Blacks and Natives often have so much more trouble in America. I even encountered this on a forum the other month, where someone was claiming that Blacks were defective human beings compared to other 'races', and citing as proof the fact that Asians do better in the US.  It's very difficult to overcome these deeper traumas caused by cultural decimation and genocide though, and people should be more understanding.

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30 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I've been referring to Natives & Blacks in poverty in the US though, not other groups of people in poverty.
Sure, sometimes all people can just make bad choices, or bad things happen to them, or society crumbles with the resultant job loss, or they don't have parents who value education, and so they end up in poverty.
But I've been explaining a different type of situation where entire cultures are damaged & broken, and often a pattern evolves in these cases -- this happened when we took the Native American's land which had a greater meaning for them than many comprehend, and when we separated Blacks from their families and enslaved them in a new world. This kind of severe abuse can create intergenerational poverty -- it's known as "the cycle of poverty" where the cycle continues, passed on via parents who never learned to cope well and so can't teach their kids to do so. If a person is severely damaged emotionally via a decimated culture and the inadequate parenting that evolves this adds a deeper dimension to the problem as they don't have some of the major skills in their repertoire which good parenting fosters -- not having those skills and an inability to function well doesn't mean they are "fools or morally damaged", as you described it, at all. The troubles and difficulty in functioning is just what happens when a person undergoes severe trauma. Not for all Natives or Blacks, of course, but for the ones who have lacked the support and resources to overcome the trauma.

I mention this dynamic because I've heard people criticize Blacks & Natives, blaming them for the severity of their disfunction after seeing other minorities doing okay and not understanding why Blacks and Natives often have so much more trouble in America. I even encountered this on a forum the other month, where someone was claiming that Blacks were defective human beings compared to other 'races', and citing as proof the fact that Asians do better in the US.  It's very difficult to overcome these deeper traumas caused by cultural decimation and genocide though, and people should be more understanding.

With the natives, any time we would start to thrive, the government would step in and hinder us, then it would take half the time to start to thrive again and here they would come again.. three or four times they have done this..

then also our population was starting to thrive and back in like the 1940, they sterilized like 40% of the young fertile woman which was devastating..

it's not been for the lack of trying..it's been from being cut down any time you start to get ahead.. They want the resources is why they do this..

As Russell Means said..Every group goes up and down with the economy, where natives, it's been a flat line the whole way.


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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

With the natives, any time we would start to thrive, the government would step in and hinder us, then it would take half the time to start to thrive again and here they would come again.. three or four times they have done this..

then also our population was starting to thrive and back in like the 1940, they sterilized like 40% of the young fertile woman which was devastating..

it's not been for the lack of trying..it's been from being cut down any time you start to get ahead.. They want the resources is why they do this..

As Russell Means said..Every group goes up and down with the economy, where natives, it's been a flat line the whole way.

Yes, what America did, and is still doing, to Natives......words fail me.  And how America tries to rewrite History regarding slavery too is disgusting. I feel so angry at times, and can start to hate America.  I don't know how the guy from the ACLU  (Jeffery Robinson) whose talk I posted awhile back, with such a clear awareness of all the abuses, can be so forgiving - he knows in depth what has happened, what is still happening, and yet still loves America.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes, what America did, and is still doing, to Natives......words fail me.  And how America tries to rewrite History regarding slavery too is disgusting. I feel so angry at times, and can start to hate America.  I don't know how the guy from the ACLU  (Jeffery Robinson) whose talk I posted awhile back, with such a clear awareness of all the abuses, can be so forgiving - he knows in depth what has happened, what is still happening, and yet still loves America.

It's easy to love the country without loving the government..We are the country not the government.. just looking at the constitution shows this..

our constitution is a contract between the government and the united states of America..

I don't love the government and I've met too many good people to hate the people.. The government is the one holding the peoples back.. All those lying cheating rich politicians that have all these side games going on..

I just can't bring myself to trust a word out of any of their mouth's.. in my eyes they are not americans, they are government and will sell anyone of us out to get an inch ahead..

I was always told growing up, never trust a politician..and they were right.

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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's easy to love the country without loving the government..We are the country not the government.. just looking at the constitution shows this..

our constitution is a contract between the government and the united states of America..

