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4 hours ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I would tp away immediately if there were child avis on sim. A lot of people are like this. I also would not go to a pub that allowed children in rl. I think maybe choose a dinkie or tiny avi of you want people to go to your club. If you don't want your club to be successful, allow child avis. 

*Comment Removed*

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1 hour ago, ImYourBarbie said:

Missing two details or you dont read..One Im not a child av just by what I wear..Two holding events that people go to spending thier money to buy gear and sims hold these events and just kicked for fun still doesnt make me one either..And Jays post is just dumb

As said in the thread by others I could just for giggles and accepted that and agreed on reasons given already ended the matter

Yeah I wasn't paying attention. I skimmed through. Child and teen avis make me and a lot of others uncomfortable. But it's up to you. You'll never know till you try. The point I was trying to make is that people would instantly recoil without letting you know why because they don't want a debate. Anyway, it's your sl 😘



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4 hours ago, Orwar said:

You might look like the sort to wear a bad-smelling cologne, in my mind, and away you go!

Hmmm, 80's "mullet" haircut, check, shirt open to the waist, check, chest wig, check, gold medallion, check, flared trousers, check, stupid 70's/80's clumpy boots , check, orange spray tan, check, cheap sunglasses, check.

Looks like the kind of guy who wears "Eau d'Asshat, for MEN!", check, too bad, so sad, bye bye.



/me nods


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I know it's a 4 year old thread, but nobody mentioned this...

It is not only against the rules for child avatars to engage in adult activity (that was mentioned) but it is also against the rules for child avatars to be in the presence of adult activity, and afaik also where there is adult activity stuff whether being used or not. That wasn't mentioned.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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9 hours ago, ImYourBarbie said:

My av is 5 feet human and I wear japan dresses was forced out of a few sims just by what they think is breaking tos..The rules will and should not hold because the av I use is not teen/kid custom pre mades.No disrespect to furries or anyone who wishes to be what they want and are allowed in all sims..This is madness baby,child and alike are sold on SECONDLIFES stores for god sake take the money make rules on sims as they chose theres not even engagement actions and still kicked or banned

Honestly, you don't even have to look like a child avatar to many people.. Just giving the impression that you are under aged is enough to set some people to clicking the eject button..

There has been a lot of misinformation on what the rules say can determine a child avatar.. LL doesn't look at height of an avatar, but the size.. Basically it's proportions not just one dimension that is part of what they look at.. Then there is profile and actions and logs and so on..

But back when they added the third rating, which was the Adult rating and changed Mature to Moderate.. There was so much misinformation going around that it set off a scare across the grid, then like a year later them shutting down the teen grid and lowering the age limit on who could join the main grid..

This set many land owners on edge and setting their lands to adult to over compensate in case they had things on their land that would be considered Adult content, which many to this day still have no idea where that line from moderate and Adult is..

So we ended up with height detectors and really skidish land owners fearing getting in trouble, not only with LL, but with the law..

It was a terrible time period, which the aftermath still lingers today.. Then a certain recent scandal which I can't go into because we aren't allowed to talk about it anymore.. That may have re-triggered some to be reacting a little quicker these days to the same fears of back then..

Basically, Some land owners will be quick to pull the trigger, just on the hint of fear or it could just be from routine way they have been doing things from over the years..

Some still have the height detectors.. Some still have Sim voting kiosks.. hehehe Vote for our sim and lets get our rating up..

Some places in SL are like going back in time..

There is more than a few places I'm not allowed unless I change my height on my avatar and I have zero child like things that I wear or that are in my profile or actions  at all.. I just have to figure, is it worth changing for this place or should I just go to one of the other zillion places on the grid that are just like it..

Most times in the end, those places are just not worth wrecking my day over.. And I'm sure not gonna waste time trying to educate a land owner on what a child avatar is.. Because My time has more value to me than wasting it on a place that just skimmed over the explanations of what a child avatar is..

Mine and your money and time are best spent elsewhere that it's wanted.. Not Wasting getting frustrated over those guys.. hehehe


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2 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I know it's a 4 year old thread, but nobody mentioned this...

It is not only against the rules for child avatars to engage an adult stuff (that was mentioned) but it is also against the rules for child avatars to be in the presence of adult activity, and AFAIK also where there is adult activity stuff whether being used or not. That wasn't mentioned.

