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i am tired of liars!

Dizzy Tearfall

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

I would say the proportion of liars in SL is probably about equal to how many there are in RL.

This could have something to do with the fact that behind every avatar is a RL person.

I'm pretty sure there is a connection.


You know, I think you might be onto something there!

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Depending on how SL is viewed, some people prefer to make their SL avi look like themselves to essentially roleplay in stuff that they cannot do in RL. They even have RL info on their profile.

Others enjoy the roleplaying aspect of SL and make themselves look like someone or something they are not in RL, expressing their closet selves. These may have profiles that ask not to ask them on their RL self.

The few others are those that are liars, they can take any form: their SL avi can look their RL selves or not, but how they act and talk is a deception. Their profile can say anything from truth or lie.

SL is fun but friends on SL may not be who they are or what they look like in RL...so take everything with a grain of salt.

You can chat and do stuff with your friends, but do not assume that a male avi could not be female in RL, or a "single male" avi could not be romancing female avis behind his RL wife's back.

Like you said, just dont mix RL into SL.



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Welcome to the forum Bradley,

I'm truly sorry if the scenario you describe is actually happening to you (you could be lying, considering the topic you chose to post this in).

Here's a link to a page about harassment on the SL wiki and what you can do.

Report every single incident of harassment from this person; mute this person and don't ever talk to this person again. If they get no reaction from you they will eventually become bored with you and move on.

If worse comes to worse, you can always create a alternate account and start over. By that, I mean, new friends, new hangouts, new everything... make sure nothing can be connected back to you're original account. This is only for very extreme cases.

Hope this helps... Dres

Edited for spelling.

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Is it lying or is it that person's second life?  It's a fantasy - whether their avatar is human or a dragon.  Its how they have chosen to represent themselves in this virtual world... you call them "liars" but perhaps you are expecting too much.  Why can't you accept what they have told you as the truth of who they are in SL or even maybe the truth of who they are when they are with you?  You can't expect more than that most of the time.  In SL I find its best to accept and love the person you have come to know in SL and not worry about who or what they are when they are not sitting in front of their keyboard.

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Wow, the forum avatar/pic wafer monster is becoming popular now! it was just me and a linden that I noticed using it....this is like the 4th or 5th forumite who is using it now! We can't all be the wafer(which are not cookie) monster! So, I guess this world is not big enough for the several of us..I will simply have to make one...but like tommorrow or next month. Until then...Yeah, the wafer sales must be increasing...or square cookies...I never did find out what that thing is.

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Dizzy Tearfall wrote:

no noooo nooo, there is a difference between role playing and leading someone on about your "Real Life" telling them certain things and showing them photos, but then finding out they lied the whole time. it's a bummer.


Role playing is a whole different level of lying, its more make-beleive

Hi Dizzy!  This is exactly why I try to keep SL and RL separate, with a few exceptions, with very good and trusted friends.



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With it being a toon I would think there would be more of a stereo typical loaf with a sort of rounded rased top ect. Plus, we all know it would be a red/orange cat and a chiwawa in that shot as well...or maybe a superhero toastman himself, right? Powerdered toast is maybe different from cinnomon toast though..hhm.

But it is like...well...like a cracker or some kind of thing. So I say wafer, because crackers are sort of flatter. It could be a sqaure chip/crisp type of thing. Maybe it is the monsters religious wafer...never thought of that! Maybe it is a sugar packet! OR maybe he is an action hero and it is a peice of paper that holds a key to some amazing....object. It can save the world! OR maybe it is just not a round thing. I have a feeling it is a non TM breaking hint or inspired creation that is based on a monster that really likes cookies. But, we will never know...maybe that is the art of it! It is nothing, just not a circle and not chocolate chips!

EDIT: OK, this is now looking like a thread hijacking!

So yeah...how about those liers, huh! Ok, now we are back on topic.

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Elisheva Sopwith wrote:

If you want to be in a place where you can be sure from the start what age or gender someone is, and make real life judgments about their real life character, you do know there's a place you can do it, right?

Elisheva, can I have permission to put that as a quote on my profile? lol and yes, I'm serious.

I dunno the thing "getting" me today is people who SAY they want the truth but when you give it to em they want you to hide it.  I met a lady and had meticulously chosen my group memberships realizing they were viewable as a way to "presort" people based on interest. My thinking was if you were "against"  or disliked things I liked then no need for us to get tangled up with one another only to diverge at later.  This woman who VERBALISED being angry that people were assumed to be this and that only to find out later who they really were then made it her business to "educate" me as to how NOT to disclose those very interests.  Pleople SAY they want honesty. They do not. They want you to be whatever is their comfort level

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I prefer not to know about SL users RL .. It kind of shatters the image I have in my head... :oP  Kidding!  Depending on the reason why someone would use SL I suppose. If it's for RP then they can say whatever they want regarding their RL.. but if they are leading you on for a RL romance then it's at your risk! 

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SinfulPrince wrote:

Elisheva Sopwith wrote:

If you want to be in a place where you can be sure from the start what age or gender someone is, and make real life judgments about their real life character, you do know there's a place you can do it, right?

Elisheva, can I have permission to put that as a quote on my profile? lol and yes, I'm serious.

Hi Sinful, apologies, I'm not always very good at keeping up with threads. Yes, of course. Anything said in public is fair game as long as it's attributed correctly. I wouldn't want some poor innocent sod getting the flak for something I said.

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