I don't love the government and I've met too many good people to hate the people.. The government is the one holding the peoples back.. All those lying cheating rich politicians that have all these side games going on..

I just can't bring myself to trust a word out of any of their mouth's.. in my eyes they are not americans, they are government and will sell anyone of us out to get an inch ahead..

I was always told growing up, never trust a politician..and they were right.

Unfortunately I see the government as a reflection of the people   :(

But I agree, there are a lot of good, caring people in America.

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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Unfortunately I see the government as a reflection of the people   :(

But I agree, there are a lot of good, caring people in America.

I see it as us the people and then there is the government.. Give the government and inch and it will take it and keep it..

There is no reason in the world they should be living filthy rich lives..They should be living where the biggest problems are, then I bet you'd see improvements pretty quick..hehehehe

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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:
17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Unfortunately I see the government as a reflection of the people   :(

But I agree, there are a lot of good, caring people in America.

I see it as us the people and then there is the government.. Give the government and inch and it will take it and keep it..

There is no reason in the world they should be living filthy rich lives..They should be living where the biggest problems are, then I bet you'd see improvements pretty quick..hehehehe

America, to me, is a nation of hustlers.  There are indeed those politicians at the top only concerned about money -- "All those lying cheating rich politicians that have all these side games going on", as you say.  But why do we allow them to be in power, over and over? I think too many people without power and money view themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires", and don't want to lose the opportunity to 'get theirs',  to be on top,  and to lord it over everyone else.

Not all people in America, of course, but far too many have bought the American Dream hook line and sinker -- the American Dream of infinite resources for the taking, American exceptionalism, infinite progress, trampling over anything in their way to get to the top.

So we need a change in consciousness, a more cooperative one where competition is minimized, where we don't stratify society into layers and keep some people at the bottom.

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9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

America, to me, is a nation of hustlers.  There are indeed those politicians at the top only concerned about money -- "All those lying cheating rich politicians that have all these side games going on", as you say.  But why do we allow them to be in power, over and over? I think too many people without power and money view themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires", and don't want to lose the opportunity to 'get theirs',  to be on top,  and to lord it over everyone else.

Not all people in America, of course, but far too many have bought the American Dream hook line and sinker -- the American Dream of infinite resources for the taking, American exceptionalism, infinite progress, trampling over anything in their way to get to the top.

So we need a change in consciousness, a more cooperative one where competition is minimized, where we don't stratify society into layers and keep some people at the bottom.

The reason we have so many at the bottom is because those above them have taken away the tools to keep them from joining the game..

The ones they want to keep down they are keeping down.. Just flat out, right in front of everyone ,doing it..

When a city tears down 50 schools in the inner city in one summer..  that's intended to keep a people down.

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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The reason we have so many at the bottom is because those above them have taken away the tools to keep them from joining the game..

The ones they want to keep down they are keeping down.. Just flat out, right in front of everyone ,doing it..

When a city tears down 50 schools in the inner city in one summer..  that's intended to keep a people down.

True, the ones in power have the tools and authority to keep the lower classes down if they only have to deal with small numbers, but  the people they govern are great in number and could overcome them.

Why weren't there more protesters in the Dakotas during the pipeline fiasco, for example.  There were some who joined the fight, but if more had come to help we could have easily overrun the police and protected the water there.  

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6 hours ago, Mollymews said:

about Europe.  People who had their property confiscated by the State during the Nazi era, have been able to get their property back. As Akane says: Some people choose not to do this. Others tho do

Not those who fled World War I Poland, no, they never paid anyone back their lands and property.  My grandmother had one steamer chest on the small side.  They lost everything.  So, I'm speaking of the people who fled to America.  Plus during WWII the whole country of Poland was looted - the Nazi's stole everything.   Restitution is hardly from over.  Russia will not even return our paintings.  