If by "adult activity stuff" you mean furniture with sex animations in it, then no, it's not against the TOS or maturity rating guidelines for child avatars to be near these. It's only against the rules if there is sexual activity going on with or near the child avatar.

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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If by "adult activity stuff" you mean furniture with sex animations in it, then no, it's not against the TOS or maturity rating guidelines for child avatars to be near these. It's only against the rules if there is sexual activity going on with or near the child avatar.


Sort of -- this page might be saying otherwise and it hasn't changed since 2012




My guess is that if furniture does not specifically appear to be for sex -- i.e. obvious bondage furniture and such -- and is not currently exhibiting any signs of the sex animations, then the furniture would not fit the above description.  If the furniture definitely implies some aspect of sexual activity, then it would probably be against the rules if a child avatar was near it.


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22 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Sort of -- this page might be saying otherwise and it hasn't changed since 2012



My guess is that if furniture does not specifically appear to be for sex -- i.e. obvious bondage furniture and such -- and is not currently exhibiting any signs of the sex animations, then the furniture would not fit the above description.  If the furniture definitely implies some aspect of sexual activity, then it would probably be against the rules if a child avatar was near it.

I hope LL clears up this confusion with tighter rules soon. I definitely don't want to have child avatars banned or confined only to G rated regions. I think those who wish to use a child avatar for non-sexual purposed should be allowed to do so in peace, but I also think LL needs to do more to clean up SL's image. 

A naked child avatar in a public area is an obvious problem, in my opinion.

Nobody can tell when they enter an area if there are sex animations inside of a kitchen set or even a bed, however. Thus the person with a child avatar or even the owner of a rental sim, shouldn't be held accountable if a child avatar is standing near or even sitting on furniture that might or might not have sexual animations in it. We shouldn't have to look inside the contents of every object around us just to be safe. Sex animations could be hidden inside of a desk, a bench, a toy or plant without our knowledge. 

There are always going to be avatars that stand in a grey area of the line between what is a child or not too. No matter where that line is drawn, someone is going to stand right up next to it. An anime character might seem childlike to one person, but not to another. A cute, short, slender avatar might seem childlike to one person, but not to another. A Lolita or Waifu outfit might seem like a child to one person, but not to another. A short, cute furry, Tiny, Dinkie, fairy or doll might seem like a child avatar to some people too.

This is partly why the owner of a home, store, parcel or region and their representatives has the right to eject and ban anyone at anytime for any reason or for no reason. They might feel uncomfortable about an avatar or their profile. They might suspect the avatar is an alt of someone they don't want there. Whatever their reason, they have a right to control who is allowed on their property.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Sort of -- this page might be saying otherwise and it hasn't changed since 2012



That does say that child avatars in proximity sex stuff is against rules. It doesn't suggest that it's only against the rules if the sex stuff is indicated as such. That's the way I read it, anyway.

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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Basically, Some land owners will be quick to pull the trigger, just on the hint of fear or it could just be from routine way they have been doing things from over the years..

I get ejected from gay clubs all the time for having a female avi. As everyone pointed out, there doesn't need to be a good reason for being shunned from a sim in sl

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What I don't get is why would anyone wearing a child avatar be in a managerial role? Surely the whole point of roleplaying as a kid is so you can avoid those responsibilities?

When it's time to go to work, you pop your adult avatar on and people listen to what you say. Problem solved.

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5 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I get ejected from gay clubs all the time for having a female avi. As everyone pointed out, there doesn't need to be a good reason for being shunned from a sim in sl

That's interesting, not sure I've ever been to a "male only" club, they've all been "everyone welcome" / LGBT. How do you choose these places to go?

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's interesting, not sure I've ever been to a "male only" club, they've all been "everyone welcome" / LGBT. 

There's a lot of them. There's one in boys town that is no females allowed. Boys town, you know the group that has a a big showcase in the secondlife welcome hub? Yeah not so welcoming to women apparently. That's okay though, no one is complaining about that cause it's women. So who cares. 

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12 hours ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I would tp away immediately if there were child avis on sim.

