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It’s not against any policies for a child avatar to be present on an adult rated sim. It’s only against policy if said child avatar solicits or engages in anything that could be considered adult in nature. Most sim owners tend to err on the side of caution and just ban them entirely. However it is not against TOS for them to be present or even to be a manager so long as they do not engage or solicit anything that is considered adult.


Edited by ItHadToComeToThis
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Right, there are a million reasons for a region to have a rating of M (or even A) that aren't related to the actual maturity level of content currently on the region, and certainly not what any particular avatar might do in that region.

In fact, now that you mention it, a child avatar might be especially effective at enforcing "family oriented" behavior in a region that happens to have higher maturity ratings than the behavior that's expected there.

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Child avatars have always been a confusing thing for people, basically what the terms of service says:

A child avatar may partake in any activities in Second Life, including visiting and/or moderating moderate or adult regions, as long as the child avatar is not partaking in sexual activities or is being used to promote sexual content.

You can read more about the official ruling here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay

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Yes..... here we go go again!

So, just what is the problem? It is the child, or child-like, appearance, that's what!

Anime characters, in addition to obvious child characters, are typical examples that can cause problems. Many people simply regard anime characters as “cute little avatars with appealing eyes”, and conveniently ignore the fact that they are representations of children.

(Anime characters are, by the design of the genre, intended to look young. Even the very few adult anime characters that have been created are deliberately made to look child-like. The entire genre revolves around the concept of children doing amazing, super-human things to beat the villain, save the world.... or whatever. Therefore, the vast majority of anime characters ARE children by definition, and the few adult characters that exist still look like children.)

The presence of children, or child-like, avatars in an adult environment IS permitted under the ToS *provided that they are not in the vicinity of adult activities taking place*. That is all very well so far as the ToS are concerned, but what happens when you consider the very onerous and far-reaching RL laws that deal with child pornography?

The RL laws pertaining to Child Pornography in many countries (particularly western ones) extend specifically to imagery, and is an area very actively policed. The penalties for breaching this legislation are extremely heavy; large fines and/or prison sentences, plus being placed on a Sex Offender’s Register, being the outcome.

The ONLY way to stay on the safe side of the RL law, in environments where adult activities are provided for, is to not permit children or child-like avatars access at all. If you are involved in the running of an adult-activities permitted area, and are a resident in RL of a country that has adopted stringent measures to prevent child pornography, ignore this at your peril.

Have a child avatar as a manager of an adult activities area? By all means do.

Ever let them show up on site? NO!

On the other hand, if its just "family activities" on an M rated site, what's the problem?

Edited by Odaks
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3 minutes ago, Odaks said:

So, just what is the problem? It is the child, or child-like, appearance, that's what!

No, its not. There is zero problem given in the scenario the OP describes. There is no TOS violation, not even a shady area close to it, present in that scenario. A child avatar itself is NOT a problem. M rated land is not a problem.

7 minutes ago, Odaks said:

and conveniently ignore the fact that they are representations of children.

Not all anime characters are representation of children. Anyone who thinks that hasn't really watched anime at all. Just saying. Yes, some avatars in that style look odly young, but again, that in itself is not a problem and would also not be a problem in the case described here.

8 minutes ago, Odaks said:

anime characters ARE children by definition

No they are not.

8 minutes ago, Odaks said:

and the few adult characters that exist still look like children

No they don't. But you don't have a clue about animes, do you?

9 minutes ago, Odaks said:

Have a child avatar as a manager of an adult activities area? By all means do.

Maybe you should start reading the opening post next time a little more careful and spare us the nonesense rant. This is about M rated land, hosting a family friendly place for fs sake. Not an "adult activity area".

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40 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Maybe you should start reading the opening post next time a little more careful and spare us the nonesense rant. This is about M rated land, hosting a family friendly place for fs sake. Not an "adult activity area".

I did edit my post to reflect that, thanks. It was largely the post by @brodiac90 , pointing out, quite correctly within the ToS, that there was nothing wrong with child avatars being on a an adult area, that prompted me to sound a RL warning.

I am aware that Anime has a complex set of sub-classes; kodomo, shojo and shonen probably being the most represented in SL avatars. Maybe there are avatars that fit the many other classes but the ones I have observed in SL generally fit the child classes.

Don’t take me wrong; I mean no disrespect to Anime devotees. I’m merely pointing out the possible wide divide that exists between what some cultures think is acceptable and others that don’t, and the perils that may lie ahead. I happen to be be a citizen of a country that will happily hang its politicians, knights and military leaders out to dry on the flimsiest of evidence, and need to take exceptional care in this respect.

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I think maybe the OP's concern comes from the need for a better definition of "adult activities".

In the normal course of Real Life, it's extremely unusual for a child to be found in any sort of managerial role.  So, someone might argue, the management of a club is an "adult activity" and therefore a child avatar should not be doing it.