2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

But I've been explaining a different type of situation where entire cultures are damaged & broken, and often a pattern evolves in these cases -- this happened when we took the Native American's land which had a greater meaning for them than many comprehend, and when we separated Blacks from their families and enslaved them in a new world. This kind of severe abuse can create intergenerational poverty -- it's known as "the cycle of poverty" where the cycle continues, passed on via parents who never learned to cope well and so can't teach their kids to do so. If a person is severely damaged emotionally 

When I was reading this of the pattern that evolves, I remembered what Ceka said about trust.  Their trust is broken.   I think trust is an important issue here.  

With issues that may begin to be addressed in this new decade of 2020, while it may seem like it's a token black, or a token women, I think a black women may really be what's needed to start to get some of these laws about police and other things changed, such as programs instead of so many police.  I think it's a good idea.  I'm not saying they will win the seats, but they very well might.  

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

True, the ones in power have the tools and authority to keep the lower classes down if they only have to deal with small numbers, but  the people they govern are great in number and could overcome them.

Why weren't there more protesters in the Dakotas during the pipeline fiasco, for example.  There were some who joined the fight, but if more had come to help we could have easily overrun the police and protected the water there.  

It wasn't the only place being protested at the time on reservations.. You had protests going on in the Navajo nation at the time as well over foreign mining companies invating sacred lands..it's a not stop battle with the government breaking treaties..

They ran John McCain off for sneaking some bullcrap on the back end of a bill and screwing the Navajo over  big time....

John McCain died by the cancerous sword he swung and I rejoiced.


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A society simply can't function when too much of the wealth resides in a small percentage of the population, and that's what we increasingly have in the US. Looking to the past, revolution always occurs.

I think it's working less and less for those who want to maintain the status quo to shove Blacks to the bottom, and to maintain them as scapegoats.

I do wonder what we're going to see in society as we emerge from our Covid-induced hibernation.  Will America be a nearly non-functioning, failed entity?  Or will we need a few more convolutions before it finally crumbles and greater equity is achieved?

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Anyway, Ceka, hold tight to the loving community you're part of in Tennessee, and I'll hold tight to my meditation community. I think things are going to get very bumpy here in America, and I just hope it doesn't become too horrible.

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

With the natives, any time we would start to thrive, the government would step in and hinder us, then it would take half the time to start to thrive again and here they would come again.. three or four times they have done this..

then also our population was starting to thrive and back in like the 1940, they sterilized like 40% of the young fertile woman which was devastating..

it's not been for the lack of trying..it's been from being cut down any time you start to get ahead.. They want the resources is why they do this..

As Russell Means said..Every group goes up and down with the economy, where natives, it's been a flat line the whole way.


This is horrendous.  The Nazi's did the same to some Poles and Jews.  It's one of the most horrible things to talk about.  The 20th Century surely had some horrific things about it.  


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6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

A society simply can't function when too much of the wealth resides in a small percentage of the population, and that's what we increasingly have in the US. Looking to the past, revolution always occurs.

I think it's working less and less for those who want to maintain the status quo to shove Blacks to the bottom, and to maintain them as scapegoats.

I do wonder what we're going to see in society as we emerge from our Covid-induced hibernation.  Will America be a nearly non-functioning, failed entity?  Or will we need a few more convolutions before it finally crumbles and greater equity is achieved?

Sorry, OFF TOPIC for a bit.  I read yesterday another pandemic is coming out of China.  They think it may be the swine flu in a more veracious form.  When I read that, I thought it was a hoax.  

If another pandemic of swine flu occurs on top of coronavirus, all of us - the whole world - will change drastically.  We will probably have to have UBI or whatever it is called for awhile if this isn't a hoax regarding another pandemic.  

The thing with UBI is where is the productivity that humans derive so much joy from?   We need to be productive at something too.  

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7 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

This is horrendous.  The Nazi's did the same to some Poles and Jews.  It's one of the most horrible things to talk about.  The 20th Century surely had some horrific things about it.  


Hilter studied how the U.S. treated the indigenous..If you notice similarities, that is why.

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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

The troubles and difficulty in functioning is just what happens when a person undergoes severe trauma.

Do you mean inherited trauma? That one is rather tricky. eg. Can We Really Inherit Trauma?  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/10/health/mind-epigenetics-genes.html

If it's personal trauma you meant, then yes that affects parenting, though exactly how will vary from person to person. It's really hard to generalise either the cause or the remedy for that.

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