Same, if it's a club-type place, or RP, something like that. Mostly because I've simply no interest in interacting with or observing child-like avis or behaviour, and I do find it a bit weird. No offence at all meant to those who do that. Your SL: your choice; and my view of it only applies to me, not you. I just prefer to avoid children and that's my choice :D


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12 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Boys town, you know the group that has a a big showcase in the secondlife welcome hub?

Yeah, I was somewhat shocked and disappointed that they were chosen to apparently (to outsiders at least) "represent" the LGBT community at that Teeny-Tiny representation of different communities at the Hub.

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20 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

There's a lot of them. There's one in boys town that is no females allowed. Boys town, you know the group that has a a big showcase in the secondlife welcome hub? Yeah not so welcoming to women apparently. That's okay though, no one is complaining about that cause it's women. So who cares. 

The owner of said establishment is also a jackhole. lol

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This issue is so uniquely SL. I can't recall seeing discussions about this type of thing anywhere else. Then again, most platforms don't have playable underaged characters/avatars, so there's that.

As for the height thing, it wouldn't even matter for me (yeah yeah, realism yeah yeah - this is me we're talking about) to just blow out my height slider if someone's that worried about it (never met anyone who was, though, as I typically aim for 30s and up). Most of my houses and furniture require that sort of thing anyway, if I don't want to roam around my home feeling like a Greenies alien. 


5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

There is more than a few places I'm not allowed unless I change my height on my avatar and I have zero child like things that I wear or that are in my profile or actions  at all.. I just have to figure, is it worth changing for this place or should I just go to one of the other zillion places on the grid that are just like it..

Thus proving this is such a silly thing to go by. On no planet does your avatar look even remotely like a teen or younger. Not in the photos I've seen of you here and definitely not in-world. Zero. None.

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41 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I get ejected from gay clubs all the time for having a female avi. As everyone pointed out, there doesn't need to be a good reason for being shunned from a sim in sl

I've pointed it out myself in a zillion threads before, that there doesn't need to be any reason at all.. I was more or less just basically giving  a sort of history lesson on why some may be choosing the specific reasons that I was pointing out.. As well as kind of saying, Don't let them rent space in your head..

There is too many places on the grid that will love to have us shorties hangin out, to be sweatin the places that don't know what they're missin.. hehehe

Click click, Bang bang, Pow pow, hang hang.. hehehe


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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7 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I've pointed it out myself in a zillion threads before, that there doesn't need to be any reason at all.. I was more or less just basically giving  a sort of history lesson on why some may be choosing the specific reasons that I was pointing out.. As well as kind of saying, Don't let them rent space in your head..

There is too many places on the grid that will love to have us shorties hangin out, to be sweatin the places that don't know what they're missin.. hehehe

Click click, Bang bang, Pow pow, hang hang.. hehehe


Not the Baby Bash! Man that takes me back! Scuse me while I slide into the frame with ....


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7 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

There is too many places on the grid that will love to have us shorties hangin out, to be sweatin the places that don't know what they're missin.. hehehe

Click click, Bang bang, Pow pow, hang hang.. hehehe

Shorty, swing my way!


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10 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

This issue is so uniquely SL. I can't recall seeing discussions about this type of thing anywhere else. Then again, most platforms don't have playable underaged characters/avatars, so there's that.

As for the height thing, it wouldn't even matter for me (yeah yeah, realism yeah yeah - this is me we're talking about) to just blow out my height slider if someone's that worried about it (never met anyone who was, though, as I typically aim for 30s and up). Most of my houses and furniture require that sort of thing anyway, if I don't want to roam around my home feeling like a Greenies alien. 


Thus proving this is such a silly thing to go by. On no planet does your avatar look even remotely like a teen or younger. Not in the photos I've seen of you here and definitely not in-world. Zero. None.

Ya, it's usually just not meeting the height requirements for the sim is all.. Some of those detectors I guess must warn moderators of sims or something.. I'm not sure how they work really.. But I'll get an IM saying I need to add some height.. 

I mean I can't recall too many  really being rude to me, because I don't question their rules.. Most have just asked  pretty politely really.. Most anyways.. there was a few arrogant ones.. But I don't let them get to me.. It's as easy and clicking  home to deal with.. hehehe

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6 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Not the Baby Bash! Man that takes me back! Scuse me while I slide into the frame with ....


I just grabbed a random Shorty song.. hehehe

But I do love this song as well.. :D

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