However, the "adult activities" which child avatars are not permitted are those which are sexual in nature.  A child avatar may run a lemonade stand, or a region-spanning clothing store, or a popular club.

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5 hours ago, Odaks said:

I did edit my post to reflect that, thanks. It was largely the post by @brodiac90 , pointing out, quite correctly within the ToS, that there was nothing wrong with child avatars being on a an adult area, that prompted me to sound a RL warning.

I am aware that Anime has a complex set of sub-classes; kodomo, shojo and shonen probably being the most represented in SL avatars. Maybe there are avatars that fit the many other classes but the ones I have observed in SL generally fit the child classes.

Don’t take me wrong; I mean no disrespect to Anime devotees. I’m merely pointing out the possible wide divide that exists between what some cultures think is acceptable and others that don’t, and the perils that may lie ahead. I happen to be be a citizen of a country that will happily hang its politicians, knights and military leaders out to dry on the flimsiest of evidence, and need to take exceptional care in this respect.

However in the rest of our opinions you are just full of it. Next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only restriction would be if the sim had rules against child avatars.

As for wandering into an Adult area by accident, I would appreciate if people were respectful and told me that I can't be there rather that banning me or anything. Every single person in SL has had an outdated landmark or has teleported somewhere by accident. I would also prefer if people didn't ban others based on avatar shape, and instead tried to work with users (provided that there is no ToS specified content taking place).

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On 3/14/2020 at 5:17 AM, MrsDJHatchet said:

If a club on a M rated sim and is family oriented is it against TOS for a child avatar to be manager?

Not at all, no. Child avatars are allowed to be present on any region, even Adult ones, as long as they are not in proximity to any adult activity. (Linden Lab as yet to define what "proximity" means in this case). 

Since adult activity is not permitted in a public venue on Moderate land, you will not fall foul of any rules.  One fine example is the Shelter, which is located on Moderate land and has at least one child avatar on its staff.

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  • 4 years later...
6 minutes ago, ImYourBarbie said:

My av is 5 feet human and I wear japan dresses was forced out of a few sims just by what they think is breaking tos..The rules will and should not hold because the av I use is not teen/kid custom pre mades.No disrespect to furries or anyone who wishes to be what they want and are allowed in all sims..This is madness baby,child and alike are sold on SECONDLIFES stores for god sake take the money make rules on sims as they chose theres not even engagement actions and still kicked or banned

A sim owner can eject or ban anyone they want. When you pay for your own sim, you can do the same.

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Four years later... but yes, owners of regions make their own rules about what they allow, which are often harsher than the actual rules. Recent events mean adult regions are even more sensitive about it at the moment (in a ban all cute stuff way). Some of this will settle out in time. Some places will keep the harsher rules. Either way, if they ban you, that place isn't one you'd want to be in anyway.

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1 minute ago, ImYourBarbie said:

Thats not a good reason when no one done nothing and holding events..Just to be froggy so your wrong or abuse of tos reasoning when there are none being broken

Maybe not a good reason to you, but those are the rules, full stop. If someone is paying for land in SL they can disallow anyone they choose for whatever reason they choose.  Ya know, kinda like your home in RL..lol

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Just now, Modulated said:

Maybe not a good reason to you, but those are the rules, full stop. If someone is paying for land in SL they can disallow anyone they choose for whatever reason they choose.  Ya know, kinda like your home in RL..lol

The events they hold terms is to gain traffic events in which the players pay money to get gear than banned kicked just for the heck of it..But I agree with you and Polenth Yue

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I'm thinking of starting an M-rated club.  Follow my rules or you get the hatchet.  And that isn't chicken blood on my cleaver.  (Chucky is the most popular Halloween costume and franchise in history, but is a liability to wear in SL.)  And that commode behind him better be G-rated!


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I would tp away immediately if there were child avis on sim. A lot of people are like this. I also would not go to a pub that allowed children in rl. I think maybe choose a dinkie or tiny avi of you want people to go to your club. If you don't want your club to be successful, allow child avis. 

Edited by Robberinthemuseum
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4 hours ago, ImYourBarbie said:

My av is 5 feet human and I wear japan dresses was forced out of a few sims just by what they think is breaking tos..

   It can be difficult to determine what age an avatar 'appears' to be. Venue/Region owners choosing to be safe rather than sorry with avatars they can't immediately determine to be adults is completely natural.

   Even if LL had a very clear policy about what exactly constitutes an underage avatar, it is ultimately a land owner who decides who can or can't go there; they need no 'actual' reason whatsoever. I could ban people from my land for wearing baseball caps in my presence if I wanted to, and I would have no obligation whatsoever to inform the person of my reasons. Could ban them because I didn't like their cologne - even if scents in SL aren't a thing. You might look like the sort to wear a bad-smelling cologne, in my mind, and away you go!

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